2.3.2020 |
EN |
Official Journal of the European Union |
C 68/23 |
Order of the Court (Seventh Chamber) of 19 December 2019 — Motex Ipari és Szolgáltató Rehabilitációs Kft. (Motex Kft.) v European Commission
(Case C-748/18 P) (1)
(Appeal - Article 181 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice - State aid - Aid implemented by Hungary in favour of companies employing disabled workers - Action for annulment - Alleged decisions not to raise objections - Lack of standing - Person not individually concerned - Action not brought in order to safeguard procedural rights - Inadmissibility of the action at first instance - Appeal manifestly unfounded)
(2020/C 68/23)
Language of the case: Hungarian
Appellant: Motex Ipari és Szolgáltató Rehabilitációs Kft. (Motex Kft.) (represented by: L. Szabó, ügyvéd)
Other party to the proceedings: European Commission (represented by: V. Bottka and C. Georgieva-Kecsmar, acting as Agents)
Operative part of the order
1. |
The appeal is dismissed as being manifestly unfounded. |
2. |
Motex Ipari és Szolgáltató Rehabilitációs Kft. (Motex Kft.) shall bear its own costs and pay those incurred by the European Commission. |