ISSN 1977-091X

Official Journal

of the European Union

C 48

European flag  

English edition

Information and Notices

Volume 59
8 February 2016

Notice No




IV   Notices




Court of Justice of the European Union

2016/C 048/1

Last publications of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Official Journal of the European Union



V   Announcements




Court of Justice

2016/C 048/2

Case C-595/13: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 9 December 2015 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Hoge Raad der Nederlanden — Netherlands) — Staatssecretaris van Financiën v Fiscale Eenheid X NV cs (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Sixth VAT Directive — Exemptions — Article 13B(d)(6) — Special investment funds — Meaning — Investments in immovable property — Management of special investment funds — Meaning — Actual management of a property)


2016/C 048/3

Case C-350/14: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 10 December 2015 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunale civile di Trieste — Italy) — Florin Lazar v Allianz SpA (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Area of freedom, security and justice — Judicial cooperation in civil matters — Regulation No 864/2007 — Article 4(1) — Concepts of ‘country in which the damage occurs’, ‘damage’ and ‘indirect consequences of the tort or delict’ — Damage sustained personally by a family member of a person who died as a result of a road traffic accident — Applicable law)


2016/C 048/4

Case C-427/14: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 10 December 2015 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Augstākās tiesas, Latvia) — Valsts ieņēmumu dienests v ‘Veloserviss’ SIA (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Community Customs Code — Post-clearance examination of declarations — Principle of the protection of legitimate expectations — National rules placing restrictions on re-examination of the results of a post-clearance examination — Powers — Decision on the first post-clearance examination — Incorrect or incomplete information not known on the date of the decision)


2016/C 048/5

Case C-552/14 P: Judgment of the Court (Seventh Chamber) of 10 December 2015 — Canon Europa NV v European Commission (Appeal — Customs Union and Common Customs Tariff — Regulation (EU) No 861/2010 — Actions for annulment — Fourth paragraph of Article 263 TFEU — Regulatory act not entailing implementing measures — Release of goods and communication of the amount of the duties — Use of simplified procedures or data-processing techniques)


2016/C 048/6

Case C-553/14 P: Judgment of the Court (Seventh Chamber) of 10 December 2015 — Kyocera Mita Europe BV v European Commission (Appeal — Customs Union and Common Customs Tariff — Regulation (EU) No 861/2010 — Actions for annulment — Fourth paragraph of Article 263 TFEU — Regulatory act not entailing implementing measures — Release of goods and communication of the amount of the duties — Use of simplified procedures or data-processing techniques)


2016/C 048/7

Case C-594/14: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 10 December 2015 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesgerichtshof — Germany) — Simona Kornhaas v Thomas Dithmar, acting as liquidator of the assets of Kornhaas Montage und Dienstleistung Ltd (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Area of freedom, security and justice — Insolvency proceedings — Regulation (EC) No 1346/2000 — Article 4(1) — Determination of the applicable law — Legislation of a Member State laying down the obligation for a managing director of a company to reimburse that company for the payments made after it had become insolvent — Application of that legislation to a company established in another Member State — Articles 49 TFEU and 54 TFEU — Restriction on the freedom of establishment — None)


2016/C 048/8

Case C-603/14 P: Judgment of the Court (Ninth Chamber) of 10 December 2015 — El Corte Inglés, SA v Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (Appeal — Community trade mark — Application for the word mark The English Cut — Opposition by the proprietor of the national and Community word and figurative marks including the word elements ‘El Corte Inglés’ — Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 — Article 8(1)(b) — Likelihood of confusion — Article 8(5) — Risk that the relevant public will make a connection with a trade mark which has a reputation — Degree of similarity required)


2016/C 048/9

Case C-183/15: Judgment of the Court (Seventh Chamber) of 10 December 2015 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Finanzgericht Düsseldorf — Germany) — TSI GmbH v Hauptzollamt Aachen (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Common Customs Tariff — Tariff classification — Combined Nomenclature — Sub-heading 9027 10 10 — Ultraviolet aerodynamic particle sizer spectrometers — Handheld particle counters)


2016/C 048/10

Case C-190/15 P: Appeal brought on 24 April 2015 by Fetim BV against the judgment of the General Court (Third Chamber) delivered on 11 February 2015 in Case T-395/12: Fetim v OHIM


2016/C 048/11

Case C-206/15 P: Appeal brought on 14 April 2015 by Sun Mark Ltd and Bulldog Energy Drink Ltd against the judgment of the General Court (Eighth Chamber) delivered on 5 February 2015 in Case T-78/13: Red Bull v OHIM


2016/C 048/12

Case C-422/15 P: Appeal brought on 30 July 2015 by Fernando Brás Messias against the order of the General Court (Ninth Chamber) delivered on 4 June 2015 in Case T-192/15 Fernando Brás Messias v Portuguese Republic


2016/C 048/13

Case C-425/15: Action brought on 31 July 2015 — Udo Voigt v President of the European Parliament, European Parliament


2016/C 048/14

Case C-533/15: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesgerichtshof (Germany) lodged on 13 October 2015 — Feliks Frisman v Finnair Oyj


2016/C 048/15

Case C-541/15: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Amtsgericht Wuppertal (Germany) lodged on 16 October 2015 — Mircea Florian Freitag


2016/C 048/16

Case C-551/15: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Općinski sud u Puli-Pola (Croatia) lodged on 23 October 2015 — Pula Parking d.o.o. v Sven Kalus Tederahn


2016/C 048/17

Case C-561/15: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Amtsgericht Hannover (Germany) lodged on 2 November 2015 — Georg Rolof, Markus Heimann v TUIfly GmbH


2016/C 048/18

Case C-574/15: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunale di Varese (Italy) lodged on 9 November 2015 — Criminal proceedings against Mauro Scialdone


2016/C 048/19

Case C-590/15 P: Appeal brought on 13 November 2015 by Alain Laurent Brouillard against the judgment of the General Court (Ninth Chamber) delivered on 14 September 2015 in Case T-420/13, Brouillard v Court of Justice


2016/C 048/20

Case C-600/15: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Hoge Raad der Nederlanden (Netherlands) lodged on 16 November 2015 — Staatssecretaris van Financiën; Other party: Lemnis Lighting BV


2016/C 048/21

Case C-610/15: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Hoge Raad der Nederlanden (Netherlands) lodged on 18 November 2015 — Stichting Brein, Other parties: Ziggo BV and XS4ALL Internet BV


2016/C 048/22

Case C-612/15: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Spetsializiran nakazatelen sad (Bulgaria) lodged on 18 November 2015 — Criminal proceedings against Kolev and Others


2016/C 048/23

Case C-613/15: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Juzgado de Primera Instancia No 5 de Alcobendas (Spain) lodged on 20 November 2015 — Ibercaja Banco S.A.U. v José Cortés González


2016/C 048/24

Case C-620/15: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Cour de cassation (France) lodged on 23 November 2015 — A-Rosa Flussschiff GmbH v Union de recouvrement des cotisations de sécurité sociale et d’allocations familiales d’Alsace (URSSAF), Sozialversicherunganstalt des Kantons Graubünden (Social Insurance Institution for the Canton of Graubünden)


2016/C 048/25

Case C-621/15: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Cour de cassation (France) lodged on 23 November 2015 –W and Others v Sanofi Pasteur MSD SNC, Caisse primaire d’assurance maladie des Hauts-de-Seine, Caisse Carpimko


2016/C 048/26

Case C-624/15: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Vilniaus apygardos administracinis teismas (Lithuania) lodged on 23 November 2015 — Litdana UAB v Valstybinė mokesčių inspekcija prie Lietuvos Respublikos finansų ministerijos


2016/C 048/27

Case C-637/15 P: Appeal brought on 01 December 2015 by VSM Geneesmiddelen BV against the order of the General Court (Eighth Chamber) delivered on 16 September 2015 in Case T-578/14: VSM Geneesmiddelen BV v European Commission


2016/C 048/28

Case C-646/15: Reference for a preliminary ruling from First-tier Tribunal (Tax Chamber) (United Kingdom) made on 3 December 2015 — Trustees of the P Panayi Accumulation & Maintenance Settlements v Commissioners for Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs


2016/C 048/29

Case C-649/15 P: Appeal brought on 3 December 2015 by TV2/Danmark A/S against the judgment of the General Court (Eighth Chamber) delivered on 24 September 2015 in Case T-674/11 TV2/Danmark A/S v European Commission


2016/C 048/30

Case C-650/15 P: Appeal brought on 4 December 2015 by Polyelectrolyte Producers Group GEIE (PPG), SNF SAS against the judgment of the General Court (Fifth Chamber, Extended Composition) delivered on 25/09/2015 in Case T-268/10 RENV: Polyelectrolyte Producers Group GEIE (PPG), SNF SAS v European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)


2016/C 048/31

Case C-654/15: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Högsta domstolen (Sweden) lodged on 7 December 2015 — Länsförsäkringar AB v A/S Matek


2016/C 048/32

Case C-656/15 P: Appeal brought on 7 December 2015 by European Commission against the judgment of the General Court (Eighth Chamber) delivered on 24 September 2015 in Case T-674/11 TV2/Danmark A/S v European Commission



General Court

2016/C 048/33

Case T-9/11: Judgment of the General Court of 16 December 2015 — Air Canada v Commission (Competition — Agreements, decisions and concerted practices — European airfreight market — Agreements and concerted practices in respect of several elements of the pricing of airfreight services (imposition of fuel and security surcharges, refusal to pay commission on surcharges) — Article 101 TFEU, Article 53 of the EEA Agreement and Article 8 of the Agreement between the European Community and Switzerland on Air Transport — Obligation to state reasons)


2016/C 048/34

Case T-28/11: Judgment of the General Court of 16 December 2015 — Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij v Commission (Competition — Agreements, decisions and concerted practices — European airfreight market — Agreements and concerted practices in respect of several elements of the pricing of airfreight services (imposition of fuel and security surcharges, refusal to pay commission on surcharges) — Article 101 TFEU, Article 53 of the EEA Agreement and Article 8 of the Agreement between the European Community and Switzerland on Air Transport — Obligation to state reasons)


2016/C 048/35

Case T-36/11: Judgment of the General Court of 16 December 2015 — Japan Airlines v Commission (Competition — Agreements, decisions and concerted practices — European airfreight market — Agreements and concerted practices in respect of several elements of the pricing of airfreight services (imposition of fuel and security surcharges, refusal to pay commission on surcharges) — Article 101 TFEU, Article 53 of the EEA Agreement and Article 8 of the Agreement between the European Community and Switzerland on Air Transport — Obligation to state reasons)


2016/C 048/36

Case T-38/11: Judgment of the General Court of 16 December 2015 — Cathay Pacific Airways v Commission (Competition — Agreements, decisions and concerted practices — European airfreight market — Agreements and concerted practices in respect of several elements of the pricing of airfreight services (imposition of fuel and security surcharges, refusal to pay commission on surcharges) — Article 101 TFEU, Article 53 of the EEA Agreement and Article 8 of the Agreement between the European Community and Switzerland on Air Transport — Obligation to state reasons)


2016/C 048/37

Case T-39/11: Judgment of the General Court of 16 December 2015 — Cargolux Airlines v Commission (Competition — Agreements, decisions and concerted practices — European airfreight market — Agreements and concerted practices in respect of several elements of the pricing of airfreight services (imposition of fuel and security surcharges, refusal to pay commission on surcharges) — Article 101 TFEU, Article 53 of the EEA Agreement and Article 8 of the Agreement between the European Community and Switzerland on Air Transport — Obligation to state reasons)


2016/C 048/38

Case T-40/11: Judgment of the General Court of 16 December 2015 — Latam Airlines Group and Lan Cargo v Commission (Competition — Agreements, decisions and concerted practices — European airfreight market — Agreements and concerted practices in respect of several elements of the pricing of airfreight services (imposition of fuel and security surcharges, refusal to pay commission on surcharges) — Article 101 TFEU, Article 53 of the EEA Agreement and Article 8 of the Agreement between the European Community and Switzerland on Air Transport — Obligation to state reasons)


2016/C 048/39

Case T-43/11: Judgment of the General Court of 16 December 2015 — Singapore Airlines and Singapore Airlines Cargo v Commission (Competition — Agreements, decisions and concerted practices — European airfreight market — Agreements and concerted practices in respect of several elements of the pricing of airfreight services (imposition of fuel and security surcharges, refusal to pay commission on surcharges) — Article 101 TFEU, Article 53 of the EEA Agreement and Article 8 of the Agreement between the European Community and Switzerland on Air Transport — Obligation to state reasons)


2016/C 048/40

Case T-46/11: Judgment of the General Court of 16 December 2015 — Deutsche Lufthansa and Others v Commission (Competition — Agreements, decisions and concerted practices — European airfreight market — Agreements and concerted practices in respect of several elements of the pricing of airfreight services (imposition of fuel and security surcharges, refusal to pay commission on surcharges) — Article 101 TFEU, Article 53 of the EEA Agreement and Article 8 of the Agreement between the European Community and Switzerland on Air Transport — Obligation to state reasons)


2016/C 048/41

Case T-48/11: Judgment of the General Court of 16 December 2015 — British Airways v Commission (Competition — Agreements, decisions and concerted practices — European airfreight market — Agreements and concerted practices in respect of several elements of the pricing of airfreight services (imposition of fuel and security surcharges, refusal to pay commission on surcharges) — Article 101 TFEU, Article 53 of the EEA Agreement and Article 8 of the Agreement between the European Community and Switzerland on Air Transport — Obligation to state reasons)


2016/C 048/42

Case T-56/11: Judgment of the General Court of 16 December 2015 — SAS Cargo Group and Others v Commission (Competition — Agreements, decisions and concerted practices — European airfreight market — Agreements and concerted practices in respect of several elements of the pricing of airfreight services (imposition of fuel and security surcharges, refusal to pay commission on surcharges) — Article 101 TFEU, Article 53 of the EEA Agreement and Article 8 of the Agreement between the European Community and Switzerland on Air Transport — Obligation to state reasons)


2016/C 048/43

Case T-62/11: Judgment of the General Court of 16 December 2015 — Air France-KLM v Commission (Competition — Agreements, decisions and concerted practices — European airfreight market — Agreements and concerted practices in respect of several elements of the pricing of airfreight services (imposition of fuel and security surcharges, refusal to pay commission on surcharges) — Article 101 TFEU, Article 53 of the EEA Agreement and Article 8 of the Agreement between the European Community and Switzerland on Air Transport — Obligation to state reasons)


2016/C 048/44

Case T-63/11: Judgment of the General Court of 16 December 2015 — Air France v Commission (Competition — Agreements, decisions and concerted practices — European airfreight market — Agreements and concerted practices in respect of several elements of the pricing of airfreight services (imposition of fuel and security surcharges, refusal to pay commission on surcharges) — Article 101 TFEU, Article 53 of the EEA Agreement and Article 8 of the Agreement between the European Community and Switzerland on Air Transport — Obligation to state reasons)


2016/C 048/45

Case T-67/11: Judgment of the General Court of 16 December 2015 — Martinair Holland v Commission (Competition — Agreements, decisions and concerted practices — European airfreight market — Agreements and concerted practices in respect of several elements of the pricing of airfreight services (imposition of fuel and security surcharges, refusal to pay commission on surcharges) — Article 101 TFEU, Article 53 of the EEA Agreement and Article 8 of the Agreement between the European Community and Switzerland on Air Transport — Obligation to state reasons)


2016/C 048/46

Case T-73/12: Judgment of the General Court of 18 November 2015 — Einhell Germany and Others v Commission (Dumping — Imports of certain compressors originating in China — Partial refusal to refund the anti-dumping duties paid — Determination of the export price — Deduction of anti-dumping duties — Adjustment of the temporal effects of an annulment)


2016/C 048/47

Case T-75/12: Judgment of the General Court of 18 November 2015 — Nu Air Polska v Commission (Dumping — Imports of certain compressors originating in China — Partial refusal to refund the anti-dumping duties paid — Determination of the export price — Deduction of anti-dumping duties — Adjustment of the temporal effects of an annulment)


2016/C 048/48

Case T-108/13: Judgment of the General Court of 16 December 2015 — VTZ and Others v Council (Dumping — Imports of certain seamless pipes and tubes of iron or steel originating in Russia — Definitive anti-dumping duty — Product concerned)


2016/C 048/49

Case T-241/13: Judgment of the General Court of 16 December 2015 — Greece v Commission (EAGGF — Guarantee Section — EAGF and EAFRD — Expenditure excluded from the financing — Beef and beef products — Sheepmeat and goatmeat — Tobacco — Article 69 of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 — Article 31(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1290/2005 — Article 23(1) of Regulation (EC) No 796/2004)


2016/C 048/50

Joined Cases T-381/13 and T-382/13: Judgment of the General Court of 16 December 2015 — Perfetti Van Melle v OHIM (DAISY and MARGARITAS) (Community trade mark — Application for Community word marks DAISY and MARGARITAS — Absolute grounds for refusal — Partial refusal to register — No distinctive character — Distinctive character — Article 7(1)(b) and (c) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009)


2016/C 048/51

Case T-491/13: Judgment of the General Court of 16 December 2015 — Perfetti Van Melle Benelux v OHIM — Intercontinental Great Brands (TRIDENT PURE) (Community trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Application for Community word mark TRIDENT PURE — Earlier Community, national, international and Benelux figurative and word marks PURE WHITE, mentos PURE FRESH PURE BREATH, PURE, PURE FRESH, mentos PURE FRESH and mentos PURE WHITE — Relative ground for refusal — Likelihood of confusion — Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009)


2016/C 048/52

Case T-138/14: Judgment of the General Court of 16 December 2015 — Chart v EEAS (Non-contractual liability — Local member of staff assigned to the EU delegation in Egypt — Expiry of contract — Failure by the EU delegation to issue a termination of service certificate in respect of the official to the social security services of the Egyptian administration and to subsequently regularise the latter’s situation in that regard — Limitation — Continuing damage — Partial inadmissibility — Principle of good administration — Reasonable period of time — Article 41 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights — Sufficiently serious infringement of a legal rule conferring rights on individuals — Quantifiable damage — Causal link)


2016/C 048/53

Case T-356/14: Judgment of the General Court of 16 December 2015 — CareAbout v OHIM — Florido Rodríguez (Kerashot) (Community trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Application for Community word mark Kerashot — Earlier national figurative mark K KERASOL — Relative grounds for refusal — No likelihood of confusion — Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 — Partial refusal of registration by the Board of Appeal)


2016/C 048/54

Case T-521/14: Judgment of the General Court of 16 December 2015 — Sweden v Commission (Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 — Biocidal products — Action for failure to act — Specification of the scientific criteria for the determination of endocrine-disrupting properties — Failure by the Commission to adopt delegated acts — Duty to act)


2016/C 048/55

Case T-63/15: Judgment of the General Court of 15 December 2015 — Shoe Branding Europe v OHIM (two parallel stripes on the long sleeves of a shirt) (Community trade mark — Application for a Community trade mark consisting of two parallel stripes on the long sleeves of a shirt — Absolute ground for refusal — No distinctive character — Article 7(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009)


2016/C 048/56

Case T-64/15: Judgment of the General Court of 15 December 2015 — Shoe Branding Europe v OHIM (two parallel stripes on pants) (Community trade mark — Application for a Community trade mark consisting of two parallel stripes on pants — Absolute ground for refusal — No distinctive character — Article 7(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009)


2016/C 048/57

Case T-128/15: Judgment of the General Court of 16 December 2015 — Rotkäppchen-Mumm Sektkellereien v OHIM — Ruiz Moncayo (RED RIDING HOOD) (Community trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Application for the Community word mark RED RIDING HOOD — Earlier national and international word marks ROTKÄPPCHEN — Relative ground for refusal — No likelihood of confusion — No similarity between the signs — Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009)


2016/C 048/58

Case T-584/15 R: Order of the President of the General Court of 7 December 2015 — POA v Commission (Application for interim measures — Publication of an application for registration of a protected designation of origin — ‘Halloumi’ or ‘Hellim’ — Application for suspension of operation of a measure — No urgency)


2016/C 048/59

Case T-671/15 R: Order of the President of the General Court of 4 December 2015 — E-Control v ACER (Application for interim measures — Opinion on the compliance of national regulatory authorities’ decisions approving the methods of cross-border electricity transmission capacity — Application for suspension of operation of a measure — Infringement of the procedural requirements — Inadmissibility)


2016/C 048/60

Case T-603/15: Action brought on 23 October 2015 –Frank v Commission


2016/C 048/61

Case T-639/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — Psara v Parliament


2016/C 048/62

Case T-640/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — Kristan v Parliament


2016/C 048/63

Case T-641/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — Malle v Parliament


2016/C 048/64

Case T-642/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — Cieśla v Parliament


2016/C 048/65

Case T-643/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — Dahllof v Parliament


2016/C 048/66

Case T-644/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — Reuter v Parliament


2016/C 048/67

Case T-645/15: Action brought on 13/11/2015 — České centrum pro investigativní žurnalistiku v Parliament


2016/C 048/68

Case T-646/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — Karanikas v Parliament


2016/C 048/69

Case T-647/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — Boros v Parliament


2016/C 048/70

Case T-648/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — Baltijas pētnieciskās žurnālistikas centrs Re:Baltica v Parliament


2016/C 048/71

Case T-649/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — Toth v Parliament


2016/C 048/72

Case T-650/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — Knus-Galán v Parliament


2016/C 048/73

Case T-651/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — Tchobanov v Parliament


2016/C 048/74

Case T-653/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — Mulvad v Parliament


2016/C 048/75

Case T-654/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — České centrum pro investigativní žurnalistiku v Parliament


2016/C 048/76

Case T-655/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — van der Parre v Parliament


2016/C 048/77

Case T-656/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — Baggi v Parliament


2016/C 048/78

Case T-657/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — Boros v Parliament


2016/C 048/79

Case T-658/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — García Rey v Parliament


2016/C 048/80

Case T-659/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — Hunter v Parliament


2016/C 048/81

Case T-660/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — Clerix v Parliament


2016/C 048/82

Case T-661/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — Araujo v Parliament


2016/C 048/83

Case T-662/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — Delić v Parliament


2016/C 048/84

Case T-663/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — Baltijas pētnieciskās žurnālistikas centrs Re:Baltica v Parliament


2016/C 048/85

Case T-664/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — Borg v Parliament


2016/C 048/86

Case T-665/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — Baltijas pētnieciskās žurnālistikas centrs Re:Baltica v Parliament


2016/C 048/87

Case T-666/15: Action brought on 13 November 2015 — Bačelić v Parliament


2016/C 048/88

Case T-669/15: Action brought on 09 October 2015 — Lysoform Dr. Hans Rosemann e.a. v ECHA


2016/C 048/89

Case T-683/15: Action brought on 26 November 2015 — Freistaat Bayern v Commission


2016/C 048/90

Case T-686/15: Action brought on 29 November 2015 — Marcas Costa Brava v OHIM — Excellent Brands JMI (Cremcaffé by Julius Meinl)


2016/C 048/91

Case T-687/15: Action brought on 29 November 2015 — Marcas Costa Brava/OHMI — Excellent Brands JMI (Cremcaffé by Julius Meinl)


2016/C 048/92

Case T-689/15: Action brought on 29 November 2015 — Marcas Costa Brava v OHIM — Excellent Brands JMI (Cremcaffé by Julius Meinl)


2016/C 048/93

Case T-690/15: Action brought on 29 November 2015 — Marcas Costa Brava v OHIM — Excellent Brands JMI (Cremcaffé)


2016/C 048/94

Case T-691/15: Action brought on 29 November 2015 — Marcas Costa Brava v OHIM — Excellent Brands JMI (Cremcaffé by Julius Meinl)


2016/C 048/95

Case T-703/15: Action brought on 30 November 2015 — Groupe Go Sport v OHIM — Design Go (GO SPORT)


2016/C 048/96

Case T-101/13: Order of the General Court of 30 November 2015 — Aer Lingus v Commission



European Union Civil Service Tribunal

2016/C 048/97

Case F-45/11: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Single Judge) of 18 December 2015 — De Nicola v EIB (Civil Service — EIB staff — Appraisal — 2009 staff report — Unlawfulness of the decision of the Adjudication Panel — Refusal of promotion — No need to adjudicate)


2016/C 048/98

Case F-37/12: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Single Judge) of 18 December 2015 — De Nicola v EIB (Civil Service — EIB staff — Psychological harassment — Investigation procedure — Report of the Investigation Panel — Incorrect definition of psychological harassment — Decision of the President of the EIB to take no action on a complaint — Annulment — Action for compensation)


2016/C 048/99

Case F-82/12: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Single Judge) of 18 December 2015 — De Nicola v EIB (Civil Service — EIB staff — Appraisal — New 2007 staff report — Unlawfulness of the decision of the Adjudication Panel — Refusal of promotion — No need to adjudicate)


2016/C 048/100

Case F-55/13: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Single Judge) of 18 December 2015 — De Nicola v EIB (Civil Service — EIB staff — Appraisal — 2011 staff report — Unlawfulness of the decision of the Adjudication Panel — No need to adjudicate)


2016/C 048/101

Case F-104/13: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Single Judge) of 18 December 2015 — De Nicola v EIB (Civil Service — EIB staff — Psychological harassment — Investigation procedure — Report of the Investigation Panel — Incorrect definition of psychological harassment — Decision of the President of the EIB to take no action on a complaint — Annulment — Action for compensation)


2016/C 048/102

Case F-9/14: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Single Judge) of 18 December 2015 — De Nicola v EIB (Civil Service — EIB staff — Appraisal — 2012 staff report — Unlawfulness of the decision of the Adjudication Panel — Refusal of promotion — No need to adjudicate)


2016/C 048/103

Case F-94/14: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (First Chamber) of 17 December 2015 — Bowles v ECB (Civil service — ECB staff — Members of the Staff Committee — Remuneration — Salary — Additional increase in salary — Eligibility)


2016/C 048/104

Case F-95/14: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (First Chamber) of 17 December 2015 — Seigneur v ECB (Civil service — ECB staff — Members of the Staff Committee — Remuneration — Salary — Additional increase in salary — Eligibility)


2016/C 048/105

Joined cases F-101/14, F-102/14 and F-103/14: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Third Chamber) of 15 December 2015 — Clarke, Dickmanns and Papathanasiou v OHIM (Civil service — Temporary staff — OHIM staff — Fixed-term contract including a termination clause — Clause terminating a contract if the agent is not included on the reserve list of a competition — Date of effect of the termination clause — OHIM/AD/01/13 and OHIM/AST/02/13 open competitions)


2016/C 048/106

Case F-134/14: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Single Judge) of 17 December 2015 — T v Commission (Civil service — Social security — Occupational disease — Article 73 of the Staff Regulations — Application for recognition of the occupational origin of a disease — Causation — Claim for damages for the non-material harm suffered as a result of the delay taken by the institution to acknowledge the occupational origin of the sickness — Obligation to adjudicate within a reasonable time — Non-material damage)


2016/C 048/107

Case F-135/14: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Second Chamber) of 16 December 2015 — DE v EMA (Civil service — EMA staff — Placement on ‘non-active status’ — Act adversely affecting an official or staff member — Right to be heard — Infringement)


2016/C 048/108

Case F-141/14: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Third Chamber) of 15 December 2015 — Guittet v Commission (Civil service — Former official — Social security — Payment of medical expenses — Management of the medical file by the Commission — Principle of sound administration and the duty to have regard for the welfare of officials — Non-contractual liability of the European Union)


2016/C 048/109

Case F-17/15: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Single Chamber) of 10 December 2015 — Jäger-Waldau v Commission (Civil service — Officials — Appraisal — Appraisal report — Request for amendment — Refusal)


2016/C 048/110

Case F-34/15: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Second Chamber) of 16 December 2015 — De Loecker v EEAS (Civil service — EEAS staff — Temporary staff — Psychological harassment — Articles 12a and 24b of the Staff Regulations — Request for assistance — Rejection — Request to open an administrative investigation — Right to be heard — Infringement)


2016/C 048/111

Case F-88/15: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (First Chamber) of 15 December 2015 — Bonazzi v Commission (Civil service — Officials — Promotion exercise 2014 — General implementing provisions for Article 45 of the Staff Regulations — List of officials proposed for promotion by the Directorates-General and the services — Omission of the applicant’s name — Whether the list of officials proposed for promotion may be challenged before the Joint Promotion Committee — Failure to define a position by the Joint Promotion Committee — Consideration of comparative merits made by the appointing authority alone)


2016/C 048/112

Case F-128/11: Order of the Civil Service Tribunal (Single Judge) of 18 December 2015 — De Nicola v EIB (Civil Service — EIB staff — Appraisal — 2010 staff report — Contested — Internal procedures — Conditions — Withdrawal — Action — Lack of locus standi — Reasonable time — Failure to comply — Manifestly inadmissible)


2016/C 048/113

Case F-76/14: Order of the Civil Service Tribunal (2nd Chamber) of 17 December 2015 — López Cabeza v Commission (Civil Service — Open competition — Competition notice EPSO/AD/248/13 — Non-inclusion on the reserve list — Insufficient mark in the assessment centre tests — Action for annulment — Breach of the competition notice — Illegality of a test)


2016/C 048/114

Case F-118/14: Order of the Civil Service Tribunal (Third Chamber) of 16 December 2015 — Bärwinkel v Council (Civil service — Officials — Reform of the Staff Regulations — Transitional rules concerning assignment to types of posts — Article 30(2) of Annex XIII to the Staff Regulations — Concept of measure adversely affecting a person — Decision recognising that certain officials hold special responsibilities — Non-inclusion of the applicant's name in the first list of 34 officials recognised as holding special responsibilities — Requirements referring to the pre-litigation procedure — No complaint within the meaning of Article 90(2) of the Staff Regulations — Article 81 of the Rules of Procedure)


2016/C 048/115

Case F-136/14: Order of the Civil Service Tribunal (1st Chamber) of 7 December 2015 — Probst v Commission (Civil service — Remuneration — Expatriation allowance — Article 4 of Annex VII to the Staff Regulations — Former parliamentary assistant — Commission’s decision to grant the expatriation allowance to former parliamentary assistants as of the date of publication of the information given to staff — Judgments annulling a measure — Substantial new facts — Limited temporal effect — Res judicata — Administrative decisions which have become final — Equal treatment)


2016/C 048/116

Case F-24/15: Order of the Civil Service Tribunal (Second Chamber) of 17 December 2015 — Di Marzio v Council (Civil service — Contractual agent — Function group I — Reclassification of a contract into a contract as a member of the temporary staff for an indefinite term at Grade AST 3, AST 4 or AST 5 or into a contract as a member of the contract staff for an indefinite term in function group III — Articles 2, 3a, 3b, 80 and 88 of the Conditions of Employment of other servants — Obligation to state reasons — Manifest error of assessment — Principle of sound administration — Duty of care — Action manifestly lacking any foundation in law — Article 81 of the Rules of Procedure)


2016/C 048/117

Case F-45/15: Order of the Civil Service Tribunal (1st Chamber) of 9 December 2015 — Van der Veen v Europol (Civil Service — Europol staff — Member of the temporary staff — Decision 2009/371/JHA — Europol’s refusal to sign a contract for an indefinite period — Article 81 of the Rules of Procedure — Action manifestly inadmissible)


2016/C 048/118

Case F-144/15: Action brought on 23 November 2015 — ZZ v EASA


2016/C 048/119

Case F-30/15: Order of the Civil Service Tribunal of 17 December 2015 — Diamantopoulos v EEAS


2016/C 048/120

Case F-58/15: Order of the Civil Service Tribunal of 17 December 2015 — FW v Commission


2016/C 048/121

Case F-129/15: Order of the Civil Service Tribunal of 17 December 2015 — Morin v Commission