ISSN 1831-5380
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Na informácie na tomto portáli sa vzťahuje vyhlásenie o odmietnutí zodpovednosti, upozornenie o autorských právach a pravidlá o ochrany osobných údajov.

Vyhlásenie o odmietnutí zodpovednosti

Tieto internetové stránky prevádzkuje Úrad pre publikácie pre všetkých, ktorí sa podieľajú na vytváraní textov pre inštitúcie, orgány, úrady a agentúry Európskej únie. Naším cieľom je poskytovať tieto informácie včas a správne. Usilujeme sa o nápravu chýb, na ktoré nás upozornia. Úrad pre publikácie však nenesie nijakú zodpovednosť, ani inak neručí za informácie na tomto portáli.

Autorské práva

© Európska únia, 2000 – 2024

Medziinštitucionálnu príručku úpravy dokumentov možno opätovne použiť bezplatne a bez písomného povolenia na komerčné a nekomerčné účely, ak sa uvedie zdroj a za týchto podmienok:

Ak opätovné použitie zahŕňa preklad Medziinštitucionálnej príručky úpravy dokumentov alebo jej častí do iných jazykov, ako sú jazyky vydaní oficiálne zverejnených Úradom pre publikácie, alebo zahŕňa zmeny údajov či textu, musí sa to jasne oznámiť konečnému používateľovi týchto informácií. Malo by byť uvedené aj vyhlásenie o vylúčení právnej zodpovednosti Úradu pre publikácie.
Uvedené všeobecné povolenie sa nevzťahuje na logá a ochranné známky.

Politika Európskej komisie v oblasti opakovaného používania sa vykonáva prostredníctvom rozhodnutia Komisie 2011/833/EÚ (Ú. v. EÚ L 330, 14.12.2011, s. 39).

Pokiaľ ide o všetky ostatné otázky týkajúce sa autorských práv spojených s tezaurom Medziinštitucionálna príručka úpravy dokumentov, obráťte sa na adresu:

Office des publications de l’Union européenne (Úrad pre vydávanie publikácií Európskej únie)
Secteur «Copyright et questions juridiques» (Sekcia pre autorské práva a právne záležitosti)
2, rue Mercier
L-2985 Luxembourg

Ochrana osobných údajov/Protection of your personal data

This privacy statement provides information about the processing and the protection of your personal data.

Processing operation: Interinstitutional Style Guide contact page
Data Controller: Publications Office of the European Union, unit A.1, ‘Standardisation’
Record reference: DPR-EC-02106


1. Introduction

The European Commission (hereafter ‘the Commission’) is committed to protecting your personal data and to respecting your privacy. The Commission collects and further processes personal data pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data (repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001).

This privacy statement explains the reason for the processing of your personal data, the way we collect, handle and ensure the protection of all personal data provided, how that information is used and what rights you have in relation to your personal data. It also specifies the contact details of the responsible Data Controller with whom you may exercise your rights, the Data Protection Officer and the European Data Protection Supervisor.

The information in relation to the processing operation ‘Interinstitutional Style Guide contact page’ undertaken by unit A.1 ‘Standardisation’ of the Publications Office of the European Union is presented below.

2. Why and how do we process your personal data?

Purpose of the processing operation: Unit A.1 ‘Standardisation’ of the Publications Office collects and uses your personal information only to answer your request when you contact the Interinstitutional Style Guide by using one of the contact email addresses provided (

Your personal data will not be used for automated decision-making, including profiling.

3. On what legal ground(s) do we process your personal data?

We process your personal data, because:

processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the Union institution or body,
and you have given consent to the processing of your personal data for one or more specific purposes.

Additional legal basis:
Decision 2009/496/EC, Euratom of the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission, the Court of Justice, the Court of Auditors, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions of 26 June 2009 on the organisation and operation of the Publications Office of the European Union.

4. What personal data do we collect and further process?

In order to carry out this processing operation, unit A.1 ‘Standardisation’ of the Publications Office collects the following categories of personal data:

your email address,
your first name and surname, if you indicate them with your email address,
your postal address, if you order a paper copy of the Interinstitutional Style Guide,
any further personal data which you may provide in your message.

Only the provision of your email address is mandatory when you contact the Interinstitutional Style Guide team.

5. How long do we keep your personal data?

Unit A.1 ‘Standardisation’ of the Publications Office only keeps your personal data for the time necessary to fulfil the purpose of collection or further processing, namely for a maximum of 6 months.

6. How do we protect and safeguard your personal data?

All personal data in electronic format (emails, documents, databases, uploaded batches of data, etc.) are stored on the servers of the European Commission. All processing operations are carried out pursuant to Commission Decision (EU, Euratom) 2017/46 of 10 January 2017 on the security of communication and information systems in the European Commission.

In order to protect your personal data, the Commission has put in place a number of technical and organisational measures. Technical measures include appropriate actions to address online security, risk of data loss, alteration of data or unauthorised access, taking into consideration the risk presented by the processing and the nature of the personal data being processed. Organisational measures include restricting access to the personal data solely to authorised persons with a legitimate need to know for the purposes of this processing operation.

7. Who has access to your personal data and to whom is it disclosed?

Access to your personal data is provided to the Commission staff responsible for carrying out this processing operation and to authorised staff according to the ‘need to know’ principle. Such staff abide by statutory rules and, when required, additional confidentiality agreements.

8. What are your rights and how can you exercise them?

You have specific rights as a ‘data subject’ under Chapter III (Articles 14-25) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, in particular the right to access, rectify or erase your personal data and the right to restrict the processing of your personal data. Where applicable, you also have the right to object to the processing or the right to data portability.

You have consented to provide your personal data to unit A.1 ‘Standardisation’ of the Publications Office for the present processing operation. You can withdraw your consent at any time by notifying the Data Controller. The withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out before you have withdrawn the consent.

You can exercise your rights by contacting the Data Controller, or in case of conflict the Data Protection Officer. If necessary, you can also address the European Data Protection Supervisor. Their contact information is given under Heading 9 below.

Where you wish to exercise your rights in the context of one or several specific processing operations, please provide their description (i.e. their Record reference(s) as specified under Heading 10 below) in your request.

9. Contact information

The Data Controller

If you would like to exercise your rights under Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, or if you have comments, questions or concerns, or if you would like to submit a complaint regarding the collection and use of your personal data, please feel free to contact the Data Controller, Unit A.1 ‘Standardisation’ of the Publications Office:

The Data Protection Officer of the Commission

You may contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) ( with regard to issues related to the processing of your personal data under Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.

The European Data Protection Supervisor

You have the right to have recourse (i.e. you can lodge a complaint) to the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) ( if you consider that your rights under Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 have been infringed as a result of the processing of your personal data by the Data Controller.

10. Where to find more detailed information

The Commission DPO publishes the register of all processing operations on personal data by the Commission that have been documented and notified to him. You may access the register via the following link:

This specific processing operation has been included in the DPO’s public register with the following Record reference: DPR-EC-02106.

Posledná aktualizácia: 8. 4. 2024
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