

Official Journal of the European Union

C 234/31

Judgment of the General Court of 8 July 2010 — M v EMA

(Case T-12/08 P-RENV-RX) (1)

(Appeal - Civil service - Review of the judgment of the General Court - Whether the state of the proceedings permits final judgment to be given)

2010/C 234/53

Language of the case: French


Appellant: M (Browbourne, United Kingdom) (represented by: S. Orlandi, A. Coolen, J.-N. Louis and É. Marchal, lawyers)

Other party to the proceedings: European Medicines Agency (EMA) (represented by: V. Salvatore and N. Rampal Olmedo, Agents)


Appeal against the order of the European Union Civil Service Tribunal (First Chamber) of 19 October 2007 in Case F-23/07 M v EMEA (not yet published in the ECR), seeking to have that order set aside

Operative part of the judgment

The General Court:


Refers the case back to the European Union Civil Service Tribunal for it to rule on the claim for compensation for the non-material damage allegedly suffered by Mr M;


Reserves the costs.

(1)  OJ C 64, 8.3.2008.