

Official Journal of the European Union

C 285/34

Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 24 September 2008 — HUP Uslugi Polska v OHIM — (I.T.@MANPOWER)

(Case T-248/05) (1)

(Community trade mark - Invalidity proceedings - Communityword mark ‘I.T.@MANPOWER’ - Absolute grounds for refusal - Distinctive character - Lack of descriptive character - No signs or indications which have become customary - Not a trade mark of such a nature as to deceive the public - Article 7(1)(b), (c), (d) and (g) and Article 51(1)(a) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94)

(2008/C 285/61)

Language of the case: English


Applicant: HUP Uslugi Polska sp. z o.o., formerly HP Temporärpersonalgesellschaft mbH (Czeladz, Poland) (represented by: M. Ciresa, lawyer)

Defendant: Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (represented by: A. Folliard-Monguiral, acting as Agent)

Other party to the proceedings before the Board of Appeal of OHIM intervening before the Court of First Instance: Manpower Inc. (Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States) (represented by: R. Moscona and V. Marsland, Solicitors, and A. Bryson, Barrister)


Action brought against the decision of the Fourth Board of Appeal of OHIM of 5 April 2005 (Case R 124/2004-4) concerning invalidity proceedings between MP Temporärpersonal GmbH and Manpower Inc.

Operative part of the order

The Court:


Dismisses the action;


Orders HUP Uslugi Polska sp. z o.o. to pay the costs.

(1)  OJ C 217, 3.9.2005.