11.10.2006 |
EN |
Official Journal of the European Union |
C 244/12 |
Authorisation for State aid pursuant to Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty
Cases where the Commission raises no objections
(2006/C 244/04)
(Text with EEA relevance)
Date of adoption of the decision |
19.7.2006 |
Reference number of the aid |
N 140/06 |
Member State |
Lithuania |
Title |
Dotacijų teikimas valstybės įmonėms prie pataisos įstaigų |
Legal basis |
LR bausmių vykdymo kodeksas (patvirtintas LR 2002 m. birželio 27 d.įstatymu Nr. IX-994); LR Vyriausybės nutarimas „Dėl Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės strateginių tikslų (prioritetų)“ (2005 m. vasario 28 d. Nr. 221); Dotacijų teikimo valstybės įmonėms prie pataisos įstaigų taisyklės |
Type of measure |
Aid scheme |
Objective |
Employment — Training |
Form of aid |
Direct grant |
Budget |
Annual expenditure planned (in millions of national currency): 1,1 LTL Overall aid amount granted (in millions of national currency): 6,6 LTL |
Intensity |
50 % |
Duration |
2006-2011 |
Name and address of the granting authority |
The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:
Date of adoption of the decision |
11.7.2006 |
Reference number of the aid |
N 228/06 |
Member State |
Estonia |
Title |
Remediation of Arsaco Site on Tõrvajõgi |
Legal basis |
Keskonnaministri 22. märtsi 2005. a määrus: “Eesti riikliku arengukava Euroopa Liidu struktuurifondide kasutuselevõtuks — ühtse programmdokumendi 2004 — 2006”; Prioriteet nr 4: “Infrastruktuur ja kohalik areng” (ERDF). |
Type of measure |
Aid scheme |
Objective |
Environmental protection (transport, storage, communication) |
Intensity |
82 % |
The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:
Date of adoption of the decision |
5.7.2006 |
Reference number of the aid |
N 277/06 |
Member State |
Poland |
Region |
Dolnośląskie Voivodship |
Title |
Projekt uchwały Rady Miasta Zduńska Wola w sprawie zwolnień od nieruchomości dla przedsiębiorców tworzących nowe inwestycje lub nowe miejsca pracy |
Legal basis |
Projekt uchwały Rady Miejskiej Gminy Lwówek Śląski w sprawie zwolnień z podatku od nieruchomości dla przedsiębiorców na terenie Gminy i Miasta Lwówek Śląski Art. 7 Ustawy o podatkach i opłatach lokalnych z dnia 12 stycznia 1991 r., Dz. U. z 2002 r. Nr 9, poz. 84 z późn. zm. |
Type of measure |
Aid scheme |
Objective |
Regional development |
Form of aid |
Tax advantage |
Budget |
PLN 2,5 million |
Intensity |
50 % |
Duration |
31.12.2006 |
Economic sectors |
All sectors |
Name and address of the granting authority |
The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:
Date of adoption of the decision |
11.4.2006 |
Reference number of the aid |
N 406/05 |
Member State |
Spain |
Region |
Cataluña |
Title |
Programa de incentivos a la creación de ocupación ligada a proyectos de nueva inversión empresarial considerados estratégicos para la economía catalana |
Legal basis |
Orden TRI/268/2005, de 6 de junio de 2005 (DOGC 4407, de 16/6/2005) |
Type of measure |
Aid scheme |
Objective |
Regional development |
Form of aid |
Direct grant |
Budget |
Annual expenditure planned:EUR 3 millions Overall aid amount granted: EUR 6 millions |
Intensity |
10 % to 20 % |
Duration |
31.12.2006 |
Economic sectors |
All sectors |
The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:
Date of adoption of the decision |
4.7.2006 |
Reference number of the aid |
NN 16/06 |
Member State |
Italy |
Title |
Aiuto per il salvataggio a favore di Compagnia Italiana Turismo |
Legal basis |
Decreto-legge n. 35 del 14 marzo 2005 e n. 347 del 23 dicembre 2003 |
Type of measure |
Individual aid |
Objective |
Rescue of firms in difficulty |
Form of aid |
Guarantee |
Budget |
Annual budget: -; Overall budget: EUR 75 million |
Duration |
19 January 2006 — 19 July 2006 |
Economic sectors |
Hotels and restaurants (tourism) |
The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at: