ISSN 1725-2423

Official Journal

of the European Union

C 59A

European flag  

English edition

Information and Notices

Volume 52
13 March 2009

Notice No





2009/C 059A/01

Corrigendum to the notice of open competitions to constitute a reserve pool of Administrators (AD 5) of Bulgarian, Cypriot, Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Romanian, Slovak and Slovenian citizenship in the field of public health: EPSO/AD/144/09 — Public health — EPSO/AD/145/09 — Food safety (policy and legislation) — EPSO/AD/146/09 — Food safety (audit, inspection and evaluation) (OJ C 9 A of 14.1.2009)


2009/C 059A/02

Corrigendum to the notice of open competitions to constitute a reserve pool of Administrators (AD 5) of Bulgarian and Romanian citizenship: EPSO/AD/147/09 — European public administration — EPSO/AD/148/09 — Law — EPSO/AD/149/09 — Economics — EPSO/AD/150/09 — Microeconomics/Business administration — EPSO/AD/151/09 — Audit (OJ C 14 A of 21.1.2009)


2009/C 059A/03

Corrigendum to the notice of open competitions to constitute a reserve pool of heads of unit (AD 9) in the field of interpreting: EPSO/AD/152/09 for the Czech language (CS) — EPSO/AD/153/09 for the Lithuanian language (LT) — EPSO/AD/154/09 for the Maltese language (MT) — EPSO/AD/155/09 for the Slovak language (SK) — EPSO/AD/156/09 for the Slovenian language (SL) (OJ C 21 A of 28.1.2009)


2009/C 059A/04

Corrigendum to the notices of open competitions to constitute a reserve pool of Assistants: EPSO/AST/77/09 — Assistants (AST 1) with Cypriot citizenship (CY) — EPSO/AST/78/09 — Assistants (AST 1) with Czech citizenship (CZ) — EPSO/AST/79/09 — Assistants (AST 1) with Estonian citizenship (EE) — EPSO/AST/80/09 — Assistants (AST 1) with Hungarian citizenship (HU) — EPSO/AST/81/09 — Assistants (AST 1) with Lithuanian citizenship (LT) — EPSO/AST/82/09 — Assistants (AST 1) with Latvian citizenship (LV) — EPSO/AST/83/09 — Assistants (AST 1) with Maltese citizenship (MT) — EPSO/AST/84/09 — Assistants (AST 1) with Polish citizenship (PL) — EPSO/AST/85/09 — Assistants (AST 1) with Slovenian citizenship (SI) — EPSO/AST/86/09 — Assistants (AST 1) with Slovak citizenship (SK) in the secretarial field (OJ C 28 A of 4.2.2009)