24.12.2016 |
EN |
Official Journal of the European Union |
L 356/3 |
of Accession to the Trade Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Colombia and Peru, of the other part, to take account of the accession of Ecuador
Contracting Parties to the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Member States of the European Union’,
of the one part, and
THE REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA (hereinafter referred to as ‘Colombia’),
THE REPUBLIC OF PERU (hereinafter referred to as ‘Peru’)
THE REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR (hereinafter referred to as ‘Ecuador’),
hereinafter also referred to as the ‘signatory Andean Countries’,
of the other part,
WHEREAS the Trade Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Colombia and Peru, of the other part (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Agreement’), was signed at Brussels on 26 June 2012, and some of its provisions have been applied, pursuant to Article 330 thereof, between the European Union and Peru since 1 March 2013 and between the European Union and Colombia since 1 August 2013;
WHEREAS the Treaty concerning the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union was signed at Brussels on 9 December 2011 and entered into force on 1 July 2013;
WHEREAS the Additional Protocol to the Agreement to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Additional Protocol’) was signed by the European Union, Colombia and Peru at Brussels on 30 June 2015;
WHEREAS Article 6 of the Agreement states that, for the purposes of the Agreement, ‘Party’ means the European Union or its Member States or the European Union and its Member States within their respective areas of competence as derived from the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (hereinafter referred to as the ‘EU Party’), or each of the signatory Andean Countries;
WHEREAS Article 7(1) of the Agreement states that the provisions of the Agreement apply to the bilateral trade and economic relations between, on the one part, each individual signatory Andean Country and, on the other part, the EU Party; but not to the trade and economic relations between individual signatory Andean Countries;
WHEREAS Article 329 of the Agreement lays down the provisions regarding the accession of other Member Countries of the Andean Community to the Agreement;
WHEREAS the European Union and Ecuador concluded negotiations on 17 July 2014;
WHEREAS the Trade Committee established pursuant to the Agreement was notified of the conclusion of the negotiations between the European Union and Ecuador on 5 September 2014;
WHEREAS Ecuador's accession to the Agreement is to become effective by means of the conclusion of a protocol of accession;
WHEREAS for the purposes of Ecuador's accession to the Additional Protocol, the provisions of the Additional Protocol should be integrated into the provisions of this Protocol;
WHEREAS the text of this Protocol has been approved by the Trade Committee established pursuant to the Agreement, in accordance with the procedures and requirements provided in Article 329(4) of the Agreement;
WHEREAS the Parties have therefore agreed to address the accession of Ecuador to the Agreement by means of this Protocol,
Article 1
Ecuador hereby becomes a Party to the Agreement, including the amendments thereto set out in the Additional Protocol.
Article 2
The title, the list of signatory Andean Countries, the eleventh recital and Articles 9, 11, 12, 13, 30, 41, 46, 48, 54, 57, 70, 78, 113, 120, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 137, 139, 142, 154, 167, 170, 202, 231, 232, 258, 278, 304 and 324 of the Agreement are amended in accordance with Annex I to this Protocol.
Article 3
1. The text set out in Annex II to this Protocol is added to Section B of Appendix 1 of Annex I to the Agreement.
2. The text set out in Annex III to this Protocol is inserted after the ‘Tariff elimination schedule of the EU Party for goods originating in Peru’ in Annex I to the Agreement.
Article 4
1. The text set out in Annex IV to this Protocol is added to Appendix 1 of Annex I to the Agreement.
2. The text set out in Annex V to this Protocol is added after the ‘Tariff elimination schedule of Peru for goods originating in the European Union’ in Annex I to the Agreement.
Article 5
The title of Section A of Appendix 2 of Annex I to the Agreement is replaced by the following:
Article 6
Annex II to the Agreement is amended in accordance with Annex VI to this Protocol.
Article 7
The text set out in Annex VII to this Protocol is added to Annex IV of the Agreement.
Article 8
Appendix 1 of Annex VI to the Agreement is replaced by the text set out in Annex VIII to this Protocol.
Article 9
The following contact points and websites for Ecuador are added under ‘A. Contact Points’ and ‘B. Free websites’ in Appendix 4 of Annex VI to the Agreement:
A. |
Contact Points ‘For Ecuador
B. |
Free websites ‘For Ecuador www.agrocalidad.gob.ec www.institutopesca.gob.ec www.controlsanitario.gob.ec www.comercioexterior.gob.ec’. |
Article 10
Section B of Annex VII to the Agreement is replaced by the text set out in Annex IX to this Protocol.
Article 11
The text set out in Annex X to this Protocol is added to Annex VII to the Agreement.
Article 12
Section B of Annex VIII to the Agreement is replaced by the text set out in Annex XI to this Protocol.
Article 13
The text set out in Annex XII to this Protocol is added to Annex VIII to the Agreement.
Article 14
Section B of Appendix 1 of Annex IX to the Agreement is replaced by the text set out in Annex XIII to this Protocol.
Article 15
The text set out in Annex XIV to this Protocol is added to Appendix 1 of Annex IX to the Agreement.
Article 16
Section B of Appendix 2 of Annex IX to the Agreement is replaced by the text set out in Annex XV to this Protocol.
Article 17
The text set out in Annex XVI to this Protocol is added to Appendix 2 of Annex IX to the Agreement.
Article 18
The following enquiry point for Ecuador is added to Annex X to the Agreement:
Ministerio de Comercio Exterior |
Avenida de los Shyris N 34-152 y Holanda |
Edificio Shyris Center |
Quito, Ecuador |
E-mail: direccion.servicios@comercioexterior.gob.ec’. |
Article 19
The text set out in Annex XVII to this Protocol is inserted after Annex XI as Annex XIa to the Agreement.
Article 20
Section B of Appendix 1 of Annex XII to the Agreement is replaced by the text set out in Annex XVIII to this Protocol.
Article 21
The text set out in Annex XIX to this Protocol is added to Appendix 1 of Annex XII to the Agreement.
Article 22
The following text is added to Appendix 2 of Annex XII to the Agreement:
‘4. Ecuador
Procurement portal of Ecuador: http://www.compraspublicas.gob.ec’.
Article 23
The following text is added to Appendix 3 of Annex XII to the Agreement:
‘4. Ecuador
Procurement portal of Ecuador: http://www.compraspublicas.gob.ec’.
Article 24
The following text is added to Appendix 1 of Annex XIII to the Agreement:
‘(d) |
Geographical indications of Ecuador for agricultural and foodstuff products, wines, spirit drinks and aromatised wines
Article 25
The following text is added to Appendix 2 of Annex XIII to the Agreement:
‘(c) |
Geographical indications of Ecuador for products other than agricultural and foodstuff products, wines, spirit drinks and aromatised wines
Article 26
The Joint Declarations by Ecuador and the EU Party set out in the Annex XX to this Protocol are inserted after the Joint Declaration by Colombia, Peru and the EU Party.
Article 27
1. This Protocol shall be concluded by the EU Party and each individual signatory Andean Country in accordance with their respective internal procedures.
2. The EU Party and each individual signatory Andean Country shall notify in writing the completion of their internal procedures required for the entry into force of this Protocol to all the Parties and to the Depositary referred to in paragraph 5.
3. This Protocol shall enter into force between the EU Party and each individual signatory Andean Country on the first day of the month following the date of receipt by the Depositary of the last notifications referred to in paragraph 2 with respect to the EU Party and the corresponding signatory Andean Country.
4. Notwithstanding paragraph 3, the Parties agree that this Protocol may be provisionally applied pending the completion of the internal procedures of the EU Party for its entry into force. The provisional application of this Protocol between the EU Party and each individual signatory Andean Country shall begin on the first day of the month following the date of receipt by the Depositary of the following:
(a) |
the EU Party's notification regarding the completion of the procedures necessary for that purpose; and |
(b) |
each individual signatory Andean Country's instrument of ratification in accordance with its procedures and applicable legislation. |
5. Notifications shall be sent to the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union, who shall act as Depositary of this Protocol.
6. Where, in accordance with paragraph 4, a provision of the Agreement is applied by the Parties pending the entry into force of this Protocol, any reference in such a provision to the date of entry into force of this Protocol shall be understood to refer to the date from which the Parties agree to apply that provision in accordance with paragraph 4.
Article 28
This Protocol shall be drawn up in quadruplicate in the Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish languages, each of these texts being equally authentic.
Article 29
This Protocol shall form an integral part of the Agreement.
The Annexes to this Protocol shall form an integral part thereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, duly authorised to this effect, have signed this Protocol.
Съставено в Брюксел на единадесети ноември през две хиляди и шестнадесета година.
Hecho en Bruselas, el once de noviembre de dos mil dieciséis.
V Bruselu dne jedenáctého listopadu dva tisíce šestnáct.
Udfærdiget i Bruxelles den ellevte november to tusind og seksten.
Geschehen zu Brüssel am elften November zweitausendsechzehn.
Kahe tuhande kuueteistkümnenda aasta novembrikuu üheteistkümnendal päeval Brüsselis.
Έγινε στις Βρυξέλλες, στις ένδεκα Νοεμβρίου δύο χιλιάδες δεκαέξι.
Done at Brussels on the eleventh day of November in the year two thousand and sixteen.
Fait à Bruxelles, le onze novembre deux mille seize.
Sastavljeno u Bruxellesu jedanaestog studenoga godine dvije tisuće šesnaeste.
Fatto a Bruxelles, addì undici novembre duemilasedici.
Briselē, divi tūkstoši sešpadsmitā gada vienpadsmitajā novembrī.
Priimta du tūkstančiai šešioliktų metų lapkričio vienuoliktą dieną Briuselyje.
Kelt Brüsszelben, a kétezer-tizenhatodik év november havának tizenegyedik napján.
Magħmul fi Brussell, fil-ħdax-il jum ta’ Novembru fis-sena elfejn u sittax.
Gedaan te Brussel, elf november tweeduizend zestien.
Sporządzono w Brukseli dnia jedenastego listopada roku dwa tysiące szesnastego.
Feito em Bruxelas, em onze de novembro de dois mil e dezasseis.
Întocmit la Bruxelles la unsprezece noiembrie două mii șaisprezece.
V Bruseli jedenásteho novembra dvetisícšestnásť.
V Bruslju, dne enajstega novembra leta dva tisoč šestnajst.
Tehty Brysselissä yhdentenätoista päivänä marraskuuta vuonna kaksituhattakuusitoista.
Som skedde i Bryssel den elfte november år tjugohundrasexton.
Voor het Koninkrijk België
Pour le Royaume de Belgique
Für das Königreich Belgien
Deze handtekening verbindt eveneens de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, de Franse Gemeenschap, de Duitstalige Gemeenschap, het Vlaamse Gewest, het Waalse Gewest en het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest.
Cette signature engage également la Communauté française, la Communauté flamande, la Communauté germanophone, la Région wallonne, la Région flamande et la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale.
Diese Unterschrift bindet zugleich die Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft, die Flämische Gemeinschaft, die Französische Gemeinschaft, die Wallonische Region, die Flämische Region und die Region Brüssel-Hauptstadt.
За Република България
Za Českou republiku
For Kongeriget Danmark
Für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Eesti Vabariigi nimel
Thar cheann Na hÉireann
For Ireland
Για την Ελληνική Δημοκρατία
Por el Reino de España
Pour la République française
Za Republiku Hrvatsku
Per la Repubblica italiana
Για την Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία
Latvijas Republikas vārdā –
Lietuvos Respublikos vardu
Pour le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Magyarország részéről
Għar-Reppubblika ta' Malta
Voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
Für die Republik Österreich
W imieniu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Pela República Portuguesa
Pentru România
Za Republiko Slovenijo
Za Slovenskú republiku
Suomen tasavallan puolesta
För Republiken Finland
För Konungariket Sverige
For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
За Европейския съюз
Рог la Unión Europea
Za Evropskou unii
For Den Europæiske Union
Für die Europäische Union
Euroopa Liidu nimel
Για την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση
For the European Union
Pour l'Union européenne
Za Europsku uniju
Per l'Unione europea
Eiropas Savienības vārdā –
Europos Sąjungos vardu
Az Európai Unió részéről
Għall-Unjoni Ewropea
Voor de Europese Unie
W imieniu Unii Europejskiej
Pela União Europeia
Pentru Uniunea Europeană
Za Európsku úniu
Za Evropsko unijo
Euroopan unionin puolesta
För Europeiska unionen
Por la República de Colombia
Por la República del Perú
Por la República del Ecuador
The Trade Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Colombia and Peru, of the other part, is amended as follows:
(1) |
the title is replaced by the following: ‘TRADE AGREEMENT between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Colombia, Peru and Ecuador, of the other part’. |
(2) |
the list of signatory Andean Countries is replaced by the following: ‘THE REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA (hereinafter referred to as “Colombia”), THE REPUBLIC OF PERU (hereinafter referred to as “Peru”) and THE REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR (hereinafter referred to as “Ecuador”), hereinafter also referred to as the ‘signatory Andean Countries’, of the other part,’. |
(3) |
the eleventh recital is replaced by the following: ‘CONSIDERING the difference in economic and social development among the Andean Countries as well as between the signatory Andean Countries and the European Union and its Member States;’. |
(4) |
in Article 9(1), the words ‘to the territories of Colombia and Peru’ are replaced by the words ‘to the territories of Colombia, Peru and Ecuador’. |
(5) |
in Article 11, the fifth indent is replaced by the following:
" |
(6) |
in Article 12, paragraph 3 is replaced by the following: ‘3. The Trade Committee shall meet on a rotational basis, in Bogota, Brussels, Lima and Quito, unless the Parties agree otherwise. The Trade Committee shall be chaired by each Party for a period of one year, on a rotational basis.’. |
(7) |
in Article 13, paragraph 3 is replaced by the following: ‘3. The Trade Committee may examine the impact of this Agreement on the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (hereinafter referred to as “Micro and SMEs”) of the Parties (2), including any resulting benefits.
" |
(8) |
in Article 30, subparagraph (a) is replaced by the following:
(9) |
Article 41 is replaced by the following: ‘Article 41 Investigating Authorities For the purposes of this Section, “investigating authority” means:
(10) |
Article 46 is replaced by the following: ‘Article 46 Investigating Authority For the purposes of this Section, “investigating authority” means:
(11) |
in Article 48, paragraph 1 is replaced by the following: ‘1. Notwithstanding Section 2 (Multilateral Safeguard Measures), if as a result of concessions under this Agreement, a product originating in a Party is being imported into the territory of another Party in such increased quantities, in absolute terms or relative to domestic production, and under such conditions as to cause or threaten to cause serious injury to domestic producers (3) of like or directly competitive products, the importing Party may adopt appropriate measures under the conditions and in accordance with the procedures laid down in this Section.
" |
(12) |
in Article 54, paragraph 2 is replaced by the following: ‘2. If consultations under paragraph 1 do not result in an agreement on compensation within 30 days of the offer to consult, and the importing Party decides to extend the safeguard measure, the Party whose products are subject to the safeguard measure may suspend the application of substantially equivalent concessions to the trade of the Party extending the measure. (4)
" |
(13) |
Article 57 is replaced by the following: ‘Article 57 Competent Authority For the purpose of this Section, “competent authority” means:
(14) |
Article 70 is replaced by the following: ‘Article 70 Implementation 1. The provisions of Article 59, subparagraph 2(f), and Article 60 shall apply to Peru two years after the entry into force of this Agreement. 2. The provisions of Article 60, with the exception of those concerning advance rulings on tariff classification, and Article 62 shall apply to Ecuador two years after the entry into force of the Protocol of Accession to this Agreement to take account of the accession of Ecuador.’. |
(15) |
in Article 78, subparagraph 1(a) is replaced by the following:
" |
(16) |
in Article 113, the following paragraph is inserted: ‘3a. In the sectors for which market access commitments are listed in Annex VII (List of Commitments on Establishment) by Ecuador, and subject to any conditions and qualifications set out therein, Ecuador shall grant to establishments and investors of the EU Party, with respect to all measures affecting establishment, treatment no less favourable than that it accords to its own like establishments and investors.’. |
(17) |
in Article 120, the following paragraph is inserted: ‘3a. In the sectors where market access commitments are listed in Annex VIII (List of Commitments on Cross-Border Supply of Services) by Ecuador, and subject to any conditions and qualifications set out therein, Ecuador shall grant to services and service suppliers of the EU Party, with respect to all measures affecting the cross-border supply of services, treatment no less favourable than that it accords to its own like services and service suppliers.’. |
(18) |
in Article 123, subparagraph (b) of the sixth indent is replaced by the following:
" |
(19) |
in Article 124(1), the text in footnote (35) is replaced by the following:
(20) |
in Article 126, the following paragraph is inserted: ‘3a. Ecuador and the EU Party shall allow the supply of services into their territory through presence of natural persons, by contractual services suppliers of the EU Party and Ecuador respectively subject to the conditions specified in paragraph 4 and in Appendix 2 of Annex IX (Reservations Regarding Temporary Presence of Natural Persons for Business Purposes) for each of the following sectors:
(21) |
in Article 127, the following paragraph is inserted: ‘3a. Ecuador and the EU Party shall allow the supply of services into their territory by independent professionals of the EU Party and Ecuador respectively through presence of natural persons, subject to the conditions specified in paragraph 4 and in Appendix 2 of Annex IX (Reservations Regarding Temporary Presence of Natural Persons for Business Purposes) for each of the following sectors:
(22) |
in Article 128(1), the text in footnote (39) is replaced by the following:
(23) |
in Article 137(1), the text in footnote (41) is replaced by the following:
(24) |
Article 139 is replaced by the following: ‘Article 139 Scope of Application This Section sets out the principles of the regulatory framework for telecommunications services, other than broadcasting (43), committed pursuant to Chapters 2 (Establishment), 3 (Cross-Border Supply of Services) and 4 (Temporary Presence of Natural Persons for Business Purposes). (44) (45) (7). (43) “Broadcasting” is defined as the uninterrupted chain of transmission required for the distribution of TV and radio programme signals to the general public, but does not cover contribution links between operators." (44) Between the EU Party and Peru, this Section shall only apply to telecommunication services offered to the general public that involve the real-time transmission of customer-supplied information between two or more points without any end-to-end change in the form or content of the customer's information." (45) Between the EU Party and Colombia, this Section shall also apply to value added telecommunications services. For greater certainty and for the purposes of this Section and Annex VII (List of Commitments on Establishment) and Annex VIII (List of Commitments on Cross-Border Supply of Services), for Colombia and the EU Party, “value added telecommunications services” are telecommunications services for which suppliers “add value” to the customer's information by enhancing its form or content or by providing for its storage and retrieval." (7)
" |
(25) |
in Article 142, the text in footnote (49) is replaced by the following:
(26) |
in Article 154(1), the introductory text is replaced by the following: ‘Notwithstanding other provisions of this Title or Title V (Current Payments and Movements of Capital), a Party may adopt or maintain for prudential reasons (8), measures such as: (8)
" |
(27) |
in subparagraph 1(e) of Article 167, the text in footnote (55) is replaced by the following:
(28) |
Article 170 is amended as follows:
(29) |
in Article 202, paragraphs 2 and 3 are replaced by the following: ‘2. The European Union and Colombia shall accede to the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks adopted at Madrid on 27 June 1989 (hereinafter referred to as the “Madrid Protocol”) within 10 years from the signature of this Agreement. Peru and Ecuador shall make all reasonable efforts to adhere to the Madrid Protocol. 3. The European Union and Peru shall make all reasonable efforts to comply with the Trademark Law Treaty adopted in Geneva on 27 October 1994 (hereinafter referred to as the “Trademark Law Treaty”). Colombia and Ecuador shall make all reasonable efforts to adhere to the Trademark Law Treaty.’. |
(30) |
Article 231 is amended as follows:
(31) |
Article 232 is replaced by the following: ‘Article 232 The Parties shall cooperate to promote and ensure the protection of plant varieties based on the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (hereinafter referred to as the “UPOV Convention”), as revised on 19 March 1991 (10), including the optional exception to the right of the breeder as referred to in Article 15(2) of such Convention.
" |
(32) |
in Article 258, paragraph 1 is replaced by the following: ‘1. For the purposes of this Title:
" |
(33) |
in Article 278, the text in footnote (81) is replaced by the following:
(34) |
Article 304 is amended as follows:
(35) |
in Article 324, subparagraphs 2(d) and 2(e) are replaced by the following:
" (13)
" |
(3a) |
In Ecuadorian law, a “physical person” (“persona física”) is referred to as a “natural person” (“persona natural”).’. |
(4a) |
In the case of Ecuador, this examination may include the impact on the Actores de la Economía Popular y Solidaria (“AEPYS”) (Popular and Solidarity Economy Stakeholders).’. |
(9a) |
For the purposes of this Article, with respect to Ecuador, serious injury or a threat of serious injury to domestic producers shall also be understood as serious injury or a threat of serious injury in an infant industry.’. |
(10a) |
With respect to Ecuador, compensation in the form of concessions or the suspension of substantially equivalent concessions shall take place only after the bilateral safeguard measure has been applied for three years.’. |
(11a) |
Ecuador shall recognise a self-declaration from the supplier that the product conforms to the technical regulations of the European Union as sufficient proof of conformity with Ecuadorian technical regulations. This form of recognition shall remain in force until the EU Party and Ecuador agree on an alternative to replace it within the Trade Committee.’. |
(33a) |
The EU Party acknowledges that membership of an accredited profession is not mandatory in Ecuador.’. |
(43) “Broadcasting” is defined as the uninterrupted chain of transmission required for the distribution of TV and radio programme signals to the general public, but does not cover contribution links between operators.
(44) Between the EU Party and Peru, this Section shall only apply to telecommunication services offered to the general public that involve the real-time transmission of customer-supplied information between two or more points without any end-to-end change in the form or content of the customer's information.
(45) Between the EU Party and Colombia, this Section shall also apply to value added telecommunications services. For greater certainty and for the purposes of this Section and Annex VII (List of Commitments on Establishment) and Annex VIII (List of Commitments on Cross-Border Supply of Services), for Colombia and the EU Party, “value added telecommunications services” are telecommunications services for which suppliers “add value” to the customer's information by enhancing its form or content or by providing for its storage and retrieval.
(45a) |
Between the EU Party and Ecuador, this Section shall also apply to value added telecommunications services. For greater certainty and for the purposes of this Section and Annex VII (List of Commitments on Establishment) and Annex VIII (List of Commitments on Cross-Border Supply of Services), for Ecuador and the EU Party, “value added telecommunications services” are telecommunications services for which suppliers “add value” to the customer's information by enhancing its form or content or by providing for its storage and retrieval.’. |
(52a) |
The term “prudential reasons” may include the maintenance of the safety, soundness, integrity or financial responsibility of individual financial service suppliers.’. |
(72a) |
This provision shall apply with respect to Ecuador five years after the entry into force of the Protocol of Accession to this Agreement to take account of the accession of Ecuador.’. |
(72b) |
At the moment of the signature of the Protocol of Accession to this Agreement to take account of the accession of Ecuador, the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants of 2 December 1961, as revised on 23 October 1978, is in force in Ecuador.’. |
(76a) |
For Ecuador, Article 336 of the Constitución de la Republica del Ecuador (Constitution of Ecuador), establishing the obligation for the State to ensure transparency and efficiency in the markets and foster competition, and the Ley Orgánica de Regulación y Control del Poder de Mercado (Organic Law on the Regulation and Control of Market Forces).’. |
(88a) |
Ecuador underlines that such initiatives should also contribute to the strengthening of production capacities and to the sustainable economic development of the Parties. |
(88b) |
In this context, Ecuador underlines the importance of also considering projects related to Chapter 4 of Title III of this Agreement.’. |
1. |
The base rate of customs duty and staging category to determine the interim rate of customs duty at each stage of reduction are indicated for each tariff line in the Tariff Elimination Schedule of the EU Party included in this Subsection (hereinafter referred to as the “Schedule”). |
2. |
For the purposes of the elimination of customs duties, interim staged rates shall be rounded down at least to the nearest tenth of a percentage point or, if the rate of customs duty is expressed in monetary units, at least to the nearest tenth of a euro. |
3. |
For the purposes of this Subsection, “year one” means the year this Agreement enters into force as provided in Article 330 (Entry into Force) of this Agreement. |
4. |
For the purposes of this Subsection, beginning in year two, each annual reduction shall take effect on 1 January of the relevant year. |
5. |
If the entry into force of this Agreement falls on a date after 1 January and before 31 December of the same year, the in-quota quantity will be pro-rated on a proportional basis for the remainder of the calendar year. |
A. Tariff Elimination
Except as otherwise provided in the Schedule, the following categories shall apply to the elimination of customs duties by the EU Party pursuant to Article 22 (Elimination of Customs Duties) of Title III (Trade in Goods) of this Agreement:
(a) |
customs duties on goods originating in Ecuador (hereinafter referred to as “originating goods”) corresponding to the tariff lines in staging category (hereinafter referred to as “category”) “0” in the Schedule shall be eliminated entirely and such goods shall be free of any customs duty on the date this Agreement enters into force; |
(b) |
customs duties on originating goods corresponding to the tariff lines in category “3” in the Schedule shall be removed in four equal yearly stages beginning on the date this Agreement enters into force, and such goods shall be duty-free, effective on 1 January of year four; |
(c) |
customs duties on originating goods corresponding to the tariff lines in category “5” in the Schedule shall be removed in six equal yearly stages beginning on the date this Agreement enters into force, and such goods shall be duty-free, effective 1 January of year six; |
(d) |
customs duties on originating goods corresponding to the tariff lines in category “7” in the Schedule shall be removed in eight equal yearly stages beginning on the date this Agreement enters into force, and such goods shall be duty-free, effective 1 January of year eight; |
(e) |
customs duties on originating goods corresponding to the tariff lines in category “10” in the Schedule shall be removed in eleven equal yearly stages beginning on the date this Agreement enters into force, and such goods shall be duty-free, effective 1 January of year eleven; |
(f) |
customs duties on originating goods corresponding to the tariff lines in category “–” in the Schedule shall remain at base rate; these goods are excluded from duty elimination or reduction; |
(g) |
customs duties on originating goods provided for in the tariff lines in staging category ‘0+EP’ in the Schedule shall be eliminated on the date this Agreement enters into force; the liberalisation concerns the ad valorem duty only; the specific duty linked to the entry price system applicable for these originating goods as laid down in Section A of Appendix 2 of this Annex shall be maintained; |
(h) |
customs duties on originating goods provided for in the tariff lines in staging category “0/5+EP” in the Schedule shall be eliminated (i) for the period between 1 May and 31 October on the date this Agreement enters into force and (ii) for the period between 1 November and 30 April on 1 January of year six, in six equal yearly stages, beginning on the date this Agreement enters into force; the liberalisation concerns the ad valorem duty only; the specific duty linked to the entry price system applicable for these originating goods as laid down in Section A of Appendix 2 of this Annex shall be maintained; |
(i) |
for the tariff lines in staging category AV0 in the Schedule, the ad valorem element of the customs duty shall be eliminated on the entry into force of this Agreement; |
(j) |
for the tariff lines in staging category AV0-3 in the Schedule, the ad valorem element of the customs duty shall be eliminated on the entry into force of this Agreement; the specific element of the customs duty shall be removed in four equal stages beginning on the date this Agreement enters into force, and such goods shall thereafter be free of any customs duty; |
(k) |
for the tariff lines in staging category AV0-5 in the Schedule, the ad valorem element of the customs duty shall be eliminated on the entry into force of this Agreement; the specific element of the customs duty shall be removed in six equal stages beginning on the date this Agreement enters into force, and such goods shall thereafter be free of any customs duty; |
(l) |
for the tariff lines in staging category AV0-7 in the Schedule, the ad valorem element of the customs duty shall be eliminated on the entry into force of this Agreement; the specific element of the customs duty shall be removed in eight equal stages beginning on the date this Agreement enters into force, and such goods shall thereafter be free of any customs duty; |
(m) |
the following preferential customs duty on originating goods corresponding to the tariff lines in staging category “SP1” in the Schedule shall apply:
The preferential customs duties indicated in the table shall apply from the date of the entry into force of this Agreement; the duties shall not be retroactively reduced; In 2019, the EU Party and Ecuador shall examine the improvement of tariff liberalisation of goods included in staging category “SP1”; A stabilisation clause shall be based on the following elements:
(n) |
goods originating in Ecuador corresponding to the tariff lines in categories “GC”, “MM”, “MZ”, “RI”, “MC”, “RM”, “SC1”, “SC2”, “SR” and “SP” shall be liberalised within a tariff quota under the conditions laid down in point B of this Subsection. |
B. Tariff Quotas for specific goods
The following tariff concessions shall apply as from the date of entry into force of this Agreement on an annual basis to imports into the EU Party of originating goods.
The EU Party shall allow duty-free imports of the following quantities and goods:
(a) |
an aggregate quantity 500 metric tonnes of goods listed in category “GC”; |
(b) |
an aggregate quantity of 100 metric tonnes of goods listed in category “MM”; |
(c) |
an aggregate quantity of 37 000 metric tonnes, with an increase by 1 110 metric tonnes each year, of goods listed in category “MZ”; |
(d) |
an aggregate quantity of 5 000 metric tonnes of goods listed in category “RI” (1); |
(e) |
an aggregate quantity of 3 000 metric tonnes of goods listed in category “MC”; |
(f) |
an aggregate quantity of 250 hl of pure alcohol equivalent, with an increase by 10 hl each year, of goods listed in category “RM”; |
(g) |
an aggregate quantity of 400 metric tonnes of goods listed in category “SC1”; |
(h) |
an aggregate quantity of 300 metric tonnes of goods listed in category “SC2”; |
(i) |
an aggregate quantity of 15 000 metric tonnes, with an increase by 450 metric tonnes each year, of goods listed in category “SR” (raw sugar and panela). |
(j) |
an aggregate quantity of 10 000 metric tonnes expressed in raw sugar equivalent, with an increase by 150 metric tonnes each year, of goods listed in category “SP” (raw sugar of the standard quality with a yield in white sugar of 92 %). |
Relation with the Combined Nomenclature (hereinafter referred to as the “CN”) of the European Union: The provisions of this Schedule are generally expressed in terms of the CN, and the interpretation of the provisions of this Schedule, including the goods coverage of subheadings of this Schedule, shall be governed by the General Notes, Section Notes, and Chapter Notes of the CN. To the extent that provisions of this Schedule are identical to the corresponding provisions of the CN, the provisions of this Schedule shall have the same meaning as the corresponding provisions of the CN.
(1) Five years after the entry into force of this Agreement, the EU Party and Ecuador shall examine the possibility of improving market access for this product.’.”
CN 2007 |
Description |
Base rate |
Category |
0101 10 10 |
Pure-bred breeding horses |
Free |
0 |
0101 10 90 |
Pure-bred breeding asses |
7,7 |
0 |
0101 90 11 |
Horses for slaughter |
Free |
0 |
0101 90 19 |
Live horses (excl. those pure bred for breeding and for slaughter) |
11,5 |
0 |
0101 90 30 |
Live asses (excl. pure-bred for breeding) |
7,7 |
0 |
0101 90 90 |
Live mules and hinnies |
10,9 |
0 |
0102 10 10 |
Pure-bred breeding heifers (female bovines that have never calved) |
Free |
0 |
0102 10 30 |
Pure-bred breeding cows (excl. heifers) |
Free |
0 |
0102 10 90 |
Pure-bred breeding bovines (excl. heifers and cows) |
Free |
0 |
0102 90 05 |
Live domestic bovines of a weight <= 80 kg (excl. pure-bred breeding animals) |
10,2 + 93,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0102 90 21 |
Domestic bovines of a weight of > 80 kg and <= 160 kg, for slaughter |
10,2 + 93,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0102 90 29 |
Live domestic bovines of a weight of > 80 kg and <= 160 kg (excl. animals for slaughter and pure-bred breeding animals) |
10,2 + 93,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0102 90 41 |
Domestic bovines of a weight of > 160 kg and <= 300 kg, for slaughter |
10,2 + 93,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0102 90 49 |
Live domestic bovines of a weight of > 160 kg and <= 300 kg (excl. animals for slaughter and pure-bred breeding animals) |
10,2 + 93,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0102 90 51 |
Heifers (female domestic bovines that have never calved) of a weight of > 300 kg, for slaughter |
10,2 + 93,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0102 90 59 |
Live heifers (female domestic bovines that have never calved) of a weight of > 300 kg (excl. animals for slaughter and pure-bred breeding animals) |
10,2 + 93,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0102 90 61 |
Cows (female domestic bovines) of a weight of > 300 kg, for slaughter (excl. heifers) |
10,2 + 93,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0102 90 69 |
Live cows (female domestic bovines) of a weight of > 300 kg (excl. animals for slaughter, heifers and pure-bred breeding animals) |
10,2 + 93,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0102 90 71 |
Live domestic bovines of a weight of > 300 kg, for slaughter (excl. heifers and cows) |
10,2 + 93,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0102 90 79 |
Live domestic bovines of a weight of > 300 kg (excl. animals for slaughter, heifers, cows and pure-bred breeding animals) |
10,2 + 93,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0102 90 90 |
Live non-domestic bovines (excl. pure-bred for breeding) |
Free |
0 |
0103 10 00 |
Pure-bred breeding swine |
Free |
0 |
0103 91 10 |
Domestic swine, weighing < 50 kg (excl. pure-bred for breeding) |
41,2 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0103 91 90 |
Live non-domestic swine, weighing < 50 kg |
Free |
0 |
0103 92 11 |
Live domestic sows, having farrowed at least once, weighing >= 160 kg (excl. pure-bred for breeding) |
35,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0103 92 19 |
Live domestic swine, weighing >= 50 kg (excl. sows having farrowed at least once and weighing >= 160 kg, and those pure-bred for breeding) |
41,2 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0103 92 90 |
Live non-domestic swine, weighing >= 50 kg |
Free |
0 |
0104 10 10 |
Pure-bred sheep for breeding |
Free |
0 |
0104 10 30 |
Live lambs (sheep up to a year old) (excl. purebred breeding animals) |
80,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0104 10 80 |
Live sheep (excl. lambs and pure-bred breeding animals) |
80,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0104 20 10 |
Pure-bred breeding goats |
3,2 |
0 |
0104 20 90 |
Live goats (excl. pure-bred for breeding) |
80,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0105 11 11 |
Grandparent and parent female chicks of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus laying stocks of a weight of <= 185 g |
52 EUR/1 000 p/st |
0 |
0105 11 19 |
Grandparent and parent female chicks fowls of the species Gallus domesticus of a weight of <= 185 g (excl. laying stocks) |
52 EUR/1 000 p/st |
0 |
0105 11 91 |
Laying stock (fowls of the species Gallus domesticus) of a weight of <= 185 g (excl. grandparent and parent female chicks) |
52 EUR/1 000 p/st |
0 |
0105 11 99 |
Live fowls of the species Gallus domesticus of a weight of <= 185 g (excl. turkeys, guinea fowls, grandparent and parent female chicks and laying stocks) |
52 EUR/1 000 p/st |
0 |
0105 12 00 |
Live domestic turkeys, weighing <= 185 g |
152 EUR/1 000 p/st |
0 |
0105 19 20 |
Live domestic geese, weighing <= 185 g |
152 EUR/1 000 p/st |
0 |
0105 19 90 |
Live domestic ducks and guinea fowls, weighing <= 185 g |
52 EUR/1 000 p/st |
0 |
0105 94 00 |
Live fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing > 185 |
20,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0105 99 10 |
Live domestic ducks, weighing > 185 g |
32,3 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0105 99 20 |
Live domestic geese, weighing > 185 g |
31,6 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0105 99 30 |
Live domestic turkeys, weighing > 185 g |
23,8 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0105 99 50 |
Live domestic guinea fowls, weighing > 185 g |
34,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0106 11 00 |
Live primates |
Free |
0 |
0106 12 00 |
Live whales, dolphins and purpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea) and manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia) |
Free |
0 |
0106 19 10 |
Live domestic rabbits |
3,8 |
0 |
0106 19 90 |
Live mammals (excl. primates, whales, dolphins and purpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea), manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia), horses, asses, mules, hinnies, bovines, pigs, sheep, goats and domestic rabbits) |
Free |
0 |
0106 20 00 |
Live reptiles (e.g. snakes, turtles, alligators, caymans, iguanas, gavials and lizards) |
Free |
0 |
0106 31 00 |
Live birds of prey |
Free |
0 |
0106 32 00 |
Live psittaciformes (incl. parrots, parrakeets, macaws and cockatoos) |
Free |
0 |
0106 39 10 |
Live pigeons |
6,4 |
0 |
0106 39 90 |
Live birds (excl. birds of prey, psittaciformes (incl. parrots, parrakeets, macaws and cockatoos) and pigeons) |
Free |
0 |
0106 90 00 |
Live animals (excl. mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates and cultures of micro-organisms, etc.) |
Free |
0 |
0201 10 00 |
Carcases or half-carcases of bovine animals, fresh or chilled |
12,8 + 176,8 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0201 20 20 |
“Compensated” quarters of bovine animals with bone in, fresh or chilled |
12,8 + 176,8 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0201 20 30 |
Unseparated or separated forequarters of bovine animals, with bone in, fresh or chilled |
12,8 + 141,4 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0201 20 50 |
Unseparated or separated hindquarters of bovine animals, with bone in, fresh or chilled |
12,8 + 212,2 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0201 20 90 |
Fresh or chilled bovine cuts, with bone in (excl. carcases and half-carcases, (compensated quarters), forequarters and hindquarters) |
12,8 + 265,2 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0201 30 00 |
Fresh or chilled bovine meat, boneless |
12,8 + 303,4 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0202 10 00 |
Frozen bovine carcases and half-carcases |
12,8 + 176,8 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0202 20 10 |
Frozen “compensated” bovine quarters, with bone in |
12,8 + 176,8 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0202 20 30 |
Frozen unseparated or separated bovine forequarters, with bone in |
12,8 + 141,4 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0202 20 50 |
Frozen unseparated or separated bovine hindquarters, with bone in |
12,8 + 221,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0202 20 90 |
Frozen bovine cuts, with bone in (excl. carcases and half-carcases, “compensated” quarters, forequarters and hindquarters) |
12,8 + 265,3 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0202 30 10 |
Frozen bovine boneless forequarters, whole or cut in max. 5 pieces, each quarter in 1 block; “compensated” quarters in 2 blocks, one containing the forequarter, whole or cut in max. 5 pieces, and the other the whole hindquarter, excl. the tenderloin, in one piece |
12,8 + 221,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0202 30 50 |
Frozen bovine boneless crop, chuck and blade and brisket cuts |
12,8 + 221,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0202 30 90 |
Frozen bovine boneless meat (excl. forequarters, whole or cut into a maximum of five pieces, each quarter being in a single block “compensated” quarters in two blocks, one of which contains the forequarter, whole or cut into a maximum of five pieces, and the other, the hindquarter, excl. the tenderloin, in one piece, crop, chuck and blade and brisket cuts) |
12,8 + 304,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0203 11 10 |
Fresh or chilled domestic swine carcases and half-carcases |
53,6 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0203 11 90 |
Fresh or chilled non-domestic swine carcases and half-carcases |
Free |
0 |
0203 12 11 |
Fresh or chilled with bone in, domestic swine hams and cuts thereof |
77,8 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0203 12 19 |
Fresh or chilled with bone in, domestic swine shoulders and cuts thereof |
60,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0203 12 90 |
Fresh or chilled hams, shoulders and cuts thereof with bone in of non-domestic swine |
Free |
0 |
0203 19 11 |
Fresh or chilled fore-ends and cuts thereof of domestic swine |
60,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0203 19 13 |
Fresh or chilled loins and cuts thereof of domestic swine |
86,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0203 19 15 |
Fresh or chilled bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof of domestic swine |
46,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0203 19 55 |
Fresh or chilled boneless meat of domestic swine (excl. bellies and cuts thereof) |
86,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0203 19 59 |
Fresh or chilled boneless meat of domestic swine (excl. carcases and half-carcases, hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, and fore-ends, loins, bellies and cuts thereof) |
86,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0203 19 90 |
Fresh or chilled meat of non-domestic swine (excl. carcases and half-carcases, hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, boneless) |
Free |
0 |
0203 21 10 |
Frozen domestic swine carcases and half-carcases |
53,6 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0203 21 90 |
Frozen non-domestic swine carcases and half-carcases |
Free |
0 |
0203 22 11 |
Frozen boneless hams and cuts thereof of domestic swine |
77,8 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0203 22 19 |
Frozen boneless shoulders and cuts thereof of domestic swine |
60,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0203 22 90 |
Frozen boneless hams, shoulders and cuts thereof of non-domestic swine |
Free |
0 |
0203 29 11 |
Frozen fore-ends and cuts thereof of domestic swine |
60,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0203 29 13 |
Frozen loins and cuts thereof of domestic swine, with bone in |
86,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0203 29 15 |
Frozen bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof of domestic swine |
46,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0203 29 55 |
Frozen boneless meat of domestic swine (excl. bellies and cuts thereof) |
86,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0203 29 59 |
Frozen meat of domestic swine, with bone in (excl. carcases and half-carcases, hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, and fore-ends, loins, bellies and cuts thereof) |
86,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0203 29 90 |
Frozen meat of non-domestic swine (excl. carcases and half-carcases and hams, shoulders and cuts thereof) |
Free |
0 |
0204 10 00 |
Fresh or chilled lamb carcases and half-carcases |
12,8 + 171,3 EUR/100 kg/net |
10 |
0204 21 00 |
Fresh or chilled sheep carcases and half-carcases (excl. lambs) |
12,8 + 171,3 EUR/100 kg/net |
10 |
0204 22 10 |
Fresh or chilled sheep short forequarters |
12,8 + 119,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
10 |
0204 22 30 |
Fresh or chilled sheep chines and/or best ends |
12,8 + 188,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
10 |
0204 22 50 |
Fresh or chilled sheep legs |
12,8 + 222,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
10 |
0204 22 90 |
Fresh or chilled boneless cuts of sheep, with bone in (excl. carcases and half-carcases, short forequarters, chines and/or best ends, and legs) |
12,8 + 222,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
10 |
0204 23 00 |
Fresh or chilled boneless cuts of sheep |
12,8 + 311,8 EUR/100 kg/net |
10 |
0204 30 00 |
Frozen lamb carcases and half-carcases |
12,8 + 128,8 EUR/100 kg/net |
10 |
0204 41 00 |
Frozen sheep carcases and half-carcases (excl. lambs) |
12,8 + 128,8 EUR/100 kg/net |
10 |
0204 42 10 |
Frozen sheep short forequarters |
12,8 + 90,2 EUR/100 kg/net |
10 |
0204 42 30 |
Frozen sheep chines and/or best ends |
12,8 + 141,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
10 |
0204 42 50 |
Frozen sheep legs |
12,8 + 167,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
10 |
0204 42 90 |
Frozen cuts of sheep, with bone in (excl. carcases and half-carcases, short forequarters, chines and/or best ends, and legs) |
12,8 + 167,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
10 |
0204 43 10 |
Frozen meat of lambs, boneless, frozen |
12,8 + 234,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
10 |
0204 43 90 |
Frozen meat of sheep, boneless (excl. lamb) |
12,8 + 234,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
10 |
0204 50 11 |
Fresh or chilled goat carcases and half-carcases |
12,8 + 171,3 EUR/100 kg/net |
5 |
0204 50 13 |
Fresh or chilled goat short forequarters |
12,8 + 119,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
5 |
0204 50 15 |
Fresh or chilled goat chines and/or best ends |
12,8 + 188,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
5 |
0204 50 19 |
Fresh or chilled legs of goat |
12,8 + 222,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
5 |
0204 50 31 |
Fresh or chilled cuts of goat, with bone in (excl. carcases and half-carcases, short forequarters, chines and/or best ends, and legs) |
12,8 + 222,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
5 |
0204 50 39 |
Fresh or chilled boneless cuts of goat |
12,8 + 311,8 EUR/100 kg/net |
5 |
0204 50 51 |
Frozen goat carcases and half-carcases |
12,8 + 128,8 EUR/100 kg/net |
5 |
0204 50 53 |
Frozen goat short forequarters |
12,8 + 90,2 EUR/100 kg/net |
5 |
0204 50 55 |
Frozen goat chines and/or best ends |
12,8 + 141,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
5 |
0204 50 59 |
Frozen goat legs |
12,8 + 167,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
5 |
0204 50 71 |
Frozen cuts of goat, with bone in (excl. carcases and half-carcases, short forequarters, chines and/or best ends, and legs) |
12,8 + 167,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
5 |
0204 50 79 |
Frozen boneless cuts of goat |
12,8 + 234,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
5 |
0205 00 20 |
Fresh or chilled meat of horses, asses, mules or hinnies |
5,1 |
0 |
0205 00 80 |
Frozen meat of horses, asses, mules or hinnies |
5,1 |
0 |
0206 10 10 |
Fresh or chilled edible bovine offal for manufacture of pharmaceutical products |
Free |
0 |
0206 10 91 |
Fresh or chilled edible bovine livers (excl. for manufacture of pharmaceutical products) |
Free |
0 |
0206 10 95 |
Fresh or chilled edible bovine thick and thin skirt (excl. for manufacture of pharmaceutical products) |
12,8 + 303,4 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0206 10 99 |
Fresh or chilled edible bovine offal (excl. for manufacture of pharmaceutical products, livers and thick and thin skirt) |
Free |
0 |
0206 21 00 |
Frozen edible bovine tongues |
Free |
0 |
0206 22 00 |
Frozen edible bovine livers |
Free |
0 |
0206 29 10 |
Frozen edible bovine offal for manufacture of pharmaceutical products (excl. tongues and livers) |
Free |
0 |
0206 29 91 |
Frozen edible bovine thick and thin skirt (excl. for manufacture of pharmaceutical products) |
12,8 + 304,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0206 29 99 |
Frozen edible bovine offal (excl. for manufacture of pharmaceutical products, tongues, livers and thick and thin skirt) |
Free |
0 |
0206 30 00 |
Fresh or chilled edible offal of swine |
Free |
0 |
0206 41 00 |
Frozen edible livers of swine |
Free |
0 |
0206 49 20 |
Frozen edible offal of domestic swine (excl. livers) |
Free |
0 |
0206 49 80 |
Frozen edible offal of non-domestic swine (excl. livers) |
Free |
0 |
0206 80 10 |
Fresh or chilled edible offal of sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules and hinnies, for manufacture of pharmaceutical products |
Free |
0 |
0206 80 91 |
Fresh or chilled edible offal of horses, asses, mules and hinnies (excl. for manufacture of pharmaceutical products) |
6,4 |
0 |
0206 80 99 |
Fresh or chilled edible offal of sheep and goats (excl. for manufacture of pharmaceutical products) |
Free |
0 |
0206 90 10 |
Frozen edible offal of sheep, goats, horses, mules and hinnies, for manufacture of pharmaceutical products |
Free |
0 |
0206 90 91 |
Frozen edible offal of horses, asses, mules and hinnies (excl. for manufacture of pharmaceutical products) |
6,4 |
0 |
0206 90 99 |
Frozen edible offal of sheep and goats (excl. for manufacture of pharmaceutical products) |
Free |
0 |
0207 11 10 |
Fresh or chilled, plucked and gutted fowls of species Gallus domesticus, with heads and feet, known as “83 % chickens” |
26,2 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 11 30 |
Fresh or chilled, plucked and drawn fowls of species Gallus domesticus, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as “70 % chickens” |
29,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 11 90 |
Fresh or chilled, plucked and drawn fowls of species Gallus domesticus, without heads, feet, necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as “65 % chickens”, and other forms of fresh or chilled fowl, not cut in pieces (excl. “83 % and 70 % chickens”) |
32,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 12 10 |
Frozen fowls of species Gallus domesticus, plucked and drawn, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as “70 % chickens” |
29,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 12 90 |
Frozen fowls of species Gallus domesticus, plucked and drawn, without heads, feet, necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as “65 % chickens”, and other forms of fowl, not cut in pieces (excl. “70 % chickens”) |
32,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 13 10 |
Fresh or chilled boneless cuts of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus |
102,4 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 13 20 |
Fresh or chilled halves or quarters of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus |
35,8 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 13 30 |
Fresh or chilled whole wings, with or without tips, of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus |
26,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 13 40 |
Fresh or chilled backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus |
18,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 13 50 |
Fresh or chilled breasts and cuts thereof of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, with bone in |
60,2 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 13 60 |
Fresh or chilled legs and cuts thereof of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, with bone in |
46,3 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 13 70 |
Fresh or chilled cuts of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, with bone in (excl. halves and quarters, whole wings, with or without tips, backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips, breasts, legs and parts thereof) |
100,8 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 13 91 |
Fresh or chilled edible livers of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus |
6,4 |
0 |
0207 13 99 |
Fresh or chilled edible offal of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus (excl. livers) |
18,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 14 10 |
Frozen boneless cuts of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus |
102,4 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 14 20 |
Frozen halves or quarters of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus |
35,8 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 14 30 |
Frozen whole wings, with or without tips, of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus |
26,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 14 40 |
Frozen backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus |
18,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 14 50 |
Frozen breasts and cuts thereof of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, with bone in |
60,2 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 14 60 |
Frozen legs and cuts thereof of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, with bone in |
46,3 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 14 70 |
Frozen cuts of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, with bone in (excl. halves or quarters, whole wings, with or without tips, backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips, breasts, legs and cuts thereof) |
100,8 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 14 91 |
Frozen edible livers of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus |
6,4 |
0 |
0207 14 99 |
Frozen edible offal of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus (excl. livers) |
18,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 24 10 |
Fresh or chilled, plucked and drawn turkeys of the species domesticus, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as “80 % turkeys” |
34 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 24 90 |
Fresh or chilled, plucked and drawn turkeys of the species domesticus, without heads, feet, necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as “73 % turkeys”, and other forms of fresh or chilled turkeys, not cut in pieces (excl. “80 % turkeys”) |
37,3 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 25 10 |
Frozen turkeys of the species domesticus, plucked and drawn, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as “80 % turkeys” |
34 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 25 90 |
Frozen turkeys of the species domesticus, plucked and drawn, without heads, feet, necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as “73 % turkeys”, and other forms of turkeys, not cut in pieces (excl. “80 % turkeys”) |
37,3 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 26 10 |
Fresh or chilled boneless cuts of turkeys of the species domesticus |
85,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 26 20 |
Fresh or chilled halves or quarters of turkeys of the species domesticus |
41 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 26 30 |
Fresh or chilled whole wings, with or without tips, of turkeys of the species domesticus |
26,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 26 40 |
Fresh or chilled backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips of turkeys of the species domesticus |
18,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 26 50 |
Fresh or chilled breasts and cuts thereof of turkeys of the species domesticus, with bone in |
67,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 26 60 |
Fresh or chilled drumsticks and cuts thereof of turkeys of the species domesticus, with bone in |
25,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 26 70 |
Fresh or chilled legs and cuts thereof of turkeys of the species domesticus, with bone in (excl. drumsticks) |
46 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 26 80 |
Fresh or chilled cuts of turkeys of the species domesticus, with bone in (excl. halves or quarters, whole wings, with or without tips, backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips, breasts, legs and cuts thereof) |
83 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 26 91 |
Fresh or chilled edible livers of turkeys of the species domesticus |
6,4 |
0 |
0207 26 99 |
Fresh or chilled edible offal of turkeys of the species domesticus (excl. livers) |
18,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 27 10 |
Frozen boneless cuts of turkeys of the species domesticus |
85,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 27 20 |
Frozen halves and quarters of turkeys of the species domesticus |
41 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 27 30 |
Frozen whole wings, with or without tips, of turkeys of the species domesticus |
26,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 27 40 |
Frozen backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips of turkeys of the species domesticus |
18,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 27 50 |
Frozen breasts and cuts thereof of turkeys of the species domesticus, with bone in |
67,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 27 60 |
Frozen drumsticks and cuts thereof of turkeys of the species domesticus, with bone in |
25,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 27 70 |
Frozen legs and cuts thereof of turkeys of the species domesticus, with bone in (excl. drumsticks) |
46 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 27 80 |
Frozen cuts of turkeys of the species domesticus, with bone in (excl. halves or quarters, whole wings, with or without tips, backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips, breasts, legs and cuts thereof) |
83 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 27 91 |
Frozen edible livers of turkeys of the species domesticus |
6,4 |
0 |
0207 27 99 |
Frozen edible offal of turkeys of the species domesticus (excl. livers) |
18,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 32 11 |
Fresh or chilled, plucked, bled, gutted or not drawn ducks of the species domesticus with heads and feet, known as “85 % ducks” |
38 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 32 15 |
Fresh or chilled, plucked and drawn ducks of the species domesticus, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzard, known as “70 % ducks” |
46,2 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 32 19 |
Fresh or chilled, plucked and drawn ducks of the species domesticus, without heads, feet, necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as “63 % ducks”, and other forms of ducks, not cut in pieces (excl. “85 % and 70 % ducks”) |
51,3 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 32 51 |
Fresh or chilled, plucked, bled, not drawn geese of the species domesticus with heads and feet, called “82 % geese” |
45,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 32 59 |
Fresh or chilled, plucked and drawn geese of the species domesticus without heads and feet, with or without hearts and gizzards, known as “75 % geese”, and other forms of geese, not cut in pieces (excl. “82 % geese”) |
48,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 32 90 |
Fresh or chilled guinea fowls, not cut into pieces |
49,3 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 33 11 |
Frozen ducks of the species domesticus, plucked and drawn, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as “70 % ducks” |
46,2 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 33 19 |
Frozen ducks of the species domesticus, plucked and drawn, without heads, feet, necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as “63 % ducks”, and other forms of ducks, not cut in pieces (excl. “70 % ducks”) |
51,3 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 33 51 |
Frozen, plucked, bled, not drawn geese of the species domesticus with head and feet, known as “82 % geese” |
45,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 33 59 |
Frozen, plucked and drawn geese of the species domesticus without heads and feet, with or without heart and gizzards, known as “75 % geese”, and other forms of geese, not cut in pieces (excl. “82 % geese”) |
48,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 33 90 |
Frozen guinea fowls, not cut into pieces |
49,3 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 34 10 |
Fatty livers of domestic geese, edible, fresh or chilled |
Free |
0 |
0207 34 90 |
Fatty livers of domestic ducks, edible, fresh or chilled |
Free |
0 |
0207 35 11 |
Fresh or chilled boneless cuts of geese of the species domesticus |
110,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 35 15 |
Fresh or chilled boneless cuts of ducks and guinea fowls of the species domesticus |
128,3 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 35 21 |
Fresh or chilled halves or quarters of ducks of the species domesticus |
56,4 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 35 23 |
Fresh or chilled halves or quarters of geese of the species domesticus |
52,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 35 25 |
Fresh or chilled halves or quarters of guinea fowls of the species domesticus |
54,2 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 35 31 |
Fresh or chilled whole wings, with or without tips, of ducks, geese and guinea fowls of the species domesticus |
26,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 35 41 |
Fresh or chilled backs, neck, backs with neck attached, rumps and wing-tips of ducks, geese and guinea fowls of the species domesticus |
18,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 35 51 |
Fresh or chilled breasts and cuts thereof of geese of the species domesticus, with bone in |
86,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 35 53 |
Fresh or chilled breasts and cuts thereof of duck and guinea fowl of the species domesticus, with bone in |
115,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 35 61 |
Fresh or chilled legs and cuts thereof of geese of the species domesticus, with bone in |
69,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 35 63 |
Fresh or chilled legs and cuts thereof of ducks and guinea fowls of the species domesticus, with bone in |
46,3 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 35 71 |
Fresh or chilled paletots of the species domesticus |
66 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 35 79 |
Fresh or chilled cuts of ducks, geese and guinea fowls of the species domesticus, with bone in (excl. halves or quarters, whole wings, with or without tips, backs, necks, backs with neck attached, rumps and wing-tips, breasts, legs and cuts thereof, and goose or duck paletots) |
123,2 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 35 91 |
Fresh or chilled edible livers of ducks, geese or guinea fowls (excl. fatty livers) |
6,4 |
— |
0207 35 99 |
Fresh or chilled edible offal of ducks, geese and guinea fowls of the species domesticus (excl. livers) |
18,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 36 11 |
Frozen boneless cuts of geese of the species domesticus |
110,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 36 15 |
Frozen boneless cuts of ducks and guinea fowls of the species domesticus |
128,3 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 36 21 |
Frozen halves or quarters of ducks of the species domesticus |
56,4 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 36 23 |
Frozen halves or quarters of geese of the species domesticus |
52,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 36 25 |
Frozen halves or quarters of guinea fowls of the species domesticus |
54,2 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 36 31 |
Frozen whole wings, with or without tips, of ducks, geese and guinea fowls of the species domesticus |
26,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 36 41 |
Frozen backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips of ducks, geese and guinea fowls of the species domesticus |
18,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 36 51 |
Frozen breasts and cuts thereof of geese of the species domesticus, with bone in |
86,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 36 53 |
Frozen breasts and cuts thereof of ducks and guinea fowls of the species domesticus, with bone in |
115,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 36 61 |
Frozen legs and cuts thereof of geese of the species domesticus, with bone in |
69,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 36 63 |
Frozen legs and cuts thereof of ducks and guinea fowls of the species domesticus, with bone in |
46,3 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 36 71 |
Frozen paletots of geese or ducks of the species domesticus |
66 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 36 79 |
Frozen cuts of ducks, geese and guinea fowls of the species domesticus, with bone in (excl. halves or quarters, whole wings, with or without tips, backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips, breasts, legs and cuts thereof, and goose or duck paletots) |
123,2 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0207 36 81 |
Frozen edible fatty livers of geese of the species domesticus |
Free |
0 |
0207 36 85 |
Frozen edible fatty livers of ducks of the species domesticus |
Free |
0 |
0207 36 89 |
Frozen edible livers of ducks, geese or guinea fowls of the species domesticus (excl. fatty livers) |
6,4 |
0 |
0207 36 90 |
Frozen edible offal of ducks, geese and guinea fowls of the species domesticus (excl. livers) |
18,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0208 10 11 |
Fresh or chilled meat and edible meat offal of domestic rabbits |
6,4 |
0 |
0208 10 19 |
Frozen meat and edible meat offal of domestic rabbits |
6,4 |
0 |
0208 10 90 |
Fresh, chilled or frozen meat and edible offal of non-domestic rabbits and hares |
Free |
0 |
0208 30 00 |
Fresh, chilled or frozen meat and edible offal of primates |
9 |
0 |
0208 40 10 |
Fresh, chilled or frozen whales meat |
6,4 |
0 |
0208 40 90 |
Edible offal of whales and meat and edible offal of dolphins and purpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea) and of manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia), fresh, chilled or frozen |
9 |
0 |
0208 50 00 |
Fresh, chilled or frozen meat and edible offal of reptiles (e.g. snakes, turtles, crocodiles) |
9 |
0 |
0208 90 10 |
Fresh, chilled or frozen domestic pigeon meat and edible offal |
6,4 |
0 |
0208 90 20 |
Fresh, chilled or frozen meat and edible meat offal of quails |
Free |
0 |
0208 90 40 |
Fresh, chilled or frozen meat and edible meat offal of game (excl. rabbits, hares, pigs and quails) |
Free |
0 |
0208 90 55 |
Fresh, chilled or frozen seal meat |
6,4 |
0 |
0208 90 60 |
Fresh, chilled or frozen reindeer meat and edible offal thereof |
9 |
0 |
0208 90 70 |
Fresh, chilled or frozen frogs' legs |
6,4 |
0 |
0208 90 95 |
Meat and edible offal, fresh, chilled or frozen (excl. bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules, hinnies, poultry (fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, ducks, geese, turkeys, guinea fowls), rabbits, hares, primates, whales, dolphins and purpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea), manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia), reptiles, pigeons, game, seal meat, reindeer and frogs' legs) |
9 |
0 |
0209 00 11 |
Fresh, chilled or frozen subcutaneous pig fat, salted or in brine |
21,4 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0209 00 19 |
Dried or smoked subcutaneous pig fat |
23,6 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0209 00 30 |
Pig fat, not rendered or otherwise extracted |
12,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0209 00 90 |
Poultry fat, not rendered or otherwise extracted |
41,5 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0210 11 11 |
Domestic swine hams and cuts thereof, salted or in brine, with bone in |
77,8 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0210 11 19 |
Domestic swine shoulders and cuts thereof, salted or in brine, with bone in |
60,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0210 11 31 |
Domestic swine hams and cuts thereof, dried or smoked, with bone in |
151,2 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0210 11 39 |
Domestic swine shoulders and cuts thereof, dried or smoked, with bone in |
119 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0210 11 90 |
Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof of non-domestic swine, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, with bone in |
15,4 |
0 |
0210 12 11 |
Bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof of domestic swine, salted or in brine |
46,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0210 12 19 |
Bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof of domestic swine, dried or smoked |
77,8 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0210 12 90 |
Bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof of non-domestic swine, salted, in brine, dried or smoked |
15,4 |
0 |
0210 19 10 |
Bacon sides or spencers of domestic swine, salted or in brine |
68,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0210 19 20 |
Three-quarter-sides or middles of domestic swine, salted or in brine |
75,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0210 19 30 |
Fore-ends and cuts thereof of domestic swine, salted or in brine |
60,1 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0210 19 40 |
Loins and cuts thereof of domestic swine, salted or in brine |
86,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0210 19 50 |
Meat of domestic swine, salted or in brine (excl. hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, bellies and cuts thereof, bacon sides or spencers, three-quarter sides or middles, and fore-ends, loins and cuts thereof) |
86,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0210 19 60 |
Domestic swine fore-ends and cuts thereof, dried or smoked |
119 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0210 19 70 |
Domestic swine loins and cuts thereof, dried or smoked |
149,6 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0210 19 81 |
Dried or smoked boneless domestic swine meat (excl. bellies and cuts thereof) |
151,2 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0210 19 89 |
Dried or smoked domestic swine meat, with bone in (excl. hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, bellies and cuts thereof, and fore-ends, loins and cuts thereof) |
151,2 EUR/100 kg/net |
0 |
0210 19 90 |
Meat of non-domestic swine, salted, in brine, dried or smoked (excl. hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in, and bellies and cuts thereof) |
15,4 |
0 |
0210 20 10 |
Meat of bovine animals, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, with bone in |
15,4 + 265,2 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0210 20 90 |
Boneless meat of bovine animals, salted, in brine, dried or smoked |
15,4 + 303,4 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0210 91 00 |
Meat and edible offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, and edible flours and meals of meat and meat offal, of primates |
15,4 |
0 |
0210 92 00 |
Meat and edible offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, and edible flours and meals of meat and meat offal, of whales, dolphins and purpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea) and manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia) |
15,4 |
0 |
0210 93 00 |
Meat and edible offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, and edible flours and meals of meat and meat offal, of reptiles (e.g. snakes, turtles, alligators) |
15,4 |
0 |
0210 99 10 |
Horsemeat, salted, in brine or dried |
6,4 |
0 |
0210 99 21 |
Meat of sheep and goats, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, with bone in |
222,7 EUR/100 kg/net |
10 |
0210 99 29 |
Boneless meat of sheep and goats, salted, in brine, dried or smoked |
311,8 EUR/100 kg/net |
10 |
0210 99 31 |
Reindeer meat, salted, in brine, dried or smoked |
15,4 |
10 |
0210 99 39 |
Meat, salted, in brine, dried or smoked (excl. of swine, bovine animals, reindeer, sheep or goats, primates, whales, dolphins and purpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea), manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia), reptiles, and meat, salted, in brine or dried, of horses) |
130,0 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0210 99 41 |
Edible domestic swine livers, salted, in brine, dried or smoked |
64,9 EUR/100 kg/net |
10 |
0210 99 49 |
Edible domestic swine offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked (excl. livers) |
47,2 EUR/100 kg/net |
10 |
0210 99 51 |
Edible thick skirt and thin skirt of bovine animals, salted, in brine, dried or smoked |
15,4 + 303,4 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0210 99 59 |
Edible offal of bovine animals, salted, in brine, dried or smoked (excl. thick skirt and thin skirt) |
12,8 |
0 |
0210 99 60 |
Edible offal of sheep and goats, salted, in brine, dried or smoked |
15,4 |
0 |
0210 99 71 |
Edible fatty goose or duck livers, salted or in brine |
Free |
0 |
0210 99 79 |
Edible poultry liver, salted, in brine, dried or smoked (excl. fatty goose or duck livers) |
6,4 |
— |
0210 99 80 |
Edible offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked (excl. of domestic swine, bovine animals, sheep, goats, primates, whales, dolphins and purpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea), manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia), reptiles and poultry liver) |
15,4 |
0 |
0210 99 90 |
Edible flours and meals, of meat and meat offal |
15,4 + 303,4 EUR/100 kg/net |
— |
0301 10 10 |
Live ornamental freshwater fish |
Free |
0 |
0301 10 90 |
Live ornamental saltwater fish |
7,5 |
0 |
0301 91 10 |
Live trout (Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
8 |
0 |
0301 91 90 |
Live trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae) |
12 |
0 |
0301 92 00 |
Live eels (Anguilla spp.) |
Free |
0 |
0301 93 00 |
Live carp |
8 |
0 |
0301 94 00 |
Live bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus) |
16 |
0 |
0301 95 00 |
Live southern bluefin tunas (Thunnus maccoyii) |
16 |
0 |
0301 99 11 |
Live Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) |
2 |
0 |
0301 99 19 |
Live freshwater fish (excl. ornamental fish, trout, eels, carp, Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) |
8 |
0 |
0301 99 80 |
Live saltwater fish (excl. ornamental fish, trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster)), eels (Anguilla spp.), bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus) and southern bluefin tunas (Thunnus maccoyii)) |
16 |
0 |
0302 11 10 |
Fresh or chilled trout (Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
8 |
0 |
0302 11 20 |
Fresh or chilled trout of the species Oncorhynchus mykiss, with heads on and gills on, gutted, weighing > 1,2 kg each, or with heads off, gilled and gutted, weighing > 1 kg each |
12 |
0 |
0302 11 80 |
Fresh or chilled trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae) (excl. of the species Oncorhynchus mykiss, with heads on and gills on, gutted, weighing > 1,2 kg each, or with heads off, gilled and gutted, weighing > 1 kg each) |
12 |
0 |
0302 12 00 |
Fresh or chilled Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) |
2 |
0 |
0302 19 00 |
Fresh or chilled salmonidae (excl. trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster), Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) |
8 |
0 |
0302 21 10 |
Fresh or chilled lesser or Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) |
8 |
0 |
0302 21 30 |
Fresh or chilled Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) |
8 |
0 |
0302 21 90 |
Fresh or chilled Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) |
15 |
0 |
0302 22 00 |
Fresh or chilled plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) |
7,5 |
0 |
0302 23 00 |
Fresh or chilled sole (Solea spp.) |
15 |
0 |
0302 29 10 |
Fresh or chilled megrim (Lepidorhombus spp.) |
15 |
0 |
0302 29 90 |
Fresh or chilled flat fish (Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidae and Catharidae) (excl. lesser or Greenland halibut, Atlantic halibut, Pacific halibut, plaice, sole and megrim) |
15 |
0 |
0302 31 10 |
Fresh or chilled albacore or longfinned tunas (Thunnus alalunga) for industrial processing or preservation |
Free |
0 |
0302 31 90 |
Fresh or chilled albacore or longfinned tunas (Thunnus alalunga) (excl. for industrial processing or preservation) |
22 |
0 |
0302 32 10 |
Fresh or chilled yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) for industrial processing or preservation |
Free |
0 |
0302 32 90 |
Fresh or chilled yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) (excl. for industrial processing or preservation) |
22 |
0 |
0302 33 10 |
Fresh or chilled skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito for industrial processing or preservation |
Free |
0 |
0302 33 90 |
Fresh or chilled skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito (excl. for industrial processing or preservation) |
22 |
0 |
0302 34 10 |
Fresh or chilled bigeye tunas (Thunnus obesus) for industrial processing or preservation |
Free |
0 |
0302 34 90 |
Fresh or chilled bigeye tunas (Thunnus obesus) (excl. tunas for industrial processing or preservation) |
22 |
0 |
0302 35 10 |
Fresh or chilled bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus), for industrial processing or preservation |
Free |
0 |
0302 35 90 |
Fresh or chilled bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus) (excl. tunas for industrial processing or preservation) |
22 |
0 |
0302 36 10 |
Fresh or chilled Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnus maccoyii) for industrial processing or preservation |
Free |
0 |
0302 36 90 |
Fresh or chilled Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnus maccoyii) (excl. tunas for industrial processing or preservation) |
22 |
0 |
0302 39 10 |
Fresh or chilled tunas of the genus Thunnus for industrial processing or preservation (excl. Thunnus alalunga, Thunnus albacares, Thunnus obesus, Thunnus thynnus and Thunnus maccoyii) |
Free |
0 |
0302 39 90 |
Fresh or chilled tunas of the genus Thunnus (excl. tunas for industrial processing or preservation and Thunnus alalunga, Thunnus albacares, Thunnus obesus, Thunnus thynnus and Thunnus maccoyii) |
22 |
0 |
0302 40 00 |
Fresh or chilled herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) |
15 |
0 |
0302 50 10 |
Fresh or chilled cod (Gadus morhua) |
12 |
0 |
0302 50 90 |
Fresh or chilled cod (Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) |
12 |
0 |
0302 61 10 |
Fresh or chilled sardines (Sardina pilchardus) |
23 |
0 |
0302 61 30 |
Fresh or chilled sardines (Sardinops spp.) and sardinella (Sardinella spp.) |
15 |
0 |
0302 61 80 |
Fresh or chilled brisling or sprats (Sprattus sprattus) |
13 |
0 |
0302 62 00 |
Fresh or chilled haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) |
7,5 |
0 |
0302 63 00 |
Fresh or chilled coalfish (Pollachius virens) |
7,5 |
0 |
0302 64 00 |
Fresh or chilled mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus) |
20 |
0 |
0302 65 20 |
Fresh or chilled dogfish of the species squalus acanthias |
6 |
0 |
0302 65 50 |
Fresh or chilled dogfish of the species scyliorhinus spp. |
6 |
0 |
0302 65 90 |
Fresh or chilled sharks (excl. dogfish of the species Squalus acanthias and Scyliorhinus spp.) |
8 |
0 |
0302 66 00 |
Fresh or chilled eels (Anguilla spp.) |
Free |
0 |
0302 67 00 |
Fresh or chilled swordfish (Xiphias gladius) |
15 |
0 |
0302 68 00 |
Fresh or chilled toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) |
15 |
0 |
0302 69 11 |
Fresh or chilled carp |
8 |
0 |
0302 69 19 |
Fresh or chilled freshwater fish (excl. salmonidae, eels and carp) |
8 |
0 |
0302 69 21 |
Fresh or chilled saltwater fish of the genus Euthynnus for industrial processing or preservation (excl. skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito) |
Free |
0 |
0302 69 25 |
Fresh or chilled saltwater fish of the genus Euthynnus (excl. for industrial processing or preservation and skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito) |
22 |
0 |
0302 69 31 |
Fresh or chilled redfish (Sebastes marinus) |
7,5 |
0 |
0302 69 33 |
Fresh or chilled redfish (Sebastes spp.) (excl. Sebastes marinus) |
7,5 |
0 |
0302 69 35 |
Fresh or chilled saltwater fish of the species Boreogadus saida |
12 |
0 |
0302 69 41 |
Fresh or chilled whiting (Merlangius merlangus) |
7,5 |
0 |
0302 69 45 |
Fresh or chilled ling (Molva spp.) |
7,5 |
0 |
0302 69 51 |
Fresh or chilled Alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) and pollack (Pollachius pollachius) |
7,5 |
0 |
0302 69 55 |
Fresh or chilled anchovies (Engraulis spp.) |
15 |
0 |
0302 69 61 |
Fresh or chilled sea bream (Dentex dentex and Pagellus spp.) |
15 |
0 |
0302 69 66 |
Fresh or chilled Cape hake (shallow-water hake) (Merluccius capensis) and deepwater hake (deepwater Cape hake) (Merluccius paradoxus) |
15 |
0 |
0302 69 67 |
Fresh or chilled Southern hake (Merluccius australis) |
15 |
0 |
0302 69 68 |
Fresh or chilled hake of the genus Merluccius (excl. Cape hake (shallow-water hake), deepwater hake (deepwater Cape hake) and Southern hake) |
15 |
0 |
0302 69 69 |
Fresh or chilled hake of the genus Urophycis |
15 |
0 |
0302 69 75 |
Fresh or chilled ray's bream (Brama spp.) |
15 |
0 |
0302 69 81 |
Fresh or chilled monkfish (Lophius spp.) |
15 |
0 |
0302 69 85 |
Fresh or chilled blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou or Gadus poutassou) |
7,5 |
0 |
0302 69 86 |
Fresh or chilled southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis) |
7,5 |
0 |
0302 69 91 |
Horse mackerel in (scad) (Caranx trachurus, Trachurus trachurus), fresh or chilled |
15 |
0 |
0302 69 92 |
Fresh or chilled pink cusk-eel (Genypterus blacodes) |
7,5 |
0 |
0302 69 94 |
Fresh or chilled sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) |
15 |
0 |
0302 69 95 |
Fresh or chilled gilt-head seabreams (Sparus aurata) |
15 |
0 |
0302 69 99 |
Fresh or chilled saltwater fish, edible (excl. Salmonidae, flat fish, tunas, skipjack, herrings, cod, sardines, sardinella, sprats, haddock, coalfish, mackerel, sharks, eels (Anguilla spp.), swordfish, toothfish, fish of the genus redfish of the species Sebastes, Boreogadus saida, whiting, ling, Alaska pollack and pollack, anchovies, sea bream, hake, Ray's bream, monkfish, blue and southern blue whiting, horse mackerel, pink cusk-eel, sea bass and gilt-head seabreams) |
15 |
0 |
0302 70 00 |
Fresh or chilled fish livers and roes |
10 |
0 |
0303 11 00 |
Frozen sockeye salmon (red salmon) (Oncorhynchus nerka) |
2 |
0 |
0303 19 00 |
Frozen Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus) (excl. sockeye salmon (red salmon) (Oncorhynchus nerka)) |
2 |
0 |
0303 21 10 |
Frozen trout (Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
9 |
0 |
0303 21 20 |
Frozen trout of the species Oncorhynchus mykiss, with heads on and gills on, gutted, weighing > 1,2 kg each, or with heads off, gilled and gutted, weighing > 1 kg each |
12 |
0 |
0303 21 80 |
Frozen trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita and Oncorhynchus gilae) (excl. of the species Oncorhynchus mykiss, with heads on and gills on, gutted, weighing > 1,2 kg each, or with heads off, gilled and gutted, weighing > 1 kg each) |
12 |
0 |
0303 22 00 |
Frozen Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) |
2 |
0 |
0303 29 00 |
Frozen salmonidae (excl. Pacific salmon, Atlantic salmon, Danube salmon and trout) |
9 |
0 |
0303 31 10 |
Frozen lesser or Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) |
7,5 |
0 |
0303 31 30 |
Frozen Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) |
7,5 |
0 |
0303 31 90 |
Frozen Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) |
15 |
0 |
0303 32 00 |
Frozen plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) |
15 |
0 |
0303 33 00 |
Frozen sole (Solea spp.) |
7,5 |
0 |
0303 39 10 |
Frozen flounder (Platichthys flesus) |
7,5 |
0 |
0303 39 30 |
Frozen fish of the genus Rhombosolea |
7,5 |
0 |
0303 39 70 |
Frozen flat fish (Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidae and Citharidae) (excl. halibut, plaice, sole, flounder and Rhombosolea spp.) |
15 |
0 |
0303 41 11 |
Frozen whole albacore or longfinned tunas (Thunnus alalunga) for industrial processing or preservation |
Free |
0 |
0303 41 13 |
Frozen gilled and gutted albacore or longfinned tunas (Thunnus alalunga) for industrial processing or preservation |
Free |
0 |
0303 41 19 |
Frozen albacore or longfinned tunas (Thunnus alalunga) for industrial processing or preservation, without head and gills, but still to be gutted |
Free |
0 |
0303 41 90 |
Frozen albacore or longfinned tunas (Thunnus alalunga) (excl. for industrial processing or preservation) |
22 |
0 |
0303 42 12 |
Frozen yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) for industrial manufacture of products of 1604 , whole, weighing > 10 kg each |
Free |
0 |
0303 42 18 |
Frozen yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) for industrial manufacture of products of 1604 , whole, weighing <= 10 kg each |
Free |
0 |
0303 42 32 |
Frozen yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) for industrial manufacture of products of 1604 , gilled and gutted, weighing > 10 kg each |
Free |
0 |
0303 42 38 |
Frozen yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) for industrial manufacture of products of 1604 , gilled and gutted, weighing <= 10 kg each |
Free |
0 |
0303 42 52 |
Frozen yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) for industrial manufacture of products of 1604 , weighing > 10 kg each (excl. whole, gilled or gutted) |
Free |
0 |
0303 42 58 |
Frozen yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) for industrial manufacture of products of 1604 , weighing <= 10 kg each (excl. whole, gilled or gutted) |
Free |
0 |
0303 42 90 |
Frozen yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) (excl. for industrial processing or preservation) |
22 |
0 |
0303 43 11 |
Frozen skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito (Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis) for industrial processing or preservation, whole |
Free |
0 |
0303 43 13 |
Frozen skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito (Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis) for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted |
Free |
0 |
0303 43 19 |
Frozen skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito (Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis) for industrial processing or preservation, without head and gills, but still to be gutted |
Free |
0 |
0303 43 90 |
Frozen skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito (Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis) (excl. for industrial processing or preservation) |
22 |
0 |
0303 44 11 |
Frozen bigeye tunas (Thunnus obesus), for industrial processing or preservation, whole |
Free |
0 |
0303 44 13 |
Frozen bigeye tunas (Thunnus obesus) for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted |
Free |
0 |
0303 44 19 |
Frozen bigeye tunas (Thunnus obesus) for industrial processing or preservation, without head and gills, but still to be gutted |
Free |
0 |
0303 44 90 |
Frozen bigeye tunas (Thunnus obesus) (excl. for industrial processing or preservation) |
22 |
0 |
0303 45 11 |
Frozen bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus) for industrial processing or preservation, whole |
Free |
0 |
0303 45 13 |
Frozen bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus) for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted |
Free |
0 |
0303 45 19 |
Frozen bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus) for industrial processing or preservation, without head and gills, but still to be gutted |
Free |
0 |
0303 45 90 |
Frozen bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus) (excl. for industrial processing or preservation) |
22 |
0 |
0303 46 11 |
Frozen Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnus maccoyii) for industrial processing or preservation, whole |
Free |
0 |
0303 46 13 |
Frozen Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnus maccoyii) for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted |
Free |
0 |
0303 46 19 |
Frozen Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnus maccoyii) for industrial processing or preservation, without head and gills, but still to be gutted |
Free |
0 |
0303 46 90 |
Frozen Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnus maccoyii) (excl. for industrial processing or preservation) |
22 |
0 |
0303 49 31 |
Frozen tunas of the genus Thunnus for industrial processing or preservation, whole (excl. Thunnus alalunga, Thunnus albacares, Thunnus obesus, Thunnus thynnus and Thunnus maccoyii) |
Free |
0 |
0303 49 33 |
Frozen tunas of the genus Thunnus for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted (excl. Thunnus alalunga, Thunnus albacares, Thunnus obesus, Thunnus thynnus and Thunnus maccoyii) |
Free |
0 |
0303 49 39 |
Frozen tunas of the genus Thunnus for industrial processing or preservation, without head and gills, but still to be gutted (excl. Thunnus alalunga, Thunnus albacares, Thunnus obesus, Thunnus thynnus and Thunnus maccoyii) |
Free |
0 |
0303 49 80 |
Frozen tunas of the genus Thunnus (excl. tunas for industrial processing or preservation and Thunnus alalunga, Thunnus albacares, Thunnus obesus, Thunnus thynnus and Thunnus maccoyii) |
22 |
0 |
0303 51 00 |
Frozen herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) |
15 |
0 |
0303 52 10 |
Frozen cod (Gadus morhua) |
12 |
0 |
0303 52 30 |
Frozen cod (Gadus ogac) |
12 |
0 |
0303 52 90 |
Frozen cod (Gadus macrocephalus) |
12 |
0 |
0303 61 00 |
Frozen swordfish (Xiphias gladius) |
7,5 |
0 |
0303 62 00 |
Frozen toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) |
15 |
0 |
0303 71 10 |
Frozen sardines (Sardina pilchardus) |
23 |
0 |
0303 71 30 |
Frozen sardines (Sardinops spp.) and sardinella (Sardinella spp.) |
15 |
0 |
0303 71 80 |
Frozen brisling or sprats (Sprattus sprattus) |
13 |
0 |
0303 72 00 |
Frozen haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) |
7,5 |
0 |
0303 73 00 |