9.3.2007 |
EN |
Official Journal of the European Union |
L 70/3 |
Corrigendum to Regulation No 49 of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UN/ECE) — Uniform provisions concerning the approval of compression-ignition (C.I.) and natural gas (NG) engines as well as positive-ignition (P.I.) engines fuelled with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and vehicles equipped with C.I. and NG engines and P.I. engines fuelled with lpg, with regard to the emissions of pollutants by the engine
( Official Journal of the European Union L 375 of 27 December 2006 )
Regulation No 49 should read as follows:
Regulation No 49 of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UN/ECE) — Uniform provisions concerning the approval of compression-ignition (C.I.) and natural gas (NG) engines as well as positive-ignition (P.I.) engines fuelled with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and vehicles equipped with c.i. and ng engines and P.I. engines fuelled with lpg, with regard to the emissions of pollutants by the engine
Revision 3
01 series of amendments — Date of entry into force: 14 May 1990
02 series of amendments — Date of entry into force: 30 December 1992
Corrigendum 1 to the 02 series of amendments subject of depositary notification
C.N.232.1992.TREATIES-32 dated 11 September 1992
Corrigendum 2 to the 02 series of amendments subject of depositary notification
C.N.353.1995.TREATIES-72 dated 13 November 1995
Corrigendum 1 to Revision 2 (Erratum — English only)
Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments — Date of entry into force: 18 May 1996
Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments — Date of entry into force: 28 August 1996
Corrigendum 1 to Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments subject of depositary notification
C.N.426.1997.TREATIES-96 dated 21 November 1997
Corrigendum 2 to Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments subject of depositary notification
C.N.272.1999.TREATIES-2 dated 12 April 1999
Corrigendum 1 to Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments subject of depositary notification
C.N.271.1999.TREATIES-1 dated 12 April 1999
03 series of amendments — Date of entry into force: 27 December 2001
04 series of amendments — Date of entry into force: 31 January 2003
This Regulation applies to the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from C.I. and NG engines and P.I. engines fuelled with LPG, used for driving motor vehicles having a design speed exceeding 25 km/h of categories (1) (2) M1 having a total mass exceeding 3,5 tonnes, M2, M3, N1, N2 and N3.
For the purposes of this Regulation:
2.1. ‘test cycle’ means a sequence of test points each with a defined speed and torque to be followed by the engine under steady state (ESC test) or transient operating conditions (ETC, ELR test);
2.2. ‘approval of an engine (engine family)’ means the approval of an engine type (engine family) with regard to the level of the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants;
2.3. ‘diesel engine’ means an engine which works on the compression-ignition principle;
‘gas engine’ means an engine, which is fuelled with natural gas (NG) or liquid petroleum gas (LPG);
2.4. ‘engine type’ means a category of engines which do not differ in such essential respects as engine characteristics as defined in annex 1 to this Regulation;
2.5. ‘engine family’ means a manufacturers grouping of engines which, through their design as defined in annex 1, appendix 2 to this Regulation, have similar exhaust emission characteristics; all members of the family must comply with the applicable emission limit values;
2.6. ‘parent engine’ means an engine selected from an engine family in such a way that its emissions characteristics will be representative for that engine family;
2.7. ‘gaseous pollutants’ means carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons (assuming a ratio of CH1,85 for diesel, CH2,525 for LPG and an assumed molecule CH3O0,5 for ethanol-fuelled diesel engines), non-methane hydrocarbons (assuming a ratio of CH1,85 for diesel fuel, CH2,525 for LPG and CH2,93 for NG), methane (assuming a ratio of CH4 for NG) and oxides of nitrogen, the last-named being expressed in nitrogen dioxide (NO2) equivalent;
‘particulate pollutants’ means any material collected on a specified filter medium after diluting the exhaust with clean filtered air so that the temperature does not exceed 325 K (52 °C);
2.8. ‘smoke’ means particles suspended in the exhaust stream of a diesel engine which absorb, reflect, or refract light;
2.9. ‘net power’ means the power in ECE kW obtained on the test bench at the end of the crankshaft, or its equivalent, measured in accordance with the method of measuring power as set out in Regulation No 24.
2.10. ‘declared maximum power (Pmax)’ means the maximum power in ECE kW (net power) as declared by the manufacturer in his application for approval;
2.11. ‘per cent load’ means the fraction of the maximum available torque at an engine speed;
2.12. ‘ESC test’ means a test cycle consisting of 13 steady state modes to be applied in accordance with paragraph 5.2. of this Regulation;
2.13. ‘ELR test’ means a test cycle consisting of a sequence of load steps at constant engine speeds to be applied in accordance with paragraph 5.2. of this Regulation;
2.14. ‘ETC test’ means a test cycle consisting of 1 800 second-by-second transient modes to be applied in accordance with paragraph 5.2. of this Regulation;
2.15. ‘engine operating speed range’ means the engine speed range, most frequently used during engine field operation, which lies between the low and high speeds, as set out in annex 4 to this Regulation;
2.16. ‘low speed (nlo)’ means the lowest engine speed where 50 per cent of the declared maximum power occurs;
2.17. ‘high speed (nhi)’ means the highest engine speed where 70 per cent of the declared maximum power occurs;
2.18. ‘engine speeds A, B and C’ means the test speeds within the engine operating speed range to be used for the ESC test and the ELR test, as set out in annex 4, appendix 1 to this Regulation;
2.19. ‘control area’ means the area between the engine speeds A and C and between 25 to 100 per cent load;
2.20. ‘reference speed (nref)’ means the 100 per cent speed value to be used for denormalizing the relative speed values of the ETC test, as set out in annex 4, appendix 2 to this Regulation;
2.21. ‘opacimeter’ means an instrument designed to measure the opacity of smoke particles by means of the light extinction principle;
2.22. ‘NG gas range’ means one of the H or L range as defined in European Standard EN 437, dated November 1993;
2.23. ‘self adaptability’ means any engine device allowing the air/fuel ratio to be kept constant;
2.24. ‘recalibration’ means a fine-tuning of a NG engine in order to provide the same performance (power, fuel consumption) in a different range of natural gas;
2.25. ‘Wobbe Index (lower Wl; or upper Wu)’ means the ratio of the corresponding calorific value of a gas per unit volume and the square root of its relative density under the same reference conditions:
2.26. ‘λ-shift factor (Sλ)’ means an expression that describes the required flexibility of the engine management system regarding a change of the excess-air ratio λ if the engine is fuelled with a gas composition different from pure methane (see annex 8 for the calculation of Sλ).
2.27. ‘EEV’ means Enhanced Environmentally Friendly Vehicle which is a type of vehicle propelled by an engine complying with the permissive emission limit values given in row C of the Tables in paragraph 5.2.1. of this Regulation;
2.28. ‘Defeat Device’ means a device which measures, senses or responds to operating variables (e.g. vehicle speed, engine speed, gear used, temperature, intake pressure or any other parameter) for the purpose of activating, modulating, delaying or deactivating the operation of any component or function of the emission control system such that the effectiveness of the emission control system is reduced under conditions encountered during normal vehicle use unless the use of such a device is substantially included in the applied emission certification test procedures.
2.29. ‘Auxiliary control device’ means a system, function or control strategy installed to an engine or on a vehicle, that is used to protect the engine and/or its ancillary equipment against operating conditions that could result in damage or failure, or is used to facilitate engine starting. An auxiliary control device may also be a strategy or measure that has been satisfactorily demonstrated not to be a defeat device.
2.30. ‘Irrational emission control strategy’ means any strategy or measure that, when the vehicle is operated under normal conditions of use, reduces the effectiveness of the emission control system to a level below that expected on the applicable emission test procedures.
Figure 1: Specific definitions of the test cycles
Net power [% of net Pmax]
50 % of Pmax
70 % of
Control area
Engine speed
2.31. Symbols and Abbreviations
2.31.1. Symbols for Test Parameters
Symbol |
Unit |
Term |
AP |
m2 |
Cross sectional area of the isokinetic sampling probe |
AT |
m2 |
Cross sectional area of the exhaust pipe |
— |
Ethane efficiency |
— |
Methane efficiency |
C1 |
— |
Carbon 1 equivalent hydrocarbon |
conc |
ppm/vol% |
Subscript denoting concentration |
D0 |
m3/s |
Intercept of PDP calibration function |
DF |
— |
Dilution factor |
D |
— |
Bessel function constant |
E |
— |
Bessel function constant |
EZ |
g/kWh |
Interpolated NOx emission of the control point |
fa |
— |
Laboratory atmospheric factor |
fc |
s–1 |
Bessel filter cut-off frequency |
— |
Fuel specific factor for the calculation of wet concentration for dry concentration |
FS |
— |
Stoichiometric factor |
kg/h |
Intake air mass flow rate on wet basis |
kg/h |
Intake air mass flow rate on dry basis |
kg/h |
Dilution air mass flow rate on wet basis |
kg/h |
Equivalent diluted exhaust gas mass flow rate on wet basis |
kg/h |
Exhaust gas mass flow rate on wet basis |
kg/h |
Fuel mass flow rate |
kg/h |
Diluted exhaust gas mass flow rate on wet basis |
H |
MJ/m3 |
Calorific value |
g/kg |
Reference value of absolute humidity (10,71 g/kg) |
Ha |
g/kg |
Absolute humidity of the intake air |
Hd |
g/kg |
Absolute humidity of the dilution air |
mol/mol |
Hydrogen-to-Carbon ratio |
I |
— |
Subscript denoting an individual mode |
K |
— |
Bessel constant |
K |
m–1 |
Light absorption coefficient |
KH,D |
— |
Humidity correction factor for NOx for diesel engines |
KH,G |
— |
Humidity correction factor for NOx for gas engines |
KV |
CFV calibration function |
KW,a |
— |
Dry to wet correction factor for the intake air |
KW,d |
— |
Dry to wet correction factor for the dilution air |
KW,e |
— |
Dry to wet correction factor for the diluted exhaust gas |
KW,r |
— |
Dry to wet correction factor for the raw exhaust gas |
L |
% |
Percent torque related to the maximum torque for the test engine |
La |
m |
Effective optical path length |
M |
Slope of PDP calibration function |
Mass |
g/h or g |
Subscript denoting emissions mass flow (rate) |
kg |
Mass of the dilution air sample passed through the particulate sampling filters |
Md |
mg |
Particulate sample mass of the dilution air collected |
Mf |
mg |
Particulate sample mass collected |
Mf,p |
mg |
Particulate sample mass collected on primary filter |
Mf,b |
mg |
Particulate sample mass collected on back-up filter |
kg |
Mass of the diluted exhaust sample passed through the particulate sampling filters |
kg |
Mass of secondary dilution air |
kg |
Total CVS mass over the cycle on wet basis |
kg |
Instantaneous CVS mass on wet basis |
N |
% |
Opacity |
NP |
— |
Total revolutions of PDP over the cycle |
NP,i |
— |
Revolutions of PDP during a time interval |
N |
min–1 |
Engine speed |
nP |
s–1 |
PDP speed |
nhi |
min–1 |
High engine speed |
nlo |
min–1 |
Low engine speed |
nref |
min–1 |
Reference engine speed for ETC test |
pa |
kPa |
Saturation vapour pressure of the engine intake air |
pA |
kPa |
Absolute pressure |
pB |
kPa |
Total atmospheric pressure |
pd |
kPa |
Saturation vapour pressure of the dilution air |
ps |
kPa |
Dry atmospheric pressure |
p1 |
kPa |
Pressure depression at pump inlet |
P(a) |
kW |
Power absorbed by auxiliaries to be fitted for test |
P(b) |
kW |
Power absorbed by auxiliaries to be removed for test |
P(n) |
kW |
Net power non-corrected |
P(m) |
kW |
Power measured on test bed |
Ω |
— |
Bessel constant |
Qs |
m3/s |
CVS volume flow rate |
q |
— |
Dilution ratio |
r |
— |
Ratio of cross sectional areas of isokinetic probe and exhaust pipe |
Ra |
% |
Relative humidity of the intake air |
Rd |
% |
Relative humidity of the dilution air |
Rf |
— |
FID response factor |
ρ |
kg/m3 |
Density |
S |
kW |
Dynamometer setting |
Si |
m–1 |
Instantaneous smoke value |
Sλ |
— |
λ-shift factor |
T |
K |
Absolute temperature |
Ta |
K |
Absolute temperature of the intake air |
t |
s |
Measuring time |
te |
s |
Electrical response time |
tf |
s |
Filter response time for Bessel function |
tp |
s |
Physical response time |
Δt |
s |
Time interval between successive smoke data (= 1/sampling rate) |
Δti |
s |
Time interval for instantaneous CFV flow |
τ |
% |
Smoke transmittance |
V0 |
m3/rev |
PDP volume flow rate at actual conditions |
W |
— |
Wobbe index |
Wact |
kWh |
Actual cycle work of ETC |
Wref |
kWh |
Reference cycle work of ETC |
WF |
— |
Weighting factor |
— |
Effective weighting factor |
X0 |
m3/rev |
Calibration function of PDP volume flow rate |
Yi |
m–1 |
1 s Bessel averaged smoke value |
2.31.2. Symbols for the Chemical Components
CH4 |
Methane |
C2H6 |
Ethane |
C2H5OH |
Ethanol |
C3H8 |
Propane |
CO |
Carbon monoxide |
Di-octylphtalate |
CO2 |
Carbon dioxide |
HC |
Hydrocarbons |
Non-methane hydrocarbons |
NOx |
Oxides of nitrogen |
NO |
Nitric oxide |
NO2 |
Nitrogen dioxide |
PT |
Particulates |
2.31.3. Abbreviations
Critical flow venturi |
Chemiluminescent detector |
European Load Response Test |
European Steady State Cycle |
European Transient Cycle |
Flame Ionisation Detector |
GC |
Gas Chromatograph |
Heated Chemiluminescent Detector |
Heated Flame Ionisation Detector |
Liquefied Petroleum Gas |
Non-Dispersive Infrared Analyser |
NG |
Natural Gas |
Non-Methane Cutter |
3.1. Application for approval of an engine as a separate technical unit
3.1.1. The application for approval of an engine type with regard to the level of the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants is submitted by the engine manufacturer or by his duly accredited representative.
3.1.2. It shall be accompanied by the necessary documents in triplicate. It will at least include the essential characteristics of the engine as referred to in annex 1 to this Regulation.
3.1.3. An engine conforming to the ‘engine type’ characteristics described in annex 1 shall be submitted to the technical service responsible for conducting the approval tests defined in paragraph 5.
3.2. Application for approval of a vehicle type in respect of its engine
3.2.1. The application for approval of a vehicle type with regard to emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants by its engine is submitted by the vehicle manufacturer or his duly accredited representative.
It shall be accompanied by the necessary documents in triplicate. It will at least include: The essential characteristics of the engine as referred to in annex 1; A description of the engine related components as referred to in annex 1; A copy of the type approval communication form (annex 2A) for the engine type installed.
3.3. Application for approval for a vehicle type with an approved engine
3.3.1. The application for approval of a vehicle with regard to emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants by its approved diesel engine or engine family and with regard to the level of the emission of gaseous pollutants by its approved gas engine or engine family must be submitted by the vehicle manufacturer or a duly accredited representative.
It must be accompanied by the necessary documents in triplicate and the following particulars: a description of the vehicle type and of engine-related vehicle parts comprising the particulars referred to in annex 1, as applicable, and a copy of the approval communication form (annex 2a) for the engine or engine family, if applicable, as a separate technical unit which is installed in the vehicle type.
4.1. Universal fuel approval
A universal fuel approval is granted subject to the following requirements:
4.1.1. In the case of diesel fuel: if pursuant to paragraphs 3.1., 3.2. or 3.3. of this Regulation, the engine or vehicle meets the requirements of paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 below on the reference fuel specified in annex 5 of this Regulation, approval of that type of engine or vehicle must be granted.
In the case of natural gas the parent engine should demonstrate its capability to adapt to any fuel composition that may occur across the market. In the case of natural gas there are generally two types of fuel, high calorific fuel (H-gas) and low calorific fuel (L-gas), but with a significant spread within both ranges; they differ significantly in their energy content expressed by the Wobbe Index and in their λ-shift factor (Sλ). The formulae for the calculation of the Wobbe index and Sλ are given in paragraphs 2.25. and 2.26. Natural gases with a λ-shift factor between 0,89 and 1,08 (0,89 ≤ Sλ ≤ 1,08) are considered to belong to H-range, while natural gases with a λ-shift factor between 1,08 and 1,19 (1,08 ≤ Sλ ≤ 1,19) are considered to belong to L-range. The composition of the reference fuels reflects the extreme variations of Sλ.
The parent engine must meet the requirements of this Regulation on the reference fuels GR (fuel 1) and G25 (fuel 2), as specified in annex 6, without any readjustment to the fuelling between the two tests. However, one adaptation run over one ETC cycle without measurement is permitted after the change of the fuel. Before testing, the parent engine must be run-in using the procedure given in paragraph 3 of appendix 2 to annex 4. On the manufacturer's request the engine may be tested on a third fuel (fuel 3) if the λ-shift factor (Sλ) lies between 0,89 (i.e. the lower range of GR) and 1,19 (i.e. the upper range of G25), for example when fuel 3 is a market fuel. The results of this test may be used as a basis for the evaluation of the conformity of production.
In the case of an engine fuelled with natural gas which is self-adaptive for the range of H-gases on the one hand and the range of L-gases on the other hand, and which switches between the H-range and the L-range by means of a switch, the parent engine must be tested at each position of the switch on the reference fuel relevant for the respective position as specified in annex 6 for each range. The fuels are GR (fuel 1) and G23 (fuel 3) for the H-range of gases and G25 (fuel 2) and G23 (fuel 3) for the L-range of gases. The parent engine must meet the requirements of this Regulation at both positions of the switch without any readjustment to the fuelling between the two tests at the respective position of the switch. However, one adaptation run over one ETC cycle without measurement is permitted after the change of the fuel. Before testing the parent engine must be run-in using the procedure given in paragraph 3 of appendix 2 to annex 4. On the manufacturer's request the engine may be tested on a third fuel instead of G23 (fuel 3) if the λ-shift factor (Sλ) lies between 0,89 (i.e the lower range of GR) and 1,19 (i.e. the upper range of G25), for example when fuel 3 is a market fuel. The results of this test may be used as a basis for the evaluation of the conformity of the production.
4.1.4. In the case of natural gas engines, the ratio of emission results ‘r’ shall be determined for each pollutant as follows:
In the case of LPG the parent engine should demonstrate its capability to adapt to any fuel composition that may occur across the market. In the case of LPG there are variations in C3/C4 composition. These variations are reflected in the reference fuels. The parent engine should meet the emission requirements on the reference fuels A and B as specified in annex 7 without any readjustment to the fuelling between the two tests. However, one adaptation run over one ETC cycle without measurement is permitted, after the change of the fuel. Before testing the parent engine must be run-in using the procedure defined in paragraph 3 of appendix 2 to annex 4. The ratio of emission results ‘r’ must be determined for each pollutant as follows:
4.2. Granting of a fuel range restricted approval
Fuel range restricted approval is granted subject to the following requirements:
Exhaust emissions approval of an engine running on natural gas and laid out for operation on either the range of H-gases or on the range of L-gases.
The parent engine must be tested on the relevant reference fuel as specified in annex 6 for the relevant range. The fuels are GR (fuel 1) and G23 (fuel 3) for the H-range of gases and G25 (fuel 2) and G23 (fuel 3) for the L-range of gases. The parent engine must meet the requirements of this Regulation without any readjustment to the fuelling between the two tests. However, one adaptation run over one ETC cycle without measurement is permitted after the change of the fuel. Before testing the parent engine must be run-in using the procedure defined in paragraph 3 of appendix 2 to annex 4. On the manufacturer's request the engine may be tested on a third fuel instead of G23 (fuel 3) if the λ-shift factor (Sλ) lies between 0,89 (i.e. the lower range of GR) and 1,19 (i.e. the upper range of G25), for example when fuel 3 is a market fuel. The results of this test may be used as a basis for the evaluation of the conformity of the production. The ratio of emission results ‘r’ must be determined for each pollutant as follows:
and, Upon delivery to the customer the engine must bear a label (see paragraph 4.11.) stating for which range of gases the engine is approved.
Exhaust emissions approval of an engine running on natural gas or LPG and laid out for operation on one specific fuel composition. The parent engine must meet the emission requirements on the reference fuels GR and G25 in the case of natural gas, or the reference fuels A and B in the case of LPG, as specified in annex 7.
Between the tests fine-tuning of the fuelling system is allowed. This fine-tuning will consist of a recalibration of the fuelling database, without any alteration to either the basic control strategy or the basic structure of the database. If necessary the exchange of parts that are directly related to the amount of fuel flow (such as injector nozzles) is allowed. On the manufacturer's request the engine may be tested on the reference fuels GR and G23, or on the reference fuels G25 and G23, in which case the approval is only valid for the H-range or the L-range of gases respectively. Upon delivery to the customer the engine must bear a label (see paragraph 4.11.) stating for which fuel composition the engine has been calibrated.
Para. 4.1. Granting of a universal fuel approval |
Number of test runs |
Calculation of ‘r’ |
Para. 4.2. Granting of a fuel restricted approval |
Number of test runs |
Calculation of ‘r’ |
Refer to para. 4.1.2. NG-engine adaptable to any fuel composition |
GR (1) and G25 (2) at manufacturer's request engine may be tested on an additional market fuel (3), if Sλ = 0,89 – 1,19 |
2 (max. 3) |
and, if tested with an additional fuel
Refer to para. 4.1.3. NG-engine which is self adaptive by a switch |
GR (1) and G23 (3) for H and G25 (2) and G23 (3) for L at manufacturer's request engine may be tested on a market fuel (3) instead of G23, if Sλ = 0,89 – 1,19 |
2 for the H-range, and 2 for the L-range at respective position of switch 4 |
Refer to para. 4.2.1. NG-engine laid out for operation on either H-range gas or L-range gas |
GR (1) and G23 (3) for H or G25 (2) and G23 (3) for L at manufacturer's request engine may be tested on a market fuel (3) instead of G23, if Sλ = 0,89 – 1,19 |
2 for the H-range or 2 for the L-range 2 |
for the H-range or
for the L-range |
Refer to para. 4.2.2. NG-engine laid out for operation on one specific fuel composition |
GR (1) and G25 (2), fine-tuning between the tests allowed at manufacturer's request engine may be tested on GR (1) and G23 (3) for H or G25 (2) and G23 (3) for L |
2 or 2 for the H-range or 2 for the L-range 2 |
Para. 4.1. Granting of a universal fuel approval |
Number of test runs |
Calculation of ‘r’ |
Para. 4.2. Granting of a fuel restricted approval |
Number of test runs |
Calculation of ‘r’ |
refer to para. 4.1.5 LPG-engine adaptable to any fuel composition |
fuel A and fuel B |
2 |
refer to para. 4.2.2 LPG-engine laid out for operation on one specific fuel composition |
fuel A and fuel B, fine-tuning between the tests allowed |
2 |
4.3. Exhaust emissions approval of a member of a family
4.3.1. With the exception of the case mentioned in paragraph 4.3.2., the approval of a parent engine must be extended to all family members without further testing, for any fuel composition within the range for which the parent engine has been approved (in the case of engines described in paragraph 4.2.2) or the same range of fuels (in the case of engines described in either paragraphs 4.1. or 4.2) for which the parent engine has been approved.
4.3.2. Secondary test engine
In case of an application for approval of an engine, or a vehicle in respect of its engine, that engine belonging to an engine family, if the approval authority determines that, with regard to the selected parent engine the submitted application does not fully represent the engine family defined in the Regulation, appendix 1, an alternative and, if necessary, an additional reference test engine may be selected by the approval authority and tested.
4.4. An approval number shall be assigned to each type approved. Its first two digits (at present 04, corresponding to 04 series of amendments) shall indicate the series of amendments incorporating the most recent major technical amendments made to the Regulation at the time of issue of the approval. The same Contracting Party shall not assign the same number to another engine type or vehicle type.
4.5. Notice of approval or of extension or of refusal of approval or production definitely discontinued of an engine type or vehicle type pursuant to this Regulation shall be communicated to the Parties to the 1958 Agreement which apply this Regulation, by means of a form conforming to the model in annexes 2A or 2B, as applicable, to this Regulation. Values measured during the type test shall also be shown.
There shall be affixed, conspicuously and in a readily accessible place to every engine conforming to an engine type approved under this Regulation, or to every vehicle conforming to a vehicle type approved under this Regulation, an international approval mark consisting of:
4.6.1. a circle surrounding the letter ‘E’ followed by the distinguishing number of the country which has granted approval (3);
4.6.2. the number of this Regulation, followed by the letter ‘R’, a dash and the approval number to the right of the circle prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1.
However, the approval mark must contain an additional character after the letter ‘R’, the purpose of which is to distinguish the emission limit values for which the approval has been granted. For those approvals issued to indicate compliance with the limits contained in Row A of the relevant table(s) in paragraph 5.2.1., the letter ‘R’ will be followed by the Roman number ‘I’. For those approvals issued to indicate compliance with the limits contained in Row B1 of the relevant table(s) in paragraph 5.2.1., the letter ‘R’ will be followed by the Roman number ‘II’. For those approvals issued to indicate compliance with the limits contained in Row B2 of the relevant table(s) in paragraph 5.2.1., the letter ‘R’ will be followed by the Roman number ‘III’. For those approvals issued to indicate compliance with the limits contained in Row C of the relevant table(s) in paragraph 5.2.1., the letter ‘R’ will be followed by the Roman number ‘IV’.
For NG fuelled engines the approval mark must contain a suffix after the national symbol, the purpose of which is to distinguish which range of gases the approval has been granted. This mark will be as follows; H in case of the engine being approved and calibrated for the H-range of gases; L in case of the engine being approved and calibrated for the L-range of gases; HL in case of the engine being approved and calibrated for both the H-range and L-range of gases; Ht in case of the engine being approved and calibrated for a specific gas composition in the H-range of gases and transformable to another specific gas in the H-range of gases by fine tuning of the engine fuelling; Lt in case of the engine being approved and calibrated for a specific gas composition in the L-range of gases and transformable to another specific gas in the L-range of gases after fine tuning of the engine fuelling; HLt in the case of the engine being approved and calibrated for a specific gas composition in either the H-range or the L-range of gases and transformable to another specific gas in either the H-range or the L-range of gases by fine tuning of the engine fuelling.
4.7. If the vehicle or engine conforms to an approved type under one or more other Regulations annexed to the Agreement, in the country which has granted approval under this Regulation, the symbol prescribed in paragraph 4.6.1. need not be repeated. In such a case, the Regulation and approval numbers and the additional symbols of all the Regulations under which approval has been granted under this Regulation shall be placed in vertical columns to the right of the symbol prescribed in paragraph 4.6.1.
4.8. The approval mark shall be placed close to or on the data plate affixed by the manufacturer to the approved type.
4.9. Annex 3 to this Regulation gives examples of arrangements of approval marks.
The engine approved as a technical unit must bear, in addition to the approved mark:
4.10.1. the trademark or trade name of the manufacturer of the engine;
4.10.2. the manufacturer's commercial description.
4.11. Labels
In the case of NG and LPG fuelled engines with a fuel range restricted type approval, the following labels are applicable:
4.11.1. Content
The following information must be given:
In the case of paragraph, the label shall state ‘ONLY FOR USE WITH NATURAL GAS RANGE H’. If applicable, ‘H’ is replaced by ‘L’.
In the case of paragraph, the label shall state ‘ONLY FOR USE WITH NATURAL GAS SPECIFICATION …’ or ‘ONLY FOR USE WITH LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS SPECIFICATION …’, as applicable. All the information in the relevant table(s) in Annex 6 or 7 shall be given with the individual constituents and limits specified by the engine manufacturer.
The letters and figures must be at least 4 mm in height.
Note: If lack of space prevents such labelling, a simplified code may be used. In this event, explanatory notes containing all the above information must be easily accessible to any person filling the fuel tank or performing maintenance or repair on the engine and its accessories, as well as to the authorities concerned. The site and content of these explanatory notes will be determined by agreement between the manufacturer and the approval authority.
4.11.2. Properties
Labels must be durable for the useful life of the engine. Labels must be clearly legible and their letters and figures must be indelible. Additionally, labels must be attached in such a manner that their fixing is durable for the useful life of the engine, and the labels cannot be removed without destroying or defacing them.
4.11.3. Placing
Labels must be secured to an engine part necessary for normal engine operation and not normally requiring replacement during engine life. Additionally, these labels must be located so as to be readily visible to the average person after the engine has been completed with all the auxiliaries necessary for engine operation.
4.12. In case of an application for type-approval for a vehicle type in respect of its engine, the marking specified in paragraph 4.11. must also be placed close to fuel filling aperture.
4.13. In case of an application for type-approval for a vehicle type with an approved engine, the marking specified in paragraph 4.11. must also be placed close to the fuel filling aperture.
5.1. General
5.1.1. Emission control equipment The components liable to affect the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from diesel engines and the emission of gaseous pollutants from gas engines shall be so designed, constructed, assembled and installed as to enable the engine, in normal use, to comply with the provisions of this Regulation.
5.1.2. Functions of emission control equipment The use of a defeat device and/or an irrational emission control strategy is forbidden.
An auxiliary control device may be installed to an engine, or on a vehicle, provided that the device: operates only outside the conditions specified in paragraph, or is activated only temporarily under the conditions specified in paragraph for such purposes as engine damage protection, air-handling device protection, smoke management, cold start or warming-up, or is activated only by on-board signals for purposes such as operational safety and limp-home strategies; An engine control device, function, system or measure that operates during the conditions specified in paragraph and which results in the use of a different or modified engine control strategy to that normally employed during the applicable emission test cycles will be permitted if, in complying with the requirements of paragraphs 5.1.3. and/or 5.1.4., it is fully demonstrated that the measure does not reduce the effectiveness of the emission control system. In all other cases, such devices shall be considered to be a defeat device. For the purposes of paragraph, the defined conditions of use under steady state and transient conditions are:
(i) |
an altitude not exceeding 1 000 metres (or equivalent atmospheric pressure of 90 kPa), |
(ii) |
an ambient temperature within the range 283 to 303 K (10 to 30 °C), |
(iii) |
engine coolant temperature within the range 343 to 368 K (70 to 95 °C). |
5.1.3. Special requirements for electronic emission control systems Documentation requirements
The manufacturer shall provide a documentation package that gives access to the basic design of the system and the means by which it controls its output variables, whether that control is direct or indirect.
The documentation shall be made available in two parts:
(a) |
The formal documentation package, which shall be supplied to the technical service at the time of submission of the type-approval application, shall include a full description of the system. This documentation may be brief, provided that it exhibits evidence that all outputs permitted by a matrix obtained from the range of control of the individual unit inputs have been identified. This information shall be attached to the documentation required in paragraph 3 of this Regulation. |
(b) |
Additional material that shows the parameters that are modified by any auxiliary control device and the boundary conditions under which the device operates. The additional material shall include a description of the fuel system control logic, timing strategies and switch points during all modes of operation. The additional material shall also contain a justification for the use of any auxiliary control device and include additional material and test data to demonstrate the effect on exhaust emissions of any auxiliary control device installed to the engine or on the vehicle. This additional material shall remain strictly confidential and be retained by the manufacturer, but be made open for inspection at the time of type-approval or at any time during the validity of the type-approval. |
To verify whether any strategy or measure should be considered a defeat device or an irrational emission control strategy according to the definitions given in paragraphs 2.28. and 2.30., the type-approval authority and/or the technical service may additionally request a NOx screening test using the ETC which may be carried out in combination with either the type-approval test or the procedures for checking the conformity of production. As an alternative to the requirements of appendix 4 to annex 4 to this Regulation, the emissions of NOx during the ETC screening test may be sampled using the raw exhaust gas and the technical prescriptions of ISO FDIS 16 183, dated 15 September 2001, shall be followed. In verifying whether any strategy or measure should be considered a defeat device or an irrational emission control strategy according to the definitions given in paragraphs 2.28. and 2.30., an additional margin of 10 per cent, related to the appropriate NOx limit value, shall be accepted.
For approval to row A of the tables in paragraph 5.2.1., the emissions must be determined on the ESC and ELR tests with conventional diesel engines including those fitted with electronic fuel injection equipment, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), and/or oxidation catalysts. Diesel engines fitted with advanced exhaust after-treatment systems including deNOx catalysts and/or particulate traps, must additionally be tested on the ETC test.
For approval testing to either row B1 or B2 or row C of the tables in paragraph 5.2.1. the emissions must be determined on the ESC, ELR and ETC tests.
For gas engines, the gaseous emissions must be determined on the ETC test.
The ESC and ELR test procedures are described in annex 4, appendix 1, the ETC test procedure in annex 4, Appendices 2 and 3.
The emissions of gaseous pollutants and particulate pollutants, by the engine submitted for testing, if applicable, must be measured by the method described in annex 4. Annex 4, appendix 4 describes the recommended analytical systems for the gaseous and particulate pollutants and the recommended particulate sampling systems. Other systems or analysers may be approved by the technical service if it is found that they yield equivalent results. For a single laboratory, equivalency is defined as the test results to fall within ± 5 per cent of the test results of one of the reference systems described herein. For particulate emissions only the full-flow dilution system is recognized as the reference system. For introduction of a new system into the Regulation, the determination of equivalency must be based upon the calculation of repeatability and reproducibility by an inter-laboratory test, as described in ISO 5725.
5.2.1. Limit Values
The specific mass of the carbon monoxide, of the total hydrocarbons, of the oxides of nitrogen and of the particulates, as determined on the ESC test, and of the smoke opacity, as determined on the ELR test, must not exceed the amounts shown in Table 1.
For diesel engines that are additionally tested on the ETC test, and specifically for gas engines, the specific masses of the carbon monoxide, of the non-methane hydrocarbons, of the methane (where applicable), of the oxides of nitrogen and of the particulates (where applicable) must not exceed the amounts shown in Table 2.
Table 1
Limit values — ESC and ELR tests
Row |
Mass of carbon monoxide (CO) g/kWh |
Mass of hydrocarbons (HC) g/kWh |
Mass of nitrogen oxides (NOx) g/kWh |
Mass of particulates (PT) g/kWh |
Smoke m–1 |
A (2000) |
2,1 |
0,66 |
5,0 |
0,10 0,13 (1) |
0,8 |
B1 (2005) |
1,5 |
0,46 |
3,5 |
0,02 |
0,5 |
B2 (2008) |
1,5 |
0,46 |
2,0 |
0,02 |
0,5 |
C (EEV) |
1,5 |
0,25 |
2,0 |
0,02 |
0,15 |
Table 2
Limit values — ETC tests (3)
Row |
Mass of carbon monoxide (CO) g/kWh |
Mass of non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) g/kWh |
Mass of methane (CH4) (4) g/kWh |
Mass of nitrogen oxides (NOx) g/kWh |
Mass of particulates (PT) (5) g/kWh |
A (2000) |
5,45 |
0,78 |
1,6 |
5,0 |
0,16 0,21 (2) |
B1 (2005) |
4,0 |
0,55 |
1,1 |
3,5 |
0,03 |
B2 (2008) |
4,0 |
0,55 |
1,1 |
2,0 |
0,03 |
C (EEV) |
3,0 |
0,40 |
0,65 |
2,0 |
0,02 |
5.2.2. Hydrocarbon measurement for diesel and gas fuelled engines A manufacturer may choose to measure the mass of total hydrocarbons (THC) on the ETC test instead of measuring the mass of non-methane hydrocarbons. In this case, the limit for the mass of total hydrocarbons is the same as shown in table 2 for the mass of non-methane hydrocarbons.
5.2.3. Specific requirements for diesel engines The specific mass of the oxides of nitrogen measured at the random check points within the control area of the ESC test must not exceed by more than 10 per cent the values interpolated from the adjacent test modes (reference annex 4, appendix 1 paragraphs 4.6.2. and 4.6.3.). The smoke value on the random test speed of the ELR must not exceed the highest smoke value of the two adjacent test speeds by more than 20 per cent, or by more than 5 per cent of the limit value, whichever is greater.
The engine installation on the vehicle shall comply with the following characteristics in respect to the type approval of the engine:
6.1.1. Intake depression shall not exceed that specified for the type approved engine in annex 2A.
6.1.2. Exhaust back-pressure shall not exceed that specified for the type approved engine in annex 2A.
6.1.3. Power absorbed by the auxiliaries needed for operating the engine must not exceed that specified for the type-approved engine in annex 2A.
7.1. Parameters defining the engine family
The engine family, as determined by the engine manufacturer, may be defined by basic characteristics, which must be common to engines within the family. In some cases there may be interaction of parameters. These effects must also be taken into consideration to ensure that only engines with similar exhaust emission characteristics are included within an engine family.
In order that engines may be considered to belong to the same engine family, the following list of basic parameters must be common:
7.1.1. Combustion cycle:
— |
2 cycle |
— |
4 cycle |
7.1.2. Cooling medium:
— |
air |
— |
water |
— |
oil |
7.1.3. For gas engines and engines with after-treatment
— |
Number of cylinders |
(other diesel engines with fewer cylinders than the parent engine may be considered to belong to the same engine family provided the fuelling system meters fuel for each individual cylinder).
7.1.4. Individual cylinder displacement:
— |
engines to be within a total spread of 15 per cent |
7.1.5. Method of air aspiration:
— |
naturally aspirated |
— |
pressure charged |
— |
pressure charged with charge air cooler |
7.1.6. Combustion chamber type/design:
— |
pre-chamber |
— |
swirl chamber |
— |
open chamber |
7.1.7. Valve and porting — configuration, size and number:
— |
cylinder head |
— |
cylinder wall |
— |
crankcase |
7.1.8. Fuel injection system (diesel engines):
— |
pump-line-injector |
— |
in-line pump |
— |
distributor pump |
— |
single element |
— |
unit injector |
7.1.9. Fuelling system (gas engines):
— |
mixing unit |
— |
gas induction/injection (single point, multi-point) |
— |
liquid injection (single point, multi-point) |
7.1.10. Ignition system (gas engines)
7.1.11. Miscellaneous features:
— |
exhaust gas recirculation |
— |
water injection/emulsion |
— |
secondary air injection |
— |
charge cooling system |
7.1.12. Exhaust after treatment:
— |
3-way-catalyst |
— |
oxidation catalyst |
— |
reduction catalyst |
— |
thermal reactor |
— |
particulate trap |
7.2. Choice of the parent engine
7.2.1. Diesel engines
The parent engine of the family must be selected using the primary criteria of the highest fuel delivery per stroke at the declared maximum torque speed. In the event that two or more engines share this primary criteria, the parent engine must be selected using the secondary criteria of highest fuel delivery per stroke at rated speed. Under certain circumstances, the approval authority may conclude that the worst case emission rate of the family can best be characterised by testing a second engine. Thus, the approval authority may select an additional engine for test based upon features, which indicate that it may have the highest emission level of the engines within that family.
If engines within the family incorporate other variable features, which could be considered to affect exhaust emissions, these features must also be identified and taken into account in the selection of the parent engine.
7.2.2. Gas engines
The parent engine of the family must be selected using the primary criteria of the largest displacement. In the event that two or more engines share this primary criteria, the parent engine must be selected using the secondary criteria in the following order:
— |
the highest fuel delivery per stroke at the speed of declared rated power; |
— |
the most advanced spark timing; |
— |
the lowest EGR rate; |
— |
no air pump or lowest actual air flow pump. |
Under certain circumstances, the approval authority may conclude that the worst case emission rate of the family can best be characterised by testing a second engine. Thus, the approval authority may select an additional engine for test based upon features, which indicate that it may have the highest emission level of the engines within that family.
The conformity of production procedures shall comply with those set out in the Agreement, appendix 2 (E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2), with the following requirements:
8.1. Every engine or vehicle bearing an approval mark as prescribed under this Regulation shall be so manufactured as to conform, with regard to the description as given in the approval form and its annexes, to the approved type.
8.2. As a general rule, conformity of production with regard to limitation of emissions is checked based on the description given in the communication form and its annexes.
If emissions of pollutants are to be measured and an engine approval has had one or several extensions, the tests will be carried out on the engine(s) described in the information package relating to the relevant extension.
Conformity of the engine subjected to a pollutant test:
After submission of the engine to the authorities, the manufacturer must not carry out any adjustment to the engines selected. Three engines are randomly taken in the series. Engines that are subject to testing only on the ESC and ELR tests or only on the ETC test for approval to row A of the tables in paragraph 5.2.1. are subject to those applicable tests for the checking of production conformity. With the agreement of the authority, all other engines approved to row A, B1 or B2, or C of the tables in paragraph 5.2.1. are subjected to testing either on the ESC and ELR cycles or on the ETC cycle for the checking of the production conformity. The limit values are given in paragraph 5.2.1. of the Regulation. The tests are carried out according to appendix 1 to this Regulation, where the competent authority is satisfied with the production standard deviation given by the manufacturer.
The tests are carried out according to appendix 2 to this Regulation, where the competent authority is not satisfied with the production standard deviation given by the manufacturer.
At the manufacturer's request, the tests may be carried out in accordance with appendix 3 to this Regulation. On the basis of a test of the engine by sampling, the production of a series is regarded as conforming where a pass decision is reached for all the pollutants and non conforming where a fail decision is reached for one pollutant, in accordance with the test criteria applied in the appropriate appendix.
When a pass decision has been reached for one pollutant, this decision may not be changed by any additional tests made in order to reach a decision for the other pollutants.
If no pass decision is reached for all the pollutants and if no fail decision is reached for one pollutant, a test is carried out on another engine (see figure 2).
If no decision is reached, the manufacturer may at any time decide to stop testing. In that case a fail decision is recorded.
The tests will be carried out on newly manufactured engines. Gas fuelled engines must be run-in using the procedure defined in paragraph 3 of appendix 2 to annex 4. However, at the request of the manufacturer, the tests may be carried out on diesel or gas engines which have been run-in more than the period referred to in paragraph, up to a maximum of 100 hours. In this case, the running-in procedure will be conducted by the manufacturer who must undertake not to make any adjustments to those engines. When the manufacturer asks to conduct a running-in procedure in accordance with paragraph, it may be carried out on:
— |
all the engines that are tested, |
— |
the first engine tested, with the determination of an evolution coefficient as follows:
It may be less than one.
The subsequent test engines will not be subjected to the running-in procedure, but their zero hour emissions will be modified by the evolution coefficient.
In this case, the values to be taken will be:
— |
the values at ‘x’ hours for the first engine, |
— |
the values at zero hour multiplied by the evolution coefficient for the other engines. | For diesel and LPG fuelled engines, all these tests may be conducted with commercial fuel. However, at the manufacturer's request, the reference fuels described in annexes 5 or 7 may be used. This implies tests, as described in paragraph 4. of this Regulation, with at least two of the reference fuels for each gas engine. For NG fuelled engines, all these tests may be conducted with commercial fuel in the following way:
(i) |
for H marked engines with a commercial fuel within the H range (0,89 ≤ Sλ ≤ 1,00); |
(ii) |
for L marked engines with a commercial fuel within the L range (1,00 ≤ Sλ ≤ 1,19); |
(iii) |
for HL marked engines with a commercial fuel within the extreme range of the λ-shift factor (0,89 ≤ Sλ ≤ 1,19). |
However, at the manufacturer's request, the reference fuels described in annex 6 may be used. This implies tests, as described in paragraph 4. of this Regulation. In the case of dispute caused by the non-compliance of gas fuelled engines when using a commercial fuel, the tests must be performed with a reference fuel on which the parent engine has been tested, or with the possible additional fuel 3 as referred to in paragraphs and, on which the parent engine may have been tested. Then, the result has to be converted by a calculation applying the relevant factor(s) ‘r’, ‘ra’ or ‘rb’ as described in paragraphs, and If r, ra or rb are less than 1 no correction must take place. The measured results and the calculated results must demonstrate that the engine meets the limit values with all relevant fuels (fuels 1, 2 and, if applicable, fuel 3 in the case of natural gas engines and fuels A and B in the case of LPG engines). Tests for conformity of production of a gas fuelled engine laid out for operation on one specific fuel composition must be performed on the fuel for which the engine has been calibrated.
Figure 2: Conformity of production testing scheme
Test of three engines
Computation of the test statistic result
According to the appropriate appendix does the test statistic result agree with the criteria for failing the series for at least one pollutant?
Series rejected
According to the appropriate appendix does the test statistic result agree with the criteria for passing the series for at least one pollutant?
A pass decision is reached for one or more pollutants
Is a pass decision reached for all pollutants?
Series accepted
Test of an additional engine
9.1. The approval granted in respect of an engine or vehicle type pursuant to this Regulation may be withdrawn if the requirements laid down in paragraph 8.1. are not complied with, or if the engine(s) or vehicle(s) taken fail to pass the tests prescribed in paragraph 8.3.
9.2. If a Contracting Party to the 1958 Agreement applying this Regulation withdraws an approval it has previously granted, it shall forthwith so notify the other Contracting Parties applying this Regulation by means of a communication form conforming to the model in annexes 2A or 2B to this Regulation.
Every modification of the approved type shall be notified to the administrative department which approved the type. The department may then either:
10.1.1. Consider that the modifications made are unlikely to have an appreciable adverse effect and that in any case the modified type still complies with the requirement; or
10.1.2. Require a further test report from the technical service conducting the tests.
10.2. Confirmation or refusal of approval, specifying the alterations, shall be communicated by the procedure specified in paragraph 4.5. to the Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation.
10.3. The competent authority issuing the extension of approval shall assign a series number for such an extension and inform thereof the other Parties to the 1958 Agreement applying this Regulation by means of a communication form conforming to the model in annexes 2A or 2B to this Regulation.
If the holder of the approval completely ceases to manufacture the type approved in accordance with this Regulation, he shall so inform the authority which granted the approval. Upon receiving the relevant communication that authority shall inform thereof the other Parties to the 1958 Agreement which apply this Regulation by means of a communication form conforming to the model in annexes 2A or 2B to this Regulation.
12.1. General
12.1.1. As from the official date of entry into force of the 04 series of amendments, no Contracting Party applying this Regulation must refuse to grant ECE approval under this Regulation as amended by the 04 series of amendments.
12.1.2. As from the date of entry into force of the 04 series of amendments, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation must grant ECE approvals only if the engine meets the requirements of this Regulation as amended by the 04 series of amendments.
The engine must be subject to the relevant tests set out in paragraph 5.2. to this Regulation and must, in accordance with paragraphs 12.2.1., 12.2.2. and 12.2.3. below, satisfy the relevant emission limits detailed in paragraph 5.2.1. of this Regulation.
12.2. New type approvals
12.2.1. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 12.4.1., Contracting Parties applying this Regulation must, from the date of entry into force of the 04 series of amendments to this Regulation, grant an ECE approval to an engine only if that engine satisfies the relevant emission limits of Rows A, B1, B2 or C in the tables to paragraph 5.2.1. of this Regulation.
12.2.2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 12.4.1., Contracting Parties applying this Regulation must, from 1 October 2005, grant an ECE approval to an engine only if that engine satisfies the relevant emission limits of Rows B1, B2 or C in the tables to paragraph 5.2.1. of this Regulation.
12.2.3. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 12.4.1., Contracting Parties applying this Regulation must, from 1 October 2008, grant an ECE approval to an engine only if that engine satisfies the relevant emission limits of Rows B2 or C in the tables to paragraph 5.2.1. of this Regulation.
12.3. Limit of validity of old type approvals
12.3.1. With the exception of the provisions of paragraphs 12.3.2. and 12.3.3., as from the official date of entry into force of the 04 series of amendments, type approvals granted to this Regulation as amended by the 03 series of amendments must cease to be valid, unless the Contracting Party which granted the approval notifies the other Contracting Parties applying this Regulation that the engine type approved meets the requirements of this Regulation as amended by the 04 series of amendments, in accordance with paragraph 12.2.1. above.
12.3.2. Extension of type-approval Paragraphs and below shall only be applicable to new compression-ignition engines and new vehicles propelled by a compression-ignition engine that have been approved to the requirements of row A of the tables in paragraph 5.2.1. of this Regulation. As an alternative to paragraphs 5.1.3. and 5.1.4., the manufacturer may present to the technical service the results of a NOx screening test using the ETC on the engine conforming to the characteristics of the parent engine described in annex 1, and taking into account the provisions of paragraphs and The manufacturer shall also provide a written statement that the engine does not employ any defeat device or irrational emission control strategy as defined in paragraph 2. of this Regulation. The manufacturer shall also provide a written statement that the results of the NOx screening test and the declaration for the parent engine, as referred to in paragraph 5.1.4., are also applicable to all engine types within the engine family described in annex 1.
12.3.3. Gas engines
As from the 1 October 2003, type approvals granted to gas engines to this Regulation as amended by the 03 series of amendments must cease to be valid, unless the Contracting Party which granted the approval notifies the other Contracting Parties applying this Regulation that the engine type approved meets the requirements of this Regulation as amended by the 04 series of amendments, in accordance with paragraph 12.2.1. above.
12.3.4. As from 1 October 2006, type approvals granted to this Regulation as amended by the 04 series of amendments must cease to be valid, unless the Contracting Party which granted the approval notifies the other Contracting Parties applying this Regulation that the engine type approved meets the requirements of this Regulation as amended by the 04 series of amendments, in accordance with paragraph 12.2.2. above.
12.3.5. As from 1 October 2009, type approvals granted to this Regulation as amended by the 04 series of amendments must cease to be valid, unless the Contracting Party which granted the approval notifies the other Contracting Parties applying this Regulation that the engine type approved meets the requirements of this Regulation as amended by the 04 series of amendments, in accordance with paragraph 12.2.3. above.
12.4. Replacement parts for vehicles in use
12.4.1. Contracting Parties applying this Regulation may continue to grant approvals to those engines which comply with the requirements of this Regulation as amended by any previous series of amendments, or to any level of the Regulation as amended by the 04 series of amendments, provided that the engine is intended as a replacement for a vehicle in-use and for which that earlier standard was applicable at the date of that vehicle's entry into service.
The Parties to the 1958 Agreement applying this Regulation shall communicate to the United Nations secretariat the names and addresses of the technical services responsible for conducting approval tests and the administrative departments which grant approval and to which forms certifying approval or extension or refusal or withdrawal of approval, issued in other countries, are to be sent.
Appendix 1
1. This appendix describes the procedure to be used to verify production conformity for the emissions of pollutants when the manufacturer's production standard deviation is satisfactory.
2. With a minimum sample size of three engines, the sampling procedure is set so that the probability of a lot passing a test with 40 per cent of the engines defective is 0,95 (producer's risk = 5 per cent), while the probability of a lot being accepted with 65 per cent of the engines defective is 0,10 (consumer's risk = 10 per cent).
3. The following procedure is used for each of the pollutants given in paragraph 5.2.1. of the Regulation (see Figure 2):
L |
= |
the natural logarithm of the limit value for the pollutant; |
xi |
= |
the natural logarithm of the measurement for the i-th engine of the sample; |
s |
= |
an estimate of the production standard deviation (after taking the natural logarithm of the measurements); |
n |
= |
the current sample number. |
4. For each sample the sum of the standardised deviations to the limit is calculated using the following formula:
5. Then:
— |
if the test statistic result is greater than the pass decision number for the sample size given in table 3, a pass decision is reached for the pollutant; |
— |
if the test statistic result is less than the fail decision number for the sample size given in table 3, a fail decision is reached for the pollutant; |
— |
otherwise, an additional engine is tested according to paragraph 8.3.1. of the Regulation and the calculation procedure is applied to the sample increased by one more unit. |
Table 3
Pass and Fail decision numbers of appendix 1 Sampling Plan
Minimum sample size: 3
Cumulative number of engines tested (sample size) |
Pass decision number An |
Fail decision number Bn |
3 |
3,327 |
–4,724 |
4 |
3,261 |
–4,790 |
5 |
3,195 |
–4,856 |
6 |
3,129 |
–4,922 |
7 |
3,063 |
–4,988 |
8 |
2,997 |
–5,054 |
9 |
2,931 |
–5,120 |
10 |
2,865 |
–5,185 |
11 |
2,799 |
–5,251 |
12 |
2,733 |
–5,317 |
13 |
2,667 |
–5,383 |
14 |
2,601 |
–5,449 |
15 |
2,535 |
–5,515 |
16 |
2,469 |
–5,581 |
17 |
2,403 |
–5,647 |
18 |
2,337 |
–5,713 |
19 |
2,271 |
–5,779 |
20 |
2,205 |
–5,845 |
21 |
2,139 |
–5,911 |
22 |
2,073 |
–5,977 |
23 |
2,007 |
–6,043 |
24 |
1,941 |
–6,109 |
25 |
1,875 |
–6,175 |
26 |
1,809 |
–6,241 |
27 |
1,743 |
–6,307 |
28 |
1,677 |
–6,373 |
29 |
1,611 |
–6,439 |
30 |
1,545 |
–6,505 |
31 |
1,479 |
–6,571 |
32 |
–2,112 |
–2,112 |
Appendix 2
1. This appendix describes the procedure to be used to verify production conformity for the emissions of pollutants when the manufacturer's production standard deviation is either unsatisfactory or unavailable.
2. With a minimum sample size of three engines, the sampling procedure is set so that the probability of a lot passing a test with 40 per cent of the engines defective is 0,95 (producer's risk = 5 per cent), while the probability of a lot being accepted with 65 per cent of the engines defective is 0,10 (consumer's risk = 10 per cent).
3. The values of the pollutants given in paragraph 5.2.1. of the Regulation are considered to be log normally distributed and should be transformed by taking their natural logarithms.
Let m0 and m denote the minimum and maximum sample size respectively (m0 = 3 and m = 32) and let n denote the current sample number.
4. If the natural logarithms of the values measured in the series are x1, x2, …, xi and L is the natural logarithm of the limit value for the pollutant, then, define
and, |
di = xi – L |
5. Table 4 shows values of the pass (An) and fail (Bn) decision numbers against current sample number. The test statistic result is the ratio and must be used to determine whether the series has passed or failed as follows:
For m0 ≤ n ≤ m:
— |
pass the series if |
— |
fail the series if |
— |
take another measurement if |
6. Remarks:
The following recursive formulae are useful for calculating successive values of the test statistic:
Table 4
Pass and Fail decision numbers of appendix 2 Sampling Plan
Minimum sample size: 3
Cumulative number of engines tested (sample size) |
Pass decision number An |
Fail decision number Bn |
3 |
–0,80381 |
16,64743 |
4 |
–0,76339 |
7,68627 |
5 |
–0,72982 |
4,67136 |
6 |
–0,69962 |
3,25573 |
7 |
–0,67129 |
2,45431 |
8 |
–0,64406 |
1,94369 |
9 |
–0,61750 |
1,59105 |
10 |
–0,59135 |
1,33295 |
11 |
–0,56542 |
1,13566 |
12 |
–0,53960 |
0,97970 |
13 |
–0,51379 |
0,85307 |
14 |
–0,48791 |
0,74801 |
15 |
–0,46191 |
0,65928 |
16 |
–0,43573 |
0,58321 |
17 |
–0,40933 |
0,51718 |
18 |
–0,38266 |
0,45922 |
19 |
–0,35570 |
0,40788 |
20 |
–0,32840 |
0,36203 |
21 |
–0,30072 |
0,32078 |
22 |
–0,27263 |
0,28343 |
23 |
–0,24410 |
0,24943 |
24 |
–0,21509 |
0,21831 |
25 |
–0,18557 |
0,18970 |
26 |
–0,15550 |
0,16328 |
27 |
–0,12483 |
0,13880 |
28 |
–0,09354 |
0,11603 |
29 |
–0,06159 |
0,09480 |
30 |
–0,02892 |
0,07493 |
31 |
–0,00449 |
0,05629 |
32 |
0,03876 |
0,03876 |
Appendix 3
1. This appendix describes the procedure to be used to verify, at the manufacturer's request, production conformity for the emissions of pollutants.
2. With a minimum sample size of three engines, the sampling procedure is set so that the probability of a lot passing a test with 30 per cent of the engines defective is 0,90 (producer's risk = 10 per cent), while the probability of a lot being accepted with 65 per cent of the engines defective is 0,10 (consumer's risk = 10 per cent).
3. The following procedure is used for each of the pollutants given in paragraph 5.2.1. of the Regulation (see figure 2):
L |
= |
the limit value for the pollutant, |
xi |
= |
the value of the measurement for the i-th engine of the sample, |
n |
= |
the current sample number. |
4. Calculate for the sample the test statistic quantifying the number of non-conforming engines, i.e. xi ≥ L:
5. Then:
— |
if the test statistic is less than or equal to the pass decision number for the sample size given in table 5, a pass decision is reached for the pollutant; |
— |
if the test statistic is greater than or equal to the fail decision number for the sample size given in table 5, a fail decision is reached for the pollutant; |
— |
otherwise, an additional engine is tested according to paragraph 8.3.1. of the Regulation and the calculation procedure is applied to the sample increased by one more unit. |
In table 5 the pass and fail decision numbers are calculated by means of the International Standard ISO 8422:1991.
Table 5
Pass and Fail decision numbers of appendix 3 Sampling Plan
Minimum sample size: 3
Cumulative number of engines tested (sample size) |
Pass decision number |
Fail decision number |
3 |
— |
3 |
4 |
0 |
4 |
5 |
0 |
4 |
6 |
1 |
5 |
7 |
1 |
5 |
8 |
2 |
6 |
9 |
2 |
6 |
10 |
3 |
7 |
11 |
3 |
7 |
12 |
4 |
8 |
13 |
4 |
8 |
14 |
5 |
9 |
15 |
5 |
9 |
16 |
6 |
10 |
17 |
6 |
10 |
18 |
7 |
11 |
19 |
8 |
9 |
1.1. Manufacturer: …
1.2. Manufacturer's engine code: …
1.3. Cycle: four stroke/two stroke (5)
Number and arrangement of cylinders: …
1.4.1. Bore: … mm
1.4.2. Stroke: … mm
1.4.3. Firing order: …
1.5. Engine capacity: … cm3
1.6. Volumetric compression ratio (6): …
1.7. Drawing(s) of combustion chamber and piston crown: …
1.8. Minimum cross-sectional area of inlet and outlet ports: … cm2
1.9. Idling speed: … min–1
1.10. Maximum net power: … kW at … min–1
1.11. Maximum permitted engine speed: … min–1
1.12. Maximum net torque: … Nm at … min–1
1.13. Combustion system: compression ignition/positive ignition (5)
1.14. Fuel: Diesel/LPG/NG-H/NG-L/NG-HL/Ethanol (4)
Cooling system
Liquid Nature of liquid: … Circulating pump(s): yes/no (5) Characteristics or make(s) and type(s) (if applicable): … Drive ratio(s) (if applicable): …
Air Blower: yes/no (5) Characteristics or make(s) and type(s) (if applicable): … Drive ratio(s) (if applicable): …
Temperature permitted by the manufacturer
1.16.1. Liquid cooling: Maximum temperature at outlet: … K
1.16.2. Air cooling: … Reference point: …
Maximum temperature at reference point: … K
1.16.3. Maximum temperature of the air at the outlet of the intake intercooler (if applicable) … K
1.16.4. Maximum exhaust temperature at the point in the exhaust pipe(s) adjacent to the outer flange(s) of the exhaust manifold(s)
or turbocharger(s): … K
1.16.5. Fuel temperature: min. … K, max. … K
for diesel engines at injection pump inlet, for gas fuelled engines at pressure regulator final stage.
1.16.6. Fuel pressure: min. … kPa, max. … kPa
at pressure regulator final stage, NG fuelled gas engines only.
1.16.7. Lubricant temperature: min. … K, max. … K
Pressure charger: yes/no (5)
1.17.1. Make: …
1.17.2. Type: …
1.17.3. Description of the system
(e.g. max. charge pressure, wastegate, if applicable): …
1.17.4. Intercooler: yes/no (5)
1.18. Intake system
Maximum allowable intake depression at rated engine speed and at 100 per cent load as specified in and under the operating conditions
of Regulation No 24 … kPa
1.19. Exhaust system
Maximum allowable exhaust back pressure at rated engine speed and at 100 per cent load as specified in and under the operating conditions
of Regulation No 24 … kPa
Exhaust system volume: … dm3
2.1. Device for recycling crankcase gases (description and drawings): …
Additional anti-pollution devices (if any, and if not covered by another heading)
Catalytic converter: yes/no (5) Make(s): … Type(s): … Number of catalytic converters and elements: … Dimensions, shape and volume of the catalytic converter(s): … Type of catalytic action: … Total charge of precious metals: … Relative concentration: … Substrate (structure and material): … Cell density: … Type of casing for the catalytic converter(s): … Location of the catalytic converter(s) (place and reference distance in the exhaust line): …
Oxygen sensor: yes/no (5) Make(s): … Type: … Location: …
Air injection: yes/no (5) Type (pulse air, air pump, etc.): …
EGR: yes/no (5) Characteristics (flow rate, etc.): …
Particulate trap: yes/no (5) Dimensions, shape and capacity of the particulate trap: … Type and design of the particulate trap: … Location (reference distance in the exhaust line): … Method or system of regeneration, description and/or drawing: …
Other systems: yes/no (5) Description and operation: …
Diesel engines
3.1.1. Feed pump
Pressure (6): … kPa or characteristic diagram (5): …
Injection system
Pump Make(s): … Type(s): … Delivery: … mm3 (6) per stroke at engine speed of … min–1 at full injection, or characteristic diagram (5) (6): …
Mention the method used: On engine/on pump bench (5)
If boost control is supplied, state the characteristic fuel delivery and boost pressure versus engine speed.
Injection advance Injection advance curve (6): … Static injection timing (6): …
Injection piping Length: … mm Internal diameter: … mm
Injector(s) Make(s): … Type(s): … ‘Opening pressure’: … kPa (6)
or characteristic diagram (5) (6): …
Governor Make(s): … Type(s): … Speed at which cut-off starts under full load: … min–1 Maximum no-load speed: … min–1 Idling speed: … min–1
Cold start system Make(s): … Type(s): … Description: …
Auxiliary starting aid: … Make: … Type: …
Gas fuelled engines (7)
3.2.1. Fuel: Natural gas/LPG (5)
Pressure regulator(s) or vaporiser/pressure regulator(s) (6) Make(s): … Type(s): … Number of pressure reduction stages: … Pressure in final stage: min … kPa, max. … kPa Number of main adjustment points: … Number of idle adjustment points: … Approval number according to Reg. No: …
Fuelling system: mixing unit/gas injection/liquid injection/direct injection (5) Mixture strength regulation: … System description and/or diagram and drawings: … Approval number according to Regulation No …
Mixing unit Number: … Make(s): … Type(s): … Location: … Adjustment possibilities: … Approval number according to Regulation No …
Inlet manifold injection Injection: single point/multi-point (5) Injection: continuous/simultaneously timed/sequentially timed (5)
Injection equipment Make(s): … Type(s): … Adjustment possibilities: … Approval number according to Regulation No …
Supply pump (if applicable): … Make(s): … Type(s): … Approval number according to Regulation No …
Injector(s): … Make(s): … Type(s): … Approval number according to Regulation No …
Direct injection
Injection pump/pressure regulator (5) Make(s): … Type(s): … Injection timing: … Approval number according to Regulation No …
Injector(s) Make(s): … Type(s): … Opening pressure or characteristic diagram (6): … Approval number according to Regulation No …
Electronic control unit (ECU) Make(s): … Type(s): … Adjustment possibilities: …
NG fuel-specific equipment
Variant 1 (only in the case of approvals of engines for several specific fuel compositions) Fuel composition:
methane (CH4): |
basis: … %mole |
min … %mole |
max … %mole |
ethane (C2H6): |
basis: … %mole |
min … %mole |
max … %mole |
propane (C3H8): |
basis: … %mole |
min … %mole |
max … %mole |
butane (C4H10): |
basis: … %mole |
min … %mole |
max … %mole |
C5/C5+: |
basis: … %mole |
min … %mole |
max … %mole |
oxygen (O2): |
basis: … %mole |
min … %mole |
max … %mole |
inert (N2, He etc): |
basis: … %mole |
min … %mole |
max … %mole |
Injector(s) Make(s): Type(s): Others (if applicable) Variant 2 (only in the case of approvals for several specific fuel compositions)
4.1. Maximum lift of valves and angles of opening and closing in relation to dead centres or equivalent data …
4.2. Reference and/or setting ranges (5): …
5.1. Ignition system type:
common coil and plugs/individual coil and plugs/coil on plug/other (specify) (5)
Ignition control unit
5.2.1. Make(s): …
5.2.2. Type(s): …
5.3. Ignition advance curve/advance map (5) (6): …
5.4. Ignition timing (6): … degrees before TDC at a speed of … min–1 and a MAP of … kPa
Spark plugs
5.5.1. Make(s): …
5.5.2. Type(s): …
5.5.3. Gap setting: … mm
Ignition coil(s)
5.6.1. Make(s): …
5.6.2. Type(s): …
The engine must be submitted for testing with the auxiliaries needed for operating the engine (e.g. fan, water pump, etc.), as specified in and under the operating conditions of Regulation No 24.
6.1. Auxiliaries to be fitted for the test
If it is impossible or inappropriate to install the auxiliaries on the test bench, the power absorbed by them must be determined and subtracted from the measured engine power over the whole operating area of the test cycle(s).
6.2. Auxiliaries to be removed for the test
Auxiliaries needed only for the operation of the vehicle (e.g. air compressor, air-conditioning system etc.) must be removed for the test. Where the auxiliaries cannot be removed, the power absorbed by them may be determined and added to the measured engine power over the whole operating area of the test cycle(s).
Lubricant used
7.1.1. Make: …
7.1.2. Type: …
(State percentage of oil in mixture if lubricant and fuel are mixed): …
Engine-driven equipment (if applicable)
The power absorbed by the auxiliaries needs only be determined,
— |
if auxiliaries needed for operating the engine, are not fitted to the engine and/or |
— |
if auxiliaries not needed for operating the engine, are fitted to the engine. |
7.2.1. Enumeration and identifying details: …
7.2.2. Power absorbed at various indicated engine speeds:
Equipment |
Power absorbed (kW) at various engine speeds |
Idle |
Low Speed |
High Speed |
Speed A (8) |
Speed B (8) |
Speed C (8) |
Ref. Speed (9) |
P(a) Auxiliaries needed for operating the engine (to be subtracted from measured engine power) see item 6.1. |
P(b) Auxiliaries not needed for operating the engine (to be added to measured engine power) see item 6.2. |
8.1. Engine speeds (10)
Low speed (nlo): … min–1
High speed (nhi): … min–1
for ESC and ELR Cycles
Idle: … min–1
Speed A: … min–1
Speed B: … min–1
Speed C: … min–1
for ETC cycle
Reference speed: … min–1
8.2. Engine power (measured in accordance with the provisions of Regulation No 24) in kW
Engine speed |
Idle |
Speed A (8) |
Speed B (8) |
Speed C (8) |
Ref. Speed (9) |
P(m) Power measured on test bed |
P(a) Power absorbed by auxiliaries to be fitted for test (item 6.1)
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
P(b) Power absorbed by auxiliaries to be removed for test (item 6.2)
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
P(n) Net engine power = P(m) – P(a) + P(b) |
Dynamometer settings (kW)
The dynamometer settings for the ESC and ELR tests and for the reference cycle of the ETC test must be based upon the net engine power P(n) of paragraph 8.2. It is recommended to install the engine on the test bed in the net condition. In this case, P(m) and P(n) are identical. If it is impossible or inappropriate to operate the engine under net conditions, the dynamometer settings must be corrected to net conditions using the above formula.
8.3.1. ESC and ELR Tests
The dynamometer settings must be calculated according to the formula in annex 4, appendix 1, paragraph 1.2.
Per cent load |
Engine speed |
Idle |
Speed A |
Speed B |
Speed C |
10 |
— |
25 |
— |
50 |
— |
75 |
— |
100 |
8.3.2. ETC Test
If the engine is not tested under net conditions, the correction formula for converting the measured power or measured cycle work, as determined according to annex 4, appendix 2, paragraph 2., to net power or net cycle work must be submitted by the engine manufacturer for the whole operating area of the cycle, and approved by the Technical Service.
Appendix 1
1. Intake system depression at rated engine speed and
at 100 per cent load: … kPa
2. Exhaust system back pressure at rated engine speed and
at 100 per cent load: … kPa
3. Volume of exhaust system: … cm3
4. Power absorbed by the auxiliaries needed for operating the engine as specified in and under the operation conditions of Regulation No 24
Equipment |
Power absorbed (kW) at various engine speeds |
Idle |
Low Speed |
High Speed |
Speed A (11) |
Speed B (11) |
Speed C (11) |
Ref. Speed (12) |
P(a) Auxiliaries needed for operating the engine (to be subtracted from measured engine power) see annex 1, item 6.1. |
Appendix 2
1.1. Combustion cycle: …
1.2. Cooling medium: …
1.3. Number of cylinders (13): …
1.4. Individual cylinder displacement: …
1.5. Method of air aspiration: …
1.6. Combustion chamber type/design: …
1.7. Valve and porting — configuration, size and number: …
1.8. Fuel system: …
1.9. Ignition system (gas engines): …
1.10. Miscellaneous features:
— |
charge cooling system (13): … |
— |
exhaust gas recirculation (13): … |
— |
water injection/emulsion (13): … |
— |
air injection (13): … |
1.11. Exhaust after-treatment (13): …
Proof of identical (or lowest for the parent engine) ratio:
system capacity/fuel delivery per stroke, pursuant to diagram number(s): …
Name of diesel engine family: …
2.1.1. Specification of engines within this family:
Parent Engine |
Engine Type |
No of cylinders |
Rated speed (min–1) |
Fuel delivery per stroke (mm3) |
Rated net power (kW) |
Maximum torque speed (min–1) |
Fuel delivery per stroke (mm3) |
Maximum torque (Nm) |
Low idle speed (min–1) |
Cylinder displacement (in % of parent engine) |
100 |
Name of gas engine family: …
2.2.1. Specification of engines within this family:
Parent Engine |
Engine Type |
No of cylinders |
Rated speed (min–1) |
Fuel delivery per stroke (mm3) |
Rated net power (kW) |
Maximum torque speed (min–1) |
Fuel delivery per stroke (mm3) |
Maximum torque (Nm) |
Low idle speed (min–1) |
Cylinder displacement (in % of parent engine) |
100 |
Spark timing |
EGR flow |
Air pump yes/no |
Air pump actual flow |
Appendix 3
1.1. Manufacturer: …
1.2. Manufacturer's engine code: …
1.3. Cycle: four stroke/two stroke (15)
Number and arrangement of cylinders: …
1.4.1. Bore: … mm
1.4.2. Stroke: … mm
1.4.3. Firing order: …
1.5. Engine capacity: … cm3
1.6. Volumetric compression ratio (16): …
1.7. Drawing(s) of combustion chamber and piston crown: …
1.8. Minimum cross-sectional area of inlet and outlet ports: … cm2
1.9. Idling speed: … min–1
1.10. Maximum net power: … kW at … min–1
1.11. Maximum permitted engine speed: … min–1
1.12. Maximum net torque: … Nm at … min–1
1.13. Combustion system: compression ignition/positive ignition (15)
1.14. Fuel: Diesel/LPG/NG-H/NG-L/NG-HL/Ethanol (14)
Cooling system
Liquid Nature of liquid: … Circulating pump(s): yes/no (15) Characteristics or make(s) and type(s) (if applicable): …
… Drive ratio(s) (if applicable): …
Air Blower: yes/no (15) Characteristics or make(s) and type(s) (if applicable): …
… Drive ratio(s) (if applicable): …
Temperature permitted by the manufacturer
1.16.1. Liquid cooling: Maximum temperature at outlet: … K
1.16.2. Air cooling: Reference point: …
Maximum temperature at reference point: … K
1.16.3. Maximum temperature of the air at the outlet of the intake intercooler (if applicable): … K
1.16.4. Maximum exhaust temperature at the point in the exhaust pipe(s) adjacent to the outer flange(s) of the exhaust manifold(s) or turbocharger(s): … K
1.16.5. Fuel temperature: min. … K, max. … K
for diesel engines at injection pump inlet, for gas fuelled engines at pressure regulator final stage
1.16.6. Fuel pressure: min. … kPa, max. … kPa
at pressure regulator final stage, NG fuelled gas engines only
1.16.7. Lubricant temperature: min. … K, max … K
Pressure charger: yes/no (15)
1.17.1. Make: …
1.17.2. Type: …
1.17.3. Description of the system (e.g. max. charge pressure, wastegate, if applicable): …
1.17.4. Intercooler: yes/no (15)
1.18. Intake system
Maximum allowable intake depression at rated engine speed and at 100 per cent load as specified in and under the operating conditions of Regulation No 24: … kPa
1.19. Exhaust system
Maximum allowable exhaust back pressure at rated engine speed and at 100 per cent load as specified in and under the operating conditions of Regulation No 24: … kPa
Exhaust system volume: … cm3
2.1. Device for recycling crankcase gases (description and drawings): …
Additional anti-pollution devices (if any, and if not covered by another heading)
Catalytic converter: yes/no (15) Number of catalytic converters and elements: … Dimensions, shape and volume of the catalytic converter(s): …
… Type of catalytic action: … Total charge of precious metals: … Relative concentration: … Substrate (structure and material): … Cell density: … Type of casing for the catalytic converter(s): … Location of the catalytic converter(s) (place and reference distance in the exhaust line): …
Oxygen sensor: yes/no (15) Type: …
Air injection: yes/no (15) Type (pulse air, air pump, etc.): …
EGR: yes/no (15) Characteristics (flow rate etc.): …
Particulate trap: yes/no (15) Dimensions, shape and capacity of the particulate trap: …
… Type and design of the particulate trap: … Location (reference distance in the exhaust line): … Method or system of regeneration, description and/or drawing: …
Other systems: yes/no (15) Description and operation: …
Diesel engines
3.1.1. Feed pump
Pressure (16): … kPa or characteristic diagram (15): …
Injection system
Pump Make(s): … Type(s): … Delivery: … mm3 (16) per stroke at engine speed of … min–1 at full injection, or characteristic diagram (15) (16): …
Mention the method used: On engine/on pump bench (15)
If boost control is supplied, state the characteristic fuel delivery and boost pressure versus engine speed.
Injection advance Injection advance curve (16): … Static injection timing (16): …
Injection piping Length: … mm Internal diameter: … mm
Injector(s) Make(s): … Type(s): … ‘Opening pressure’: … kPa (16)
or characteristic diagram (15) (16): …
Governor Make(s): … Type(s): … Speed at which cut-off starts under full load: … min–1 Maximum no-load speed: … min–1 Idling speed: … min–1
Cold start system Make(s): … Type(s): … Description: …
Auxiliary starting aid: … Make: … Type: …
Gas fuelled engines
3.2.1. Fuel: Natural gas/LPG (15)
Pressure regulator(s) or vaporiser/pressure regulator(s) (15) Make(s): … Type(s): … Number of pressure reduction stages: … Pressure in final stage: min. … kPa, max. … kPa Number of main adjustment points: … Number of idle adjustment points: … Approval number: …
Fuelling system: mixing unit/gas injection/liquid injection/direct injection (15) Mixture strength regulation: … System description and/or diagram and drawings: …
… Approval number: …
Mixing unit Number: … Make(s): … Type(s): … Location: … Adjustment possibilities: … Approval number: …
Inlet manifold injection Injection: single point/multi-point (15) Injection: continuous/simultaneously timed/sequentially timed (15)
Injection equipment Make(s): … Type(s): … Adjustment possibilities: … Approval number: …
Supply pump (if applicable): … Make(s): … Type(s): … Approval number: …
Injector(s): … Make(s): … Type(s): … Approval number: …
Direct injection
Injection pump/pressure regulator (15) Make(s): … Type(s): … Injection timing: … Approval number: …
Injector(s) Make(s): … Type(s): … Opening pressure or characteristic diagram (16): …
… Approval number: …
Electronic control unit (ECU) Make(s): … Type(s): … Adjustment possibilities: …
NG fuel-specific equipment
Variant 1 (only in the case of approvals of engines for several specific fuel compositions) Fuel composition:
methane (CH4): |
basis: … %mole |
min. … %mole |
max. … %mole |
ethane (C2H6): |
basis: … %mole |
min. … %mole |
max. … %mole |
propane (C3H8): |
basis: … %mole |
min. … %mole |
max. … %mole |
butane (C4H10): |
basis: … %mole |
min. … %mole |
max. … %mole |
C5/C5+: |
basis: … %mole |
min. … %mole |
max. … %mole |
oxygen (O2): |
basis: … %mole |
min. … %mole |
max. … %mole |
inert (N2, He etc): |
basis: … %mole |
min. … %mole |
max. … %mole |
Injector(s) Make(s): … Type(s): … Others (if applicable) Variant 2 (only in the case of approvals for several specific fuel compositions)
4.1. Maximum lift of valves and angles of opening and closing in relation to dead centres of equivalent data: …
4.2. Reference and/or setting ranges (15): …
5.1. Ignition system type: common coil and plugs/individual coil and plugs/coil on plug/other (specify) (15)
Ignition control unit
5.2.1. Make(s): …
5.2.2. Type(s): …
5.3. Ignition advance curve/advance map (15) (16): …
5.4. Ignition timing (16): … degrees before TDC at a speed of … min–1 and a MAP of … kPa
Spark plugs
5.5.1. Make(s): …
5.5.2. Type(s): …
5.5.3. Gap setting: … mm
Ignition coil(s)
5.6.1. Make(s): …
5.6.2. Type(s): …