

Official Journal of the European Union

L 47/12


No 100/2007

of 28 September 2007

amending Annex I (Veterinary and phytosanitary matters) to the EEA Agreement


Having regard to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, as amended by the Protocol adjusting the Agreement on the European Economic Area, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Agreement’, and in particular Article 98 thereof,



Annex I to the Agreement was amended by Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 74/2007 of 6 July 2007 (1).


Commission Regulation (EC) No 184/2007 of 20 February 2007 concerning the authorisation of potassium diformate (Formi LHS) as a feed additive (2) is to be incorporated into the Agreement.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 186/2007 of 21 February 2007 concerning the authorisation of a new use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Biosaf SC 47) as a feed additive (3) is to be incorporated into the Agreement.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 226/2007 of 1 March 2007 concerning the authorisation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-1077 (Levucell SC20 and Levucell SC10 ME) as a feed additive (4) is to be incorporated into the Agreement.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 242/2007 of 6 March 2007 concerning the authorisation of endo-1,4-beta xylanase EC (Belfeed B1100MP and Belfeed B1100ML) as a feed additive (5) is to be incorporated into the Agreement.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 243/2007 of 6 March 2007 concerning the authorisation of 3-phytase (Natuphos) as a feed additive (6), as corrected by OJ L 130, 22.5.2007, p. 48, is to be incorporated into the Agreement.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 244/2007 of 7 March 2007 concerning the authorisation of L-histidine monohydrochloride monohydrate as a feed additive (7) is to be incorporated into the Agreement,


Article 1

The following points shall be inserted after point 1zzzi (Commission Regulation (EC) No 188/2007) in Chapter II of Annex I to the Agreement:


32007 R 0184: Commission Regulation (EC) No 184/2007 of 20 February 2007 concerning the authorisation of potassium diformate (Formi LHS) as a feed additive (OJ L 63, 1.3.2007, p. 1).


32007 R 0186: Commission Regulation (EC) No 186/2007 of 21 February 2007 concerning the authorisation of a new use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Biosaf SC 47) as a feed additive (OJ L 63, 1.3.2007, p. 6).


32007 R 0226: Commission Regulation (EC) No 226/2007 of 1 March 2007 concerning the authorisation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-1077 (Levucell SC20 and Levucell SC10 ME) as a feed additive (OJ L 64, 2.3.2007, p. 26).


32007 R 0242: Commission Regulation (EC) No 242/2007 of 6 March 2007 concerning the authorisation of endo-1,4-beta xylanase EC (Belfeed B1100MP and Belfeed B1100ML) as a feed additive (OJ L 73, 13.3.2007, p. 1).


32007 R 0243: Commission Regulation (EC) No 243/2007 of 6 March 2007 concerning the authorisation of 3-phytase (Natuphos) as a feed additive (OJ L 73, 13.3.2007, p. 4), as corrected by OJ L 130, 22.5.2007, p. 48.


32007 R 0244: Commission Regulation (EC) No 244/2007 of 7 March 2007 concerning the authorisation of L-histidine monohydrochloride monohydrate as a feed additive (OJ L 73, 13.3.2007, p. 6).’

Article 2

The texts of Regulations (EC) No 184/2007, (EC) No 186/2007, (EC) No 226/2007, (EC) No 242/2007, (EC) No 243/2007, as corrected by OJ L 130, 22.5.2007, p. 48 and (EC) No 244/2007 in the Icelandic and Norwegian languages, to be published in the EEA Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, shall be authentic.

Article 3

This Decision shall enter into force on 29 September 2007, provided that all the notifications under Article 103(1) of the Agreement have been made to the EEA Joint Committee (*1).

Article 4

This Decision shall be published in the EEA Section of, and in the EEA Supplement to, the Official Journal of the European Union.

Done at Brussels, 28 September 2007.

For the EEA Joint Committee

The President


(1)   OJ L 328, 13.12.2007, p. 8.

(2)   OJ L 63, 1.3.2007, p. 1.

(3)   OJ L 63, 1.3.2007, p. 6.

(4)   OJ L 64, 2.3.2007, p. 26.

(5)   OJ L 73, 13.3.2007, p. 1.

(6)   OJ L 73, 13.3.2007, p. 4.

(7)   OJ L 73, 13.3.2007, p. 6.

(*1)  No constitutional requirements indicated.