7.12.2015 |
EN |
Official Journal of the European Union |
C 406/45 |
Order of the Civil Service Tribunal (Single Judge) of 27 October 2015 — Ameryckx v Commission
(Case F-140/14) (1)
((Civil service - Member of the contract staff - Function group - Grading - Plea of inadmissibility - Concept of an act adversely affecting the applicant - Confirmatory decision - New and substantial fact - Manifest inadmissibility))
(2015/C 406/47)
Language of the case: French
Applicant: Marianella Ameryckx (Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium) (represented by: S. Rodrigues and A. Tymen, lawyers)
Defendant: European Commission (represented by: C. Berardis-Kayser and G. Berscheid, Agents)
Application for annulment of the Commission’s decision refusing to ‘reconstruct’ the applicant’s career by re-grading her, from 1 March 2005, in a higher function group, and an application for compensation in respect of the material and non-material harm allegedly incurred.
Operative part of the order
1. |
The action is dismissed. |
2. |
Ms Ameryckx is to bear her own costs and is ordered to pay the costs incurred by the European Commission. |