5.6.2012 |
EN |
Official Journal of the European Union |
L 144/25 |
of 4 June 2012
amending Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards maximum residue levels for spinetoram (XDE-175) in or on certain products
(Text with EEA relevance)
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 February 2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides in or on food and feed of plant and animal origin and amending Council Directive 91/414/EEC (1), and in particular Article 18(4) thereof,
(1) |
For spinetoram (XDE-175) MRLs are set in Part A of Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005. |
(2) |
In accordance with Article 53 of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market and repealing Council Directives 79/117/EEC and 91/414/EEC (2), France notified on 11 May 2012 to the Commission the temporary authorisation of plant protection products containing the active substance spinetoram (XDE-175), due to an unexpected outbreak of Drosophila suzukii, a danger that was unforeseeable and could not be contained by any other reasonable means. Consequently, France has also notified to the other Member States, the Commission and the Authority in accordance with Article 18(4) of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 that it has authorised the placing on the market in its territory of cherries, raspberries and blueberries containing pesticide residues higher than the MRLs. Currently, those MRLs are established at the limit of determination in Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005. |
(3) |
France submitted to the Commission an appropriate consumer risk assesment and proposed temporary MRLs on that basis. |
(4) |
The European Food Safety Authority, hereinafter "the Authority", assessed the data provided and issued a statement (3) on the safety of the proposed temporary MRLs. |
(5) |
The Authority concluded that the emergency use of spinetoram (XDE-175) on cherries, raspberries and blueberries is not likely to result in a consumer exposure exceeding the toxicological reference value and therefore is not expected to pose a public health concern. |
(6) |
France did not report details of supervised field trials, nor complete a quality assessment of such trials. The Authority had to base its statement on the assumption that the supervised field trials are valid and confirm the proposed temporary MRLs. In order to verify the correctness of the assumption, France should update the evaluation report as soon as possible. |
(7) |
Based on the statement of the Authority and taking into account the factors relevant to the matter under consideration, the appropriate modifications to the MRLs fulfil the requirements of Article 18(4) of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005. |
(8) |
Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 should therefore be amended accordingly. |
(9) |
Given that the emergency uses of plant protection products concerning spinetoram are already authorized by France and the resulting urgent need to ensure a high level of consumer protection, it is appropriate to provide for the MRLs by applying the procedure referred to in Article 45(5) of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005. |
(10) |
The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health, |
Article 1
Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 is amended in accordance with the Annex to this Regulation.
Article 2
This Regulation shall enter into force on the next day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at Brussels, 4 June 2012.
For the Commission
The President
José Manuel BARROSO
(2) OJ L 309, 24.11.2009, p. 1.
(3) European Food Safety Authority; Statement on the modification of the existing MRLs for spinetoram in cherries, raspberries and blueberries. EFSA Journal 2012;10(5):2708. [24 pp.] doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2012.2708. Available online: http://www.efsa.europa.eu/efsajournal.htm
In Part A of Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, the column for spinetoram (XDE-175) is replaced by the following:
‘Pesticide residues and maximum residue levels (mg/kg)
Code number |
Groups and examples of individual products to which the MRLs apply (1) |
Spinetoram (XDE-175) |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
0100000 |
0110000 |
0,2 |
0110010 |
Grapefruit (Shaddocks, pomelos, sweeties, tangelo (except mineola), ugli and other hybrids) |
0110020 |
Oranges (Bergamot, bitter orange, chinotto and other hybrids) |
0110030 |
Lemons (Citron, lemon) |
0110040 |
Limes |
0110050 |
Mandarins (Clementine, tangerine, mineola and other hybrids) |
0110990 |
Others |
0120000 |
0,05 (*1) |
0120010 |
Almonds |
0120020 |
Brazil nuts |
0120030 |
Cashew nuts |
0120040 |
Chestnuts |
0120050 |
Coconuts |
0120060 |
Hazelnuts (Filbert) |
0120070 |
Macadamia |
0120080 |
Pecans |
0120090 |
Pine nuts |
0120100 |
Pistachios |
0120110 |
Walnuts |
0120990 |
Others |
0130000 |
0,2 |
0130010 |
Apples (Crab apple) |
0130020 |
Pears (Oriental pear) |
0130030 |
Quinces |
0130040 |
Medlar |
0130050 |
Loquat |
0130990 |
Others |
0140000 |
0140010 |
Apricots |
0,2 |
0140020 |
Cherries (sweet cherries, sour cherries) |
0,2 (+) |
0140030 |
Peaches (Nectarines and similar hybrids) |
0,2 |
0140040 |
Plums (Damson, greengage, mirabelle, sloe) |
0,05 (*1) |
0140990 |
Others |
0,05 (*1) |
0150000 |
0151000 |
0,5 |
0151010 |
Table grapes |
0151020 |
Wine grapes |
0152000 |
0,2 |
0153000 |
0153010 |
Blackberries |
0,05 (*1) |
0153020 |
Dewberries (Loganberries, boysenberries, and cloudberries) |
0,05 (*1) |
0153030 |
Raspberries (Wineberries, arctic bramble/raspberry, (Rubus arcticus), nectar raspberries (Rubus arcticus x idaeus)) |
0,8 (+) |
0153990 |
Others |
0,05 (*1) |
0154000 |
0154010 |
Blueberries (Bilberries) |
0,2 (+) |
0154020 |
Cranberries (Cowberries (red bilberries)) |
0,05 (*1) |
0154030 |
Currants (red, black and white) |
0,05 (*1) |
0154040 |
Gooseberries (Including hybrids with other ribes species) |
0,05 (*1) |
0154050 |
Rose hips |
0,05 (*1) |
0154060 |
Mulberries (arbutus berry) |
0,05 (*1) |
0154070 |
Azarole (mediteranean medlar) (Kiwiberry (Actinidia arguta)) |
0,05 (*1) |
0154080 |
Elderberries (Black chokeberry (appleberry), mountain ash, buckthorn (sea sallowthorn), hawthorn, service berries, and other treeberries) |
0,05 (*1) |
0154990 |
Others |
0,05 (*1) |
0160000 |
0,05 (*1) |
0161000 |
0161010 |
Dates |
0161020 |
Figs |
0161030 |
Table olives |
0161040 |
Kumquats (Marumi kumquats, nagami kumquats, limequats (Citrus aurantifolia x Fortunella spp.)) |
0161050 |
Carambola (Bilimbi) |
0161060 |
Persimmon |
0161070 |
Jambolan (java plum) (Java apple (water apple), pomerac, rose apple, Brazilean cherry Surinam cherry (grumichama Eugenia uniflora),) |
0161990 |
Others |
0162000 |
0162010 |
Kiwi |
0162020 |
Lychee (Litchi) (Pulasan, rambutan (hairy litchi), mangosteen) |
0162030 |
Passion fruit |
0162040 |
Prickly pear (cactus fruit) |
0162050 |
Star apple |
0162060 |
American persimmon (Virginia kaki) (Black sapote, white sapote, green sapote, canistel (yellow sapote), and mammey sapote) |
0162990 |
Others |
0163000 |
0163010 |
Avocados |
0163020 |
Bananas (Dwarf banana, plantain, apple banana) |
0163030 |
Mangoes |
0163040 |
Papaya |
0163050 |
Pomegranate |
0163060 |
Cherimoya (Custard apple, sugar apple (sweetsop), llama and other medium sized Annonaceae) |
0163070 |
Guava (Red pitaya or dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus)) |
0163080 |
Pineapples |
0163090 |
Bread fruit (Jackfruit) |
0163100 |
Durian |
0163110 |
Soursop (guanabana) |
0163990 |
Others |
0200000 |
0210000 |
0,05 (*1) |
0211000 |
0212000 |
0212010 |
Cassava (Dasheen, eddoe (Japanese taro), tannia) |
0212020 |
Sweet potatoes |
0212030 |
Yams (Potato bean (yam bean), Mexican yam bean) |
0212040 |
Arrowroot |
0212990 |
Others |
0213000 |
0213010 |
Beetroot |
0213020 |
Carrots |
0213030 |
Celeriac |
0213040 |
Horseradish (Angelica roots, lovage roots, gentiana roots,) |
0213050 |
Jerusalem artichokes |
0213060 |
Parsnips |
0213070 |
Parsley root |
0213080 |
Radishes (Black radish, Japanese radish, small radish and similar varieties, tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus)) |
0213090 |
Salsify (Scorzonera, Spanish salsify (Spanish oysterplant)) |
0213100 |
Swedes |
0213110 |
Turnips |
0213990 |
Others |
0220000 |
0,05 (*1) |
0220010 |
Garlic |
0220020 |
Onions (Silverskin onions) |
0220030 |
Shallots |
0220040 |
Spring onions (Welsh onion and similar varieties) |
0220990 |
Others |
0230000 |
0231000 |
0,5 |
0231010 |
Tomatoes (Cherry tomatoes, tree tomato, Physalis, gojiberry, wolfberry (Lycium barbarum and L. chinense)) |
0231020 |
Peppers (Chilli peppers) |
0231030 |
Aubergines (egg plants) (Pepino) |
0231040 |
Okra, lady's fingers |
0231990 |
Others |
0232000 |
0,2 |
0232010 |
Cucumbers |
0232020 |
Gherkins |
0232030 |
Courgettes (Summer squash, marrow (patisson)) |
0232990 |
Others |
0233000 |
0,05 (*1) |
0233010 |
Melons (Kiwano) |
0233020 |
Pumpkins (Winter squash) |
0233030 |
Watermelons |
0233990 |
Others |
0234000 |
0,05 (*1) |
0239000 |
0,05 (*1) |
0240000 |
0,05 (*1) |
0241000 |
0241010 |
Broccoli (Calabrese, Chinese broccoli, broccoli raab) |
0241020 |
Cauliflower |
0241990 |
Others |
0242000 |
0242010 |
Brussels sprouts |
0242020 |
Head cabbage (Pointed head cabbage, red cabbage, savoy cabbage, white cabbage) |
0242990 |
Others |
0243000 |
0243010 |
Chinese cabbage (Indian (Chinese) mustard, pak choi, Chinese flat cabbage (tai goo choi), choi sum, peking cabbage (pe-tsai),) |
0243020 |
Kale (Borecole (curly kale), collards, Portuguese Kale, Portuguese cabbage, cow cabbage) |
0243990 |
Others |
0244000 |
0250000 |
0251000 |
0251010 |
Lamb's lettuce (Italian cornsalad) |
0,05 (*1) |
0251020 |
Lettuce (Head lettuce, lollo rosso (cutting lettuce), iceberg lettuce, romaine (cos) lettuce) |
10 |
0251030 |
Scarole (broad-leaf endive) (Wild chicory, red-leaved chicory, radicchio, curld leave endive, sugar loaf) |
0,05 (*1) |
0251040 |
Cress |
0,05 (*1) |
0251050 |
Land cress |
0,05 (*1) |
0251060 |
Rocket, Rucola (Wild rocket) |
0,05 (*1) |
0251070 |
Red mustard |
0,05 (*1) |
0251080 |
Leaves and sprouts of Brassica spp (Mizuna, leaves of peas and radish and other babyleaf brassica crops (crops harvested up to 8 true leaf stage)) |
0,05 (*1) |
0251990 |
Others |
0,05 (*1) |
0252000 |
0,05 (*1) |
0252010 |
Spinach (New Zealand spinach, amaranthus spinach) |
0252020 |
Purslane (Winter purslane (miner’s lettuce), garden purslane, common purslane, sorrel, glassworth, Agretti (Salsola soda)) |
0252030 |
Beet leaves (chard) (Leaves of beetroot) |
0252990 |
Others |
0253000 |
0,05 (*1) |
0254000 |
0,05 (*1) |
0255000 |
0,05 (*1) |
0256000 |
0,05 (*1) |
0256010 |
Chervil |
0256020 |
Chives |
0256030 |
Celery leaves (Fennel leaves, Coriander leaves, dill leaves, Caraway leaves, lovage, angelica, sweet cisely and other Apiacea leaves) |
0256040 |
Parsley |
0256050 |
Sage (Winter savory, summer savory,) |
0256060 |
Rosemary |
0256070 |
Thyme (Marjoram, oregano) |
0256080 |
Basil (Balm leaves, mint, peppermint) |
0256090 |
Bay leaves (laurel) |
0256100 |
Tarragon (Hyssop) |
0256990 |
Others (Edible flowers) |
0260000 |
0260010 |
Beans (with pods) (Green bean (french beans, snap beans), scarlet runner bean, slicing bean, yardlong beans) |
0,1 |
0260020 |
Beans (without pods) (Broad beans, Flageolets, jack bean, lima bean, cowpea) |
0,05 (*1) |
0260030 |
Peas (with pods) (Mangetout (sugar peas, snow peas)) |
0,1 |
0260040 |
Peas (without pods) (Garden pea, green pea, chickpea) |
0,05 (*1) |
0260050 |
Lentils |
0,05 (*1) |
0260990 |
Others |
0,05 (*1) |
0270000 |
0,05 (*1) |
0270010 |
Asparagus |
0270020 |
Cardoons |
0270030 |
Celery |
0270040 |
Fennel |
0270050 |
Globe artichokes |
0270060 |
Leek |
0270070 |
Rhubarb |
0270080 |
Bamboo shoots |
0270090 |
Palm hearts |
0270990 |
Others |
0280000 |
0,05 (*1) |
0280010 |
Cultivated (Common mushroom, Oyster mushroom, Shi-take) |
0280020 |
Wild (Chanterelle, Truffle, Morel, Cep) |
0280990 |
Others |
0290000 |
0,05 (*1) |
0300000 |
0,05 (*1) |
0300010 |
Beans (Broad beans, navy beans, flageolets, jack beans, lima beans, field beans, cowpeas) |
0300020 |
Lentils |
0300030 |
Peas (Chickpeas, field peas, chickling vetch) |
0300040 |
Lupins |
0300990 |
Others |
0400000 |
0,05 (*1) |
0401000 |
0401010 |
Linseed |
0401020 |
Peanuts |
0401030 |
Poppy seed |
0401040 |
Sesame seed |
0401050 |
Sunflower seed |
0401060 |
Rape seed (Bird rapeseed, turnip rape) |
0401070 |
Soya bean |
0401080 |
Mustard seed |
0401090 |
Cotton seed |
0401100 |
Pumpkin seeds (Other seeds of cucurbitacea) |
0401110 |
Safflower |
0401120 |
Borage |
0401130 |
Gold of pleasure |
0401140 |
Hempseed |
0401150 |
Castor bean |
0401990 |
Others |
0402000 |
0402010 |
Olives for oil production |
0402020 |
Palm nuts (palmoil kernels) |
0402030 |
Palmfruit |
0402040 |
Kapok |
0402990 |
Others |
0500000 |
0,05 (*1) |
0500010 |
Barley |
0500020 |
Buckwheat (Amaranthus, quinoa) |
0500030 |
Maize |
0500040 |
Millet (Foxtail millet, teff) |
0500050 |
Oats |
0500060 |
Rice |
0500070 |
Rye |
0500080 |
Sorghum |
0500090 |
Wheat (Spelt, triticale) |
0500990 |
Others |
0600000 |
0,1 (*1) |
0610000 |
0620000 |
0630000 |
0631000 |
0631010 |
Camomille flowers |
0631020 |
Hybiscus flowers |
0631030 |
Rose petals |
0631040 |
Jasmine flowers (Elderflowers (Sambucus nigra)) |
0631050 |
Lime (linden) |
0631990 |
Others |
0632000 |
0632010 |
Strawberry leaves |
0632020 |
Rooibos leaves (Ginkgo leaves) |
0632030 |
Maté |
0632990 |
Others |
0633000 |
0633010 |
Valerian root |
0633020 |
Ginseng root |
0633990 |
Others |
0639000 |
0640000 |
0650000 |
0700000 |
0,1 (*1) |
0800000 |
0,1 (*1) |
0810000 |
0810010 |
Anise |
0810020 |
Black caraway |
0810030 |
Celery seed (Lovage seed) |
0810040 |
Coriander seed |
0810050 |
Cumin seed |
0810060 |
Dill seed |
0810070 |
Fennel seed |
0810080 |
Fenugreek |
0810090 |
Nutmeg |
0810990 |
Others |
0820000 |
0820010 |
Allspice |
0820020 |
Anise pepper (Japan pepper) |
0820030 |
Caraway |
0820040 |
Cardamom |
0820050 |
Juniper berries |
0820060 |
Pepper, black and white (Long pepper, pink pepper) |
0820070 |
Vanilla pods |
0820080 |
Tamarind |
0820990 |
Others |
0830000 |
0830010 |
Cinnamon (Cassia) |
0830990 |
Others |
0840000 |
0840010 |
Liquorice |
0840020 |
Ginger |
0840030 |
Turmeric (Curcuma) |
0840040 |
Horseradish |
0840990 |
Others |
0850000 |
0850010 |
Cloves |
0850020 |
Capers |
0850990 |
Others |
0860000 |
0860010 |
Saffron |
0860990 |
Others |
0870000 |
0870010 |
Mace |
0870990 |
Others |
0900000 |
0,05 (*1) |
0900010 |
Sugar beet (root) |
0900020 |
Sugar cane |
0900030 |
Chicory roots |
0900990 |
Others |
1000000 |
1010000 |
1011000 |
1011010 |
Meat |
0,2 |
1011020 |
Fat free of lean meat |
0,01 (*1) |
1011030 |
Liver |
0,01 (*1) |
1011040 |
Kidney |
0,01 (*1) |
1011050 |
Edible offal |
0,01 (*1) |
1011990 |
Others |
0,01 (*1) |
1012000 |
1012010 |
Meat |
0,2 |
1012020 |
Fat |
0,01 (*1) |
1012030 |
Liver |
0,01 (*1) |
1012040 |
Kidney |
0,01 (*1) |
1012050 |
Edible offal |
0,01 (*1) |
1012990 |
Others |
0,01 (*1) |
1013000 |
1013010 |
Meat |
0,2 |
1013020 |
Fat |
0,01 (*1) |
1013030 |
Liver |
0,01 (*1) |
1013040 |
Kidney |
0,01 (*1) |
1013050 |
Edible offal |
0,01 (*1) |
1013990 |
Others |
0,01 (*1) |
1014000 |
1014010 |
Meat |
0,2 |
1014020 |
Fat |
0,01 (*1) |
1014030 |
Liver |
0,01 (*1) |
1014040 |
Kidney |
0,01 (*1) |
1014050 |
Edible offal |
0,01 (*1) |
1014990 |
Others |
0,01 (*1) |
1015000 |
1015010 |
Meat |
0,2 |
1015020 |
Fat |
0,01 (*1) |
1015030 |
Liver |
0,01 (*1) |
1015040 |
Kidney |
0,01 (*1) |
1015050 |
Edible offal |
0,01 (*1) |
1015990 |
Others |
0,01 (*1) |
1016000 |
0,01 (*1) |
1016010 |
Meat |
1016020 |
Fat |
1016030 |
Liver |
1016040 |
Kidney |
1016050 |
Edible offal |
1016990 |
Others |
1017000 |
1017010 |
Meat |
0,2 |
1017020 |
Fat |
0,01 (*1) |
1017030 |
Liver |
0,01 (*1) |
1017040 |
Kidney |
0,01 (*1) |
1017050 |
Edible offal |
0,01 (*1) |
1017990 |
Others |
0,01 (*1) |
1020000 |
0,01 (*1) |
1020010 |
Cattle |
1020020 |
Sheep |
1020030 |
Goat |
1020040 |
Horse |
1020990 |
Others |
1030000 |
0,01 (*1) |
1030010 |
Chicken |
1030020 |
Duck |
1030030 |
Goose |
1030040 |
Quail |
1030990 |
Others |
1040000 |
0,01 (*1) |
1050000 |
0,01 (*1) |
1060000 |
0,01 (*1) |
1070000 |
0,01 (*1) |
Spinetoram (XDE-175)
(1) For the complete list of products of plant and animal origin to which MRLs apply, reference should be made to Annex I.
(*1) Indicates lower limit of analytical determination