

Official Journal of the European Union

C 48/4

Judgment of the Court

(First Chamber)

of 15 December 2005

in Case C-26/04: Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Spain (1)

(Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations - Directive 76/160/EEC - Quality of bathing waters - Designation as bathing areas - Directive 79/923/EEC - Quality of shellfish waters - Establishment of a pollution reduction programme)

(2006/C 48/08)

Language of the case: Spanish

In Case C-26/04, action under Article 226 EC for failure to fulfil obligations, brought on 27 January 2004, Commission of the European Communities (Agent: M.G.Valero Jordana) v Kingdom of Spain (Agent: M.E. Braquehais Conesa) — the Court (First Chamber), composed of P. Jann, President of the Chamber, K. Schiemann, N. Colneric, J.N. Cunha Rodrigues (Rapporteur) and E. Levits, Judges; F.G. Jacobs, Advocate General; R. Grass, Registrar, gave a judgment on 15 December 2005, in which it:


Declares that, by failing to adopt a pollution reduction programme for the shellfish waters of the Ría de Vigo, the Kingdom of Spain has failed to fulfil its obligations under Article 5 of Council Directive 79/923/EEC of 30 October 1979 on the quality required of shellfish waters;


Dismisses the remainder of the action;


Orders the Commission of the European Communities and the Kingdom of Spain to bear their own costs.

(1)  OJ C 71 of 20.03.2004.