3.7.2010 |
EN |
Official Journal of the European Union |
C 179/20 |
Action brought on 21 April 2010 — European Commission v Republic of Estonia
(Case C-195/10)
(2010/C 179/33)
Language of the case: Estonian
Applicant: European Commission (represented by A. Marghelis and E. Randvere, acting as Agents)
Defendant: Republic of Estonia
Form of order sought
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declare that the Republic of Estonia has failed to transpose correctly Articles 8(a)(iv) and 10 of Council Directive 1999/31/EC of 26 April 1999 on the landfill of waste; (1) |
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order the Republic of Estonia to pay the costs. |
Pleas in law and main arguments
Paragraph 91(5) of the Jäätmeseadus (Law on waste) does not provide for the security to be kept as long as required by maintenance and after-care operation of the landfill site in accordance with Article 13(d), nor is any requirement laid down to cover the costs of after-care of the site for a period of at least 30 years.