

Official Journal of the European Union

C 29/5

Request for an Advisory Opinion from the EFTA Court by Héraðsdómur Reykjavíkur dated 14 September 2012 in the case of Yngvi Harðarson v Askar Capital hf.

(Case E-10/12)

2013/C 29/06

A request has been made to the EFTA Court by a letter of 14 September 2012 from Héraðsdómur Reykjavíkur (Reykjavik District Court), which was received at the Court Registry on 14 September 2012, for an Advisory Opinion in the case of Yngvi Harðarson v Askar Capital hf., on the following question:

Should Council Directive 91/533/EEC of 14 October 1991, on an employer’s obligation to inform employees of the conditions applicable to the contract or employment relationship, be interpreted as meaning, in circumstances including bankruptcy proceedings or a comparable division of a limited liability company, that compensation to an employee is to be assessed on the basis of a written contract of employment if no written document has been handed over to the employee concerning amendments, temporary or permanent, that may have been made to the main features of the contract of employment or employment relationship between the parties within the time-limits laid down in Article 5 of the Directive?