

Official Journal of the European Union

L 131/41


of 14 April 2021

amending Implementing Regulations (EU) 2020/2235 and (EU) 2020/2236 as regards model animal health certificates and animal health/official certificates for the entry into the Union of certain aquatic animals and products of animal origin

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on laying specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin (1), and in particular Article 7(2)(a) thereof,

Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 on transmissible animal diseases and amending and repealing certain acts in the area of animal health (‘Animal Health Law’) (2), and in particular Articles 213(2) and 224(4) thereof,



Commission Implementing Regulations (EU) 2020/2235 (3) and (EU) 2020/2236 (4) lay down rules for the application of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 and Regulation (EU) 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council (5) as regards models of animal health certificates and animal health/official certificates for the entry into the Union of certain aquatic animals and products of animal origin.


Consignments of live aquatic animals intended for human consumption may enter the Union only if they comply with the rules laid down in Regulation (EC) No 853/2004. The wording of certain notes set out in the model animal health/official certificates for live fish, live crustaceans, live bivalve molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates, marine gastropods and products of animal origin from those animals in Chapters 28 and 31 of Annex III to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2235 has presented the potential for ambiguity with regard to public health requirements. Therefore, in order to prevent misunderstandings and to ensure coherence between public and animal health requirements for the entry into the Union of consignments of certain live aquatic animals intended for human consumption, the notes set out in the model animal health/official certificates for live fish, live crustaceans, live bivalve molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates, marine gastropods and products of animal origin from those animals in Chapters 28 and 31 of Annex III, should be amended accordingly.


To ensure complete clarity in the notes of the model animal health/official certificates for live fish, live crustaceans, live bivalve molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates, marine gastropods and products of animal origin from those animals, set out in Annex III to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2235, should be explicitly clear that consignments of live aquatic animals intended for human consumption may enter the Union only if they comply with Regulation (EC) No 853/2004.


In addition, in order to ensure coherence between public and animal health requirements for the entry into the Union of certain live aquatic animals intended for human consumption, certain amendments are required to the title and in the notes of the model animal health certificate for aquatic animals intended for certain aquaculture establishments, for release into the wild, or for other purposes, as set out in Annex II to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2236. These amendments are required to ensure that it is explicitly clear that this certificate may not be used for consignments of aquatic animals intended for human consumption. Whilst purification centres and dispatch centres are aquaculture establishments in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/429, the public health rules prevent aquatic animals from entering the Union if they are destined for purification centres, or under certain circumstances, if they are destined for dispatch centres.


To provide clarity in that respect, and in order to prevent misunderstandings, the model animal health certificate for the entry into the Union of aquatic animals intended for certain aquaculture establishments, for release into the wild, or for other purposes, excluding human consumption which is set out in Annex II to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2236, should be amended to ensure it is clear that consignments of live aquatic animals intended for human consumption can enter the Union only if they comply with Regulation (EC) No 853/2004.


As Implementing Regulations (EU) 2020/2235 and (EU) 2020/2236 apply with effect from 21 April 2021, this Regulation should also apply from that date.


The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed,


Article 1

Annex III to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2235 is amended as follows:


in Chapter 28, the model animal health/official certificate for the entry into the Union of live fish, live crustaceans and products of animal origin from those animals intended for human consumption (MODEL FISH- CRUST-HC) is amended as follows:


point II.2.3.1 is replaced by the following:

(4)(6)[II.2.3.1. They are subject to the requirements in Part II.2.4 and they originate from a (4)[country] (4)[territory] (4)[zone] (4)[compartment] with (5)code:_ – __ which, at the date of issue of this certificate, is listed in a list of third countries and territories adopted by the Commission in accordance with Article 230(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 for the entry into the Union of (3)[aquatic animals] (3)[products of animal origin from aquatic animals other than live aquatic animals];]’;


the Notes are replaced by the following:


In accordance with the Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, and in particular Article 5(4) of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland in conjunction with Annex 2 to that Protocol, references to European Union in this certificate include the United Kingdom in respect of Northern Ireland.

“Aquatic animals” are animals as defined in point (3) of Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council. “Aquaculture animals” are aquatic animals which are subject to aquaculture as defined in point (7) of Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429.

All aquatic animals and products of animal origin from aquatic animals other than live aquatic animals, to which Part II.2.4. of this certificate applies, must originate from a country/territory/zone/compartment which appears in a list of third countries and territories adopted by the Commission in accordance with Article 230(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429.

Part II.2.4. of the certificate does not apply to the following crustaceans and fish, and they may therefore originate from a country/territory or part thereof, which is listed by the Commission in accordance with Article 127(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625:


crustaceans which are packaged and labelled for human consumption in accordance with the specific requirements for those animals as set out in Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 and which are no longer able to survive as living animals if returned to the aquatic environment;


crustaceans which are intended for human consumption without further processing, provided they are packaged for retail sale in compliance with the requirements for such packages as set out in Regulation (EC) No 853/2004;


crustaceans which are packaged and labelled for human consumption in accordance with the specific requirements for those animals as set out in Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 and which are intended for further processing without temporary storage at the place of processing;


fish which are slaughtered and eviscerated before dispatch.

This certificate applies to products of animal origin as well as to live aquatic animals including those destined for a disease control aquatic food establishment as defined in point 52 of Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 which are intended for human consumption in accordance with Annex III, Section VII to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004.

This animal health/official certificate shall be completed according to the notes for the completion of certificates provided for in Chapter 4 of Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2235.

Part I:

Box reference I.20:

Tick "Canning industr y" for whole fish initially frozen in brine at – 9 °C or at a temperature higher than – 18 °C and intended for canning in accordance with the requirements of Section VIII, Chapter I, point II(7) of Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004. Tick "Products for human consumptio n" or “Further processin g” for the other cases.

Box reference I.27:

Insert the appropriate Harmonised System (HS) code(s) using headings such as: 0301 , 0302 , 0303 , 0304 , 0305 , 0306 , 0307 , 0308 , 0511 , 1504 , 1516 , 1518 , 1603 , 1604 , 1605 or 2106 .

Box reference I.27:

Description of consignment:


Nature of commodit y”: Specify whether aquaculture or wild origin.


Treatment typ e”: Specify whether live, chilled, frozen or processed.


Manufacturing plan t”: includes factory vessel, freezer vessel, reefer vessels, cold store and processing plant.

Part II:


Part II.1. of this certificate does not apply to countries with special public health certification requirements laid down in equivalence agreements or other EU legislation.


Part II.2. of this certificate does not apply and should be deleted when the consignment consists of: (a) species other than those listed in the Annex to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1882 (*1); or (b) wild aquatic animals and products of animal origin from those aquatic animals which are landed from fishing vessels for human consumption; or (c) products of animal origin from animals other than live aquatic animals which enter the Union ready for direct human consumption.


Species listed in columns 3 and 4 in the table of the Annex to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1882. Species listed in column 4 shall only be regarded as vectors under the conditions set out in Article 171 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/692.


Keep if appropriate/delete if not applicable.


Code of the third country/territory/zone/compartment as it appears in a list of third countries and territories adopted by the Commission in accordance with Article 230(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429.


Parts II.2.3.1, II.2.3.2 and Part II.2.4. of this certificate do not apply and should be deleted if the consignment contains only the following crustaceans or fish:


crustaceans which are packaged and labelled for human consumption in accordance with the specific requirements for those animals set out Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 and which are no longer able to survive as living animals if returned to the aquatic environment;


crustaceans which are intended for human consumption without further processing, provided that they are packaged for retail-sale in compliance with the requirements for such packages set out in Regulation (EC) No 853/2004;


crustaceans which are packaged and labelled for human consumption in compliance with the specific requirements for those animals set out in Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 and which are intended for further processing without temporary storage at the place of processing;


fish which are slaughtered and eviscerated before dispatch.


Applicable when the Member State of destination in the Union either has disease-free status for a category C disease as defined in point (3) of Article 1 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1882, or is subject to an optional eradication programme established in accordance with Article 31(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, otherwise delete.


Applicable when the Member State of destination in the Union has approved national measures for a specific disease in place, which have been approved by the Commission in accordance with Article 226 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, otherwise delete.


Species listed in column 2 in the table of Annex XXIX to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/692 regarding diseases for which Member States have national measures as provided for in Article 226 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429.


to be signed by:

an official veterinarian when part II.2 Animal health attestation is not deleted

a certifying officer or an official veterinarian when part II.2 Animal health attestation is deleted.

(*1)  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1882 of 3 December 2018 on the application of certain disease prevention and control rules to categories of listed diseases and establishing a list of species and groups of species posing a considerable risk for the spread of those listed diseases (OJ L 308, 4.12.2018, p. 21).’;"


in Chapter 31, in the model animal health/official certificate for the entry into the Union of live bivalve molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates, marine gastropods and products of animal origin from those animals intended for human consumption (MODEL MOL-HC), the Notes are replaced by the following:


In accordance with the Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, and in particular Article 5(4) of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland in conjunction with Annex 2 to that Protocol, references to European Union in this certificate include the United Kingdom in respect of Northern Ireland.

“Aquatic animals” are animals as defined in point (3) of Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council. “Aquaculture animals” are aquatic animals which are subject to aquaculture as defined in point (7) of Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429.

All aquatic animals and products of animal origin from aquatic animals other than live aquatic animals, to which Part II.2.4. of this certificate applies, must originate from a country/territory/zone/compartment which appears in a list of third countries and territories adopted by the Commission in accordance with Article 230(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429.

Part II.2.4. of the certificate does not apply to the following aquatic animals, and they may therefore originate from a country or region thereof which is listed in by the Commission in accordance with Article 127(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625:


molluscs which are packaged and labelled for human consumption in accordance with the specific requirements for those animals as set out in Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 and which are no longer able to survive as living animals if returned to the aquatic environment;


molluscs which are intended for human consumption without further processing, provided they are packaged for retail sale in compliance with the requirements for such packages as set out in Regulation (EC) No 853/2004;


molluscs which are packaged and labelled for human consumption in accordance with the specific requirements for those animals as set out in Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 and which are intended for further processing without temporary storage at the place of processing.

This animal health/official certificate shall be completed according to the notes for the completion of certificates provided for in Chapter 4 of Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2235.

Part I:

Box reference I.8:

Region of origin: indicate the production area and its classification at the moment of harvest.

Part II:


Part II.1 does not apply to countries with special public health certification requirements laid down in equivalence agreements or other EU legislation.


Part II.2 does not apply, and should be deleted when the consignment consists of: (a) species other than those listed in the Annex to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1882 (*2); or (b) wild aquatic animals and products of animal origin from those wild aquatic animals which are landed from fishing vessels for human consumption; or (c) products of animal origin from aquatic animals other than live aquatic animals which enter the Union ready for direct human consumption.


Species listed in columns 3 and 4 in the table of the Annex to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1882. Species listed in column 4 shall only be regarded as vectors under the conditions set out in Article 171 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/692.


Keep if appropriate/delete if not applicable.


Code of the third country/territory/zone/compartment as it appears in a list of third countries and territories adopted by the Commission in accordance with Article 230(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429.


Parts II.2.3.1, II.2.3.2. and II.2.4 do not apply and should be deleted if the consignment contains only the following aquatic animals:


molluscs which are packaged and labelled for human consumption in accordance with the specific requirements for those animals as set out in Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 and which are no longer able to survive as living animals if returned to the aquatic environment;


molluscs which are intended for human consumption without further processing, provided they are packaged for retail sale in compliance with the requirements for such packages as set out in Regulation (EC) No 853/2004;


molluscs which are packaged and labelled for human consumption in accordance with the specific requirements for those animals as set out in Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 and which are intended for further processing without temporary storage at the place of processing.


Applicable only when the Member State/zone/compartment of destination in the Union either has disease-free status for a category C disease as defined in point (3) of Article 1 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1882, or is subject to an optional eradication programme established in accordance with Article 31(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, otherwise delete.


Applicable when the Member State of destination in the Union has approved national measures for a specific disease in place, which have been approved by the Commission in accordance with Article 226 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, otherwise delete.


Species listed in column 2 in the table of Annex XXIX to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/692 regarding diseases for which Member States have national measures as provided for in Article 226 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429.


to be signed by:

an official veterinarian when part II.2 Animal health attestation is not deleted

a certifying officer or an official veterinarian when part II.2 Animal health attestation is deleted.

(*2)  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1882 of 3 December 2018 on the application of certain disease prevention and control rules to categories of listed diseases and establishing a list of species and groups of species posing a considerable risk for the spread of those listed diseases (OJ L 308, 4.12.2018, p. 21).’."

Article 2

Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2236 is amended as follows:


Article 7 is replaced by the following:

‘Article 7

Model animal health certificate for the entry into the Union of aquatic animals intended for aquaculture establishments, for release into the wild, or for other purposes, excluding human consumption

The animal health certificate referred to in Article 1(2)(b) to be used for the entry into the Union of consignments of aquatic animals intended for aquaculture establishments, for release into the wild, or for other purposes, excluding human consumption shall correspond to the model AQUA-ENTRY-ESTAB/RELEASE/OTHER drawn up in accordance with the model set out in Annex II.’;


Annex II is replaced by the text set out in the Annex to this Regulation.

Article 3

This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

It shall apply from 21 April 2021.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 14 April 2021.

For the Commission

The President


(1)   OJ L 139, 30.4.2004, p. 55.

(2)   OJ L 84, 31.3.2016, p. 1.

(3)  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2235 of 16 December 2020 laying down rules for the application of Regulations (EU) 2016/429 and (EU) 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards model animal health certificates, model official certificates and model animal health/official certificates, for the entry into the Union and movements within the Union of consignments of certain categories of animals and goods, official certification regarding such certificates and repealing Regulation (EC) No 599/2004, Implementing Regulations (EU) No 636/2014 and (EU) 2019/628, Directive 98/68/EC and Decisions 2000/572/EC, 2003/779/EC and 2007/240/EC (OJ L 442, 30.12.2020, p. 1).

(4)  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2236 of 16 December 2020 laying down rules for the application of Regulations (EU) 2016/429 and (EU) 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards model animal health certificates for the entry into the Union and movements within the Union of consignments of aquatic animals and of certain products of animal origin from aquatic animals, official certification regarding such certificates and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1251/2008 (OJ L 442, 30.12.2020, p. 410).

(5)  Regulation (EU) 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2017 on official controls and other official activities performed to ensure the application of food and feed law, rules on animal health and welfare, plant health and plant protection products, amending Regulations (EC) No 999/2001, (EC) No 396/2005, (EC) No 1069/2009, (EC) No 1107/2009, (EU) No 1151/2012, (EU) No 652/2014, (EU) 2016/429 and (EU) 2016/2031 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Council Regulations (EC) No 1/2005 and (EC) No 1099/2009 and Council Directives 98/58/EC, 1999/74/EC, 2007/43/EC, 2008/119/EC and 2008/120/EC, and repealing Regulations (EC) No 854/2004 and (EC) No 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Council Directives 89/608/EEC, 89/662/EEC, 90/425/EEC, 91/496/EEC, 96/23/EC, 96/93/EC and 97/78/EC and Council Decision 92/438/EEC (Official Controls Regulation) (OJ L 95, 7.4.2017, p. 1).



Annex II contains the following model animal health certificate:



Model animal health certificate for the entry into the Union of aquatic animals intended for certain aquaculture establishments, for release into the wild, or for other purposes, excluding human consumption


Image 1



Part II: Certification

II. Health information


Certificate reference


IMSOC reference

I, the undersigned official veterinarian, hereby certify:


According to official information, the aquatic animals referred to in Box I.27 of Part I meet the following animal health requirements:


The aquatic animals originate from (1)[an establishment] (1)[a habitat] which is not subject to national restriction measures for animal health reasons or because of the occurrence of abnormal mortalities with an undetermined cause, including the relevant listed diseases referred to in Annex I to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/692 and emerging diseases.


The aquatic animals are not intended to be killed under a national programme for the eradication of diseases, including the relevant listed diseases referred to in Annex I to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/692 and emerging diseases.


The aquaculture animals referred to in Box I.27 of Part I meet the following requirements:


They come from an aquaculture establishment which is (1)[registered] (1)[approved] by, and under the control of, the competent authority of the third country or territory of origin and has a system in place to maintain and to keep for a period of at least three years, up-to-date records containing information regarding:


the species, categories and number of aquaculture animals on the aquaculture establishment;


movements of aquatic animals into, and aquaculture animals out of, the aquaculture establishment;


mortality in the aquaculture establishment.


They come from an aquaculture establishment which receives regular animal health visits from a veterinarian for the purpose of the detection of, and information on, signs indicative of the relevant listed diseases referred to in Annex I to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/692 and of emerging diseases, at a frequency that is proportionate to the risk posed by the aquaculture establishment.]


General health requirements

The aquatic animals referred to in Box I.27 of Part I meet the following animal health requirements:


The aquatic animals originate from a (1)[country] (1)[territory], (1)[zone] (1)[compartment] with (2)code: __ __ – __ which, at the date of issuing this certificate is listed in a list of third countries and territories adopted by the Commission in accordance with Article 230(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 for the entry into the Union of certain species of aquatic animals.


They have undergone clinical inspection by an official veterinarian within a period of 72 hours prior to the time of loading. During the inspection, the aquatic animals showed no clinical symptoms of transmissible disease and, according to the relevant records of the aquaculture establishment, there was no indication of disease problems.


They will be dispatched directly from the establishment of origin to the Union.


They have not been in contact with aquatic animals of a lower health status.

either (1) [II.4.

Specific health requirements


Requirements for (3)listed species for Epizootic haematopoietic necrosis, Infection with Mikrocytos mackini, Infection with Perkinsus marinus, Infection with Taura syndrome virus and Infection with yellow head virus

The aquatic animals referred to in Box I.27 of Part I originate from a (1)[country] (1)[territory] (1)[zone] (1)[compartment] declared free from (1)[Epizootic haematopoietic necrosis] (1)[Infection with Mikrocytos mackini] (1)[Infection with Perkinsus marinus] (1)[Infection with Taura syndrome virus] (1)[Infection with yellow head virus] in accordance with conditions which are at least as stringent as those set out in Article 66 or in Article 73(1) and Article 73(2)(a) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689 and where all (3)listed species for the relevant disease(s):


are introduced from another (1)[country] (1)[territory] (1)[zone] (1)[compartment] which has been declared free from the same disease(s);


are not vaccinated against (1)[that] (1)[those] disease(s).

(1)(4) [II.4.2.

Requirements for (3)listed species for Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS), Infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN), infection with HPR-deleted infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV), infection with Marteilia refringens, infection with Bonamia exitiosa, infection with Bonamia ostreae, and infection with White spot syndrome virus

The aquatic animals referred to in Box I.27 of Part I originate from a (1)[country] (1)[territory] (1)[zone] (1)[compartment] declared free from (1)[Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS)] (1)[Infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN)] (1)[infection with HPR-deleted infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV)] (1)[infection with Marteilia refringens] (1)[infection with Bonamia exitiosa] (1)[infection with Bonamia ostreae] (1)[infection with White spot syndrome virus] in accordance with Chapter 4 of Part II of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689 and where all (3) listed species for the relevant disease(s):


are introduced from another (1)[country] (1)[territory] (1)[zone] (1)[compartment] which has been declared free from the same disease(s);


are not vaccinated against (1)[that] (1)[those] disease(s).]

(1)(5) [II.4.3.

Requirements for (6) species susceptible to infection with Spring viraemia of carp virus (SVC), Bacterial Kidney disease (BKD), infection with Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPN), infection with Gyrodactylus salaris (GS), infection with Salmonid alphavirus (SAV) infection with Ostreid herpes virus 1 μνar (OsHV-1 μνar) and (3) species susceptible to Koi herpes virus disease

The aquatic animals referred to in Box I.27 of Part I originate from a (1)[country] (1)[territory] (1)[zone] (1)[compartment] which fulfils the health guarantees as regards (1)[SVC], (1)[BKD], (1)[IPN], (1)[G.salaris], (1)[SAV], (1)[OsHV-1 μνar], (1)[KHV], which are necessary to comply with the national measures which apply in the Member State of destination, as laid down in implementing acts adopted by the Commission in accordance with Article 226(3) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429.]

(1)or [II.4.

Specific health requirements

The aquatic animals referred to in Box I.27 of Part I are aquatic animals destined for a confined establishment fulfilling the requirements of Article 9 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/691 where they are to be used for research purposes.]

(1)or [II.4.

Specific health requirements

The aquatic animals referred to in Box I.27 of Part I are wild aquatic animals which, (1)[have been subject to quarantine in an establishment approved for that purpose by the competent authority in the (1)[country] (1)[territory] of origin in accordance with Article 15 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/691.] (1)[will be subject to quarantine in an establishment which is approved for that purpose in accordance with Article 15 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/691.]


To the best of my knowledge, and as declared by the operator, the animals in the consignment show no symptoms of disease and come from (1) [an establishment] (1) [a habitat] where:


there were no abnormal mortalities with an undetermined cause; and


the aquatic animals have not been in contact with kept animals of (3)listed species which did not comply with the requirements referred to in point II.1.


Transport requirements

Arrangements have been made to transport the aquatic animals referred to in Box I.27 of Part I in accordance with the requirements laid down in Articles 167 and 168 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/692 and specifically that:


the aquatic animals are dispatched directly from the establishment of origin to the Union and are not unloaded from their container when transported by air, sea, railway or by road;


the water in which they are transported is not changed in a third country or territory, zone or compartment which is not listed for entry of the particular species and category of aquatic animals into the Union;


the animals are not transported under conditions that jeopardise their health status, in particular:


when the animals are transported in water, it does not alter their health status;


the means of transport and the containers are constructed in such a way that the health status of the aquatic animals is not jeopardised during transportation;


the (1)[container] (1)[well-boat] is previously unused or cleaned and disinfected, in accordance with a protocol and with products approved by the competent authority of the (1)[third country] (1)[territory] of origin, prior to loading for dispatch to the Union;


from the time of loading at the establishment of origin until the time of arrival in the Union, the animals in the consignment are not transported in the same water or (1) [container] (1) [well-boat] together with aquatic animals which are of a lower health status or which are not intended for entry into the Union;


where a water exchange is necessary in a (1) [third country] (1) [territory] (1) [zone] (1) [compartment] which is listed for entry of the particular species and category of aquatic animals into the Union, it only occurs (1)[in the case of transport on land, at water exchange points approved by the competent authority of the (1) [third country] (1) [territory] where the water exchange takes place.] (1)[in the case of transport by well-boat, at a distance which is at least 10 km from any aquaculture establishments which are located en-route from the place of origin to the place of destination in the Union.]


Labelling requirements

Arrangements have been made to identify and label the (1) [means of transport] (1)[containers] in accordance with Articles 169(1) and 169(2) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/692 and specifically that:


the consignment is identified by (1)[a legible and visible label on the exterior of the container] (1)[an entry in the ships manifest when transported by well-boat,] which clearly links the consignment to this animal health certificate;


the legible and visible label will contain at least the following information:


the number of containers in the consignment;


the name of the species present in each container;


the number of animals in each container for each of the species present;


the purpose for which the animals are intended.


Validity of the animal health certificate

This animal health certificate is valid for a period of 10 days from the date of issuing. In the case of transport by waterway/sea of aquatic animals, this period of 10 days may be extended by the duration of the journey by waterway/sea.


In accordance with the Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, and in particular Article 5(4) of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland in conjunction with Annex 2 to that Protocol, references to European Union in this certificate include the United Kingdom in respect of Northern Ireland.

‘Aquatic animals’ are animals as defined in point (3) of Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429. ‘Aquaculture animals’ are aquatic animals which are subject to aquaculture as defined in point (7) of Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429.

This model certificate is intended for entry into the Union of aquatic animals for the purposes indicated in its title, including when the Union is not the final destination of those animals.

This model certificate shall not be used for the entry into the Union of aquatic animals intended for human consumption in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005, including those animals which are intended for the following aquaculture establishments:


a disease control aquatic food establishment as defined in point (52) of Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, or


a dispatch centre as defined in point (3) of Article 2 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/691,

for which the model certificate FISH-CRUST-HC, as set out in Chapter 28 of Annex III to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2235, or MOL-HC as set out in Chapter 31 of Annex III to the same Regulation, must be used, as relevant.

This animal health certificate shall be completed according to notes for the completion of certificates provided for in Chapter 4 of Annex I to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2235.

Part II:


Keep if appropriate/delete if not applicable.


Code of the third country/territory/zone/compartment as it appears in a list of third countries and territories adopted by the Commission in accordance with Article 230(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 for the entry into the Union of certain species of aquatic animals.


Listed species as referred to in columns 3 and 4 of the table in the Annex to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1882. Vector species listed in column 4 of that table shall only be regarded as vectors if they fulfil the conditions set out in Annex XXX to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/692.


Applicable in all cases when aquatic animals are to be released into the wild in the Union or when the Member State of destination either has disease-free status for a category C disease as defined in point (3) of Article 1 of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1882 or is subject to an optional eradication programme established in accordance with Article 31(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429.


Only applicable when the Member State of destination has approved national measures for a specific disease in place, which have been approved by the Commission in accordance with Article 226 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429.


Species listed in column 2 of the table in the Annex XXIX to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/692.


Official veterinarian

Name (in capital letters)






Qualification and title



