8.8.2008 |
EN |
Official Journal of the European Union |
L 213/58 |
of 7 August 2008
amending Common Position 2007/140/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against Iran
Having regard to the Treaty on European Union, and in particular Article 15 thereof,
(1) |
On 27 February 2007 the Council of the European Union adopted Common Position 2007/140/CFSP (1) which implemented United Nations Security Council Resolution 1737 (2006) (UNSCR 1737 (2006)). |
(2) |
On 23 April 2007 the Council adopted Common Position 2007/246/CFSP (2) which implemented United Nations Security Council Resolution 1747 (2007) (UNSCR 1747 (2007)). |
(3) |
On 3 March 2008 the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 1803 (2008) (UNSCR 1803 (2008)) which widened the scope of the restrictive measures imposed by UNSCR 1737 (2006) and UNSCR 1747 (2007) and required all States to take the necessary measures to implement those provisions effectively. |
(4) |
On 23 June 2008 the Council adopted Common Position 2008/479/CFSP which identified additional persons and entities to be covered by the restrictions on admission and the freezing of funds. |
(5) |
UNSCR 1803 (2008) calls upon all States to exercise vigilance in entering into new commitments for public provided financial support for trade with Iran, in order to avoid such financial support contributing to proliferation sensitive nuclear activities or to the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems. |
(6) |
For the same reasons, UNSCR 1803 (2008) also calls upon all States to exercise vigilance over the activities of financial institutions in their territories with all banks domiciled in Iran, and their branches and subsidiaries abroad, in order to avoid such activities contributing to proliferation sensitive nuclear activities or to the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems. With a view to exercising such vigilance, certain provisions in this Common Position relate to Directive 2005/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2005 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering and terrorist financing (3). |
(7) |
UNSCR 1803 (2008) welcomes the guidance issued by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to assist States in implementing their financial obligations under UNSCR 1737 (2006). |
(8) |
UNSCR 1803 (2008) furthermore calls upon all States, in accordance with their national legal authorities and legislation and consistent with international law, to inspect the cargoes to and from Iran, of aircraft and vessels, at their airports and seaports, owned or operated by Iran Air Cargo and Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Line, provided there are reasonable grounds to believe that the aircraft or vessel is transporting prohibited goods. |
(9) |
UNSCR 1803 (2008) extends restrictive measures to additional persons and entities that are engaged in, directly associated with or providing support for Iran's proliferation sensitive nuclear activities or for the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems, or have been determined by the Security Council or the Sanctions Committee to have assisted designated persons and entities in evading sanctions of, or in violating the provisions of, UNSCR 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007) or 1803 (2008). |
(10) |
The necessary measures should also be taken to ensure that no compensation is granted to the Government of Iran, or to any person or entity in Iran, or to designated persons or entities, or to any person claiming through or for the benefit of any such person or entity, in connection with any contract or other transaction where its performance was prevented by reason of the measures decided on pursuant to UNSCR 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007) or 1803 (2008), including measures of the European Communities or any Member State in accordance with, as required by or in any connection with the implementation of the relevant decisions of the Security Council. |
(11) |
Furthermore, it is appropriate to prohibit the supply, sale or transfer to Iran of certain items, materials, equipment, goods and technology, in addition to those determined by the Security Council or the Sanctions Committee, that could contribute to Iran's enrichment-related, reprocessing or heavy water-related activities, to the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems or to the pursuit of activities related to other topics about which the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has expressed concerns or identified as outstanding. |
(12) |
Common Position 2007/140/CFSP should be amended accordingly. |
(13) |
Action by the Community is needed in order to implement certain measures, |
Article 1
Common Position 2007/140/CFSP is hereby amended as follows:
1. |
in Article 1(1), the following point shall be added:
2. |
Article 3a shall be replaced by the following: ‘Article 3a 1. Member States shall not enter into new commitments for grants, financial assistance and concessional loans to the Government of Iran, including through their participation in international financial institutions, except for humanitarian and developmental purposes. 2. In order to avoid any financial support contributing to the proliferation sensitive nuclear activities, or to the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems, Member States shall exercise restraint in entering into new commitments for public provided financial support for trade with Iran, including the granting of export credits, guarantees or insurance, to their nationals or entities involved in such trade.’; |
3. |
the following Article shall be inserted: ‘Article 3b 1. Member States shall exercise vigilance over the activities of financial institutions within their jurisdiction with:
in order to avoid such activities contributing to proliferation sensitive nuclear activities or to the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems. 2. For the above purpose, financial institutions shall be required, in their activities with banks and financial institutions as set out in paragraph 1, to:
3. Bank Saderat branches and subsidiaries within the jurisdiction of the Member States shall also be required to notify the competent authority of the Member State where they are established, of all transfers of funds carried out or received by them, within five working days after carrying out or receiving the respective transfer of funds. Subject to information-sharing arrangements, notified competent authorities shall without delay transmit this data, as appropriate, to the competent authorities of other Member States, where the counterparts to such transactions are established.’; |
4. |
the following Article shall be inserted: ‘Article 3c 1. In addition to inspections to ensure implementation of the relevant provisions of UNSCR 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007) and 1803 (2008), and of the provisions of Article 1 of this Common Position, Member States, in accordance with their national legal authorities and legislation and consistent with international law, in particular the law of the sea and relevant international civil aviation agreements, shall inspect at their airports and seaports the cargoes to and from Iran, of aircraft and vessels owned or operated by Iran Air Cargo and Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Line, provided there are reasonable grounds to believe that the aircraft or vessel is transporting goods prohibited under this Common Position. 2. In cases when inspection mentioned in paragraph 1 is undertaken of cargoes of aircraft and vessels owned or operated by Iran Air Cargo and Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Line, Member States shall submit to the United Nations Security Council within five working days a written report on the inspection containing, in particular, an explanation of the grounds for the inspection, as well as information on its time, place, circumstances, results and other relevant details. 3. Cargo aircraft and merchant vessels owned or controlled by Iran Air Cargo and Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Line shall be subject to the requirement of additional pre-arrival or pre-departure information for all goods brought into or out of a Member State.’; |
5. |
in Article 4(1), point (b) shall be replaced by the following:
6. |
Article 5(1) shall be replaced by the following: ‘1. All funds and economic resources which belong to, are owned, held or controlled, directly or indirectly, by:
7. |
the following Article shall be inserted: ‘Article 6a No compensation or other claim of this kind, such as a claim of set-off or a claim under a guarantee, in connection with any contract or transaction the performance of which was affected, directly or indirectly, wholly or in part, by reason of measures decided on pursuant to UNSCR 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007) or 1803 (2008), including measures of the European Communities or any Member State in accordance with, as required by or in any connection with the implementation of the relevant decisions of the Security Council, shall be granted to the designated persons or entities listed in Annexes I or II, or any other person or entity in Iran, including the Government of Iran, or any person or entity claiming through or for the benefit of any such person or entity.’; |
8. |
Article 7(2) shall be replaced by the following: ‘2. The Council, acting by unanimity on a proposal from Member States or the Commission, shall establish the lists in Annexes II, III, and IV and adopt modifications to them.’; |
9. |
Annexes I and II shall be replaced by the text set out in Annexes I and II to this Common Position; |
10. |
Annexes III and IV set out in this Common Position shall be added as Annexes III and IV to Common Position 2007/140/CFSP. |
Article 2
This Common Position shall take effect on the date of its adoption.
Article 3
This Common Position shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Done at Brussels, 7 August 2008.
For the Council
The President
(1) OJ L 61, 28.2.2007, p. 49. Common Position as last amended by Common Position 2008/479/CFSP (OJ L 163, 24.6.2008, p. 43).
(2) Council Common Position 2007/246/CFSP of 23 April 2007 amending Common Position 2007/140/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against Iran (OJ L 106, 24.4.2007, p. 67).
(3) OJ L 309, 25.11.2005, p. 15. Directive as last amended by Directive 2008/20/EC (OJ L 76, 19.3.2008, p. 46).
List of persons referred to in Article 4(1)(a) and of persons and entities referred to in Article 5(1)(a)
A. Natural persons
(1) |
Fereidoun Abbasi-Davani. Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. Other information: Senior Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL) scientist with links to the Institute of Applied Physics. Working closely with Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi. |
(2) |
Dawood Agha-Jani. Function: Head of the PFEP - Natanz. Other information: Person involved in Iran’s nuclear programme. Date of UN designation: 23.12.2006. |
(3) |
Ali Akbar Ahmadian. Title: Vice Admiral. Function: Chief of Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Joint Staff. Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(4) |
Amir Moayyed Alai. Other information: involved in managing the assembly and engineering of centrifuges. Date of EU designation: 24.4.2007 (UN: 3.3.2008). |
(5) |
Behman Asgarpour. Function: Operational Manager (Arak). Other information: Person involved in Iran’s nuclear programme. Date of UN designation: 23.12.2006. |
(6) |
Mohammad Fedai Ashiani. Other information: involved in the production of ammonium uranyl carbonate and management of the Natanz enrichment complex. Date of EU designation: 24.4.2007 (UN: 3.3.2008). |
(7) |
Abbas Rezaee Ashtiani. Other information: a senior official at the AEOI Office of Exploration and Mining Affairs. Date of UN designation: 3.3.2008. |
(8) |
Bahmanyar Morteza Bahmanyar. Function: Head of Finance & Budget Dept, Aerospace Industries Organisation (AIO). Other information: Person involved in Iran’s ballistic missile programme. Date of UN designation: 23.12.2006. |
(9) |
Haleh Bakhtiar. Other information: involved in the production of magnesium at a concentration of 99,9 %. Date of EU designation: 24.4.2007 (UN: 3.3.2008). |
(10) |
Morteza Behzad. Other information: involved in making centrifuge components. Date of EU designation: 24.4.2007 (UN: 3.3.2008). |
(11) |
Ahmad Vahid Dastjerdi. Function: Head of the Aerospace Industries Organisation (AIO). Other information: Person involved in Iran’s ballistic missile programme. Date of UN designation: 23.12.2006. |
(12) |
Ahmad Derakhshandeh. Function: Chairman and Managing Director of Bank Sepah. Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(13) |
Mohammad Eslami. Title: Dr. Other information: Head of Defence Industries Training and Research Institute. Date of UN designation: 3.3.2008. |
(14) |
Reza-Gholi Esmaeli. Function: Head of Trade & International Affairs Dept, Aerospace Industries Organisation (AIO). Other information: Person involved in Iran’s ballistic missile programme. Date of UN designation: 23.12.2006. |
(15) |
Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi. Other information: Senior MODAFL scientist and former head of the Physics Research Centre (PHRC). Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(16) |
Mohammad Hejazi. Title: Brigadier General. Function: Commander of Bassij resistance force. Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(17) |
Mohsen Hojati. Function: Head of Fajr Industrial Group. Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(18) |
Seyyed Hussein Hosseini. Other information: AEOI official involved in the heavy water research reactor project at Arak. Date of EU designation: 24.4.2007 (UN: 3.3.2008). |
(19) |
M. Javad Karimi Sabet. Other information: Head of Novin Energy Company, which is designated under resolution 1747 (2007). Date of EU designation: 24.4.2007 (UN: 3.3.2008). |
(20) |
Mehrdada Akhlaghi Ketabachi. Function: Head of Shahid Bagheri Industrial Group (SBIG). Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(21) |
Ali Hajinia Leilabadi. Function: Director General of Mesbah Energy Company. Other information: Person involved in Iran’s nuclear programme. Date of UN designation: 23.12.2006. |
(22) |
Naser Maleki. Function: Head of Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG). Other information: Naser Maleki is also a MODAFL official overseeing work on the Shahab-3 ballistic missile programme. The Shahab-3 is Iran’s long-range ballistic missile currently in service. Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(23) |
Hamid-Reza Mohajerani. Other information: Involved in production management at the Uranium Conversion Facility (UCF) at Esfahan. Date of EU designation: 24.4.2007 (UN: 3.3.2008). |
(24) |
Jafar Mohammadi. Function: Technical Adviser to the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) (in charge of managing the production of valves for centrifuges). Other information: Person involved in Iran’s nuclear programme. Date of UN designation: 23.12.2006. |
(25) |
Ehsan Monajemi. Function: Construction Project Manager, Natanz. Other information: Person involved in Iran’s nuclear programme. Date of UN designation: 23.12.2006. |
(26) |
Mohammad Reza Naqdi. Title: Brigadier General. Other information: Former Deputy Chief of Armed Forces General Staff for Logistics and Industrial Research/Head of State Anti-Smuggling Headquarters, engaged in efforts to get round the sanctions imposed by UNSCR 1737 (2006) and 1747 (2007). Date of UN designation: 3.3.2008. |
(27) |
Houshang Nobari. Other information: Involved in the management of the Natanz enrichment complex. Date of EU designation: 24.4.2007 (UN: 3.3.2008). |
(28) |
Mohammad Mehdi Nejad Nouri. Title: Lt Gen. Function: Rector of Malek Ashtar University of Defence Technology. Other information: The chemistry department of Ashtar University of Defence Technology is affiliated to MODALF and has conducted experiments on beryllium. Person involved in Iran’s nuclear programme. Date of UN designation: 23.12.2006. |
(29) |
Mohammad Qannadi. Function: AEOI Vice President for Research & Development. Other information: Person involved in Iran’s nuclear programme. Date of UN designation: 23.12.2006. |
(30) |
Amir Rahimi. Function: Head of Esfahan Nuclear Fuel Research and Production Center. Other information: Esfahan Nuclear Fuel Research and Production Center is part of the AEOI’s Nuclear Fuel Production and Procurement Company, which is involved in enrichment-related activities. Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(31) |
Abbas Rashidi. Other information: Involved in enrichment work at Natanz. Date of EU designation: 24.4.2007 (UN: 3.3.2008). |
(32) |
Morteza Rezaie. Title: Brigadier General. Function: Deputy Commander of IRGC. Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(33) |
Morteza Safari. Title: Rear Admiral. Function: Commander of IRGC Navy. Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(34) |
Yahya Rahim Safavi. Title: Maj Gen. Function: Commander, IRGC (Pasdaran). Other information: Person involved in both Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programmes. Date of UN designation: 23.12.2006. |
(35) |
Seyed Jaber Safdari. Other information: Manager of the Natanz Enrichment Facilities. Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(36) |
Hosein Salimi. Title: General. Function: Commander of the Air Force, IRGC (Pasdaran). Other information: Person involved in Iran’s ballistic missile programme. Date of UN designation: 23.12.2006. |
(37) |
Qasem Soleimani. Title: Brigadier General. Function: Commander of Qods force. Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(38) |
Ghasem Soleymani. Other information: Director of Uranium Mining Operations at the Saghand Uranium Mine. Date of UN designation: 3.3.2008. |
(39) |
Mohammad Reza Zahedi. Title: Brigadier General. Function: Commander of IRGC Ground Forces. Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(40) |
General Zolqadr. Function: Deputy Interior Minister for Security Affairs, IRGC officer. Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
B. Legal persons, entities and bodies
(1) |
Abzar Boresh Kaveh Co. (alias BK Co.). Other information: Involved in the production of centrifuge components. Date of UN designation: 3.3.2008. |
(2) |
Ammunition and Metallurgy Industries Group (alias (a) AMIG, (b) Ammunition Industries Group). Other information: (a) AMIG controls 7th of Tir, (b) AMIG is owned and controlled by the Defence Industries Organisation (DIO). Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(3) |
Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI). Other information: Involved in Iran’s nuclear programme. Date of UN designation: 23.12.2006. |
(4) |
Bank Sepah and Bank Sepah International. Other information: Bank Sepah provides support for the Aerospace Industries Organisation (AIO) and subordinates, including Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG) and Shahid Bagheri Industrial Group (SBIG). Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(5) |
Barzagani Tejarat Tavanmad Saccal companies. Other information: (a) Subsidiary of Saccal System companies, (b) this company tried to purchase sensitive goods for an entity listed in resolution 1737 (2006). Date of UN designation: 3.3.2008. |
(6) |
Cruise Missile Industry Group (alias Naval Defence Missile Industry Group). Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(7) |
Defence Industries Organisation (DIO). Other information: (a) Overarching MODAFL-controlled entity, some of whose subordinates have been involved in the centrifuge programme making components, and in the missile programme, (b) Involved in Iran’s nuclear programme. Date of UN designation: 23.12.2006. |
(8) |
Electro Sanam Company (alias (a) E. S. Co., (b) E. X. Co.). Other information: AIO front-company, involved in the ballistic missile programme. Date of UN designation: 3.3.2008. |
(9) |
Esfahan Nuclear Fuel Research and Production Centre (NFRPC) and Esfahan Nuclear Technology Centre (ENTC). Other information: They are parts of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran’s (AEOI) Nuclear Fuel Production and Procurement Company. Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(10) |
Ettehad Technical Group. Other information: AIO front-company, involved in the ballistic missile programme. Date of UN designation: 3.3.2008. |
(11) |
Fajr Industrial Group. Other information: (a) Formerly Instrumentation Factory Plant, (b) Subordinate entity of AIO, (c) Involved in Iran’s ballistic missile programme. Date of UN designation: 23.12.2006. |
(12) |
Farayand Technique. Other information: (a) Involved in Iran’s nuclear programme (centrifuge programme), (b) Identified in IAEA reports. Date of UN designation: 23.12.2006. |
(13) |
Industrial Factories of Precision (IFP) Machinery (alias Instrumentation Factories Plant). Other information: Used by AIO for some acquisition attempts. Date of UN designation: 3.3.2008. |
(14) |
Jabber Ibn Hayan. Other information: AEOI laboratory involved in fuel-cycle activities. Date of EU designation: 24.4.2007 (UN: 3.3.2008). |
(15) |
Joza Industrial Co. Other information: AIO front-company, involved in the ballistic missile programme. Date of UN designation: 3.3.2008. |
(16) |
Kala-Electric (alias Kalaye Electric). Other information: (a) Provider for PFEP - Natanz, (b) Involved in Iran’s nuclear programme. Date of UN designation: 23.12.2006. |
(17) |
Karaj Nuclear Research Centre. Other information: Part of AEOI’s research division. Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(18) |
Kavoshyar Company. Other information: Subsidiary company of AEOI. Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(19) |
Khorasan Metallurgy Industries. Other information: (a) subsidiary of the Ammunition Industries Group (AMIG) which depends on DIO, (b) involved in the production of centrifuge components. Date of UN designation: 3.3.2008. |
(20) |
Mesbah Energy Company. Other information: (a) Provider for A40 research reactor - Arak, (b) Involved in Iran’s nuclear programme. Date of UN designation: 23.12.2006. |
(21) |
Niru Battery Manufacturing Company. Other information: (a) Subsidiary of the DIO, (b) its role is to manufacture power units for the Iranian military including missile systems. Date of UN designation: 3.3.2008. |
(22) |
Novin Energy Company (alias Pars Novin). Other information: It operates within AEOI. Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(23) |
Parchin Chemical Industries. Other information: Branch of DIO. Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(24) |
Pars Aviation Services Company. Other information: Maintains aircraft. Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(25) |
Pars Trash Company. Other information: (a) Involved in Iran’s nuclear programme (centrifuge programme), (b) Identified in IAEA reports. Date of UN designation: 23.12.2006. |
(26) |
Pishgam (Pioneer) Energy Industries. Other information: Has participated in construction of the Uranium Conversion Facility at Esfahan. Date of UN designation: 3.3.2008. |
(27) |
Qods Aeronautics Industries. Other information: It produces unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), parachutes, paragliders, paramotors, etc. Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(28) |
Sanam Industrial Group. Other information: Subordinate to AIO. Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(29) |
Safety Equipment Procurement (SEP). Other information: AIO front-company, involved in the ballistic missile programme. Date of UN designation: 3.3.2008. |
(30) |
7th of Tir. Other information: (a) Subordinate of DIO, widely recognised as being directly involved in Iran’s nuclear programme, (b) Involved in Iran’s nuclear programme. Date of UN designation: 23.12.2006. |
(31) |
Shahid Bagheri Industrial Group (SBIG). Other information: (a) Subordinate entity of AIO, (b) Involved in Iran’s ballistic missile programme. Date of UN designation: 23.12.2006. |
(32) |
Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG). Other information: (a) Subordinate entity of AIO, (b) Involved in Iran’s ballistic missile programme. Date of UN designation: 23.12.2006. |
(33) |
Sho’a’ Aviation. Other information: It produces microlights. Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007. |
(34) |
TAMAS Company. Other information: (a) Involved in enrichment-related activities, (b) TAMAS is an overarching body, under which four subsidiaries have been established, including one for uranium extraction to concentration and another in charge of uranium processing, enrichment and waste. Date of EU designation: 24.4.2007 (UN: 3.3.2008). |
(35) |
Ya Mahdi Industries Group. Other information: Subordinate to AIO. Date of UN designation: 24.3.2007.’ |
List of persons referred to in Article 4(1)(b) and of persons and entities referred to in Article 5(1)(b)
A. Natural persons
Name |
Identifying information |
Reasons |
Date of listing |
1. |
DoB: 15.3.1949 Passport number: S4409483 valid 26.4.2000–27.4.2010 Issued: Tehran, Diplomatic passport number: D9001950, issued on 22.1.2008 valid until 21.1.2013, Place of birth: Khoy |
Head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI). The AEOI oversees Iran's nuclear programme and is designated under UNSCR 1737 (2006). |
24.4.2007 |
2. |
IRGC Brigadier-General Javad DARVISH-VAND |
MODAFL Deputy for Inspection. Responsible for all MODAFL facilities and installations. |
24.6.2008 |
3. |
IRGC Brigadier-General Seyyed Mahdi FARAHI |
Managing Director of the Defence Industries Organisation (DIO) which is designated under UNSCR 1737 (2006). |
24.6.2008 |
4. |
Dr Hoseyn (Hossein) FAQIHIAN |
Address of NFPC: AEOI-NFPD, P.O. Box: 11365-8486, Tehran/Iran |
Deputy and Director-General of the Nuclear Fuel Production and Procurement Company (NFPC), part of the AEOI. The AEOI oversees Iran's nuclear programme and is designated under UNSCR 1737 (2006). The NFPC involved in enrichment-related activities that Iran is required by the IAEA Board and Security Council to suspend. |
24.4.2007 |
5. |
Engineer Mojtaba HAERI |
MODAFL Deputy for Industry. Supervisory role over AIO and DIO. |
24.6.2008 |
6. |
IRGC Brigadier-General Ali HOSEYNITASH |
Head of the General Department of the Supreme National Security Council and involved in formulating policy on the nuclear issue. |
24.6.2008 |
7. |
Mohammad Ali JAFARI, IRGC. |
Holds a command post at the IRGC. |
24.6.2008 |
8. |
Deputy Head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran. |
24.6.2008 |
9. |
DoB: 24.11.1945, PoB: Langroud |
Deputy Head of AEOI. The AEOI oversees Iran's nuclear programme and is designated under UNSCR 1737 (2006). |
24.4.2007 |
10. |
Ali Reza KHANCHI |
Address of NRC: AEOI-NRC P.O. Box: 11365-8486 Tehran/Iran; Fax: (+ 9821) 8021412 |
Head of AEOI's Tehran Nuclear Research Centre. The IAEA is continuing to seek clarification from Iran about plutonium separation experiments carried out at the TNRC, including about the presence of HEU particles in environmental samples taken at the Karaj Waste Storage Facility where containers used to store depleted uranium targets used in those experiments are located. The AEOI oversees Iran's nuclear programme and is designated under UNSCR 1737 (2006). |
24.4.2007 |
11. |
Managing Director of Iran Electronic Industries. |
24.6.2008 |
12. |
Brigadier-General Beik MOHAMMADLU |
MODAFL Deputy for Supplies and Logistics. |
24.6.2008 |
13. |
Administrator of Barzagani Tejarat Tavanmad Saccal companies; his company has attempted to procure sensitive goods for entities designated under Resolution 1737 (2006). |
24.6.2008 |
14. |
Brigadier-General Mohammad NADERI |
Head of Aerospace Industries Organisation (AIO), AIO has taken part in sensitive Iranian programmes. |
24.6.2008 |
15. |
IRGC Brigadier-General Mostafa Mohammad NAJJAR |
MODAFL Minister, responsible for all military programmes, including ballistic missiles programmes. |
24.6.2008 |
16. |
Dr Javad RAHIQI |
DoB: 21.4.1954, PoB: Mashad |
Head of AEOI's Esfahan Nuclear Technology Centre. This oversees the uranium conversion plant at Esfahan. Iran is required by the IAEA Board and the Security Council to suspend all enrichment-related activities. This includes all uranium conversion work. AEOI oversees Iran's nuclear programme and is designated under UNSCR 1737 (2006). |
24.4.2007 |
17. |
Rear Admiral Mohammad SHAFI'I RUDSARI |
MODAFL Deputy for Coordination. |
24.6.2008 |
18. |
IRGC Brigadier-General Ali SHAMSHIRI |
MODAFL Deputy for Counter-Intelligence, responsible for security of MODAFL personnel and Installations. |
24.6.2008 |
19. |
Abdollah SOLAT SANA |
Managing Director of the Uranium Conversion Facility (UCF) in Esfahan. This is the facility that produces the feed material (UF6) for the enrichment facilities at Natanz. On 27 August 2006, Solat Sana received a special award from President Ahmadinejad for his role. |
24.4.2007 |
20. |
IRGC Brigadier-General Ahmad VAHIDI |
Deputy Head of MODAFL. |
24.6.2008 |
B. Legal persons, entities and bodies
Name |
Identifying information |
Reasons |
Date of listing |
1. |
Aerospace Industries Organisation, AIO |
AIO, 28 Shian 5, Lavizan, Tehran |
AIO oversees Iran's production of missiles, including Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group, Shahid Bagheri Industrial Group and Fajr Industrial Group, which were all designated under UNSCR 1737 (2006). The head of AIO and two other senior officials were also designated under UNSCR 1737 (2006). |
24.4.2007 |
2. |
Armament Industries |
Pasdaran Av., PO Box 19585/777, Tehran |
A subsidiary of the DIO (Defence Industries Organisation). |
24.4.2007 |
3. |
Armed Forces Geographical Organisation |
Assessed to provide geospatial data for the Ballistic Missile programme. |
24.6.2008 |
4. |
Bank Melli, |
Providing or attempting to provide financial support for companies which are involved in or procure goods for Iran's nuclear and missile programmes (AIO, SHIG, SBIG, AEOI, Novin Energy Company, Mesbah Energy Company, Kalaye Electric Company and DIO). Bank Melli serves as a facilitator for Iran's sensitive activities. It has facilitated numerous purchases of sensitive materials for Iran's nuclear and missile programmes. It has provided a range of financial services on behalf of entities linked to Iran's nuclear and missile industries, including opening letters of credit and maintaining accounts. Many of the above companies have been designated by UNSCRs 1737 (2006) and 1747 (2007). |
24.6.2008 |
Bank Melli Iran and all branches and subsidiaries including |
Ferdowsi Avenue, PO Box 11365-171, Tehran |
London Wall, 11th floor, London EC2Y 5EA, United Kingdom |
Number 9/1, Ulitsa Mashkova, Moscow, 130064, Russia |
5. |
Defence Technology and Science Research Centre (DTSRC) – also known as the Educational Research Institute/Moassese Amozeh Va Tahgiaghati (ERI/MAVT Co.) |
Pasdaran Av., PO Box 19585/777, Tehran |
Responsible for R&D. A subsidiary of the DIO. The DTSRC handles much of the procurement for the DIO. |
24.4.2007 |
6. |
Iran Electronic Industries |
P.O. Box 18575-365, Tehran, Iran |
Wholly-owned subsidiary of MODAFL (and therefore a sister-organisation to AIO, AvIO and DIO). Its role is to manufacture electronic components for Iranian weapons systems. |
24.6.2008 |
7. |
IRGC Air Force |
Operates Iran's inventory of short and medium range ballistic missiles. The head of the IRGC air force was designated by UNSCR 1737 (2006). |
24.6.2008 |
8. |
Khatem-ol Anbiya Construction Organisation |
Number 221, North Falamak-Zarafshan Intersection, 4th Phase, Shahkrak-E-Ghods, Tehran 14678, Iran |
IRGC-owned group of companies. Uses IRGC engineering resources for construction acting as prime contractor on major projects including tunnelling, assessed to support the Iranian ballistic missile and nuclear programmes. |
24.6.2008 |
9. |
Malek Ashtar University |
Linked to the Ministry of Defence, set up a missiles training course in 2003, in close collaboration with the AIO. |
24.6.2008 |
10. |
Marine Industries |
Pasdaran Av., PO Box 19585/777, Tehran |
A subsidiary of the DIO. |
24.4.2007 |
11. |
Mechanic Industries Group |
Took part in the production of components for the ballistics programme. |
24.6.2008 |
12. |
Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL) |
West side of Dabestan Street, Abbas Abad District, Tehran |
Responsible for Iran's defence research, development and manufacturing programmes, including support to missile and nuclear programmes. |
24.6.2008 |
13. |
Ministry of Defence Logistics Export (MODLEX) |
P.O. Box 16315-189, Tehran, Iran |
It is the export arm of MODAFL, and the agency used for exporting finished weapons in state-to-state transactions. Under UNSCR 1747 (2007) MODLEX should not be trading. |
24.6.2008 |
14. |
3M Mizan Machinery Manufacturing |
Front company for the AIO, taking part in ballistics procurement. |
24.6.2008 |
15. |
Nuclear Fuel Production and Procurement Company (NFPC) |
AEOI-NFPD, P.O.Box: 11365-8486, Tehran/Iran |
Nuclear Fuel Production Division (NFPD) of AEOI is research and development in the field of nuclear fuel cycle including: uranium exploration, mining, milling, conversion and nuclear waste management. The NFPC is the successor to the NFPD, the subsidiary company under the AEOI that runs research and development in the nuclear fuel cycle including conversion and enrichment. |
24.4.2007 |
16. |
Parchin Chemical Industries |
Worked on propulsion techniques for the Iranian ballistics programme. |
24.6.2008 |
17. |
Special Industries Group |
Pasdaran Av., PO Box 19585/777, Tehran |
A subsidiary of the DIO. |
24.4.2007 |
18. |
State Purchasing Organisation (SPO) |
The SPO appears to facilitate the import of whole weapons. It appears to be a subsidiary of MODAFL. |
24.6.2008’ |
Branches and subsidiaries within the jurisdiction of the Member States of banks domiciled in Iran referred to in Article 3b(1)(b)’
Branches and subsidiaries, outside the jurisdiction of the Member States, of banks domiciled in Iran as well as financial entities that are neither domiciled in Iran nor within the jurisdiction of the Member States but are controlled by persons and entities domiciled in Iran referred to in Article 3b(1)(c) and (d)’