18.2.2020 |
EN |
Official Journal of the European Union |
L 44/1 |
of 4 October 2019
amending, for the purposes of its adaptation to technical and scientific progress, Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures and correcting that Regulation
(Text with EEA relevance)
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (1), and in particular Articles 37(5) and 53(1) thereof,
(1) |
Table 3 of Part 3 of Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 contains the list of harmonised classification and labelling of hazardous substances based on the criteria set out in Parts 2 to 5 of Annex I to that Regulation. |
(2) |
Proposals to introduce harmonised classification and labelling of certain substances and to update or delete the harmonised classification and labelling of certain other substances have been submitted to the European Chemicals Agency (‘Agency’) pursuant to Article 37 of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008. Based on the opinions on those proposals issued by the Committee for Risk Assessment of the Agency (RAC), as well as on the comments received from the parties concerned, it is appropriate to introduce, update or delete harmonised classification and labelling of certain substances. Those RAC opinions (2) are:
(3) |
Acute Toxicity Estimates (ATE) are mainly used to determine the classification for human health acute toxicity of mixtures containing substances classified for acute toxicity. The inclusion of harmonised ATE values in the entries listed in Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 facilitates the harmonisation of the classification of mixtures and provides support for enforcement authorities. Following further scientific assessments of some substances, ATE values have been calculated for methylmercuric chloride, pentapotassium 2,2’,2’’,2’’’,2’’’’-(ethane-1,2-diylnitrilo)pentaacetate, N-carboxymethyliminobis(ethylenenitrilo)tetra(acetic acid), pentasodium (carboxylatomethyl)iminobis(ethylenenitrilo)tetraacetate (DTPA), ethylene oxide, oxirane and metaldehyde (ISO), 2,4,6,8-tetramethyl-1,3,5,7-tetraoxacyclooctane, in addition to those proposed in the RAC opinions. Those ATE values should be inserted in the penultimate column of Table 3 of Part 3 of Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008. |
(4) |
In its scientific opinion of 22 September 2017 on the substance cobalt, RAC proposed to classify that substance as carcinogen category 1B with a specific concentration limit of ≥ 0,01 %. However, the methodology used to determine a specific concentration limit required further assessment, in particular of its applicability to metal compounds. It is therefore appropriate not to introduce, for the time being, any specific concentration limit in Table 3 of Part 3 of Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 for cobalt, in which case the general concentration limit of ≥ 0,1 % applies, in accordance with Table 3.6.2 of Annex I to that Regulation. |
(5) |
In its scientific opinion of 14 September 2017 on the substance titanium dioxide, RAC proposed to classify that substance as carcinogen category 2 by inhalation. As titanium dioxide-induced lung carcinogenicity is associated with inhalation of respirable titanium dioxide particles, retention and poor solubility of the particles in the lung, it is appropriate to define respirable titanium dioxide particles in the titanium dioxide entry. The deposited particles, but not solutes of titanium dioxide, are assumed to be responsible for the observed toxicity in the lung and subsequent tumour development. In order to avoid unjustified classification of non-hazardous forms of the substance, specific notes should be laid down for the classification and labelling of the substance and mixtures containing it. In addition, as some hazardous dust or droplets could be formed during the use of mixtures containing titanium dioxide, it is necessary to inform the users of the precautionary measures that need to be taken to minimise the hazard for human health. |
(6) |
With regard to the substances pentapotassium 2,2’,2’’,2’’’,2’’’’-(ethane-1,2-diylnitrilo)pentaacetate, N-carboxymethyliminobis(ethylenenitrilo)tetra(acetic acid) and pentasodium (carboxylatomethyl)iminobis(ethylenenitrilo)tetraacetate (DTPA), the classification as acute toxicant category 4 and specific target organ toxicant -repeated exposure (category 2) recommended in the RAC opinions of 9 June 2017 should be included in Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008, since sufficient scientific evidence is available justifying those new classifications. With regard to the substances pentapotassium 2,2’,2’’,2’’’,2’’’’-(ethane-1,2-diylnitrilo)pentaacetate and N-carboxymethyliminobis(ethylenenitrilo)tetra(acetic acid), the classification as eye irritant category 2, recommended in the RAC opinions of 9 June 2017, should be included in Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008, since sufficient scientific evidence is available justifying those new classifications. However, the classification of the substances pentapotassium 2,2’,2’’,2’’’,2’’’’’-(ethane-1,2-diylnitrilo)pentaacetate, N-carboxymethyliminobis(ethylenenitrilo)tetra(acetic acid) and pentasodium (carboxylatomethyl)iminobis(ethylenenitrilo)tetraacetate (DTPA), as toxic for reproduction category 1B should not be included, since it requires further assessment by RAC in view of new scientific data on toxicity for reproduction presented by the industry after the RAC opinions were forwarded to the Commission. |
(7) |
Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 should therefore be amended accordingly. |
(8) |
Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 contains the harmonised classification, labelling and packaging for the substance pitch, coal tar, high temp. The Commission amended the harmonised classification, labelling and packaging of that substance by Commission Regulation (EU) No 944/2013 (3) with effect from 1 April 2016. Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/669 (4) further amended Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008. However, due to an administrative oversight, certain amendments – the validity of which was not affected by the judgment of the General Court in Case T-689/13 (5) as upheld by the judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-691/15 P (6) – introduced by Regulation (EU) No 944/2013 were not reflected in Regulation (EU) 2018/669. That Regulation will become applicable as of 1 December 2019. Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 should therefore be corrected, with effect from the same date. |
(9) |
To ensure that suppliers of substances and mixtures have time to adapt to the new classification and labelling provisions, the application of this Regulation should be deferred. |
(10) |
In order to be consistent with the approach underpinning Article 61(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008, suppliers should have the possibility of applying the classification, labelling and packaging provisions introduced by this Regulation on a voluntary basis before its date of application, |
Article 1
Amendments to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008
Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 is amended as follows:
(1) |
Annex II is amended as set out in Annex I to this Regulation; |
(2) |
Annex III is amended as set out in Annex II to this Regulation; |
(3) |
Annex VI is amended as set out in Annex III to this Regulation. |
Article 2
Correction to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008
Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 is corrected as set out in Annex IV to this Regulation.
Article 3
Entry into force and application
This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
It shall apply from 9 September 2021.
However, Article 2 shall apply from 1 December 2019.
Substances and mixtures may, before 9 September 2021, be classified, labelled and packaged in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 as amended by this Regulation.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at Brussels, 4 October 2019.
For the Commission
The President
Jean-Claude JUNCKER
(1) OJ L 353, 31.12.2008, p. 1.
(2) https://echa.europa.eu/registry-of-clh-intentions-until-outcome/-/dislist/name/-/ecNumber/-/casNumber/-/dte_receiptFrom/-/dte_receiptTo/-/prc_public_status/Opinion+Adopted/dte_withdrawnFrom/-/dte_withdrawnTo/-/sbm_expected_submissionFrom/-/sbm_expected_submissionTo/-/dte_finalise_deadlineFrom/-/dte_finalise_deadlineTo/-/haz_addional_hazard/-/lec_submitter/-/dte_assessmentFrom/-/dte_assessmentTo/-/prc_regulatory_programme/-/
(3) Commission Regulation (EU) No 944/2013 of 2 October 2013 amending, for the purposes of its adaptation to technical and scientific progress, Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (OJ L 261, 3.10.2013, p. 5).
(4) Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/669 of 16 April 2018 amending, for the purposes of its adaptation to technical and scientific progress, Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (OJ L 115, 4.5.2018, p. 1).
(5) Judgment of the General Court of 7 October 2015, Bilbaína de Alquitranes and Others v Commission, T-689/13, EU:T:2015:767.
(6) Judgment of the Court of 22 November 2017, Commission v Bilbaína de Alquitranes and Others, C-691/15 P, EU:C:2017:882.
Part 2 of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 is amended as follows:
(1) |
The introductory paragraph is amended as follows: ‘The statements set out in sections 2.1 to 2.10 and 2.12 shall be assigned to mixtures in accordance with Article 25(6).’ |
(2) |
Section 2.12 is added:
In Part 3 of Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008, the following rows EUH 211 and EUH 212 are inserted:
‘EUH211 |
Language |
BG |
Внимание! При пулверизация могат да се образуват опасни респирабилни капки. Не вдишвайте пулверизираната струя или мъгла. |
ES |
¡Atención! Al rociar pueden formarse gotas respirables peligrosas. No respirar el aerosol. |
CS |
Pozor! Při postřiku se mohou vytvářet nebezpečné respirabilní kapičky. Nevdechujte aerosoly nebo mlhu. |
DA |
Advarsel! Der kan danne sig farlige respirable dråber, når der sprayes. Undgå indånding af spray eller tåge. |
DE |
Achtung! Beim Sprühen können gefährliche lungengängige Tröpfchen entstehen. Aerosol oder Nebel nicht einatmen. |
ET |
Hoiatus! Pihustamisel võivad tekkida ohtlikud sissehingatavad piisad. Pihustatud ainet või udu mitte sisse hingata. |
EL |
Προσοχή! Κατά τον ψεκασμό μπορούν να σχηματιστούν επικίνδυνα εισπνεύσιμα σταγονίδια. Μην αναπνέετε το εκνέφωμα ή τα σταγονίδια. |
EN |
Warning! Hazardous respirable droplets may be formed when sprayed. Do not breathe spray or mist. |
FR |
Attention! Des gouttelettes respirables dangereuses peuvent se former lors de la pulvérisation. Ne pas respirer les aérosols ni les brouillards. |
GA |
Aire! D’fhéadfaí braoiníní guaiseacha inanálaithe a chruthú nuair a spraeáiltear an táirge seo. Ná hanálaigh sprae ná ceo. |
HR |
Upozorenje! Pri prskanju mogu nastati opasne respirabilne kapljice. Ne udisati aerosol ni maglicu. |
IT |
Attenzione! In caso di vaporizzazione possono formarsi goccioline respirabili pericolose. Non respirare i vapori o le nebbie. |
LV |
Uzmanību! Izsmidzinot var veidoties bīstami ieelpojami pilieni. Ne smidzinājumu, ne miglu neieelpot. |
LT |
Atsargiai! Purškiant gali susidaryti pavojingų įkvepiamų lašelių. Neįkvėpti rūko ar aerozolio. |
HU |
Figyelem! Permetezés közben veszélyes, belélegezhető cseppek képződhetnek. A permetet vagy a ködöt nem szabad belélegezni. |
MT |
Twissija! Jista’ jifforma qtar perikoluż li jinġibed man-nifs meta tisprejja minn dan. Tiġbidx l-isprej jew l-irxiex man-nifs. |
NL |
Let op! Bij verneveling kunnen gevaarlijke inhaleerbare druppels worden gevormd. Spuitnevel niet inademen. |
PL |
Uwaga! W przypadku rozpylania mogą się tworzyć niebezpieczne respirabilne kropelki. Nie wdychać rozpylonej cieczy lub mgły. |
PT |
Atenção! Podem formar-se gotículas inaláveis perigosas ao pulverizar. Não respirar a pulverização ou névoas. |
RO |
Avertizare! Se pot forma picături respirabile periculoase la pulverizare. Nu respirați prin pulverizare sau ceață. |
SK |
Pozor! Pri rozprašovaní sa môžu vytvárať nebezpečné respirabilné kvapôčky. Nevdychujte aerosóly ani hmlu. |
SL |
Pozor! Pri razprševanju lahko nastanejo nevarne vdihljive kapljice. Ne vdihavajte razpršila ali meglic. |
FI |
Varoitus! Vaarallisia keuhkorakkuloihin kulkeutuvia pisaroita saattaa muodostua suihkutuksen yhteydessä. Älä hengitä suihketta tai sumua. |
SV |
Varning! Farliga respirabla droppar kan bildas vid sprejning. Inandas inte sprej eller dimma.’ |
‘EUH212 |
Language |
BG |
Внимание! При употреба може да се образува опасен респирабилен прах. Не вдишвайте праха. |
ES |
¡Atención! Al utilizarse, puede formarse polvo respirable peligroso. No respirar el polvo. |
CS |
Pozor! Při použití se může vytvářet nebezpečný respirabilní prach. Nevdechujte prach. |
DA |
Advarsel! Der kan danne sig farligt respirabelt støv ved anvendelsen. Undgå indånding af støv. |
DE |
Achtung! Bei der Verwendung kann gefährlicher lungengängiger Staub entstehen. Staub nicht einatmen. |
ET |
Hoiatus! Kasutamisel võib tekkida ohtlik sissehingatav tolm. Tolmu mitte sisse hingata. |
EL |
Προσοχή! Κατά τη χρήση μπορεί να σχηματιστεί επικίνδυνη εισπνεύσιμη σκόνη. Μην αναπνέετε τη σκόνη. |
EN |
Warning! Hazardous respirable dust may be formed when used. Do not breathe dust. |
FR |
Attention! Une poussière respirable dangereuse peut se former lors de l’utilisation. Ne pas respirer cette poussière. |
GA |
Aire! D’fhéadfaí deannach guaiseach inanálaithe a chruthú nuair a úsáidtear an táirge seo. Ná hanálaigh deannach. |
HR |
Upozorenje! Pri prskanju može nastati opasna respirabilna prašina. Ne udisati prašinu. |
IT |
Attenzione! In caso di utilizzo possono formarsi polveri respirabili pericolose. Non respirare le polveri. |
LV |
Uzmanību! Izmantojot var veidoties bīstami ieelpojami putekļi. Putekļus neieelpot. |
LT |
Atsargiai! Naudojant gali susidaryti pavojingų įkvepiamų dulkių. Neįkvėpti dulkių. |
HU |
Figyelem! Használatkor veszélyes, belélegezhető por képződhet. A port nem szabad belélegezni. |
MT |
Twissija! Meta jintuża dan, jista’ jifforma trab perikoluż li jinġibed man-nifs. Tiġbidx it-trab man-nifs. |
NL |
Let op! Bij gebruik kunnen gevaarlijke inhaleerbare stofdeeltjes worden gevormd. Stof niet inademen. |
PL |
Uwaga! W przypadku stosowania może się tworzyć niebezpieczny pył respirabilny. Nie wdychać pyłu. |
PT |
Atenção! Podem formar-se poeiras inaláveis perigosas ao pulverizar. Não respirar as poeiras. |
RO |
Avertizare! Se poate forma pulbere respirabilă periculoasă în timpul utilizării. Nu inspirați pulberea. |
SK |
Pozor! Pri použití sa môže vytvárať nebezpečný respirabilný prach. Nevdychujte prach. |
SL |
Pozor! Pri uporabi lahko nastane nevaren vdihljiv prah. Prahu ne vdihavajte. |
FI |
Varoitus! Vaarallista keuhkorakkuloihin kulkeutuvaa pölyä saattaa muodostua käytön yhteydessä. Älä hengitä pölyä. |
SV |
Varning! Farligt respirabelt damm kan bildas vid användning. Inandas inte damm.’ |
Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 is amended as follows:
(1) |
Part 1 is amended as follows:
(2) |
in Part 3, Table 3 is amended as follows:
In Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008, in table 3, the row with Index No ‘648-055-00-5’ is replaced by the following:
Index No |
Chemical name |
EC No |
Cas No |
Classification |
Labelling |
Specific Conc. Limits, M-factors and ATEs |
Notes |
Hazard Class and Category Code(s) |
Hazard statement Code(s) |
Pictogram, Signal Word Code(s) |
Hazard statement Code(s) |
Suppl. Hazard statement Code(s) |
‘648-055-00-5 |
pitch, coal tar, high-temp.; [The residue from the distillation of high temperature coal tar. A black solid with an approximate softening point from 30 °C to 180 °C (86 °F to 356 °F). Composed primarily of a complex mixture of three or more membered condensed ring aromatic hydrocarbons.] |
266-028-2 |
65996-93-2 |
Carc. 1A Muta. 1B Repr. 1B |
H350 H340 H360FD |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H360FD’. |