ISSN 1725-2423

Official Journal

of the European Union

C 331

European flag  

English edition

Information and Notices

Volume 48
28 December 2005

Notice No




I   Information



2005/C 331/1

Euro exchange rates


2005/C 331/2

Publication of an application for registration pursuant to Article 6(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92 on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin


2005/C 331/3

Communication from the French Government concerning Directive 94/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 1994 on the conditions for granting and using authorisations for the prospection, exploration and production of hydrocarbons (Notice regarding an application for an exclusive licence to prospect for liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons, designated the ‘Claracq Licence’)  ( 1 )


2005/C 331/4

Communication from the French Government concerning Directive 94/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 1994 on the conditions for granting and using authorisations for the prospection, exploration and production of hydrocarbons (Notice regarding an application to extend the exclusive licence to prospect for liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons designated the ‘Lavignolle licence’)  ( 1 )


2005/C 331/5

Communication from the French Government concerning Directive 94/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 1994 on the conditions for granting and using authorisations for the prospection, exploration and production of hydrocarbons (Notice regarding applications for exclusive licences to prospect for liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons, designated the ‘Etampes licence’ and the ‘Malesherbes licence’)  ( 1 )


2005/C 331/6

Notice inviting applications for authorisation to prospect for hydrocarbons in block L3 of the Dutch continental shelf ( 1 )


2005/C 331/7

Notice inviting applications for authorisation to prospect for hydrocarbons in block Q14 of the Dutch continental shelf ( 1 )


2005/C 331/8

Notice inviting applications for authorisation to extract hydrocarbons in the Oosterwolde area on Dutch territory ( 1 )


2005/C 331/9

Notice inviting applications for authorisation to prospect for hydrocarbons in block P8 of the Dutch continental shelf ( 1 )


2005/C 331/10

Notice inviting applications for authorisation to prospect for hydrocarbons in block P5 of the Dutch continental shelf ( 1 )


2005/C 331/11

Notice inviting applications for authorisation to prospect for hydrocarbons in block P4 of the Dutch continental shelf ( 1 )


2005/C 331/12

Notice inviting applications for authorisation to prospect for hydrocarbons in block M11 of the Dutch continental shelf ( 1 )


2005/C 331/13

Notice inviting applications for authorisation to prospect for hydrocarbons in block M10 of the Dutch continental shelf ( 1 )


2005/C 331/14

Notice inviting applications for authorisation to prospect for hydrocarbons in block M8 of the Dutch continental shelf ( 1 )


2005/C 331/15

Notice inviting applications for authorisation to prospect for hydrocarbons in block segment L1b of the Dutch continental shelf ( 1 )


2005/C 331/16

Notice inviting applications for authorisation to prospect for hydrocarbons in block F14 of the Dutch continental shelf ( 1 )


2005/C 331/17

Notice inviting applications for authorisation to prospect for hydrocarbons in block F18 of the Dutch continental shelf ( 1 )


2005/C 331/18

Prior notification of a concentration (Case COMP/M.4083 — ABN Amro Capital France/L Capital/Sanutri) ( 1 )




(1)   Text with EEA relevance