Official Journal
of the European Communities
ISSN 0378-6978

L 39
Volume 44
9 February 2001
English editionLegislation

ContentsI Acts whose publication is obligatory
*Regulation (EC) No 257/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 January 2001 regarding the implementation of measures to promote economic and social development in Turkey 1
Commission Regulation (EC) No 258/2001 of 8 February 2001 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables 5
*Commission Regulation (EC) No 259/2001 of 7 February 2001 establishing measures for the recovery of the stock of cod in the North Sea (ICES subarea IV) and associated conditions for the control of activities of fishing vessels 7
*Commission Regulation (EC) No 260/2001 of 8 February 2001 replacing the Annex to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3677/90 laying down measures to be taken to discourage the diversion of certain substances to the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances 11
Commission Regulation (EC) No 261/2001 of 8 February 2001 fixing the export refunds on products processed from cereals and rice 13
Commission Regulation (EC) No 262/2001 of 8 February 2001 fixing the export refunds on cereal-based compound feedingstuffs 16
Commission Regulation (EC) No 263/2001 of 8 February 2001 fixing the maximum export refund on common wheat in connection with the invitation to tender issued in Regulation (EC) No 1701/2000 18
Commission Regulation (EC) No 264/2001 of 8 February 2001 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the export of common wheat issued in Regulation (EC) No 2014/2000 19
Commission Regulation (EC) No 265/2001 of 8 February 2001 fixing the maximum export refund on barley in connection with the invitation to tender issued in Regulation (EC) No 2317/2000 20
Commission Regulation (EC) No 266/2001 of 8 February 2001 fixing the maximum export refund on rye in connection with the invitation to tender issued in Regulation (EC) No 1740/2000 21
Commission Regulation (EC) No 267/2001 of 8 February 2001 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the export of oats issued in Regulation (EC) No 2097/2000 22
Commission Regulation (EC) No 268/2001 of 8 February 2001 fixing the export refunds on cereals and on wheat or rye flour, groats and meal 23
Commission Regulation (EC) No 269/2001 of 8 February 2001 fixing the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals 25
Commission Regulation (EC) No 270/2001 of 8 February 2001 fixing the rates of the refunds applicable to certain cereal and rice-products exported in the form of goods not covered by Annex I to the Treaty 27
*Commission Directive 2001/8/EC of 8 February 2001 replacing Annex I to Council Directive 92/109/EEC on the manufacture and placing on the market of certain substances used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances 31

II Acts whose publication is not obligatory
*Commission Decision of 25 October 2000 concerning the aid scheme introduced by the region of Sardinia (Italy) to promote and add value to organic farming (notified under document number C(2000) 3153) 33
*Commission Decision of 24 January 2001 establishing a model for the lists of units approved by Member States for intra-Community trade in live animals, semen and embryos and the rules applying to the transmission of these lists to the Commission (notified under document number C(2001) 143) (1) 39
*Commission Decision of 25 January 2001 deferring for certain transportable pressure equipment the date of implementation of Council Directive 1999/36/EC (notified under document number C(2001) 139) (1) 43
(1) Text with EEA relevance
Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a limited period.
The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk.