ISSN 1725-2555

Official Journal

of the European Union

L 165

European flag  

English edition


Volume 49
17 June 2006



I   Acts whose publication is obligatory




Commission Regulation (EC) No 886/2006 of 16 June 2006 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables




Commission Regulation (EC) No 887/2006 of 16 June 2006 opening an invitation to tender for the allocation of A3 export licences for fruit and vegetables (tomatoes, oranges, lemons, table grapes, apples and peaches)




Commission Regulation (EC) No 888/2006 of 16 June 2006 concerning the classification of certain goods in the Combined Nomenclature




Commission Regulation (EC) No 889/2006 of 16 June 2006 fixing the minimum selling prices for butter for the 11th individual invitation to tender under the standing invitation to tender provided for in Regulation (EC) No 1898/2005




Commission Regulation (EC) No 890/2006 of 16 June 2006 fixing the maximum aid for cream, butter and concentrated butter for the 11th individual invitation to tender under the standing invitation to tender provided for in Regulation (EC) No 1898/2005




Commission Regulation (EC) No 891/2006 of 16 June 2006 fixing the maximum buying-in price for butter for the first individual invitation to tender under the standing invitation to tender opened by Regulation (EC) No 796/2006




Commission Regulation (EC) No 892/2006 of 16 June 2006 fixing the maximum aid for concentrated butter for the 11th individual invitation to tender opened under the standing invitation to tender provided for in Regulation (EC) No 1898/2005




Commission Regulation (EC) No 893/2006 of 16 June 2006 fixing the minimum selling price for butter for the 43rd individual invitation to tender issued under the standing invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 2771/1999




Commission Regulation (EC) No 894/2006 of 16 June 2006 amending the representative prices and additional duties for the import of certain products in the sugar sector fixed by Regulation (EC) No 1011/2005 for the 2005/2006 marketing year




II   Acts whose publication is not obligatory






Commission Decision of 20 April 2004 closing the procedure initiated against Italy, Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region, in respect of the measures provided for in Draft Law No 106/1/A — ‘Aid for the establishment of infrastructure and services in the goods transport sector, for the restructuring of road haulage and the development of combined transport’ (notified under document number C(2004) 1376)  ( 1 )




Acts adopted under Title V of the Treaty on European Union



Council Joint Action 2006/418/CFSP of 12 June 2006 on support for IAEA activities in the areas of nuclear security and verification and in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction




Council Joint Action 2006/419/CFSP of 12 June 2006 in support of the implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) and in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction







Corrigendum to Directive 2005/88/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2005 amending Directive 2000/14/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors ( OJ L 344, 27.12.2005 )




(1)   Text with EEA relevance


Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a limited period.

The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk.