

Official Journal of the European Union

C 274/32

Action brought on 15 July 2013 — ZZ v EEA

(Case F-71/13)

2013/C 274/53

Language of the case: French


Applicant: ZZ (represented by: S. Orlandi, J.-N. Louis, and D. Abreu Caldas, lawyers)

Defendant: European Environment Agency (EEA)

Subject-matter and description of the proceedings

Application for annulment of the decision to reject the applicant’s request for an administrative inquiry to be opened to prove or clarify facts relating to harassment.

Form of order sought

annul the decision of 20 September 2012 by the authority empowered to conclude contracts (‘AECE’) rejecting the applicant’s request for an administrative inquiry to be opened to prove or clarify facts relating to harassment;

order the EEA to pay the costs.