

Official Journal of the European Union

C 247/28

Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 12 September 2007 — Commission v Trends

(Case T-448/04) (1)

(Arbitration clause - Fourth Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration - Contracts involving projects in the field of telematics applications of common interest - Lack of supporting documents and non-compliance with the contractual requirements for part of the declared expenses - Reimbursement of the sums paid)

(2007/C 247/44)

Language of the case: Greek


Applicant: Commission of the European Communities (represented by: M. Patakia, Agent, and M. Bra, K. Kapoutzidou, S. Chatzigiannis, and then by K. Kapoutzidou and S. Chatzigiannis, lawyers)

Defendant: Transport Environment Development Systems (Trends) (Athens, Greece) (represented by: V. Christianos and V. Vlassi, lawyers)


Application by the Commission under an arbitration clause within the meaning of Article 238 EC seeking an order that Trends reimburse the Commission in the sum of EUR 48 046 plus contractual interest or, in the alternative, plus default interest.

Operative part of the judgment


The interlocutory application is dismissed;


Transport Environment Development Systems (Trends) is ordered to pay to the Commission the sum of Eur 48 046 plus default interest at the rate of 5,5 % per annum from 1 January 1999 until payment in full of the sum owed;


Trends is ordered to pay the costs.

(1)  OJ C 184, 2.8.2003 (formerly Case C-248/03).