8.3.2008 |
EN |
Official Journal of the European Union |
C 64/34 |
Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 30 January 2008 — Strack v Commission
(Case T-394/04) (1)
(Civil service - Officials - Promotion - 2003 promotion procedure - Allocation of priority points - Refusal of promotion)
(2008/C 64/53)
Language of the case: German
Applicant: Guido Strack (Wasserliesch, Germany) (represented by: first J. Mosar, then F. Gengler and P. Goergen, lawyers)
Defendant: Commission of the European Communities (represented by: G. Berscheid and H. Krämer, Agents)
Application for annulment of the promotion procedure carried out in respect of the applicant for 2003, of the allocation of points made in the context of that procedure and the subsequent decision not to promote the applicant
Operative part of the judgment
The Court of First Instance hereby:
1. |
Annuls the decision concerning the number of priority points allocated to Guido Strack in the 2003 promotion procedure and the decision not to promote him through that procedure. |
2. |
Orders the Commission to pay the costs. |