

Official Journal of the European Union

L 56/20


of 25 February 2020

amending Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 as regards transitional measures for organisations involved in the continuing airworthiness for general aviation and continuing airworthiness management and correcting that Regulation

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2018 on common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Union Aviation Safety Agency, and amending Regulations (EC) No 2111/2005, (EC) No 1008/2008, (EU) No 996/2010, (EU) No 376/2014 and Directives 2014/30/EU and 2014/53/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, and repealing Regulations (EC) No 552/2004 and (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Council Regulation (EEC) No 3922/91 (1), and in particular Article 17(1) and Article 62(14) and (15) thereof,



Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1383 (2) has introduced more flexible requirements for maintenance of light aircraft established by Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 (3). It has also added safety risk management measures for organisations that manage the continuing airworthiness of aircraft operated by holders of an air operator certificate.


In order to move toward full compliance with the new rules and procedures it introduced, Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1383 provided for transitional measures for organisations involved in the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and components. In order to clarify the oversight requirements of those organisations, the transitional measures should be amended.


Some missing or wrong references between Annexes to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1383 should also be corrected.


As the intention of the Commission is not to extend further the transition period, application date of this amendment should be aligned with the one laid down in Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1383.


The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee referred to in Article 127(1) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139,


Article 1

Article 4 of Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 is replaced by the following:

‘Article 4

Approvals for organisations involved in the continuing airworthiness [of aircraft]

1.   Organisations involved in the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and components for installation thereon, including maintenance, shall be approved, upon their request, by the competent authority in accordance with the requirements of Annex II (Part-145), Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) or Annex Vd (Part-CAO), as applicable to the respective organisations.

2.   By way of derogation from paragraph 1, until 24 September 2020 organisations may, upon their request, be issued approvals by the competent authority in accordance with Subpart F and Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M). All approvals issued in accordance with Subpart F and Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M) shall be valid until 24 September 2021.

3.   Maintenance organisation approval certificates issued or recognised by a Member State in accordance with the certification specification JAR-145 referred to in Annex II to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3922/91 (*1) and valid before 29 November 2003 shall be deemed to have been issued in accordance with the requirements of Annex II (Part-145) to this Regulation.

4.   Organisations that hold a valid organisation approval certificate issued in accordance with Subpart F or Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M) or with Annex II (Part-145) shall, upon their request, be issued by the competent authority a Form 3-CAO as set out in Appendix I to Annex Vd (Part-CAO) and thereafter be overseen by the competent authority in accordance with Annex Vd (Part-CAO).

The privileges of such an organisation under the approval issued in accordance with Annex Vd (Part-CAO) shall be the same as privileges under the approval issued in accordance with Subpart F or Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M) or with Annex II (Part-145). However, those privileges shall not exceed the privileges of an organisation referred to in Section A of Annex Vd (Part-CAO).

By way of derogation from point CAO.B.060 of Annex Vd (Part-CAO), until 24 September 2021, the organisation may correct any findings of non-compliance related to requirements introduced by Annex Vd (Part-CAO) which are not included in Subpart F or Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M) or in Annex II (Part-145).

If after 24 September 2021 the organisation has not closed these findings,, the approval certificate shall be revoked, limited or suspended in whole or in part.

5.   Organisations that hold a valid continuing airworthiness management organisation approval certificate issued in accordance with Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M) shall, upon their request, be issued by the competent authority an EASA Form 14 approval certificate in accordance with Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) and thereafter be overseen by the competent authority in accordance with Annex Vc (Part-CAMO).

By way of derogation from point CAMO.B.350 of Annex Vc (Part-CAMO), until 24 September 2021, the organisation may correct any findings of non-compliance related to requirements introduced by Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) and not included in Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M).

If after 24 September 2021 the organisation has not closed these findings, the approval certificate shall be revoked, limited or suspended in whole or in part.

6.   Certificates and aircraft maintenance programme approvals issued pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 as applicable before 24 March 2020 shall be deemed to have been issued in accordance with this Regulation.

Article 2

Annexes I, II, III, IV, Va, Vb, Vc and Vd to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 are corrected in accordance with the Annex to this Regulation.

Article 3

This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

It shall apply from 24 March 2020.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 25 February 2020.

For the Commission

The President


(1)   OJ L 212, 22.8.2018, p. 1.

(2)  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1383 of 8 July 2019 amending and correcting Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 as regards safety management systems in continuing airworthiness management organisations and alleviations for general aviation aircraft concerning maintenance and continuing airworthiness management (OJ L 228, 4.9.2019, p. 1).

(3)  Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 of 26 November 2014 on the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances, and on the approval of organisations and personnel involved in these tasks (OJ L 362, 17.12.2014, p. 1).


Annexes I, II, III, IV, Va, Vb, Vc and Vd to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 are corrected as follows:


Annex I is corrected as follows:


Point M.1 is corrected as follows:


Point 3(ii)(b) is replaced by the following:


the authority responsible for the oversight of the organisation managing the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft or with which the owner has concluded a limited contract in accordance with point (i)(3) of point M.A.201.’;


point 4 is added:


for the oversight of a continuing airworthiness management organisation as specified in Section A, Subpart G of this Annex (Part-M):


the authority designated by the Member State where that organisation's principle place of business is located if the approval is not included in an air operator's certificate;


the authority designated by the Member State of the operator if the approval is included in an air operator's certificate;


the Agency if the organisation is located in a third country.’;


point M.A.201 is corrected as follows:


points (e), (f), (g), (h) and (i) are replaced by the following:


In the case of aircraft used by air carriers licensed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008 (*1) the operator shall be responsible for the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft it operates and shall:


ensure that no flight takes place unless the conditions set out in point (a) are met;


take the necessary steps to ensure its approval as a continuing airworthiness management organisation (“CAMO”) pursuant to Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) or Subpart G of this Annex (Part-M), as part of air operator certificate for the aircraft it operates;


take the necessary steps to ensure its approval in accordance with Annex II (Part-145) or conclude a written contract in accordance with point CAMO.A.315(c) of Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) or point M.A.708(c) of this Annex (Part-M) with an organisation which has been approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145).


For complex motor-powered aircraft used for commercial specialised operations, for CAT operations other than those performed by air carriers licensed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008 or by commercial Approved Training Organisations (“ATO”) and Declared Training Organisations (“DTO”) referred to in Article 10a of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (*2), the operator shall ensure that:


no flight takes place unless the conditions set out in point (a) are met;


the tasks associated with continuing airworthiness are performed by a CAMO approved in accordance with Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) or Subpart G of this Annex (Part-M); when the operator is not a CAMO approved in accordance with Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) or Subpart G of this Annex (Part-M), it shall conclude a written contract as regards the performance of those tasks in accordance with Appendix I to this Annex with an organisation approved in accordance with Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) or Subpart G of this Annex (Part-M);


the CAMO referred to in point (2) is approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145) as an organisation to qualify for the issue of an approval for the maintenance of aircraft and of components for installation thereon, or that CAMO has concluded a written contract in accordance with point CAMO.A.315(c) of Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) or point M.A.708(c) of this Annex (Part-M) with organisations approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145).


For complex motor-powered aircraft not included in points (e) and (f), the owner shall ensure that:


no flight takes place unless the conditions set out in point (a) are met;


the tasks associated with continuing airworthiness are performed by a CAMO approved in accordance with Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) or Subpart G of this Annex (Part-M); when the owner is not a CAMO approved in accordance with Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) or Subpart G of this Annex (Part-M), it shall conclude a written contract as regards the performance of those tasks in accordance with Appendix I to this Annex with an organisation approved in accordance with Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) or Subpart G of this Annex (Part-M);


the CAMO referred to in point (2) is approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145) as an organisation to qualify for the issue of an approval for the maintenance of aircraft and of components for installation thereon, or that CAMO has concluded a written contract in accordance with point CAMO.A.315(c) of Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) or point M.A.708(c) of this Annex (Part-M) with organisations approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145).


For aircraft other than complex motor-powered aircraft used for commercial specialised operations or for CAT operations other than those performed by air carriers licensed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008, or by commercial ATOs and commercial DTOs referred to in Article 10a of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, the operator shall ensure that:


no flight takes place unless the conditions set out in point (a) are met;


the tasks associated with continuing airworthiness are performed by a CAMO approved in accordance with Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) or Subpart G of this Annex (Part-M), or a combined airworthiness organisation (“CAO”) approved in accordance with Annex Vd (Part-CAO); when the operator is not a CAMO approved in accordance with Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) or Subpart G of this Annex (Part-M), or a CAO approved in accordance with Annex Vd (Part-CAO), it shall conclude a written contract in accordance with Appendix I to this Annex with a CAMO approved in accordance with Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) or Subpart G of this Annex (Part-M), or a CAO approved in accordance with Annex Vd (Part-CAO);


the CAMO or CAO referred to in point (2) is approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145) or in accordance with Subpart F of this Annex (Part-M), or as a CAO with maintenance privileges, or that CAMO has concluded a written contract in accordance with point CAMO.A.315(c) of Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) or point M.A.708(c) of this Annex (Part-M) with organisations approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145) or in accordance with Subpart F of this Annex (Part-M) or Annex Vd (Part-CAO) with maintenance privileges.


For aircraft other than complex motor-powered aircraft not included in points (e) and (h), or used for limited operations, the owner shall ensure that flight takes place only if the conditions set out in point (a) are met. To that end, the owner shall:


attribute the continuing airworthiness tasks referred to in point M.A.301 to a CAMO or CAO through a written contract concluded in accordance with Appendix I; or


carry out those tasks himself; or


carry out those tasks himself except the tasks of the development of and the processing of the approval of the AMP, only if those tasks are performed by a CAMO or CAO through a limited contract concluded in accordance with point M.A.302.

(*1)  Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 September 2008 on common rules for the operation of air services in the Community (OJ L 293, 31.10.2008, p. 3)."

(*2)  Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 of 3 November 2011 laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures related to civil aviation aircrew pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 311, 25.11.2011, p. 1).’;"


point (k) is replaced by the following:


Where an aircraft included in an air operator certificate is used for non-commercial operations or specialised operations under point ORO.GEN.310 of Annex III or point NCO.GEN.104 of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012, the operator shall ensure that the tasks associated with continuing airworthiness are performed by the CAMO approved in accordance with Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) or Subpart G of this Annex (Part-M) or the combined airworthiness organisation (“CAO”) approved in accordance with Annex Vd (Part-CAO), whichever applicable, of the air operator certificate holder.’;


in point M.A.302(c), the first and second sentences are replaced by the following:

‘When the continuing airworthiness of aircraft is managed by a CAMO or CAO, or when there is a limited contract between the owner and a CAMO or CAO concluded in accordance with point M.A.201(i)(3), the AMP and its amendments may be approved through an indirect approval procedure.

In that case, the indirect approval procedure shall be established by the CAMO or CAO concerned as part of the continuing airworthiness management exposition (“CAME”) referred to in point CAMO.A.300 of Annex Vc or point M.A.704 of this Annex, or as part of the combined airworthiness exposition (“CAE”) referred to in point CAO.A.025 of Annex Vd and shall be approved by the competent authority responsible for that CAMO or CAO.’;


in point M.A.306, point (b) is replaced by the following:


The initial issue of aircraft technical log system shall be approved by the competent authority specified in point CAMO.A.105 of Annex Vc (Part-CAMO), or point M.1 of this Annex (Part-M) or point CAO.1(1) of Annex Vd (Part-CAO), as applicable. Any subsequent amendment to that system shall be managed in accordance with point CAMO.A.300(c), or points M.A.704(b) and (c), or point CAO.A.025(c).’;


point M.A.502 is corrected as follows:


the first sentence of point (b) is replaced by the following:

‘By derogation from point (a), where a component is fitted to the aircraft, the maintenance of such component may be performed by an aircraft maintenance organisation approved in accordance with Subpart F of this Annex or with Annex II (Part-145) or with Annex Vd (Part-CAO) or by certifying staff referred to in point M.A.801(b)(1).’;


the first sentence of point (d) is replaced by the following:

‘Maintenance of components referred to in point (c) of point 21.A.307 of Annex I (Part 21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012, where the component is fitted to the aircraft or is temporarily removed to improve access, shall be performed by an aircraft maintenance organisation approved in accordance with Subpart F of this Annex or with Annex II (Part-145) or with Annex Vd (Part-CAO), as applicable, by certifying staff referred to in point M.A.801(b)(1) or by the pilot-owner referred to in point M.A.801(b)(2).’;


in point M.A.503, point (a) is replaced by the following:


Installed life-limited parts and time-controlled components shall not exceed the approved limitation as specified in the AMP and ADs, except as provided for in point M.A.504(b).’;


in point M.A.604(a), point (5) is replaced by the following:


a list of certifying staff and, if applicable, airworthiness review staff, with their scope of approval, and;’;


point M.A.606 is corrected as follows:


point (e) is replaced by the following:


The qualification of all personnel involved in maintenance and airworthiness reviews shall be demonstrated and recorded.’;


point (i) is replaced by the following:


If the organisation performs airworthiness reviews and issues the corresponding airworthiness review certificate for ELA1 aircraft not involved in commercial operations in accordance with point ML.A.903 of Annex Vb (Part-ML), it shall have airworthiness review staff qualified and authorised meeting all of the following requirements:


shall hold a certifying staff authorisation for the corresponding aircraft;


shall have at least three years of experience as certifying staff;


shall be independent from the continuing airworthiness management process of the aircraft being reviewed or shall have overall authority on the continuing airworthiness management process of the complete aircraft being reviewed;


shall have acquired knowledge of Subpart C of this Annex (Part-M) or Subpart C of Annex Vb (Part-ML);


shall have acquired proven knowledge of the procedures of the maintenance organisation relevant to the airworthiness review and issue of the airworthiness review certificate;


shall have been formally accepted by the competent authority after having performed an airworthiness review under the supervision of the competent authority or under the supervision of the organisation's airworthiness review staff in accordance with a procedure approved by the competent authority;


shall have performed at least one airworthiness review in the last twelve-month period.’;


in point M.A.614, points (a) and (b) are replaced by the following:


The approved maintenance organisation shall record all details of work carried out. Records necessary to prove all requirements have been met for the issue of the certificate of release to service including the subcontractor's release documents and for the issue of any airworthiness review certificate shall be retained.


The approved maintenance organisation shall provide a copy of each CRS to the aircraft owner or operator, together with a copy of any detailed maintenance records associated with the work carried out and necessary to demonstrate compliance with point M.A.305 of this Annex (Part-M) or ML.A.305 of Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable.’;


in point M.A.614(c), the second sentence is replaced by the following:

‘In addition, it shall retain a copy of all the records related to the issue of airworthiness review certificates for three years from the date of issue and shall provide a copy of them to the owner of the aircraft.’;


in point M.A.618(a), the introductory sentences are replaced by the following:


An approval shall remain valid until 24 September 2021, subject to:’;


point M.A.704(a) is corrected as follows:


point (1) is replaced by the following:


a statement signed by the accountable manager confirming that the organisation will at all times work in accordance with this Annex (Part-M) and Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable;’;


point (7) is replaced by the following:


the procedures specifying how the organisation ensures compliance with this Annex (Part-M) and Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable, and;’;


point M.A.706 is corrected as follows:


point (a) is replaced by the following:


The organisation shall appoint an accountable manager, who has corporate authority for ensuring that all continuing airworthiness management activities can be financed and carried out in accordance with this Annex (Part-M) and Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable.’;


point (c) is replaced by the following:


A person or group of persons shall be nominated with the responsibility of ensuring that the organisation always complies with the applicable continuing airworthiness management, airworthiness review and permit to fly requirements of this Annex (Part-M) and Annex Vb (Part-ML). Such person(s) shall be ultimately responsible to the accountable manager.’;


point (i) is replaced by the following:


For organisations extending airworthiness review certificates in accordance with points M.A.711(a)(4) and M.A.901 of this Annex (Part-M) or point ML.A.901(c) of Annex Vb (Part-ML) as applicable, the organisation shall nominate persons authorised to do so, subject to approval by the competent authority.’;


in point M.A.707(a), the introductory phrase is replaced by the following:


To be approved to carry out airworthiness reviews and, if applicable, to issue permits to fly, an approved continuing airworthiness management organisation shall have appropriate airworthiness review staff to issue airworthiness review certificates or recommendations referred to in Section A, Subpart I of Annex I (Part-M) or in Section A, Subpart I of Annex Vb (Part-ML) and, if applicable, to issue a permit to fly in accordance with point M.A.711(c):’;


point M.A.708 is corrected as follows:


point (a) is replaced by the following:


The organisation shall ensure that all continuing airworthiness management is carried out in accordance with Section A, Subpart C of this Annex (Part-M), and Section A, Subpart C of Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable.’;


point (b) is corrected as follows:

points (1) and (2) are replaced by the following:


ensure that an aircraft maintenance programme including any applicable reliability programme, as required by point M.A.302 of this Annex (Part-M) or ML.A.302 of Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable, is developed and controlled,’;


for aircraft not used by air carriers licensed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008, provide a copy of the aircraft maintenance programme to the owner or operator responsible in accordance with point M.A.201 of this Annex (Part-M) or ML.A.201 of Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable,’;

point (4) is replaced by the following:


ensure that all maintenance is carried out in accordance with the approved maintenance programme and released in accordance with Section A, Subpart H of this Annex (Part-M) or Section A, Subpart H of Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable,’;


points (c) and (d) are replaced by the following:


In the case of complex motor-powered aircraft or aircraft used for CAT, or aircraft used for commercial specialised operations or commercial ATO or commercial DTO operations, when the CAMO is not appropriately approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145) or Subpart F of this Annex (Part-M) or Annex Vd (Part-CAO), the organisation shall, in consultation with the operator, establish a written maintenance contract with an organisation approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145) or Subpart F of this Annex (Part-M) or Annex Vd (Part-CAO) or with another operator, detailing the functions specified under points M.A.301(b), M.A.301(c), M.A.301(f) and M.A.301(g) of this Annex (Part-M), or points ML.A.301(b) to (e) of Annex Vb (Part-ML), ensuring that all maintenance is ultimately carried out by a maintenance organisation approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145) or Subpart F of this Annex (Part-M) or Annex Vd (Part-CAO) and defining the support of the quality functions referred to in point M.A.712(b) of this Annex (Part-M).


Notwithstanding point (c), the contract may be in the form of individual work orders addressed to the maintenance organisation approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145) or Subpart F of this Annex (Part-M) or Annex Vd (Part-CAO) in the case of:


an aircraft requiring unscheduled line maintenance;


component maintenance, including engine maintenance.’;


point M.A.709 is replaced by the following:




The approved continuing airworthiness management organisation shall hold and use applicable current maintenance data in accordance with point M.A.401 of this Annex (Part-M) or point ML.A.401 of Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable, for the performance of continuing airworthiness tasks referred to in point M.A.708 of this Annex (Part-M). That data may be provided by the owner or the operator, subject to an appropriate contract being established with such an owner or operator. In such case, the continuing airworthiness management organisation only needs to keep such data for the duration of the contract, except when required by point M.A.714 of this Annex (Part-M).


For aircraft not used by licenced air carriers in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008, the approved continuing airworthiness management organisation may develop “baseline” or “generic” maintenance programmes, or both, in order to allow for the initial approval or the extension of the scope of an approval, without having the contracts referred to in Appendix I to this Annex (Part‐M) or Appendix I to Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable. Those “baseline” and “generic” maintenance programmes however do not preclude the need to establish an adequate Aircraft Maintenance Programme in compliance with point M.A.302 of this Annex (Part-M) or ML.A.302 of Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable, in due time before exercising the privileges referred to in point M.A.711 of this Annex (Part-M).’;


point M.A.710 is replaced by the following:


Airworthiness review

When the organisation approved in accordance with point M.A.711(b) of this Annex (Part-M) performs airworthiness reviews, they shall be performed in accordance with point M.A.901 of this Annex (Part-M) or point ML.A.903 of Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable.’;


point M.A.711 is corrected as follows:


in point (a), point (4) is replaced by the following:


extend, under the conditions set out in point M.A.901(f) of this Annex (Part-M) or ML.A.901(c) of Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable, an airworthiness review certificate that has been issued by the competent authority or by another organisation or person, as applicable;’;


in point (a), point (5) is added:


Approve the AMP, in accordance with point (b)(2) of point ML.A.302, for aircraft managed in accordance with Annex Vb (Part-ML).’;


in point (b), point (1) is replaced by the following:


issue the related airworthiness review certificate and extend it in due time under the conditions set out in points M.A.901(c)(2) or M.A.901(e)(2) of this Annex (Part-M) or point ML.A.901(c) of Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable; and,’;


in point M.A.714, point (a) is replaced by the following:


The continuing airworthiness management organisation shall record all details of work carried out. The records required under point M.A.305 of this Annex (Part-M) or ML.A.305 of Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable, and if applicable point M.A.306 of this Annex (Part-M), shall be retained.’;


in point M.A.715, the introductory sentence in point (a) is replaced by the following:


An approval shall remain valid until 24 September 2021, subject to:’;


in point M.A.716, points (a) and (b) are replaced by the following:


A level 1 finding is any significant non-compliance with the requirements of this Annex (Part-M) or Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable, which lowers the safety standard and hazards seriously the flight safety;


A level 2 finding is any non-compliance with the requirements of this Annex (Part-M) or Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable, which could lower the safety standard and possibly hazard the flight safety.’;


in point M.A.802, point (a) is replaced by the following:


Except for component released to service by a maintenance organisation approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145), a CRS shall be issued at the completion of any maintenance carried out on an aircraft component in accordance with point M.A.502 of this Annex (Part-M).’;


point M.A.901 is corrected as follows:


in point (c), the introductory phrase is replaced by the following:

‘For all aircraft used by air carriers licensed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008, and for aircraft above 2 730 kg MTOM that are in a controlled environment, the organisation referred to in point (b)(1) managing the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft may in accordance with CAMO.A.125(e) of Annex Vc or point M.A.711(b) of this Annex or point CAO.A.095(c)(1) of Annex Vd, as applicable, and subject to compliance with point (j):’;


in point (e), the introductory phrase is replaced by the following:

‘For aircraft not used by air carriers licensed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008, and for aircraft of 2 730 kg MTOM and below, any CAMO or CAO chosen by the owner or operator may in accordance with CAMO.A.125(e) of Annex Vc or point M.A.711(b) of this Annex or CAO.A.095(c) of Annex Vd, as applicable, and subject to compliance with point (j):’;


in point M.B.104(d), point 3 is replaced by the following:


airworthiness review recommendations issued by CAO or CAMO;’;


in point M.B.105, point (a) is replaced by the following:


In order to contribute to the improvement of air safety, the competent authorities shall participate in a mutual exchange of all necessary information in accordance with Article 72 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139.’;


in point M.B.301, point (c) is replaced by the following:


In the case of indirect approval as provided for in point M.A.302(c), the competent authority shall approve the AMP approval procedure of the CAO or CAMO through that organisation’s exposition referred to in point CAO.A.025 of Annex Vd, point M.A.704 of this Annex, or point CAMO.A.300 of Annex Vc, as applicable.’;


point M.B.302 is replaced by the following:



All exemptions granted in accordance with Article 71 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 shall be recorded and retained by the competent authority.’;


in point M.B.305, point (b) of is replaced by the following:


To enable the organisation to implement changes to the aircraft technical log system without prior competent authority approval, the competent authority shall approve the relevant procedure referred to in point CAMO.A.300(c) of Annex Vc, or point M.A.704(c) of this Annex or point CAO.A.025(c) of Annex Vd.’;


point M.B.703 is replaced by the following:


Issue of approval


The competent authority shall issue to the applicant an EASA Form 14-MG approval certificate (Appendix VI to this Annex) which includes the extent of approval, when the continuing airworthiness management organisation is in compliance with Section A, Subpart G of this Annex (Part-M).


The competent authority shall indicate the validity of the approval on the EASA Form 14‐MG approval certificate.


The reference number shall be included on the Form 14‐MG approval certificate in a manner specified by the Agency.


In the case of licenced air carriers in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008, the information contained on an EASA Form 14‐MG will be included on the air operator's certificate.’;


in point M.B.705(a), the introductory phrase is replaced by the following:


When during audits or by other means, evidence is found showing non-compliance to a requirement laid down in this Annex (Part-M) or Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable, the competent authority shall take the following actions:’;


in point M.B.706, point (c) is replaced by the following:


For any change to the continuing airworthiness management exposition:


In the case of direct approval of changes in accordance with point M.A.704(b) of this Annex (Part-M), the competent authority shall verify that the procedures specified in the exposition are in compliance with this Annex (Part-M) or Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable, before formally notifying the approved organisation of the approval.


In the case an indirect approval procedure is used for the approval of the changes in accordance with point M.A.704(c) of this Annex (Part-M), the competent authority shall ensure all of the following:


that the changes remain minor;


that it has an adequate control over the approval of the changes to ensure they remain in compliance with the requirements of this Annex (Part-M) or Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable.’;


Appendix III is corrected as follows:


the certifying phrase of EASA Form 15b is replaced by the following:

‘Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council the following organisation, approved in accordance with Section A of Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) or Section A of Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M) or Section A of Annex Vb (Part-CAO) to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014,



hereby certifies that it has performed an airworthiness review in accordance with point M.A.901 of Annex I to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 on the following aircraft:’;


the issue of the EASA Form 15b is replaced by ‘Issue 6’;


the table in point 13 of Appendix IV is corrected as follows:


the boxes corresponding to rating A2 are replaced by the following:







A2 Aeroplanes 5 700 kg and below

[Shall state aeroplane manufacturer or group or series or type and/or the maintenance tasks]

Example: DHC-6 Twin Otter Series

State whether the issue of airworthiness review certificates is authorised or not

[YES/NO] (*)

[YES/NO] (*)’;


the boxes corresponding to rating A4 are replaced by the following:







A4 Aircraft other than A1, A2 and A3

[Shall state aircraft category (sailplane, balloon, airship, etc.), manufacturer or group or series or type and/or the maintenance task(s)]

State whether the issue of airworthiness review certificates is authorised or not

[YES/NO] (*)

[YES/NO] (*)’;


Appendix V is replaced by the following

‘Appendix V

Maintenance Organisation Certificate referred to in Annex I (Part-M) Subpart F – EASA Form 3‐MF

Page 1 of 2


A Member State of the European Union (**)


Reference: [MEMBER STATE CODE (*)].MF.[XXXX]

Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council and to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 and subject to the conditions specified below, the [COMPETENT AUTHORITY OF THE MEMBER STATE (*)] hereby certifies:


as a maintenance organisation in compliance with Section A, Subpart F of Annex I (Part-M) to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014, approved to maintain the products, parts and appliances listed in the attached terms of approval and issue related certificates of release to service using the above references and, when stipulated, airworthiness review certificates after an airworthiness review as specified in point ML.A.903 of Annex Vb (Part-ML) to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 for those aircraft listed in the attached terms of approval.



This certificate is limited to what is specified in the scope of work section of the approved maintenance organisation manual as referred to in Section A, Subpart F of Annex I (Part-M) to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014; and


This certificate requires compliance with the procedures specified in the approved maintenance organisation manual; and


This certificate is valid whilst the approved maintenance organisation remains in compliance with Annex I (Part-M) and Annex Vb (Part-ML) to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014.


Subject to compliance with the foregoing conditions, this certificate shall remain valid until 24 September 2021 unless the certificate has been surrendered, superseded, suspended or revoked before that date.

Date of original issue: …

Date of this revision: …

Revision No: …

Signed: …

For the competent authority: [COMPETENT AUTHORITY OF THE MEMBER STATE (*)]

EASA Form 3-MF Issue 5


Or “EASA” if EASA is the competent authority.


Delete for non-EU Member States or EASA.

Page 2 of 2



































These terms of approval are limited to the products, parts and appliances and to the activities specified in the scope of work section of the approved maintenance organisation manual.

Maintenance organisation manual reference: …

Date of original issue: …

Date of last revision approved: … Revision No: …

Signed: …

For the competent authority: [COMPETENT AUTHORITY OF THE MEMBER STATE (*)]

EASA Form 3-MF Issue 5


Or “EASA” if EASA is the competent authority.


Delete as appropriate if the organisation is not approved.


Complete with the appropriate rating and limitation.


Complete with the appropriate limitation and state whether the issue of airworthiness review certificates is authorised or not (only possible for ELA1 aircraft not involved in commercial operations when the organisation performs the airworthiness review together with the annual inspection contained in the AMP).;


Appendix VI is inserted as follows:

‘Appendix VI

Continuing airworthiness management organisation certificate referred to in Annex I (Part-M) Subpart G – EASA Form 14-MG


A Member State of the European Union (**)



Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council and to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 for the time being in force and subject to the condition specified below, the [COMPETENT AUTHORITY OF THE MEMBER STATE (*)] hereby certifies:


as a continuing airworthiness management organisation in compliance with Section A, Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M) to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014, approved to manage the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft listed in the attached terms of approval and, when stipulated, to issue recommendations and airworthiness review certificates after an airworthiness review as specified in point M.A.901 of Annex I (Part-M) or ML.A.901 of Annex Vb (Part-ML), and, when stipulated, to issue permits to fly as specified in point M.A.711(c) of Annex I (Part-M) to that Regulation.



This certificate is limited to that specified in the scope of work section of the approved continuing airworthiness management exposition as referred to in Section A, Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M) to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014.


This certificate requires compliance with the procedures specified in the continuing airworthiness management exposition approved in accordance with Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M) to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014.


This certificate is valid whilst the approved continuing airworthiness management organisation remains in compliance with Annex I (Part-M) and, if applicable, Annex Vb (Part-ML) to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014.


Where the continuing airworthiness management organisation contracts under its Quality System the service of an organisation or several organisations, this certificate remains valid subject to such organisation(s) fulfilling applicable contractual obligations.


Subject to compliance with the conditions 1 to 4 above, this certificate shall remain valid until 24 September 2021, unless the certificate has previously been surrendered, superseded, suspended or revoked.

If this form is also used for licenced air carriers in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008, the Air Operator Certificate (AOC) number shall be added to the reference, in addition to the standard number, and the condition 5 shall be replaced by the following extra conditions 6, 7 and 8:


This certificate does not constitute an authorisation to operate the types of aircraft referred in condition 1. The authorisation to operate the aircraft is the AOC.


Termination, suspension or revocation of the AOC automatically invalidates this certificate in relation to the aircraft registrations specified in the AOC, unless otherwise explicitly stated by the competent authority.


Subject to compliance with conditions 1 to 4, 6 and 7, this certificate shall remain valid until 24 September 2021, unless the certificate has previously been surrendered, superseded, suspended or revoked.

Date of original issue: …

Signed: …

Date of this revision: … Revision No: …

For the Competent Authority: [COMPETENT AUTHORITY OF THE MEMBER STATE (*)]

Page 1 of 2

EASA Form 14-MG Issue 5

Page 2 of 2




(ref. AOC XX.XXXX)


Aircraft type/series/group

Airworthiness review authorised

Permits to fly authorised

Organisation(s) working under quality system


[YES/NO] (***)

[YES/NO] (***)



[YES/NO] (***)

[YES/NO] (***)



[YES/NO] (***)

[YES/NO] (***)



[YES/NO] (***)

[YES/NO] (***)


These terms of approval are limited to that specified in the scope of work contained in the approved Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition section …

Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition Reference: …

Date of original issue: …

Signed: …

Date of this revision: … Revision No: …


EASA Form 14-MG Issue 5


Or EASA if EASA is the competent authority.


Delete for non-EU Member State or EASA.


Delete as appropriate if the organisation is not approved.;


in Appendix VIII, point (a)(3) is replaced by the following:


The Pilot-owner (or his contracted CAMO or CAO) is responsible for identifying the Pilot-owner tasks according to these basic principles in the maintenance programme and for ensuring that the document is updated in a timely manner.’;


Annex II is corrected as follows:


point 145.A.30 is corrected as follows:


the first sentence of point (e) is replaced by the following:

‘The organisation shall establish and control the competence of personnel involved in any maintenance, airworthiness reviews, management and/or quality audits in accordance with a procedure and to a standard agreed by the competent authority.’;


point (k) is replaced by the following:


If the organisation performs airworthiness reviews and issues the corresponding airworthiness review certificate in accordance with point ML.A.903 of Annex Vb (Part-ML), it shall have airworthiness review staff qualified and authorised and meeting all of the following requirements:


shall hold a certifying staff authorisation for the corresponding aircraft;


shall have at least three years of experience as certifying staff;


shall be independent from the continuing airworthiness management process of the aircraft being reviewed or shall have overall authority on the continuing airworthiness management process of the complete aircraft being reviewed;


shall have acquired knowledge of Subpart C of this Annex (Part-M) or Subpart C of Annex Vb (Part-ML);


shall have acquired proven knowledge of the procedures of the maintenance organisation relevant to the airworthiness review and issue of the airworthiness review certificate;


shall have been formally accepted by the competent authority after having performed an airworthiness review under the supervision of the competent authority or under the supervision of the organisation's airworthiness review staff in accordance with a procedure approved by the competent authority;


shall have performed at least one airworthiness review in the last twelve-month period.’;


in point 145.A.48, point (d) is replaced by the following:


damage is assessed and modifications and repairs are carried out using data specified in point M.A.304 of Annex I (Part-M) or ML.A.304 of Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable.’;


in point 145.A.50, the second sentence of point (d) is replaced by the following:

‘The authorised release certificate “EASA Form 1” referred to in Appendix II of Annex I (Part‐M) constitutes the component certificate of release to service except if otherwise specified in point M.A.502 of Annex I (Part-M) or ML.A.502 of Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable.’;


point 145.A.55 is corrected as follows:


points (a) and (b) are replaced by the following:


The organisation shall record all details of maintenance work carried out. As a minimum, the organisation shall retain records necessary to prove that all requirements have been met for the issue of the certificate of release to service, including subcontractor's release documents, and for the issue of any airworthiness review certificate.


The organisation shall provide a copy of each certificate of release to service to the aircraft owner or operator, together with a copy of any detailed maintenance record associated with the work carried out and necessary to demonstrate compliance with point M.A.305 of Annex I (Part-M) or ML.A.305 of Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable.’;


in point (c), the first sentence is replaced by the following:

‘The organisation shall retain a copy of all detailed maintenance records and any associated maintenance data for three years from the date on which the aircraft or component to which the work relates was issued with a certificate of release to service. In addition, it shall retain a copy of all the records related to the issue of airworthiness review certificates for three years from the date of issue and shall provide a copy of them to the owner of the aircraft.’;


in point 145.A.70(a), point (12) is replaced by the following:


the procedures and quality system established by the organisation under points 145.A.25 to 145.A.90 of this Annex (Part-145) and any additional procedure followed in accordance with Annex I (Part-M) and Annex Vb (Part-ML) as applicable;’;


Appendix III is corrected as follows:


on page 1 of 2 of the EASA Form 3-145, the certifying phrase is replaced by the following:

‘Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council and to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 and subject to the conditions specified below, the [COMPETENT AUTHORITY OF THE MEMBER STATE (*)] hereby certifies:


as a maintenance organisation in compliance with Section A of Annex II (Part-145) to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014, approved to maintain products, parts and appliances listed in the attached terms of approval and issue related certificates of release to service using the above references and, when stipulated, to issue airworthiness review certificates after an airworthiness review as specified in point ML.A.903 of Annex Vb (Part-ML) to that Regulation for those aircraft listed in the attached terms of approval’;


in the table on page 2 of 2 of the EASA Form 3-145, in column ‘LIMITATION’, rows ‘AIRCRAFT’, the content is replaced by ‘(****)’;


in Appendix I of Annex III (Part-66), in point (2), module 10 is replaced by the following:










Regulatory Framework

Role of the International Civil Aviation Organisation;

Role of the European Commission;

Role of EASA;

Role of the Member States and National Aviation Authorities;

Regulations (EU) 2018/1139, Regulation (EU) No 748/2012, Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 and Regulation (EU) No 376/2014;

Relation between the various Annexes (Parts) of Regulation (EU) No 748/2012, Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 and Regulation (EU) No 965/2012






Certifying Staff — Maintenance

Detailed understanding of Part-66.






Approved Maintenance Organisations

Detailed understanding of Part-145 and Part-M Subpart F.






Air operations

General understanding of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012.

Air Operators Certificates;

Operator's responsibilities, in particular regarding continuing airworthiness and maintenance;

Aircraft Maintenance Programme;


Documents to be carried on board;

Aircraft placarding (markings).






Certification of aircraft, parts and appliances







General understanding of Part 21 and EASA certification specifications CS-23, 25, 27, 29.






Certificate of Airworthiness; restricted certificates of airworthiness and permit to fly;

Certificate of Registration;

Noise Certificate;

Weight Schedule;

Radio Station Licence and Approval.





Continuing airworthiness

Detailed understanding of Part 21 provisions related to continuing airworthiness.

Detailed understanding of Part-M.






Applicable National and International Requirements for (if not superseded by EU requirements).






Maintenance Programmes, Maintenance checks and inspections;

Airworthiness Directives;

Service Bulletins, manufacturers service information;

Modifications and repairs;

Maintenance documentation: maintenance manuals, structural repair manual, illustrated parts catalogue, etc.;

Only for A to B2 licences:

Master Minimum Equipment Lists, Minimum Equipment List, Dispatch Deviation Lists;






Continuing airworthiness;

Minimum equipment requirements — Test flights;

Only for B1 and B2 licences:

ETOPS, maintenance and dispatch requirements;

All Weather Operations, Category 2/3 operations.





in Appendix II of Annex IV (Part-147), the issue of the page 2 of 2 of the EASA Form 11 is replaced by ‘Issue 6’;


in Section B of the table of contents of Annex Va (Part-T), Subpart A is replaced by the following:


‘Subpart A — General




Competent authority




Mutual exchange of information’;


Annex Vb (Part-ML) is corrected as follows:


point ML.A.201 is corrected as follows:


point (e)(1) is replaced by the following:


be approved as a CAMO or as a CAO for the management of the continuing airworthiness of its aircraft in accordance with Annex Vc (Part-CAMO), Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M) or Annex Vd (Part-CAO), or contract such an organisation using the contract set out in Appendix I to this Annex;’;


the first sentence of point (f) is replaced by the following:

‘For aircraft not included in point (e), in order to satisfy the requirements of point (a), the owner of the aircraft may contract the tasks associated with continuing airworthiness management to an organisation approved as a CAMO or CAO in accordance with Annex Vc (Part-CAMO), Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M) or Annex Vd (Part-CAO).’;


point (h) is replaced by the following:


In the case of an aircraft included in an air operator certificate is used for non-commercial or specialised operations under point ORO.GEN.310 of Annex III or point NCO.GEN.104 of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (*3), the operator shall ensure that the tasks associated with continuing airworthiness are performed by the CAMO approved in accordance with Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) or Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M) or the combined airworthiness organisation (“CAO”) approved in accordance with Annex Vd (Part-CAO), whichever applicable, of the air operator certificate holder.

(*3)  Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 of 5 October 2012 laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures related to air operations pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 296, 25.10.2012, p. 1).’;"


in point ML.A.901, point (b) is corrected as follows:


point (3) is replaced by the following:


the approved maintenance organisation while performing the 100-h/annual inspection contained in the AMP;’;


the introductory phrase of point (4) is replaced by the following:


for aircraft operated under Annex VII (Part-NCO) to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 or, in the case of balloons, not operated under Subpart-ADD of Annex II (Part-BOP) to Regulation (EU) 2018/395 (*4) or, in the case of sailplanes, not following Subpart DEC of Annex II (Part-SAO) to Regulation (EU) 2018/1976 (*5), the independent certifying staff while performing the 100-h/annual inspection contained in the AMP, when holding:

(*4)  Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/395 of 13 March 2018 laying down detailed rules for the operation of balloons pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 71, 14.3.2018, p. 10)."

(*5)  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976 of 14 December 2018 laying down detailed rules for the operation of sailplanes pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 326, 20.12.2018, p. 64).’;"


in point ML.A.904, point (b) is replaced by the following:


Airworthiness review staff acting on behalf of an organisation referred to in Subpart F or Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M), Annex II (Part-145), Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) or Annex Vd (Part‐CAO) shall be qualified in accordance with Subpart F or Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M), Annex II (Part-145), Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) or Annex Vd (Part-CAO), respectively.’;


in point ML.B.902, point (d) is replaced by the following:


During the performance of the airworthiness review, the competent authority shall have access to the applicable data as specified in points ML.A.305 and ML.A.401.’;


in Appendix III, the first paragraph is replaced by the following:

‘All of the following constitutes the complex maintenance tasks which, according to Appendix II, shall not be carried out by the pilot-owner. Those tasks shall be released either by an approved maintenance organisation or by independent certifying staff:’;


Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) is corrected as follows:


the table of contents is corrected as follows:


the title of point CAMO.A.125 is replaced by the following:

‘Terms of approval and privileges of the organisation’;


the title of point CAMO.A.300 is replaced by the following:

‘Continuing airworthiness management exposition (CAME)’;


the following entry is added:

‘Appendix I — Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation Certificate - EASA Form 14’;


point CAMO.A.125 is corrected as follows:


point (d)(4) is replaced by the following:


extend an airworthiness review certificate under the conditions of point M.A.901(f) of Annex I (Part-M) or point ML.A.901(c) of Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable.’;


point (d)(5) is added:


Approve the AMP, in accordance with point (b)(2) of point ML.A.302, for aircraft managed in accordance with Annex Vb (Part-ML).’;


point (e)(1) is replaced by the following:


issue the related airworthiness review certificate and extend it in due time under the conditions of point M.A.901(c)(2) and point M.A.901(e)(2) of Annex I (Part-M) or point ML.A.901(c) of Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable;’;


in point CAMO.A.300, point (c) is replaced by the following:


Amendments to the CAME shall be managed as defined in the procedures referred to in points (a)(11)(iv) and (a)(11)(v). Any amendments not included in the scope of the procedure referred to in point (a)(11)(iv), as well as amendments related to the changes listed in point CAMO.A.130(a), shall be approved by the competent authority.’;


in point CAMO.A.315(c), point (2) is replaced by the following:


the functions required under points (b), (c), (f) and (g) of point M.A.301 of Annex I (Part-M) or point ML.A.301 of Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable, are clearly specified.’;


point CAMO.A.325 is replaced by the following:


Continuing airworthiness management data

The organisation shall hold and use applicable current maintenance data in accordance with point M.A.401 of Annex I (Part-M) or point ML.A.401 of Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable, for the performance of continuing airworthiness tasks referred to in point CAMO.A.315 of this Annex (Part-CAMO). That data may be provided by the owner or the operator, subject to an appropriate contract being established with such an owner or operator. In such case, the continuing airworthiness management organisation shall only keep such data for the duration of the contract, except when otherwise required by point CAMO.A.220(a).’;


Annex Vd (Part-CAO) is corrected as follows:


the table of contents is corrected as follows:


the entry for point CAO.B.015 is deleted;


the title of point CAO.B.045 is replaced by the following:

‘Initial certification procedure’;


the title of point CAO.B.050 is replaced by the following:

‘Issuance of the initial certificate’;


the title of Appendix I is replaced by the following:

‘Combined airworthiness organisation (CAO) certificate — EASA Form 3-CAO’;


in point CAO.A.017, point (a) is replaced by the following:


Alternative means of compliance to the acceptable means of compliance adopted by the Agency may be used by an organisation to demonstrate compliance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 and its delegated and implementing acts.’;


point CAO.A.080 is replaced by the following:


Continuing airworthiness management data

The CAO shall hold and use applicable current maintenance data specified in point M.A.401 of Annex I (Part-M) or point ML.A.401 of Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable, for the performance of the continuing airworthiness management tasks referred to in point CAO.A.075 of this Annex (Part-CAO). That data may be provided by the owner, subject to a contract as referred in points M.A.201(h)(2) or M.A.201(i)(1) or M.A.201(i)(3) of Annex I (Part-M), or points ML.A.201(e)(1) or ML.A.201(f) of Annex Vb (Part-ML), in which case the CAO only needs to hold such data for the duration of the contract, unless where it is to retain the data pursuant to point CAO.A.090(b) of this Annex (Part-CAO).’;


Point CAO.A.085 is replaced by the following:


Airworthiness review

The CAO shall perform any airworthiness reviews in accordance with point M.A.901 of Annex I (Part-M) or point ML.A.903 of Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable.’;


in point CAO.A.095(b), point (4) is replaced by the following:


Extend, in accordance with point M.A.901(f) of Annex I (Part-M) or point ML.A.901(c) of Annex Vb (Part-ML), an ARC that has been issued by the competent authority, another organisation or person as applicable.’;


in point CAO.B.045, point (h) is deleted;


in point CAO.B.050, point (a) is replaced by the following:


Where the competent authority has established that the applicant complies with point CAO.B.045, it shall issue the certificate, using the EASA Form 3-CAO template laid down in Appendix I and specifying the terms of approval.’;


in Appendix I, in the table on page 2 of 2 of the EASA Form 3-CAO, in column ‘PRIVILEGES (***)’, row ‘SPECIALISED SERVICES (**)’, the content is replaced by ‘☐ NDT

(*1)  Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 September 2008 on common rules for the operation of air services in the Community (OJ L 293, 31.10.2008, p. 3).

(*2)  Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 of 3 November 2011 laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures related to civil aviation aircrew pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 311, 25.11.2011, p. 1).’;

(*3)  Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 of 5 October 2012 laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures related to air operations pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 296, 25.10.2012, p. 1).’;

(*4)  Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/395 of 13 March 2018 laying down detailed rules for the operation of balloons pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 71, 14.3.2018, p. 10).

(*5)  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976 of 14 December 2018 laying down detailed rules for the operation of sailplanes pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 326, 20.12.2018, p. 64).’;’