Official Journal
of the European Communities
ISSN 0378-6978

L 201
Volume 44
26 July 2001
English editionLegislation

ContentsI Acts whose publication is obligatory
*Council Regulation (EC) No 1512/2001 of 23 July 2001 amending Regulation (EC) No 1254/1999 on the common organisation of the market in beef and veal 1
*Council Regulation (EC) No 1513/2001 of 23 July 2001 amending Regulations No 136/66/EEC and (EC) No 1638/98 as regards the extension of the period of validity of the aid scheme and the quality strategy for olive oil 4
*Council Regulation (EC) No 1514/2001 of 23 July 2001 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1696/71 on the common organisation of the market in hops 8
*Council Regulation (EC) No 1515/2001 of 23 July 2001 on the measures that may be taken by the Community following a report adopted by the WTO Dispute Settlement Body concerning anti-dumping and anti-subsidy matters 10
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1516/2001 of 25 July 2001 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables 12
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1517/2001 of 25 July 2001 fixing the maximum export refund for white sugar for the 49th partial invitation to tender issued within the framework of the standing invitation to tender provided for in Regulation (EC) No 1531/2000 14
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1518/2001 of 25 July 2001 fixing the maximum export refund for white sugar for the first partial invitation to tender issued within the framework of the standing invitation to tender provided for in Regulation (EC) No 1430/2001 15
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1519/2001 of 25 July 2001 fixing the representative prices and the additional import duties for molasses in the sugar sector 16
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1520/2001 of 25 July 2001 fixing the export refunds on white sugar and raw sugar exported in its unaltered state 18
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1521/2001 of 25 July 2001 determining the extent to which import rights applications submitted in July 2001 under the tariff quotas for beef provided for by Regulation (EC) No 1216/2001 for Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania may be accepted 20
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1522/2001 of 25 July 2001 determining the extent to which the applications for import licences submitted in July 2001 for certain dairy products under certain tariff quotas opened by Regulation (EC) No 1374/98 can be accepted 21
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1523/2001 of 25 July 2001 amending representative prices and additional duties for the import of certain products in the sugar sector 23

II Acts whose publication is not obligatory
European Central Bank
*Decision of the European Central Bank of 5 July 2001 amending Decision ECB/1998/4 on the adoption of the conditions of employment of staff of the European Central Bank (ECB/2001/6) 25
Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a limited period.
The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk.