Official Journal
of the European Communities

L 3
Volume 45
5 January 2002
English editionLegislation

ContentsI Acts whose publication is obligatory
*Council Regulation (EC) No 6/2002 of 12 December 2001 on Community designs 1
Commission Regulation (EC) No 7/2002 of 4 January 2002 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables 25
Commission Regulation (EC) No 8/2002 of 4 January 2002 opening an invitation to tender for the reduction in the duty on sorghum imported into Spain from third countries 27
Commission Regulation (EC) No 9/2002 of 4 January 2002 opening an invitation to tender for the reduction in the duty on maize imported into Spain from third countries 29
Commission Regulation (EC) No 10/2002 of 4 January 2002 suspending the buying-in of butter in certain Member States 30
Commission Regulation (EC) No 11/2002 of 4 January 2002 amending the import duties in the cereals sector 31
Commission Regulation (EC) No 12/2002 of 4 January 2002 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1627/89 on the buying-in of beef by invitation to tender 34
Commission Regulation (EC) No 13/2002 of 4 January 2002 amending Regulation (EC) No 713/2001 on the purchase of beef under Regulation (EC) No 690/2001 36

II Acts whose publication is not obligatory
*Commission Decision of 27 December 2001 on the eligibility of expenditure to be incurred by certain Member States in 2001 in implementing the control, inspection and surveillance systems applicable to the common fisheries policy (notified under document number C(2001) 4611) 38
*Commission Decision of 27 December 2001 on the eligibility of expenditure on a number of operations to be incurred by certain Member States in 2002 in implementing the control, inspection and surveillance systems applicable to the common fisheries policy (notified under document number C(2001) 4613) 45
*Commission Decision of 28 December 2001 amending Decision 98/371/EC as regards the animal health certificate for certain imports of fresh meat (notified under document number C(2001) 4666) (1) 50
*Commission Decision of 28 December 2001 laying down the methods for the genetic identification of pure-bred breeding animals of the bovine species and amending Decisions 88/124/EEC and 96/80/EC (notified under document number C(2001) 4709) (1) 53
(1) Text with EEA relevance
Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a limited period.
The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk.