ISSN 1977-091X


Official Journal

of the European Union

C 239E

European flag  

English edition

Information and Notices

Volume 56
20 August 2013

Notice No




I   Resolutions, recommendations and opinions




European Parliament
2012-2013 SESSION
Sitting of 2 February 2012
The Minutes of this session have been published in OJ C 114 E, 19.4.2012.


Thursday 2 February 2012

2013/C 239E/01

EU foreign policy towards the BRICS and other emerging powersEuropean Parliament resolution of 2 February 2012 on the EU foreign policy towards the BRICS and other emerging powers: objectives and strategies (2011/2111(INI))


2013/C 239E/02

Consistent policy towards regimes against which the EU applies restrictive measuresEuropean Parliament recommendation to the Council of 2 February 2012 on a consistent policy towards regimes against which the EU applies restrictive measures, when their leaders exercise their personal and commercial interests within EU borders (2011/2187(INI))


2013/C 239E/03

Cross-border transfer of company seatsEuropean Parliament resolution of 2 February 2012 with recommendations to the Commission on a 14th company law directive on the cross-border transfer of company seats (2011/2046(INI))




2013/C 239E/04

Budgetary control of EU humanitarian aidEuropean Parliament resolution of 2 February 2012 on the budgetary control of EU humanitarian aid managed by ECHO (2011/2073(INI))


2013/C 239E/05

Towards a coherent European approach to collective redressEuropean Parliament resolution of 2 February 2012 on ‘Towards a Coherent European Approach to Collective Redress’ (2011/2089(INI))


2013/C 239E/06

Nutrition claimsEuropean Parliament resolution of 2 February 2012 on the draft Commission regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 with regard to the list of nutrition claims


2013/C 239E/07

Conclusions of the informal European Council meeting of 30 January 2012European Parliament resolution of 2 February 2012 on the European Council of 30 January 2012


2013/C 239E/08

Iran and its nuclear programmeEuropean Parliament resolution of 2 February 2012 on Iran and its nuclear programme


2013/C 239E/09

European dimension in sportEuropean Parliament resolution of 2 February 2012 on the European dimension in sport (2011/2087(INI))


2013/C 239E/10

Application of waste management directiveEuropean Parliament resolution of 2 February 2012 on the issues raised by petitioners in relation to the application of the Waste Management Directive, and related directives, in the Member States of the European Union (2011/2038(INI))


2013/C 239E/11

Daphne programmeEuropean Parliament resolution of 2 February 2012 on the Daphne programme: achievements and future prospects (2011/2273(INI))


2013/C 239E/12

Women's situation in warEuropean Parliament resolution of 2 February 2012 on women’s situation in war 2011/2198(INI))


2013/C 239E/13

EU development cooperation in support of the objective of universal energy access by 2030European Parliament resolution of 2 February 2012 on EU development cooperation in support of the objective of universal energy access by 2030 (2011/2112(INI))


2013/C 239E/14

Annual tax reportEuropean Parliament resolution of 2 February 2012 on the Annual Tax Report (2011/2271(INI))


2013/C 239E/15

EU competition policyEuropean Parliament resolution of 2 February 2012 on the Annual Report on EU Competition Policy (2011/2094(INI))


Key to symbols used


Consultation procedure


Cooperation procedure: first reading


Cooperation procedure: second reading


Assent procedure


Codecision procedure: first reading


Codecision procedure: second reading


Codecision procedure: third reading

(The type of procedure is determined by the legal basis proposed by the Commission.)

Political amendments: new or amended text is highlighted in bold italics; deletions are indicated by the symbol ▐.

Technical corrections and adaptations by the services: new or replacement text is highlighted in italics and deletions are indicated by the symbol ║.