REFIT Scoreboard
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Trade and external action

A strong, open and fair trade agenda, making Europe an attractive place for business, is key to strengthening the EU’s role as a global leader. European leadership also means working with third countries in particular in providing humanitarian aid, contributing to reduce poverty in the world through cooperation and development aid.

To ensure that unnecessary costs are removed and rules are as effective and efficient as possible, since 2015 under REFIT, 7 initiatives have been adopted. Moreover, 14 evaluations have been finalised and 1 is ongoing.

Initiatives in the area of trade and external action

1. Trade diversion into the EU of certain key medicines
2. Reform of the trade defence instruments – Anti-dumping regulation and Anti-subsidy regulation
3. Common rules for imports of textile products
4. Review of dual use export controls
5. GSP – Generalised Scheme of Preferences
6. Cariforum
7. Euromed
8. Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument
9. European Instrument for International Nuclear Safety Cooperation (INSC)
10. Overseas Countries and Territories Association Decision
11. Torture free trade (FPI)