21.1.2006 |
EN |
Official Journal of the European Union |
L 17/16 |
of 20 January 2006
granting certain parties an exemption from the extension to certain bicycle parts of the anti-dumping duty on bicycles originating in the People’s Republic of China imposed by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2474/93, last maintained and amended by Regulation (EC) No 1095/2005, and lifting the suspension of the payment of the anti-dumping duty extended to certain bicycle parts originating in the People’s Republic of China granted to certain parties pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 88/97
(notified under document number C(2006) 54)
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,
Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 384/96 of 22 December 1995 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community (1) (the basic Regulation),
Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 71/97 (2) of 10 January 1997 extending the definitive anti-dumping duty imposed by Regulation (EEC) No 2474/93 on bicycles originating in the People’s Republic of China to imports of certain bicycle parts from the People’s Republic of China, and levying the extended duty on such imports registered under Regulation (EC) No 703/96 (the extending Regulation), maintained by Regulation (EC) No 1524/2000 (3) and amended by Regulation (EC) No 1095/2005 (4),
Having regard to Commission Regulation (EC) No 88/97 (5) of 20 January 1997 on the authorisation of the exemption of imports of certain bicycle parts originating in the People’s Republic of China from the extension by Council Regulation (EC) No 71/97 of the anti-dumping duty imposed by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2474/93 (the exemption Regulation), maintained by Regulation (EC) No 1524/2000 and amended by Regulation (EC) No 1095/2005, and in particular Article 7 thereof,
After consulting the Advisory Committee,
(1) |
After the entry into force of the exemption Regulation, a number of bicycle assemblers submitted requests pursuant to Article 3 of that Regulation for exemption from the anti-dumping duty, as extended to imports of certain bicycle parts from the People’s Republic of China by Regulation (EC) No 71/97 (the extended anti-dumping duty). The Commission has published, in the Official Journal, successive lists of applicants (6) for which the payment of the extended anti-dumping duty in respect of their imports of essential bicycle parts declared for free circulation was suspended pursuant to Article 5(1) of the exemption Regulation. |
(2) |
Following the last publication of the list of parties under examination (7), a period of examination has been selected. This period was defined as from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2004 for parties located in the 15 Member States prior to enlargement of the European Union on 1 May 2004, and from 1 May 2004 to 31 December 2004 for parties located in the new Member States. A questionnaire was sent to all parties under examination, requesting information on the assembly operations conducted during the relevant period of examination. |
A.1. Acceptable requests for exemption
(3) |
The Commission received from the parties listed in table 1 below all the information required for the determination of the admissibility of their requests. The information provided was examined and verified, where necessary, at the premises of the parties concerned. Based on this information, the Commission found that the requests submitted by the parties listed in table 1 below are admissible pursuant to Article 4(1) of the exemption Regulation. Table 1
(4) |
The facts as finally ascertained by the Commission show that for all these applicants’ bicycle assembly operations, the value of the parts originating in the People’s Republic of China which were used in their assembly operations was lower than 60 % of the total value of the parts used in these assembly operations, and they, therefore, fall outside the scope of Article 13(2) of the basic Regulation. |
(5) |
For the above reason, and in accordance with Article 7(1) of the exemption Regulation, the parties listed in the above table should be exempt from the extended anti-dumping duty. |
(6) |
In accordance with Article 7(2) of the exemption Regulation, the exemption of the parties listed in table 1 from the extended anti-dumping duty should take effect as from the date of receipt of their requests. In addition, their customs debt in respect of the extended anti-dumping duty is to be considered void as from the date of receipt of their requests for exemption. |
(7) |
It is to be noted that the following five parties listed in table 1 informed the Commission services of a change in their name and/or in their legal seat, or transfer of economic activity, during the examination period:
(8) |
It has been established that these changes in the name and/or legal seat and transfer of economic activity did not affect the assembly operations with regard to the stipulations of the exemption Regulation and therefore the Commission does not consider that these changes should affect the exemption from the extended anti-dumping duty. |
A.2. Unacceptable requests for exemption and withdrawals
(9) |
The parties listed in table 2 below also submitted requests for exemption from the extended anti-dumping duty. Table 2
(10) |
The on-the-spot verifications at the premises of one party revealed that it failed to keep certain specific records and to provide detailed information necessary to the granting of the exemption. In particular, information related to the origin of the bicycle parts used in the assembly operations, as required by Article 6(2) of the exemption Regulation, could not be verified. The party was informed that it was intended to reject its request, and subsequently submitted comments in writing. However, it did not provide any additional verifiable evidence to support its arguments. |
(11) |
Another party withdrew its request for exemption and informed the Commission accordingly. |
(12) |
Another party failed to submit the requested information required for the examination of its request. For this reason, and in accordance with Article 7(3) of the exemption Regulation, the Commission informed this party that it intended to reject its request for exemption. This party was given an opportunity to comment. No comments were received. |
(13) |
Another party did not use the bicycle parts for the production or assembly of bicycles during the examination period, which constitutes a breach of the obligations set out in Article 6(2) of the exemption Regulation. The party was informed accordingly and submitted comments in writing. However, since this information related to a period subsequent to the examination period, it could not be taken into account pursuant to Article 6(1) of the basic Regulation. |
(14) |
Since the parties listed in table 2 failed to meet the criteria for exemption set by Article 6(2) of the exemption Regulation, the Commission has to reject their requests for exemption, in accordance with Article 7(3) of the Regulation. In the light of this, the suspension of the payment of the extended anti-dumping duty referred to in Article 5 of the exemption Regulation must be lifted and the extended anti-dumping duty must be collected as from the date of receipt of the requests submitted by these parties. |
A.3. Requests for exemption requiring further examination
(15) |
The parties listed in table 3 below also submitted requests for exemption from the payment of the extended anti-dumping duty. Table 3
(16) |
It is to be noted that ‘ROG Kolesa, d.d., Letališka 29, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia’ listed in table 3 informed the Commission services of a change in name from ‘ELAN Bikes, d.d.’ to ‘ROG Kolesa, d.d.’. It has been established that this change in the name did not affect the request for exemption from the extended anti-dumping duty. |
(17) |
With regard to these requests, it should be noted that, because of particular circumstances relating to the changed corporate structure of some of the companies, it was not possible for the Commission to determine whether the assembly operations of these parties fell outside the scope of Article 13(2) of the basic Regulation for the period of examination. |
(18) |
As regards one party, the Commission services could not verify the questionnaire data on the spot since the essential accounting documents necessary to the granting of the exemption were kept by the Settlement Senate of the District Court. This Court received the accounting records of this party in the framework of a compulsory settlement plan. |
(19) |
Two of the parties merged into a new legal entity. Since this event occurred after the submission of the questionnaire response, the Commission was not in a position to verify whether the assembly operations of the new legal entity fell outside the scope of the Article 13(2) of the basic Regulation. |
(20) |
Another party has imported parts during the period of examination, but it had only started its assembly operations after the period of examination. |
(21) |
With regard to the three remaining parties, it was not possible during the verification visit to determine the ratio of the value of the bicycle parts originating in the People’s Republic of China in the total value of the bicycle parts used in the assembly operations for the period of examination since, the parties used a very large number of parts purchased prior to enlargement in their assembly operations. |
(22) |
In light of the above, the parties listed in table 3 should be maintained in the list of parties under examination. The payment of the anti-dumping duty in respect of the imports of essential bicycle parts declared for free circulation by these parties should remain suspended. |
B.1. Inadmissible requests for exemption
(23) |
The parties listed in table 4 also submitted requests for exemption from the payment of the extended anti-dumping duty: Table 4
(24) |
With regard to these parties, it should be noted that their requests did not meet the admissibility criteria set out in Article 4(1) of the exemption Regulation. |
(25) |
Two applicants use essential bicycle parts for the production or assembly of bicycles in quantities below 300 units per type on a monthly basis. |
(26) |
Three applicants did not provide prima facie evidence that their assembly operations fall outside the scope of Article 13(2) of the basic Regulation, notably the value of the parts originating in the People’s Republic of China, which were used in their assembly operations, was higher than 60 % of the total value of the parts used in these assembly operations. |
(27) |
These parties were informed accordingly and were given an opportunity to comment. No comments were received. Accordingly, no suspension was granted to these parties. |
B.2. Admissible requests for exemption for which suspension should be granted
(28) |
Interested parties are hereby informed of the receipt of further requests for exemption, pursuant to Article 3 of the exemption Regulation, from parties listed in table 5. The suspension from the extended duty, following these requests, should take effect as shown in the column headed ‘Date of effect’: Table 5
Article 1
The parties listed below in table 1 are hereby exempt from the extension to imports of certain bicycle parts from the People’s Republic of China by Regulation (EC) No 71/97 of the definitive anti-dumping duty on bicycles originating in the People’s Republic of China imposed by Regulation (EEC) No 2474/93, as maintained by Regulation (EC) No 1524/2000 and amended by Regulation (EC) No 1095/2005.
The exemption shall take effect in relation to each party as from the relevant date shown in the column headed ‘Date of effect’.
Table 1
List of parties to be exempt
Name |
Address |
Country |
Exemption pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 88/97 |
Date of effect |
TARIC additional code |
4EVER s.r.o. |
2. května 267, CZ-742 13 Studénka |
Czech Republic |
Article 7 |
1.5.2004 |
A558 |
Accell Hunland Kft. |
Parkoló tér 1., H-1059 Tószeg |
Hungary |
Article 7 |
1.5.2004 |
A534 |
AMP Welding, s.r.o. |
Orlové 165, SK-017 01 Považská Bystrica |
Slovak Republic |
Article 7 |
14.6.2004 |
A572 |
Bike Fun International s.r.o. |
Štefánikova 1163, CZ-742 21 Kopřivnice |
Czech Republic |
Article 7 |
1.5.2004 |
A536 |
BPS Bicycle Industrial s.r.o. |
Šumavská 779/2, CZ-787 01 Šumperk |
Czech Republic |
Article 7 |
1.5.2004 |
A537 |
CAPRI-Ne Kft. |
Kiskút útja 1., H-8000 Székesfehérvár |
Hungary |
Article 7 |
3.5.2004 |
A562 |
Ciclo Meccanica Srl |
Via delle Industrie 14 I-20050 Sulbiate (MI) |
Italy |
Article 7 |
16.9.2004 |
A170 |
EURO.T POLSKA Sp. z o.o. |
ul. Drogowców 12, PL-42-200 Częstochowa |
Poland |
Article 7 |
1.5.2004 |
A549 |
Eurobik, s.r.o. |
Bardejovská 36, SK-080 06 Prešov |
Slovak Republic |
Article 7 |
27.8.2004 |
A575 |
EXPLORER group s.r.o. |
CZ-742 67 Ženklava 167 |
Czech Republic |
Article 7 |
24.5.2004 |
A563 |
Falter Bike GmbH & Co. KG |
Bunzlauer Straße 15, D-33719 Bielefeld |
Germany |
Article 7 |
22.7.2004 |
A125 |
FHMM Sp. z o.o. |
ul. Ciecholewicka 29, 55-120 Oborniki Śląskie |
Poland |
Article 7 |
1.5.2004 |
A548 |
IB Sp. z o.o. |
Zakład Pracy Chronionej, ul. Miłośników Podhala 1, PL-34-425 Biały Dunajec |
Poland |
Article 7 |
1.5.2004 |
A539 |
IDEAL EUROPE Sp. z o.o. |
ul. Metalowa 11, PL-99-300 Kutno |
Poland |
Article 7 |
1.5.2004 |
A540 |
Jan Zasada Biuro Ekonomiczno-Handlowe |
ul. Fabryczna 6, PL-98-300 Wieluń |
Poland |
Article 7 |
1.5.2004 |
A542 |
Jozef Kender-Kenzel |
Imeľ č. 830, SK-946 52 Imeľ |
Slovak Republic |
Article 7 |
1.5.2004 |
A557 |
ul. Leszno 46, PL-06-300 Przasnysz |
Poland |
Article 7 |
1.5.2004 |
A543 |
Mama spol. s.r.o. |
Krajinská 1, SK-921 01 Piešťany |
Slovak Republic |
Article 7 |
1.5.2004 |
A551 |
Master Bike, s.r.o. |
Sadová 2, CZ-789 01 Zábřeh na Moravě |
Czech Republic |
Article 7 |
4.5.2004 |
A552 |
N.V. Race Productions |
Ambachtstraat 19, B-3980 Tessenderlo |
Belgium |
Article 7 |
15.9.2004 |
A576 |
Neuzer Kerékpár Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft. |
Eötvös u. 48., H-2500 Esztergom |
Hungary |
Article 7 |
1.5.2004 |
A545 |
Novus Bike s.r.o. |
Hlavní 266, CZ-747 81 Otice |
Czech Republic |
Article 7 |
1.5.2004 |
A553 |
Olimpia Kerékpár Kft. |
Ostorhegy u. 4., H-1164 Budapest |
Hungary |
Article 7 |
1.5.2004 |
A554 |
Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowo Produkcyjne UNIBIKE Jerzy Orłowski, Piotr Drobotowski Sp. Jawna |
ul. Przemysłowa 28B, PL-85-758 Bydgoszcz |
Poland |
Article 7 |
1.5.2004 |
A556 |
Schwinn-Csepel Kerékpárgyártó és Forgalmazó Rt. |
Gyepsor u. 1., H-1211 Budapest |
Hungary |
Article 7 |
1.5.2004 |
A555 |
Sprick Rowery Sp. z o.o. |
ul. Świerczewskiego 76, PL-66-200 Świebodzin |
Poland |
Article 7 |
7.6.2004 |
A571 |
Trade-Stomil Sp. z o.o. |
ul. 6 Sierpnia 74, PL-90-646 Łódź |
Poland |
Article 7 |
30.7.2004 |
A574 |
UAB Baltik Vairas |
Pramonės g. 3, LT-78138 Śiauliai |
Lithuania |
Article 7 |
1.5.2004 |
A547 |
Zweirad Paulsen |
Hauptstraße 80, D-49635 Badbergen |
Germany |
Article 7 |
22.6.2004 |
A566 |
Article 2
The requests for exemption from the extended anti-dumping duty submitted pursuant to Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 88/97 by the parties listed below in table 2 are hereby rejected.
The suspension of payment of the extended anti-dumping duty pursuant to Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 88/97 is hereby lifted for the parties concerned as from the relevant date shown in the column headed ‘Date of effect’.
Table 2
List of parties for which the suspension is to be lifted
Name |
Address |
Country |
Suspension pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 88/97 |
Date of effect |
TARIC additional code |
Czech Bike, a.s. |
Palackého 82, CZ-612 00 Brno |
Czech Republic |
Article 5 |
17.5.2004 |
A560 |
MEMO cz, s.r.o. |
Jungmannova 319, CZ-506 01 Jičín |
Czech Republic |
Article 5 |
5.5.2004 |
A544 |
Special Bike di Diciolla Francesco |
Via dei Mille 50, I-71042 Cerignola (Foggia) |
Italy |
Article 5 |
5.3.2004 |
A533 |
Winora Staiger GmbH |
Max-Planck-Straße 6, D-97526 Sennfeld |
Germany |
Article 5 |
29.4.2004 |
A559 |
Article 3
The parties listed below in table 3 constitute the updated list of parties under examination pursuant to Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 88/97. The suspension from the extended duty, following these requests, took effect as from the relevant date in the column headed ‘Date of effect’ in table 3.
Table 3
List of parties under examination
Name |
Address |
Country |
Suspension pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 88/97 |
Date of effect |
TARIC additional code |
A.J. Maias Lda |
Estrada Nacional N.o 1, Malaposta, Apart. 27, P-3781-908 Sangalhos |
Portugal |
Article 5 |
23.2.2005 |
A401 |
Avantisbike — Fabrico de Bicicletas S.A. |
Rua do Casarão, P-3750-869 Borralha |
Portugal |
Article 5 |
10.11.2005 |
A726 |
ARKUS Sp. z o.o. |
Podgrodzie 32c, PL-39-200 Dębica |
Poland |
Article 5 |
from 23.6.2004 to 31.5.2005 |
A565 |
ARKUS & ROMET Group Sp. z o.o. |
Podgrodzie 32c, PL-39-200 Dębica |
Poland |
Article 5 |
1.6.2005 |
A565 |
Athletic International Sp. z o.o. |
ul. Drawska 21, PL-02-202 Warszawa |
Poland |
Article 5 |
3.8.2004 |
A568 |
BELVE s.r.o. |
Palkovičova 5, SK-915 01 Nové Mesto nad Váhom |
Slovak Republic |
Article 5 |
4.5.2004 |
A535 |
Bike Mate s.r.o. |
Dlhá 248/43, SK-905 01 Senica |
Slovak Republic |
Article 5 |
8.10.2004 |
A589 |
Bike Sport |
Krzemionka 14, PL-62-872 Godziesze |
Poland |
Article 5 |
3.1.2005 |
A593 |
Cannondale Europe B.V. |
Hanzepoort 27, 7575 DB Oldenzaal, Nederland |
The Netherlands |
Article 5 |
21.6.2005 |
A686 |
Cseke Trade Kft. |
Gyepsor u. 1., H-1211 Budapest |
Hungary |
Article 5 |
21.4.2005 |
A685 |
C-TRADING, s.r.o. |
V. Palkovicha 19, SK-946 03 Kolárovo |
Slovak Republic |
Article 5 |
10.2.2005 |
A662 |
Decathlon Sp. z o.o. |
ul. Malborska 53, PL-03-286 Warszawa |
Poland |
Article 5 |
19.8.2005 |
A696 |
ROG Kolesa, d.d. |
Letališka 29, SLO-1000 Ljubljana |
Slovenia |
Article 5 |
1.5.2004 |
A538 |
Eurobike Kft. |
Zengő utca 58., H-7693 Pécs-Hird |
Hungary |
Article 5 |
28.1.2005 |
A624 |
Fabryka Rowerów Romet-Jastrowie Sp. z o.o. |
ul. Naturowicza 14, PL-64-915 Jastrowie |
Poland |
Article 5 |
from 14.6.2004 to 31.5.2005 |
A564 |
Firma Wielobranżowa ART-POL Artur Nowak |
ul. Homera 4/20, PL-42-200 Częstochowa |
Poland |
Article 5 |
22.9.2005 |
A697 |
Hermann Hartje KG |
Deichstraße 120—122, D-27318 Hoya/Weser |
Germany |
Article 5 |
7.11.2005 |
A725 |
ISTRO-HGA, spol. s.r.o. |
Svätopeterská 14, SK-947 01 Hurbanovo |
Slovak Republic |
Article 5 |
1.5.2004 |
A541 |
Koliken Kft. |
Széchenyi u. 103., H-6400 Kiskunhalas |
Hungary |
Article 5 |
8.11.2004 |
A616 |
Koninklijke Gazelle B.V. |
Wilhelminaweg 8, 6951 BP Dieren, Nederland |
The Netherlands |
Article 5 |
29.6.2005 |
8609 |
Kynast Bike GmbH |
Artlandstraße 55, D-49610 Quakenbrück |
Germany |
Article 5 |
29.7.2005 |
A692 |
Manufacture de Cycles du Comminges |
Z.I. Ouest, F-31800 Saint-Gaudens |
France |
Article 5 |
29.6.2005 |
A690 |
Maver Sp. z o.o. |
ul. Przasnysza 77, 06-200 Maków Mazowiecki |
Poland |
Article 5 |
19.10.2005 |
A728 |
Maxbike s.r.o. |
Svatoplukova 2771, CZ-700 30 Ostrava-Vítkovice |
Czech Republic |
Article 5 |
3.1.2005 |
A664 |
Muller Sport Bohemia s.r.o. |
Okružní 110 Hlincová Hora, CZ-373 71 Rudolfov |
Czech Republic |
Article 5 |
8.11.2004 |
A605 |
OLPRAN, spol. s.r.o. |
Libušina 101, CZ-772 11 Olomouc |
Czech Republic |
Article 5 |
1.5.2004 |
A546 |
P.W.U.H. Sterna |
ul. Lotników 51, PL-73-102 Stargard Szczeciński |
Poland |
Article 5 |
2.2.2005 |
A631 |
PFIFF Vertriebs GmbH |
Wilhelmstraße 58, D-49610 Quakenbrück |
Germany |
Article 5 |
6.4.2005 |
A668 |
TIESSE Snc di Tosato Virginio & C. |
Via Meucci 12, I-35030 Caselle di Selvazzano Dentro (PD) |
Italy |
Article 5 |
24.10.2005 |
A724 |
TOLIN Przedsiębiorstwo Prywatne Jerzy Topolski |
Łęg Witoszyn, PL-87-811 Fabianki |
Poland |
Article 5 |
10.9.2004 |
A586 |
Victus International Trading S.A. |
ul. Naramowicka 150, PL-61-619 Poznań |
Poland |
Article 5 |
11.10.2004 |
A588 |
Vizija Sport d.o.o. |
Tržaška cesta 87b, SI-1370 Logatec |
Slovenia |
Article 5 |
24.1.2005 |
A630 |
Article 4
The requests for exemption from the extended anti-dumping duty made by the parties listed below in table 4 are hereby rejected.
Table 4
List of parties for which the request for exemption is rejected
Name |
Address |
Country |
Avex Kft. |
Csenterics u. 3., H-2440 Százhalombatta |
Hungary |
Ets Duret |
8, rue de Clémont, F-18410 Argent-sur-Sauldre |
France |
P.P.H.U. Interbike |
ul. Drogowców 12, PL-42-200 Częstochowa |
Poland |
ul. Tenisowa 81, PL-42-200 Częstochowa |
Poland |
Unimex |
Domburgseweg 87, 4356 BK Oostkapelle, Nederland |
The Netherlands |
Article 5
This Decision is addressed to the Member States and to the parties listed in Articles 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Done at Brussels, 20 January 2006.
For the Commission
Member of the Commission
(1) OJ L 56, 6.3.1996, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 2117/2005 (OJ L 340, 23.12.2005, p. 17).
(2) OJ L 16, 18.1.1997, p. 55.
(3) OJ L 175, 14.7.2000, p. 39.
(4) OJ L 183, 14.7.2005, p. 1.
(5) OJ L 17, 21.1.1997, p. 17.
(6) OJ C 45, 13.2.1997, p. 3, OJ C 112, 10.4.1997, p. 9, OJ C 220, 19.7.1997, p. 6, OJ C 378, 13.12.1997, p. 2, OJ C 217, 11.7.1998, p. 9, OJ C 37, 11.2.1999, p. 3, OJ C 186, 2.7.1999, p. 6, OJ C 216, 28.7.2000, p. 8, OJ C 170, 14.6.2001, p. 5, OJ C 103, 30.4.2002, p. 2, OJ C 35, 14.2.2003, p. 3, OJ C 43, 22.2.2003, p. 5, OJ C 54, 2.3.2004, p. 2 and OJ C 299, 4.12.2004, p. 4.