

Official Journal of the European Union

C 175/12

Judgment of the General Court of 12 March 2020 — Eurofer v Commission

(Case T-835/17) (1)

(Dumping - Imports of hot-rolled flat products of iron, non-alloy or other alloy steel originating in Brazil, Iran, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine - Termination of the proceedings against imports originating in Serbia - Determination of injury - Cumulative assessment of the effects of imports from more than one country - Article 3(4) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1036 - Termination without measures - Article 9(2) of Regulation 2016/1036 - Final disclosure of the essential facts and considerations on the basis of which it is intended to recommend the imposition of definitive measures or the termination of an investigation or proceedings without the imposition of measures - Article 20(2) of Regulation 2016/1036)

(2020/C 175/13)

Language of the case: English


Applicant: Eurofer, European Steel Association, AISBL (Brussels (Belgium)) (represented by: J. Killick and G. Forwood, lawyers)

Defendant: European Commission (represented by: T. Maxian Rusche, N. Kuplewatzky and A. Demeneix, acting as Agents)

Intervener in support of the defendant: HBIS Group Serbia Iron & Steel LLC Belgrade (represented by: R. Luff, lawyer)


Application pursuant to Article 263 TFEU seeking the annulment in part of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1795 of 5 October 2017 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of certain hot-rolled flat products of iron, non-alloy or other alloy steel originating in Brazil, Iran, Russia and Ukraine and terminating the investigation on imports of certain hot-rolled flat products of iron, non-alloy or other alloy steel originating in Serbia (OJ 2017 L 258, p. 24).

Operative part of the judgment

The Court:


Dismisses the action;


Orders Eurofer, European Steel Association, AISBL, to bear its own costs and to pay those incurred by the European Commission and HBIS Group Serbia Iron & Steel LLC Belgrade.

(1)  OJ C 72, 26.2.2018.