REFIT Scoreboard
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Competition policy is an indispensable element of a functioning internal market ensuring that all companies compete equally and fairly. This, in turn, encourages efficiency, creates a wider choice for consumers and helps reduce prices and improve quality.

To ensure that unnecessary costs are removed and rules are as effective and efficient as possible, since 2015 under REFIT, 17 initiatives have been adopted and 1 is pending adoption. Moreover, 11 evaluations have been finalised.

Initiatives in the area of competition

1. Merger Control
2. Review of the Code of Best Practice in State aid
3. The Consortia Block Exemption Regulation (“Consortia BER”)
4. The Vertical Block Exemption Regulation
5. Fitness check of 2012 State aid modernisation package, railways guidelines and short term export credit insurance
6. Targeted modification of the General Block Exemption Regulation in relation to Member State resources involved in the EU funding programmes
7. Evaluation of the Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation
8. General block exemption Regulation: extension to ports and airports and culture and outermosts regions
9. Evaluation of the Horizontal Block Exemption Regulations
10. State aid rules in agriculture
11. Important projects of common European interest
12. Risk finance guidelines
13. Market definition notice
14. Broadband State aid rules
15. Regional aid guidelines
16. Climate, environmental protection and energy aid guidelines
17. General block exemption Regulation in the context of the European Green Deal
18. State aid in fishery and aquaculture
19. State aid rules for health and social services of general economic interest
20. State aid rules for research, development and innovation
21. Informal guidance Notice