REFIT Scoreboard
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Climate action

The EU is fighting climate change through ambitious policies and through close cooperation with international partners. The EU policy steers the efforts to reduce emissions at home and globally and aims to transform the European economy and society in view of the climate challenges.

To ensure that unnecessary costs are removed and rules are as effective and efficient as possible, since 2015 under REFIT, 8 initiatives have been adopted and 3 are pending. Moreover, 4 evaluations have been finalised and 1 is ongoing.

Initiatives in the area of climate action

1. Fuel Quality Directive
2. CO2 emissions from cars and vans
3. Ozone Regulation
4. Verification and accreditation of CO2 emissions
5. Monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions
6. Carbon Capture and Storage Directive
7. Binding annual greenhouse gas emission reductions by Member States ("Effort Sharing Regulation")