

Official Journal of the European Union

C 223/62

Order of the Civil Service Tribunal of 26 June 2008 — Nijs v Court of Auditors

(Case F-136/07) (1)

(Staff - Officials - Previous complaint - Defect - Time-limit for instituting proceedings - Lateness - Manifest inadmissibility)

(2008/C 223/117)

Language of the case: French


Applicant: Bart Nijs (Béreldange, Luxembourg) (represented initially by: F. Rollinger; subsequently by: F. Rollinger and A. Hertzog, lawyers)

Defendant: Court of Auditors of the European Communities (represented by: T. Kennedy, J.-M. Stenier and G. Corstens, acting as Agents)


Annulment, on the one hand, of the decision of the Appointing Authority of 5 September 2007 to demote the applicant to Grade AD9, step 5, following a disciplinary procedure and, on the other, of the decisions to suspend him from his post, to open an administrative enquiry with regard to him and not to promote him to Grade AD 11 in 2007 — Claim for compensation for non-material and material harm

Operative part of the order


The action is dismissed as manifestly inadmissible.


Mr Nijs is ordered to pay all the costs.

(1)  OJ C 79, 29.3.2008, p. 37.