Official Journal
of the European Communities
ISSN 0378-6986

C 62
Volume 44
27 February 2001
English editionInformation and Notices

Notice NoContents

I Information
2001/C 62/01Euro exchange rates 1
2001/C 62/02Prior notification of a concentration (Case COMP/M.2227 — Goldman Sachs/Messer Griesheim) (1) 2
2001/C 62/03Notice of application for a prospecting licence — Italian republic — Region of Sicily — Industrial inspectorate — Regional mining department — Regional office for hydrocarbons and geothermal energy 3
II Preparatory Acts

III Notices
2001/C 62/04Outcome of the invitations to tender (Community food aid) 4
2001/C 62/05Budget heading B2-1630 — Innovative measures under Article 6 of the European Social Fund Regulation: "Adaptation to the new economy within the framework of social dialogue" — Call for proposals VP/2001/005 5
2001/C 62/06Texts published in the Official Journal of the European Communities C 62 E 6
Official Journal of the European Communities C 62 E
EN(1) Text with EEA relevance