Official Journal
of the European Communities
ISSN 0378-6986

C 371
Volume 41
1 December 1998
English editionInformation and Notices

I Information
98/C 371/01Ecu 1
98/C 371/02List of documents forwarded by the Commission to the Council during the period 16.11. to 20.11.1998 (1) 2
98/C 371/03Publication of an application for registration pursuant to the second subparagraph of Article 8(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2082/92 on certificates of specific character 3
98/C 371/04Authorisation for State aid pursuant to Articles 92 and 93 of the EC Treaty — Cases where the Commission raises no objections (1) 6
98/C 371/05Notification of an agreement on terminal dues between postal operators (Case No IV/36.748) (1) 7
98/C 371/06Resolution of the ECSC Consultative Committee on steel imports into the European Union and the threat to the European Union steel market of trade actions in the United States of America 14
II Preparatory Acts
98/C 371/07Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) laying down certain control measures to ensure compliance with the measures adopted by ICCAT (1) 16
III Notices
98/C 371/08Results of the invitations to tender (Community food aid) 19
98/C 371/09The European Community action programme in the field of education — Socrates — Call for proposals in 1999 (DG XXII-32/98) (1) 20
(1) Text with EEA relevance