

Official Journal of the European Union

L 145/20


of 26 March 2021

amending and correcting Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 as regards the maintenance data and the installation of certain aircraft components during maintenance


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2018 on common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Union Aviation Safety Agency, and amending Regulations (EC) No 2111/2005, (EC) No 1008/2008, (EU) No 996/2010, (EU) No 376/2014 and Directives 2014/30/EU and 2014/53/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, and repealing Regulations (EC) No 552/2004 and (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Council Regulation (EEC) No 3922/91 (1), and in particular Article 17(1),



Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 (2) lays down the requirements for the continuing airworthiness of aircraft, including the requirements for the installation of components on aircraft.


When a new component is installed during aircraft maintenance it is to be accompanied by an EASA Form 1 issued in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 (3) to attest conformity of the new component to its approved design data.


In order to have more proportionate and efficient requirements for new components, Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 has been recently amended by Commission Regulation (EU) 2021/699 (4) to remove the requirement to certify the conformity of the new components for which their effect on the safety of the operation of aircraft is negligible in case of non-conformity with their design and to permit their installation in type-certified products without the issuance of an EASA Form 1.


Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 should also be amended to allow such new components to be installed during maintenance.


For components maintained, an EASA Form 1 should be issued in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 in order to attest that the identified maintenance work on those components has been conducted in accordance with the applicable requirements.


In order to achieve the same objective of proportionality and efficiency as in the recently amended Regulation (EU) No 748/2012, Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 should introduce the same alleviations as regards the maintenance of components for which the issuance of an EASA Form 1 is not required.


Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 has been amended in relation to the identification, approval, formatting and availability of the Instructions for Continuing Airworthiness (ICA) and by establishing ICA as part of the aircraft type certificate. This has implications on the definition of applicable maintenance data in Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014, which therefore should be amended to ensure consistency with Regulation (EU) No 748/2012.


Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/1383 (5) introduced a transition period for the approvals of organisations involved in the continuing airworthiness, including maintenance. This transition period ends on 24 September 2021. In consideration of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to extend this transition period for six months to avoid additional burden to the industry during this crisis and to facilitate the compliance with the new rules and procedures introduced by that Regulation.


The measures provided for in this Regulation are based on Opinion No 07/2019 (6) of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in accordance with Articles 75(2)(b) and 76(1) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139.


Article 3(5) of Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 refers to the date of entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2019/1383, whereas it should refer to its applicability date. Article 3(5) of Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 should therefore be corrected.


Article 5(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 of contains wrong references to the relevant requirements for the qualification of certifying staff in Part-M and Part-CAO. Article 5(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 should therefore be corrected.


Article 8(7) of Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 is identical to Article 3(7) of that Regulation. In order to delete this duplication, Article 8 of Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 should be corrected.


Some editorial errors leading to interpretation difficulties of certain provisions in Annexes I, III, Vb and Vd to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 should also be corrected.


The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the committee established by Article 127 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139,


Article 1

Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 is amended as follows:


Article 4 is replaced by the following:

‘Article 4

Approvals for organisations involved in the continuing airworthiness

1.   Organisations involved in the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and components for installation thereon, including maintenance, shall be approved, upon their request, by the competent authority in accordance with the requirements of Annex II (Part-145), Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) or Annex Vd (Part-CAO), as applicable to the respective organisations.

2.   By way of derogation from paragraph 1, until 24 September 2020 organisations may, upon their request, be issued approvals by the competent authority in accordance with Subpart F and Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M). All approvals issued in accordance with Subpart F and Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M) shall be valid until 24 March 2022.

3.   Maintenance organisation approval certificates issued or recognised by a Member State in accordance with the certification specification JAR-145 referred to in Annex II to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3922/91 (*1) and valid before 29 November 2003 shall be deemed to have been issued in accordance with the requirements of Annex II (Part-145) to this Regulation.

4.   Organisations that hold a valid organisation approval certificate issued in accordance with Subpart F or Subpart G of Annex I (Part- M) or with Annex II (Part-145) shall, upon their request, be issued by the competent authority a Form 3-CAO as set out in Appendix I to Annex Vd (Part-CAO) and thereafter be overseen by the competent authority in accordance with Annex Vd (Part-CAO).

The privileges of such an organisation under the approval issued in accordance with Annex Vd (Part-CAO) shall be the same as privileges under the approval issued in accordance with Subpart F or Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M) or with Annex II (Part-145). However, those privileges shall not exceed the privileges of an organisation referred to in Section A of Annex Vd (Part-CAO).

By way of derogation from point CAO.B.060 of Annex Vd (Part-CAO), until 24 March 2022, the organisation may correct any findings of non-compliance related to requirements introduced by Annex Vd (Part- CAO) which are not included in Subpart F or Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M) or in Annex II (Part-145).

If after 24 March 2022 the organisation has not closed these findings, the approval certificate shall be revoked, limited or suspended in whole or in part.

5.   Organisations that hold a valid continuing airworthiness management organisation approval certificate issued in accordance with Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M) shall, upon their request, be issued by the competent authority an EASA Form 14 approval certificate in accordance with Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) and thereafter be overseen by the competent authority in accordance with Annex Vc (Part-CAMO).

By way of derogation from point CAMO.B.350 of Annex Vc (Part- CAMO), until 24 March 2022, the organisation may correct any findings of non-compliance related to requirements introduced by Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) and not included in Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M).

If after 24 March 2022 the organisation has not closed these findings, the approval certificate shall be revoked, limited or suspended in whole or in part.

6.   Certificates and aircraft maintenance programme approvals issued pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 as applicable before 24 March 2020 shall be deemed to have been issued in accordance with this Regulation.

(*1)  Council Regulation (EEC) No 3922/91 of 16 December 1991 on the harmonization of technical requirements and administrative procedures in the field of civil aviation (OJ L 373, 31.12.1991, p. 4).’;"


Annex I (Part-M) is amended in accordance with Annex I to this Regulation;


Annex II (Part-145) is amended in accordance with Annex II to this Regulation;


Annex Vb (Part-ML) is amended in accordance with Annex III to this Regulation.

Article 2

Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 is corrected as follows:


in Article 3, paragraph 5 is replaced by the following:

‘5.   Aircraft maintenance programmes for aircraft referred to in point (a) of Article 1 that comply with the requirements specified in point M.A.302 of Annex I (Part-M) applicable before 24 March 2020 shall be deemed to comply with the requirements specified in point M.A.302 of Annex I (Part-M) or point ML.A.302 of Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable, in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2.’;


in Article 5, paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:

‘1.   Certifying staff shall be qualified in accordance with the requirements of Annex III (Part-66), except as provided for in points M.A.606(h), M.A.607(b), M.A.801(c) and M.A.803 of Annex I (Part-M), in points ML.A.801(c) and ML.A.803 of Annex Vb (Part-ML), CAO.A.040(b) and CAO.A.040(c) of Annex Vd (Part-CAO) and in points 145.A.30(j) of and Appendix IV to Annex II (Part-145).’;


in Article 8, paragraph 7 is deleted;


Annex I (Part-M) is corrected in accordance with Annex IV to this Regulation;


Annex III (Part-66) is corrected in accordance with Annex V to this Regulation;


Annex Vb (Part-ML) is corrected in accordance with Annex VI to this Regulation;


Annex Vd (Part-CAO) is corrected in accordance with Annex VII to this Regulation.

Article 3

This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Article 1 shall apply from 18 May 2022, except point (1) of Article 1 and points (5), (6) and (8) of Annex I, which shall apply from 18 May 2021.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 26 March 2021.

For the Commission

The President


(1)   OJ L 212, 22.8.2018, p. 1.

(2)  Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 of 26 November 2014 on the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances, and on the approval of organisations and personnel involved in these tasks (OJ L 362, 17.12.2014, p. 1).

(3)  Commission Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 of 3 August 2012 laying down implementing rules for the airworthiness and environmental certification of aircraft and related products, parts and appliances, as well as for the certification of design and production organisations (OJ L 224, 21.8.2012, p. 1).

(4)  Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/699 of 21 December 2020 amending and correcting Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 as regards the instructions for continued airworthiness, the production of parts to be used during maintenance and the consideration of ageing aircraft aspects during certification (see p. 1 of this Official Journal).

(5)  Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/1383 of 8 July 2019 amending and correcting Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 as regards safety management systems in continuing airworthiness management organisations and alleviations for general aviation aircraft concerning maintenance and continuing airworthiness management (OJ L 228, 4.9.2019, p. 1).

(6)  https://www.easa.europa.eu/document-library/opinions


Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 is amended as follows:


in point M.A.305(e)(3), point (iii) is replaced by the following:


the CRS and owner’s acceptance statement for any component that is fitted to an ELA2 aircraft without an EASA Form 1 in accordance with point 21.A.307(b)(2) of Annex I (Part 21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 but covering a period not shorter than 36 months.’;


in point M.A.401, point (b) is replaced by the following:


For the purposes of this Annex, applicable maintenance data is any of the following:


any applicable requirement, procedure, standard or information issued by the competent authority or the Agency;


any applicable airworthiness directive;


the applicable instructions for continuing airworthiness and other maintenance instructions, issued by the type-certificate holder, supplementary type-certificate holder and any other organisation that publishes such data in accordance with Annex I (Part 21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012;


for components approved for installation by the design approval holder, the applicable maintenance instructions published by the component manufacturers and acceptable to the design approval holder;


any applicable data issued in accordance with point 145.A.45(d).’;


in point M.A.501(a), point (1) is replaced by the following:


Components which are in a satisfactory condition, released on an EASA Form 1 or equivalent and marked in accordance with Subpart Q of Annex I (Part 21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012, unless otherwise specified in point 21.A.307 of Annex I (Part 21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012, or in this Annex (Part-M), or in Annex Vd (Part-CAO).’;


point M.A.502 is replaced by the following:

M.A.502   Component maintenance


The maintenance of components other than the components referred to in points (b)(2) to (b)(6) of point 21.A.307 of Annex I (Part 21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 shall be performed by maintenance organisations approved in accordance with Subpart F of this Annex or with Annex II (Part-145) or with Annex Vd (Part-CAO), as applicable.


By way of derogation from point (a), where a component is fitted to the aircraft, the maintenance of such a component may be performed by an aircraft maintenance organisation approved in accordance with Subpart F of this Annex or with Annex II (Part-145) or with Annex Vd (Part-CAO) or by the certifying staff referred to in point (b)(1) of point M.A.801. Such maintenance shall be performed in accordance with the aircraft maintenance data or in accordance with the component maintenance data if agreed by the competent authority. Such aircraft maintenance organisation or the certifying staff may temporarily remove the component for maintenance if this is necessary to improve access to the component, except where additional maintenance is required due to the removal. Component maintenance performed in accordance with this point shall not be eligible for the issuance of an EASA Form 1 and shall be subject to the aircraft release requirements provided for in point M.A.801.


By way of derogation from point (a), where a component is fitted to the engine or the auxiliary power unit (APU), the maintenance of such component may be performed by an engine maintenance organisation approved in accordance with Subpart F of this Annex, or with Annex II (Part-145), or with Annex Vd (Part-CAO). Such maintenance shall be performed in accordance with the engine or the APU maintenance data or in accordance with the component maintenance data if agreed by the competent authority. Such B-rated organisation may temporarily remove the component for maintenance if this is necessary to improve access to the component, except where additional maintenance is required due to the removal.


The maintenance of components referred to in point (b)(2) of point 21.A.307 of Annex I (Part 21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012, where the component is fitted to the aircraft or is temporarily removed to improve access, shall be performed by an aircraft maintenance organisation approved in accordance with Subpart F of this Annex or with Annex II (Part-145) or with Annex Vd (Part-CAO), as applicable, by the certifying staff referred to in point (b)(1) of point M.A.801 or by the pilot-owner referred to in point (b)(2) of point M.A.801. Component maintenance performed in accordance with this point shall not be eligible for the issuance of an EASA Form 1 and shall be subject to the aircraft release requirements provided for in point M.A.801.


The maintenance of components referred to in points (b)(3) to (b)(6) of point 21.A.307 of Annex I (Part 21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 shall be performed by the organisation referred to in point (a), or performed by any person or organisation and released with a “declaration of maintenance accomplished” issued by the person or organisation that performed the maintenance. The “declaration of maintenance accomplished” shall contain at least basic details of the maintenance carried out, the date on which the maintenance was completed, and the identification of the organisation or person that issues it. It shall be considered a maintenance record and equivalent to an EASA Form 1 in respect of the maintained component.’;


in point M.A.618(a), the introductory phrase is replaced by the following:


An approval shall remain valid until 24 March 2022, subject to:’;


in point M.A.715(a), the introductory phrase is replaced by the following:


An approval shall remain valid until 24 March 2022, subject to:’;


in point M.A.802, point (a) is replaced by the following:


Except for components released to service by a maintenance organisation that is approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145) and for the cases covered by point (e) of point M.A.502, a CRS shall be issued at the completion of any maintenance work carried out on an aircraft component in accordance with point M.A.502.’;


Appendices V and VI are replaced by the following:

‘Appendix V

Maintenance Organisation Certificate referred to in Annex I (Part-M) Subpart F – EASA Form 3-MF

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A Member of the European Union (**)


Reference: [MEMBER STATE CODE (*)].MF.[XXXX]

Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council and to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 and subject to the conditions specified below, the [COMPETENT AUTHORITY OF THE MEMBER STATE (*)] hereby certifies:


as a maintenance organisation in compliance with Section A, Subpart F of Annex I (Part-M) to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014, approved to maintain the products, parts and appliances listed in the attached terms of approval and issue related certificates of release to service using the above references and, when stipulated, airworthiness review certificates after an airworthiness review as specified in point ML.A.903 of Annex Vb (Part-ML) to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 for those aircraft listed in the attached approval schedule.



This certificate is limited to what is specified in the scope of work section of the approved maintenance organisation manual as referred to in Section A, Subpart F of Annex I (Part-M) to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014; and


This certificate requires compliance with the procedures specified in the approved maintenance organisation manual; and


This certificate is valid whilst the approved maintenance organisation remains in compliance with Annex I (Part-M) and Annex Vb (Part-ML) to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014.


Subject to compliance with the foregoing conditions, this certificate shall remain valid until 24 March 2022 unless the certificate has been surrendered, superseded, suspended or revoked before that date.

Date of original issue: …

Date of this revision: …

Revision No: …

Signed: …

For the competent authority: [COMPETENT AUTHORITY OF THE MEMBER STATE (*)]

EASA Form 3-MF Issue 6


Or “EASA”, if EASA is the competent authority.


Delete for non-EU Member States or EASA.

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These terms of approval are limited to the products, parts and appliances and to the activities specified in the scope of work section of the approved maintenance organisation manual.

Maintenance Organisation Manual reference: …

Date of original issue: …

Date of last revision approved: … Revision No: …

Signed: …

For the competent authority:[COMPETENT AUTHORITY OF THE MEMBER STATE (*)]

EASA Form 3-MF Issue 6


Or “EASA”, if EASA is the competent authority.


Delete as appropriate if the organisation is not approved.


Complete with the appropriate rating and limitation.


Complete with the appropriate limitation and state whether the issue of recommendations and airworthiness review certificates is authorised or not (only possible for ELA1 aircraft not involved in commercial operations when the organisation performs the airworthiness review together with the annual inspection contained in the AMP)

Appendix VI

Continuing airworthiness management organisation certificate referred to in Annex I (Part-M) Subpart G – EASA Form 14-MG


A Member State of the European Union (**)




Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council and to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 for the time being in force and subject to the condition specified below, the [COMPETENT AUTHORITY OF THE MEMBER STATE (*)] hereby certifies:


as a continuing airworthiness management organisation in compliance with Section A, Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M) to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014, approved to manage the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft listed in the attached terms of approval and, when stipulated, to issue recommendations and airworthiness review certificates after an airworthiness review as specified in point M.A.901 of Annex I (Part-M) or ML.A.901 of Annex Vb (Part-ML), and, when stipulated, to issue permits to fly as specified in point M.A.711(c) of Annex I (Part-M) to that Regulation.



This certificate is limited to that specified in the scope of work section of the approved continuing airworthiness management exposition as referred to in Section A, Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M) to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014.


This certificate requires compliance with the procedures specified in the continuing airworthiness management exposition approved in accordance with Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M) to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014.


This certificate is valid whilst the approved continuing airworthiness management organisation remains in compliance with Annex I (Part-M) and, if applicable, Annex Vb (Part-ML) to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014.


Where the continuing airworthiness management organisation contracts under its Quality System the service of an organisation or several organisations, this certificate remains valid subject to such organisation(s) fulfilling applicable contractual obligations.


Subject to compliance with the conditions 1 to 4 above, this certificate shall remain valid until 24 March 2022, unless the certificate has previously been surrendered, superseded, suspended or revoked.

If this form is also used for licenced air carriers in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008, the Air Operator Certificate (AOC) number shall be added to the reference, in addition to the standard number, and the condition 5 shall be replaced by the following extra conditions 6, 7 and 8:


This certificate does not constitute an authorisation to operate the types of aircraft referred in condition 1. The authorisation to operate the aircraft is the AOC.


Termination, suspension or revocation of the AOC automatically invalidates this certificate in relation to the aircraft registrations specified in the AOC, unless otherwise explicitly stated by the competent authority.


Subject to compliance with conditions 1 to 4, 6 and 7, this certificate shall remain valid until 24 March 2022, unless the certificate has previously been surrendered, superseded, suspended or revoked.

Date of original issue: …

Signed: …

Date of this revision: … Revision No: …

For the Competent Authority: [COMPETENT AUTHORITY OF THE MEMBER STATE (*)]

Page 1 of 2

EASA Form 14-MG Issue 6

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(ref. AOC XX.XXXX)


Aircraft type/series/group

Airworthiness review authorised

Permits to fly authorised

Organisation(s) working under quality system


[YES/NO] (***)

[YES/NO] (***)



[YES/NO] (***)

[YES/NO] (***)



[YES/NO] (***)

[YES/NO] (***)



[YES/NO] (***)

[YES/NO] (***)


These terms of approval are limited to that specified in the scope of work contained in the approved Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition section …

Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition Reference: …

Date of original issue: …

Signed: …

Date of this revision: … Revision No: …


EASA Form 14-MG Issue 6


Or EASA if EASA is the competent authority.


Delete for non-EU Member State or EASA.


Delete as appropriate if the organisation is not approved.


Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 is amended as follows:


point 145.A.42 is amended as follows:


in point (a), point (i) is replaced by the following:


Components which are in a satisfactory condition, released on an EASA Form 1 or equivalent and marked in accordance with Subpart Q of Annex I (Part 21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012, unless otherwise specified in point 21.A.307 of Annex I (Part 21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012, in point M.A.502 of Annex I (Part-M), in point ML.A.502 of Annex III (Part-ML), or in this Annex (Part-145).’,


in point (b), point (iv) is replaced by the following:


Components which are referred to in point (b)(2) of point 21.A.307 of Annex I (Part 21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 shall only be installed if considered eligible for installation by the aircraft owner on their own aircraft.’;


in point 145.A.45, point (b) is replaced by the following:


Applicable maintenance data is the data specified in point M.A.401(b) of Annex I (Part-M) or in point ML.A.401(b) of Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable.’.


Annex Vb to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 is amended as follows:


in point ML.A.401, point (b) is replaced by the following:


For the purposes of this Annex, “applicable maintenance data” means any of the following:


any applicable requirement, procedure, standard or information issued by the competent authority or the Agency;


any applicable AD;


the applicable ICA and other maintenance instructions, issued by the type-certificate holder, supplementary type-certificate holder and any other organisation that publishes such data in accordance with Annex I (Part 21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012;


for components approved for installation by the design approval holder, the applicable maintenance instructions published by the component manufacturers and acceptable to the design approval holder;


any applicable data issued in accordance with point 145.A.45(d).’;


in point ML.A.501, point (a) is replaced by the following:


Unless otherwise specified in Subpart F of Annex I (Part-M), in Annex II (Part-145), in Annex Vd (Part-CAO) to this Regulation or in point 21.A.307 of Annex I (Part 21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012, a component may be fitted only if all of the following conditions are met:


it is in a satisfactory condition;


it has been appropriately released to service using an EASA Form 1 as set out in Appendix II to Annex I (Part-M), or equivalent;


it has been marked in accordance with Subpart Q of Annex I (Part 21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012.’;


in point ML.A.502, point (a) is replaced by the following:


Components which are accepted by the owner in accordance with point (b)(2) of point 21.A.307 of Annex I (Part 21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 shall be maintained by any person or organisation, subject to reacceptance by the owner under the conditions of point (b)(2) of point 21.A.307 of that Annex. This maintenance is not eligible for the issuance of an EASA Form 1, as set out in Appendix II to Annex I (Part-M), and shall be subject to the aircraft release requirements.’;


in point ML.A.502, the following point (c) is added:


Components which are referred to in points (b)(3) to (b)(6) of point 21.A.307 of Annex I (Part 21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 may be maintained by any person or organisation. In such case, by way of derogation from point (b), the maintenance of those components shall be released with a “declaration of maintenance accomplished” issued by the person or organisation that performed the maintenance. The “declaration of maintenance accomplished” shall contain at least basic details of the maintenance carried out, the date on which the maintenance was completed, and the identification of the organisation or person that issues it. It shall be considered a maintenance record and equivalent to an EASA Form 1 in respect of the maintained component.’;


in point ML.A.802, point (a) is replaced by the following:


Except for the cases covered by point (c) of point ML.A.502, a component CRS shall be issued after the required maintenance work has been properly carried out on an aircraft component in accordance with point ML.A.502.’;


Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 is corrected as follows:


in point M.A.201(h), point (3) is replaced by the following:


the CAMO or CAO referred to in point (2) is approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145) or in accordance with Subpart F of this Annex (Part-M) or as a CAO with maintenance privileges, or that CAMO or CAO has concluded a written contract with organisations approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145) or in accordance with Subpart F of this Annex (Part-M) or Annex Vd (Part-CAO) with maintenance privileges.’;


in point M.A.801, point (d) is replaced by the following:


In case of a release to service in accordance with point (b)(1), the certifying staff may be assisted in performing the maintenance tasks by one or more persons subject to his or her direct and continuous control.’;


in point M.A.901, the introductory phrase of point (e) is replaced by the following:


For aircraft of 2 730 kg MTOM and below not used by air carriers licensed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008, any CAMO or CAO chosen by the owner or operator may in accordance with CAMO.A.125(e) of Annex Vc or point M.A.711(b) of this Annex or CAO.A.095(c) of Annex Vd, as applicable, and subject to compliance with point (j):’;


in Appendix III, the certifying phrase of EASA Form 15b is replaced by the following:

‘Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council the following organisation, approved in accordance with Section A of Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) or Section A of Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M) or Section A of Annex Vd (Part-CAO) to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014,



hereby certifies that it has performed an airworthiness review in accordance with point M.A.901 of Annex I to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 on the following aircraft:’


Annex III to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 is corrected as follows:


in point 66.A.20(b), point 1 is replaced by the following:


in compliance with the applicable requirements of Annex I (Part-M), Annex II (Part-145), Annex Vb (Part-ML) and Annex Vd (Part-CAO); and’;


in point 66.A.25(a), the first sentence is replaced by the following:

‘For licences other than category L, an applicant for an aircraft maintenance licence, or for the addition of a category or subcategory to such a licence, shall demonstrate by examination a level of knowledge of the appropriate subject modules in accordance with Appendix I to Annex III (Part-66).’;


in point 66.B.120(b), point 2 is replaced by the following:


the competent authority shall inform the licence holder and any known maintenance organisation approved in accordance with Annex I (Part-M) Subpart F, Annex II (Part-145) or Annex Vd (Part-CAO) that may be directly affected by such fact.’;


in Section B, the introductory phrase of Subpart E is replaced by the following:

‘This Subpart provides the procedures for granting examination credits referred to in point 66.A.25(e).’;


in point 66.B.500, point 8 is replaced by the following:


issuing certificate of release to service while not in compliance with this Regulation.’;


in Appendix V, point 2 is replaced by the following:


The competent authority of the Member State may modify the EASA Form 19 only to include additional information necessary to support the case where the national requirements permit or require the aircraft maintenance licence issued in accordance with Annex III (Part-66) to be used outside the requirements of this Regulation.’.


Annex Vb to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 is corrected as follows:


in point ML.A.901, the introductory phrase is replaced by the following:

‘To ensure the validity of the aircraft airworthiness certificate, an airworthiness review of the aircraft and its continuing airworthiness records shall be carried out periodically.’;


Appendix IV is replaced by the following:

Airworthiness Review Certificate - EASA Form 15c


persons and organisations performing the airworthiness review in combination with the 100-h/annual inspection may use the reverse side of this form in order to issue the CRS referred to in point ML.A.801 corresponding to the 100-h/annual inspection.

AIRWORTHINESS REVIEW CERTIFICATE (ARC) (for aircraft complying with Part-ML)

ARC reference: …

Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council:


hereby certifies that:

☐… it has performed an airworthiness review in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 on the following aircraft:


☐ … the following new aircraft:

Aircraft manufacturer: … Manufacturer’s designation: …

Aircraft registration: … Aircraft serial number: …

(and) is considered airworthy at the time of the review.

Date of issue: … Date of expiry: …

Airframe flight hours (FH) at date of review (*): …

Signed: … Authorisation No (if applicable): …





hereby certifies that it has performed an airworthiness review in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 on the following aircraft:

Aircraft manufacturer: … Manufacturer’s designation: …

Aircraft registration: … Aircraft serial number: …

(and) is considered airworthy at the time of the review.

Date of issue: … Date of expiry: …

Airframe flight hours (FH) at date of review (*): …

Signed: … Authorisation No (if applicable): …


1st extension: The aircraft complies with the conditions of ML.A.901(c) of Annex Vb (Part-ML)

Date of issue: … Date of expiry: …

Airframe flight hours (FH) at date of issue (*): …

Signed: … Authorisation No: …

Company name: … Approval reference: …


2nd extension: The aircraft complies with the conditions of ML.A.901(c) of Annex Vb (Part-ML)

Date of issue: … Date of expiry: …

Airframe flight hours (FH) at date of issue (*): …

Signed: … Authorisation No: …

Company name: … Approval reference: …


Except for balloons and airships


The issuer of the Form can tailor it to his need by deleting the name, the certifying statement, the reference to the subject aircraft and the issuance details that are not relevant for his use.

EASA Form 15c, Issue 4.’


Annex Vd to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 is corrected as follows:


in point CAO.A.045(a), point (2) is replaced by the following:


they hold an appropriate licence issued in accordance with Article 5 of this Regulation or an aeronautical degree or equivalent, or they acquired experience in continuing airworthiness in addition to that referred to in point (1) of at least 2 years for sailplanes and balloons and at least 4 years for all other aircraft;’;


in point CAO.A.105(a), the introductory phrase is replaced by the following:


In order to enable the competent authority to determine continued compliance with this Annex, the CAO shall notify the competent authority of any proposal to carry out any of the following changes, before such changes take place:’.