20.12.2013 |
EN |
Official Journal of the European Union |
C 373/27 |
ICI education cooperation programme
Cooperation in higher education and training between the European Union and Australia, the European Union and Japan and the European Union and the Republic of Korea
Call for proposals 2013 for joint mobility projects (JMP) and joint degree projects (JDP)
2013/C 373/10
1. Objectives and description
The general objective is to enhance mutual understanding between people of the EU and the partner countries including broader knowledge of their languages, cultures and institutions and to enhance the quality of higher education and training by stimulating balanced partnerships between higher education and training institutions in the EU and in partner countries.
2. Eligible applicants
The following call is open to a consortium of higher education institutions and/or post-secondary vocational and training institutions.
Eligible applicants must be from one of the partner countries and from one of the 28 Member States of the European Union.
3. Eligible actions
There are two types of actions under this call, namely joint mobility projects and joint degree projects.
For joint mobility projects (JMP) support is provided to enable EU-partner country consortia of post-secondary vocational and training or higher education institutions, to carry out joint study and training programmes and to implement student and faculty mobility. Support includes lump sum funding for administration, grants for students and members of the academic and administrative staff. A consortium applying for an ICI-ECP joint mobility project must include at least two post-secondary vocational training or higher education institutions from two different EU Member States and at least two such institutions from the partner country. The maximum duration of JMP projects is 36 months. Special attention will be given to projects which include internships and work placements.
For joint degree projects (JDP) support is provided to develop and implement dual/double or joint degree programmes. Support includes lump sum funding for the development work and administration and grants for students and members of the academic and administrative staff. A consortium applying for an ICI-ECP joint degree project must include at least two higher education institutions from two different EU Member States and at least two institutions from the partner country. The maximum duration of JDP projects is 48 months. Special attention will be given to applications for joint degree projects.
Activities are planned to start in October 2014.
4. Award criteria
A. |
Significance of the project for the relationship between the EU and the partner countries and contribution to quality and excellence (20 %) will be determined by:
B. |
The quality of project implementation (80 %) will be determined by:
5. Budget
The EU budget available is approximately EUR 2,2 million. Comparable funding will be provided by the partner countries in accordance with the rules applicable for each of them (1).
The maximum amount of funding on the EU side will be EUR 350 000 for a four-year JDP project with two or more EU institutions and EUR 190 000 for a three-year JMP project with two EU institutions or EUR 197 500 for a three-year JMP project with three or more EU institutions.
6. Deadline
Applications have to be submitted both to the EU and the implementing institutions in Australia (Australian Government — Department of Education), Japan (Japan Student Services Organisation — JASSO), and in the Republic of Korea (National Research Foundation of Korea — NRF).
Applications on behalf of the EU lead institution must be sent to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency no later than 15 May 2014. Applications bearing a postmark after this date will not be considered. Applications must be sent to the following address:
The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency |
EU-ICI ECP Call for proposals 24/13 |
BOUR 02/17 |
Avenue du Bourget/Bourgetlaan 1 |
1049 Bruxelles/Brussel |
EU applications on behalf of the EU lead institution must be submitted on the correct form, duly completed, signed by the person authorised to enter into legally binding commitments on behalf of the applicant organisation and dated.
Australian applications and supporting documents should be sent by registered mail to:
The Director, Strategic Policy, Europe & Americas |
International and Infrastructure Group |
Department Education |
GPO Box 9880 |
Canberra ACT 2601 |
Japanese applications and supporting documents should be sent by registered mail to:
Tetsuya Yamamoto |
Director |
Student Exchange Support Division |
Student Exchange Department |
Japan Student Services Organisation (JASSO) |
2-2-1 Aomi, Koto-ku |
Tokyo 135-8630 |
Korean applications: https://ernd.nrf.re.kr/index.do
7. Further information
The Guidelines and the application forms are available on the following website:
Applications must be submitted using the form provided and they have to include all the annexes and information requested.
(1) Joint projects will be funded subject to the availability of budget in the partner country in question.