15.10.2004 |
EN |
Official Journal of the European Union |
L 316/87 |
of 14 October 2004
on the lists of programmes for the eradication and monitoring of animal diseases and of checks aimed at the prevention of zoonoses qualifying for a financial contribution from the Community in 2005
(notified under document number C(2004) 4010)
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,
Having regard to Council Decision 90/424/EEC of 26 June 1990 on expenditure in the veterinary field (1), and in particular Article 24(5) and Article 32 thereof,
(1) |
Certain Member States have submitted programmes to the Commission for the eradication and monitoring of animal diseases for which they wish to receive a financial contribution from the Community. |
(2) |
Under Council Regulation (EC) No 1258/1999 of 17 May 1999 on the financing of the common agricultural policy (2), programmes for the eradication and monitoring of animal diseases are to be financed under the Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund. For financial control purposes, Articles 8 and 9 of that Regulation are to apply. |
(3) |
In drawing up the list of programmes for the eradication and monitoring of animal diseases qualifying for a financial contribution from the Community for 2005, and the proposed rate and amount of the contribution for each programme, both the interest of each programme for the Community and the volume of available appropriations must be taken into account. |
(4) |
In drawing up the list of programmes of checks aimed at the prevention of zoonoses qualifying for a financial contribution from the Community for 2005, and the proposed rate and amount of the contribution for each programme, the interest of each programme for the Community, its compliance with the technical provisions of relevant Community veterinary legislation and the volume of available appropriations must be taken into account. |
(5) |
The Commission has considered each of the programmes submitted from both the veterinary and the financial point of view and is satisfied that those programmes should be included in the lists of programmes qualifying for a financial contribution from the Community in 2005. |
(6) |
The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health, |
Article 1
1. The programmes for the eradication and monitoring of animal diseases listed in Annex I shall qualify for a financial contribution from the Community in 2005.
2. For each programme as referred to in paragraph 1, the proposed rate and amount of the financial contribution from the Community shall be as set out in Annex I.
Article 2
1. The programmes of checks aimed at the prevention of zoonoses listed in Annex II shall qualify for a financial contribution from the Community in 2005.
2. For each programme as referred to in paragraph 1, the proposed rate and amount of the financial contribution from the Community shall be as set out in Annex II.
Article 3
This Decision is addressed to the Member States.
Done at Brussels, 14 October 2004.
For the Commission
Member of the Commission
(1) OJ L 224, 18.8.1990, p. 19. Decision as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 806/2003 (OJ L 122, 16.5.2003, p. 1).
List of programmes for the eradication and monitoring of animal diseases (Article 1(1))
— Proposed rate and amount of the Community financial contribution —
(EUR) |
Disease |
Member State |
Rate |
Prop. amount |
Aujeszkys disease |
Belgium |
50 % |
300 000 |
Spain |
50 % |
250 000 |
Hungary |
50 % |
50 000 |
Ireland |
50 % |
50 000 |
Portugal |
50 % |
25 000 |
Slovak Republic |
50 % |
25 000 |
Bluetongue |
Spain |
50 % |
25 000 |
France |
50 % |
50 000 |
Italy |
50 % |
400 000 |
Bovine brucellosis |
Cyprus |
50 % |
100 000 |
Greece |
50 % |
100 000 |
Spain |
50 % |
5 000 000 |
Ireland |
50 % |
5 000 000 |
Italy |
50 % |
3 000 000 |
Poland |
50 % |
800 000 |
Portugal |
50 % |
1 800 000 |
United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) |
50 % |
5 000 000 |
Bovine tuberculosis |
Cyprus |
50 % |
5 000 |
Greece |
50 % |
100 000 |
Spain |
50 % |
4 000 000 |
Ireland |
50 % |
3 000 000 |
Italy |
50 % |
2 500 000 |
Poland |
50 % |
700 000 |
Portugal |
50 % |
250 000 |
United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) |
50 % |
2 000 000 |
Classical swine fever |
Belgium |
50 % |
15 000 |
Czech Republic |
50 % |
100 000 |
Germany |
50 % |
800 000 |
France |
50 % |
150 000 |
Luxembourg |
50 % |
100 000 |
Slovenia |
50 % |
10 000 |
Slovak Republic |
50 % |
200 000 |
Enzootic bovine leucosis |
Estonia |
50 % |
25 000 |
Italy |
50 % |
250 000 |
Lithuania |
50 % |
200 000 |
Latvia |
50 % |
100 000 |
Portugal |
50 % |
200 000 |
Ovine and caprine brucellosis (B melitensis) |
Cyprus |
50 % |
175 000 |
Greece |
50 % |
800 000 |
Spain |
50 % |
6 500 000 |
France |
50 % |
300 000 |
Italy |
50 % |
4 500 000 |
Portugal |
50 % |
1 700 000 |
Poseidom (1) |
France |
50 % |
150 000 |
Rabies |
Austria |
50 % |
180 000 |
Czech Republic |
50 % |
400 000 |
Germany |
50 % |
400 000 |
Finland |
50 % |
100 000 |
Lithuania |
50 % |
900 000 |
Poland |
50 % |
1 500 000 |
Slovenia |
50 % |
200 000 |
Slovak Republic |
50 % |
400 000 |
Swine vesicular disease |
Italy |
50 % |
200 000 |
Total |
55 085 000 |
(1) Heartwater, babesiosis and anaplasmosis transmitted by vector insects in the French overseas departments.
List of programmes of checks aimed at the prevention of zoonoses (Article 2(1))
— Proposed rate and amount of the Community financial contribution —
(EUR) |
Zoonosis |
Member State |
Rate |
Proposed Amount |
Salmonella |
Austria |
50 % |
70 000 |
Belgium |
50 % |
400 000 |
Denmark |
50 % |
110 000 |
France |
50 % |
600 000 |
Ireland |
50 % |
50 000 |
Italy |
50 % |
600 000 |
Netherlands |
50 % |
350 000 |
Slovak Republic |
50 % |
100 000 |
Total |
2 280 000 |