The crisis now
affecting so many parts of Europe has shaken trust in the ability of Europe’s
political and economic system to deliver on the EU Treaty’s ambition of “sustainable
development… based on balanced economic growth.” Many of our citizens are angry
and bewildered by the speed at which a long period of rising living standards
has turned into a huge financial crisis, heavy job losses and the prospect of
high debt levels for many years to come. The debts, deficits and imbalances now
facing the EU did not happen overnight but built up over many years and the
social consequences are far reaching. This is a testing time for national
governments and for the EU. Part of our current difficulties was imported into
the EU through the financial crisis. Part was home-made. What matters now is
the quality and effectiveness of our response. The financial and
economic crisis has underlined the interdependence between all EU economies,
and between the EU and other world economies. It has also revealed important
gaps, shortcomings and imbalances in global, EU and national policy-making.
Since the onset of the crisis, the EU and its Member States have been working
to overhaul the EU’s economic model and restore its competitiveness. As the
Commission put it in its October 2011 Roadmap to stability and growth[1] this has meant: ·
Frontloading stability and growth enhancing
policies so that the EU can return to sustainable growth and high levels of
employment. ·
Building a more robust and integrated economic
governance so that imbalances are picked up and corrected much earlier, putting
national policies under stronger EU level surveillance to reflect the reality
that the future strength and prosperity of each Member State is tied to all the
others. ·
Strengthening the banking system, by insisting
that banks show the full extent of their indebtedness, deal with bad debts and
restructure their business models so that they are able to lend to business and
households in the future without the need for tax payer funded bail outs. ·
Giving a decisive response to the problems of
Greece through two huge financial support packages and intensive support for a
growth oriented recovery programme. ·
Enhancing the Euro area’s financial backstops by
creating new ways of supporting Member States with very high debt levels while
they restore their public finances, balancing revenue and spending so that they
can pay for social services, healthcare, pensions, education and public
infrastructure in the future. By following this
Roadmap we have made solid but uneven progress. There is clear evidence of
rebalancing in our economy, following the slowdown in economic activity, a
narrowing of the large current account deficits that built up since 2007/8,
adjustment of wages upwards in “surplus” and downwards in “deficit” countries
and house prices in several Member States returning to levels more in line with
underlying economic conditions. Supported by the new EU economic governance
system a new, stronger EU economy will emerge from the painful process of
stabilisation and reform. Lasting, sustainable
growth and higher living standards can only be built on sound public finances, deep
structural reform and targeted investment. But the challenges that these
present can only be met if there is sufficient growth to support this process.
There is no contradiction between stability and growth; they are the two sides
of the same coin. Member States need to confront the current lack of confidence
in the economy with bold reforms that reverse the decline in our
competitiveness. We need to act now to reduce the alarming gaps in
competitiveness inside the EU and inside the euro area. Although the EU as a
whole has been able to keep its share of world trade, we also need to tackle
the decline in international competitiveness and loss of market share which is
clearly visible in the performance of a number of Member States. In the short term people
need hope and a perspective of a better future. Without this perspective we
will face increasing political and social difficulties in making the necessary
reforms which in turn will delay the recovery. We need to build consensus and
confidence in the need for change and in the choices to be made. The social
partners will play an important role in this dialogue. That is why the EU needs
to enhance the growth part of its overall strategy. This must be based on
combining what the Member States can do at national level with action at EU
level, anchoring these efforts in the Europe 2020 strategy and in our new
governance structures. Some of the key components of this growth initiative are
already in place - but need to be fully implemented. Others will require
vision, courage and leadership if their potential is to be unlocked - but the
challenges facing the EU today call for bold and effective action. In this Communication
the Commission proposes a number of elements that can form part of a growth
initiative built on two mutually reinforcing pillars: ·
An EU level pillar drawing on the strength and
synergies of working together at EU level. ·
A Member State level pillar based on releasing
the growth potential of structural reforms identified as part of the European
semester. Following the informal
meeting of the European Council on 23 May and in the run up to the June
European Council the Commission will continue to work on all possible elements
that can help deliver stronger growth and competitiveness.
The Role of the EU in a new growth initiative
At EU level we have
agreed on the Europe 2020 strategy[2]
which is designed to deliver a smart, sustainable and inclusive Europe. This is
the platform for a new growth initiative. The Europe 2020 targets on
employment, energy, education and training, research and poverty alleviation
have been agreed by all Member States. They are indicators of the way reforms
should be pursued in Europe. Implementing them will boost competitiveness and
help convergence, putting the EU onto a higher growth path. Committing more
actively to our R&D target of investing 3% of GDP in R&D could create
3.7 million jobs and boost EU GDP by €800 billion by 2020. Meeting our climate
change and energy targets by 2020 would generate up to 5 million jobs, increase
Europe's energy security and help meet our climate change goals. Lifting at
least 20 million people out of poverty would not only improve their lives, but
will also bring economic benefits for the society as a whole. These figures
show that it is possible to create new jobs and business opportunities across
the EU, significantly reducing unemployment and providing a better, greener
future for our citizens.
Tapping into the growth potential of the Economic
and Monetary Union
Much has been done in
recent years to put in place the strong economic surveillance mechanisms that
are needed to support our Economic and Monetary Union. How the EU and its
Member States implement this new system will determine policy effectiveness as
well as confidence on the markets. Over a longer time frame there is a need to
deepen integration to complete our Economic and Monetary Union. A strong EU needs
a stable currency. This benefits all Member States, whether or not they are in
the Euro area. The credibility of the Euro in international markets affects Europe’s ability to borrow funds at reasonable rates and to repay them out of a strong
economy. ·
The reinforced Stability and Growth Pact
gives the EU the rules-based, strong policy instruments it needs to ensure
sound public finances. For most Member States the priority is now to correct
the excessive deficits. Apart from the recently proposed "two pack" there
is no immediate need to change the recently agreed rules. The existing rules
provide scope for judgement and for differentiation between Member States
according to their fiscal space and macroeconomic conditions, while ensuring
long term sustainability of public finances. Central to the implementation of
the rules is the assessment of the budgetary measures taken by the Member
States in particular in structural terms. The Commission will monitor the
impact of tight budget constraints on growth enhancing public expenditure and
on public investment. If necessary it will give guidance on the scope for
possible action within the boundaries of the EU and national fiscal
frameworks. In the coming months it will issue a report on the quality of
public spending which will deal with these issues. ·
We made important progress in reinforcing
our financial backstops. The European Stability Mechanism is scheduled
to come into effect on 1 July 2012 – one year ahead of schedule - as the
permanent mechanism for financing crisis management in the euro area. Taking
the European Stability Mechanism, the European Financial Stability Mechanism
and other crisis funding together, we now have a total lending capacity of €800
billion. Together with the recently agreed increase in IMF resources the
European financial backstops significantly contribute to global financial
safety nets. But how we use our backstops is also crucially important. For
those who ratify the Fiscal Treaty, the European Stability Mechanism has a
range of new instruments which will enable the EU to respond effectively to
crisis situations. In this regard, flexibility and speed of action will be of
the essence. ·
A stronger EU banking sector: a financial meltdown was avoided and the supervision of the
financial sector has been completely overhauled. Cross border banks are now
supervised by colleges of supervisors and three new EU supervisory authorities
are in place. In addition, the European Systemic Risk Board has been
established as macro-prudential supervisor at the EU level. There is still a
need to complete the recapitalisation of certain banks, as part of the strategy
now being co-ordinated by the European Banking Authority. Although some banks
are already repaying the public loans they received during the crisis the cost
to the taxpayer has been enormous. To ensure that the private sector pays its
fair share in any future bail outs, the Commission will propose legislation in
June on a common framework for the recovery and resolution of banks and
investment firms. This will provide a set of tools allowing for the managed
resolution of systemically important institutions where necessary. ·
Deepening of Economic and Monetary Union: Looking beyond the immediate horizon, a longer term perspective on
the future of the EU's economic and monetary union is needed. The Commission
will advocate an ambitious and structured response. The EU's growth prospects
are heavily affected by the current lack of confidence in the euro area. As
long as some key uncertainties, such as the situation in Greece, are not overcome, the confidence needed for investment and job creation will
continue to elude us. Building on what has been achieved to date a process
will be needed to map out the main steps towards full economic and monetary
union. Showing our clear determination to go further, demonstrating the
political commitment of Member States to the euro will be part of restoring
confidence in the euro area and our ability to overcome current difficulties. This
will require a wide ranging process that will take account of legal issues. It
must include a political process to give democratic legitimacy and
accountability to further integration moves. Mapping out the main building
blocks could include, among other, moving towards a banking union including an
integrated financial supervision and a single deposit guarantee scheme. The
Commission has already made public its ideas on how the euro area can move to
joint issuance of debt in its Green Paper[3]
of November 2011. The pace and sequencing of these developments will need to be
worked out, including a roadmap and a timetable, but an early confirmation of
the steps to be taken will underscore the irreversibility and solidity of the
Tapping into the potential of the Internal
By and large the
internal market for goods is working but the same cannot be said for services
or for the on line single market. Getting more out of the Internal Market is
one of the most effective ways of boosting growth across the EU. An immediate
boost for innovative companies would come from a decision to finally adopt the EU
patent. After so many years it is now time to decide. In June the Commission
will propose measures to improve the implementation of the Services
Directive. Many Member States have chosen to keep barriers and restrictions
which deny them and other Member States the full benefits of the Directive in
terms of competitiveness and growth. The Commission’s analysis shows that if
all restrictions were abolished an additional gain of up to 1.8% of GDP could
be added to the estimated 0.8% already gained from the partial implementation
of the directive. It also shows that reducing or eliminating barriers has a
positive effect on trade flows and foreign direct investment as well on
productivity levels inside each Member State. This would also contribute to
rebalancing between "surplus" and "deficit" countries. Later in the year it
will propose a Single Market Act II designed to complete the Single
Market in key areas such as digital and network industries, where the EU is
currently underperforming. Equipping the EU with the physical and virtual
infrastructure it needs to tackle 21st century challenges can
unleash growth and jobs. New technologies and networks can reduce congestion in
our skies and on Europe’s roads, help to put in place smart electricity grids
that can use renewable energies and power electric cars and make productivity
enhancing technology available at lower cost to all businesses through cloud
computing. The EU needs to invest in key enabling technologies such as biotechnology,
nano and micro technologies to maintain its future industrial competitiveness, by
developing new goods and services and restructuring industrial processes to
modernise its industry. The Commission has
consistently emphasised the importance of tackling cross-border tax barriers in
the Internal Market. Progress at EU level can support and facilitate the
actions of individual Member States in the pursuit of their respective growth
strategy objectives and help to provide a solid overall framework for
strengthening revenue collection, fighting fraud, and ensuring fair and sound
conditions of competition. In this context, action is required in the Council
to unblock the Commission proposals on savings and in relation to mandates for
cooperation with third countries. Later this year the Commission will issue a
Communication outlining options for dealing with tax haven issues and
aggressive tax planning. The Commission considers that predatory tax planning
has to be tackled in parallel with action against fraud. This requires detailed
technical work and clear political commitment but the benefits could be
substantial in terms not only of increased revenues but also in fairness and
better competitive conditions. A clear example of the
positive relationship between EU and Member State level actions is in the area
of energy taxation. Here the Commission's proposal restructuring the way
in which energy is taxed would support the objective of moving to a low-carbon
and energy-efficient economy while at the same time reducing distortions coming
from the different taxation of similar products used for the same purpose.
Strengthening tax neutrality and rewarding greener energy sources would help to
meet the EU’s targets on CO2 reduction, energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Tapping into the potential of human capital
In its
recent employment package, the Commission has proposed a set of concrete
measures for a job-rich recovery across the EU. Cooperation between the
Commission, the Member States, the social partners as well as public and
private stakeholders will be needed to implement the specific actions proposed
to tap into the job creation potential of key sectors as ICT (information and
communication technologies), healthcare and the green economy. The enhanced
monitoring of national job plans through the benchmarking and scoreboard
proposed by the Commission will further strengthen the impetus for job creating
reforms, which should also benefit from the closer link between the country
specific recommendations and the use of structural funds, in particular the European
Social Fund, as proposed by the Commission for the next programming period
(2014-2020). With
more than three millions jobs vacancies across the EU, higher investment in
skills is needed to address skills mismatches. EU level programmes such as Erasmus
and Leonardo play an important role in helping people study, train and get work
experience in other Member States. New EU level instruments, such as the skills
panorama and skills passport, will help to enhance recognition of skills
acquired in one Member State in all other Member States. The Commission is
working to improve labour mobility and to help match available labour, skills
and vacancies. Much more can be done by removing legal and practical obstacles
to the free movement of workers, in particular concerning the portability of
pensions and the coordination of social security provisions and by improving
the matching of jobs with job-seekers by transforming EURES into a true
European placement and recruitment tool.
Tapping into external sources of growth
While the EU's external
trade is balanced overall, the Commission’s country by country analysis shows a
worrying loss of export market shares by some Member States over a prolonged
period. But it also shows that the best performing Member States have used
their export growth to drive their economies. Moreover, two thirds of the EU’s
imports are re-exported with a higher value, showing that the EU has everything
to gain from stepping up its engagement in trade and investment relations with
key partners. A large part of future global growth will come from the emerging
economies which have high growth potential. The EU needs to tap into this
growth by concluding bilateral and regional trade and investment agreements
with key partners. The free trade agreement with Korea, which recently entered
into force, is already showing its benefits in a 20 % increase in EU exports
during 2011. The EU is actively negotiating several free trade agreements and
others are in the pipeline. If the huge benefits they offer are to be realised,
we need to step up the pace of negotiation and ratification.
Tapping into the potential of EU funding of the
growth that Europe needs
There is a need for
targeted public spending and investment even in times of strict fiscal consolidation.
The Commission has been encouraging growth-friendly consolidation, urging
Member States to protect spending on research, education, sustainable
management of natural resources, energy and social services. Even though the EU
budget is small at only 1% of the EU’s GDP it offers huge added value and can
be a catalyst for growth across Europe. ·
The multi-annual financial framework 2014-2020: the Commission has presented proposals for a growth
and investment budget for the EU for the next financial period. The Commission’s
proposals link the country specific recommendations for structural reform with
the support of the EU budget to help Member States make the necessary changes
and investments. The proposals include innovative ideas for research and
innovation funding, for connecting Europe in transport, energy and broadband
links, as well as for modernising agricultural policy and a stronger rural
development. Over €600 billion of the budget proposed by the Commission would
go to fund research, trans-European networks, investment in human capital,
cohesion policy and rural development. When this amount is combined with the
leverage effect of national co-financing and the use of innovative financial
instruments it represents a major budget for smart, sustainable and
inclusive growth. The Commission has
proposed to use project bonds to fund certain infrastructure projects
and to make the grant funding of the EU budget go further. Project bonds are
designed to establish debt capital markets as an
additional source of financing for infrastructure projects and to stimulate investment
in key strategic EU infrastructure in transport, energy and broadband. The aim
is to attract institutional investors to the capital market financing of
commercially viable projects with stable and predictable cash flows by
enhancing the credit quality of project bonds issued by private companies. In order to test this approach the Commission has proposed pilot
project bonds for the period 2012-2013. The co-legislators are acting quickly
to enable the EIB to roll out pilot projects this year. ·
The 2013 EU budget: the Commission has proposed a necessary increase of 7% in payment
appropriations to be able to meet the expected payment requests of the Member
States. This increase remains under the ceiling for payment appropriations
agreed under the current EU financial framework. All of these payments will go
to supporting productive investment, employment and training support and
research funding in the Member States. In some Member States EU funds
co-finance more than 50% of total public investment so being able to honour EU
commitments represents an important way of promoting growth. ·
Targeting the Structural Funds on growth and
convergence in 2012-2013: on average EU cohesion
policy mobilises €65 billion a year for investments that support growth and job
creation. To better respond to needs arising from the crisis €17 billion have
been reprogrammed in a marked shift of funds in favour of research and
innovation, support for SMEs and labour market measures for vulnerable people
together with investments in infrastructure and energy efficiency. These
efforts will continue. More than €7 billion has been reprogrammed more
recently as part of the Commission’s pilot action team effort to increase
support for combating youth unemployment and access to finance for SMEs. ·
Increasing the paid in capital of the European
Investment Bank (EIB): in order to comply with
sound banking practice the EIB needs an increase in its paid in capital if it
is to maintain its current high level of annual lending activity around €65
billion a year. As the Commission has proposed, a €10 billion increase in paid
in capital should be agreed by its Member State shareholders as part of a new
EU growth initiative. This would substantially increase overall lending by up
to €180 billion. The additional lending that such a capital increase would
permit should be spread across the EU, including in the most vulnerable
countries. It should be directed to helping the SME sector, including in areas
such as energy efficiency and housing renovation which can generate much needed
employment in the hard hit construction sector and help the EU meet its climate
and energy goals. If such a capital increase is agreed, the Commission will
work with Member States to help them use part of their structural fund
allocations to share the EIB loan risk and to provide loan guarantees for SMEs.
This combination of financial instruments could boost economic activity across
all sectors and regions and help overcome the lack of access to credit
currently hampering SMEs. ·
Financial transaction tax: the Commission has proposed the creation of a financial
transaction tax. In line with its proposal[4],
the proceeds of such a tax (estimated around €57 billion) could be used to
finance growth enhancing investment and/or bank recapitalisation. The
Commission has proposed that some of the receipts going to the EU budget should
be used to reduce Member States contributions to the EU budget.
The role of the Member States in a new growth
Tapping into the potential of the 2012 European
To bring us closer to
the goals of the Europe 2020 strategy, the Commission has transmitted focused
recommendations to the Council for each Member State under the 2012 European
Semester and the much strengthened Stability and Growth Pact. These recommendations
are built on deep analysis of the situation of each Member State, on their
implementation of the recommendations of the 2011 European semester[5] and how the guidance of the
2012 Annual Growth Survey[6]
has been taken up in the Member States. Every Member State has its
specificities and the Commission’s country-specific recommendations are
tailored to take account of their strengths, weaknesses and capacity to tackle
challenges. However, the economies of all Member States are inextricably linked
– not only by political choice, history and geography, but also by the dynamics
unleashed by new technologies that integrate markets faster than ever before. It
is the cumulation of national situations that makes up the overall direction of
the EU. There will inevitably be positive and negative spillovers from national
actions (or inaction) on the rest of the EU, hence the need for an EU wide
economic governance system implemented through the European Semester (see annex
1). For
the first time the Commission has also done in depth reviews based on the macroeconomic
imbalances procedure[7].
This procedure has been designed to favour overall macroeconomic stability and
growth and to provide a lever for greater competitiveness. Using the procedure,
the first alert mechanism report was published in February. In line with the
findings of that report, the first set of in-depth reviews was conducted
covering twelve countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Spain, France, Italy,
Cyprus, Hungary, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom)[8]. These confirmed the existence
of imbalances that are not excessive but which require attention; including the
continuation of the rebalancing now underway between "surpluses" and
"deficit" countries.. Preventive recommendations are included in the
country specific recommendations covering policies to support competitiveness
and labour market adjustment, deleveraging by private and public sectors as
well as stable developments in asset markets. .
Commission assessment and recommendations
The overall assessment of the Commission is that Member States are
taking the necessary action to correct imbalances in their public finances and
to ensure fiscal sustainability, but not always in the most growth-friendly
direction. Unemployment, particularly among the young, is a severe problem that
can only be resolved over time but immediate action is needed to increase employment
and productivity and to provide stronger job and skills matching and training,
to help people get back to work in well functioning labour markets. More
generally, the negative social impact of the crisis, including on poverty
levels, must be addressed. Several Member States, particularly the countries under a structural
adjustment programme and those under close market scrutiny, are undertaking
major structural reforms, including of their labour markets. These efforts are
essential to sustain recovery and lasting growth and contribute to the overall
reduction of macro-economic imbalances within Europe. Much greater action
across the EU is needed, however, to unlock our growth potential, to open up
opportunities for business development and tap the potential of new sources of
jobs, for instance in the green economy, services, energy sectors, tourism, and
in the digital economy as well as to raise the skills and innovation levels.
Action is urgently needed to sustain recovery and living standards and to help
tackle the challenges of ageing. The Commission is concerned to see that the level of commitments
taken by the Member States would not allow the EU to meet its headline targets
for 2020 in essential areas such as employment rates, R&D, education and
the fight against poverty. Yet meeting these targets is essential to Europe’s future. How can the
Member States unlock their own growth potential? In its 2012 Annual
Growth Survey the Commission indicated that in 2012 efforts at national and at
EU level should concentrate on five priorities: ·
Pursuing differentiated growth-friendly fiscal
consolidation. ·
Restoring normal lending to the economy. ·
Promoting growth and competitiveness for today
and tomorrow. ·
Tackling unemployment and the social
consequences of the crisis. ·
Modernising public administration. This section summarises
the main findings of the Commission's country by country analysis, based on
Member States' Stability or Convergence programmes, national reform programmes
and, where relevant, Euro Plus Pact commitments. The text box at the start of
each section summarises the main country specific recommendations and indicates
how their implementation can contribute to national growth prospects. Pursuing
differentiated growth-friendly fiscal consolidation Country specific recommendations on growth-friendly fiscal
consolidation aim to ensure that, over time, all Member States implement sound
fiscal policies. They are in line with differentiated fiscal strategies taking
into account the specificities of Member States, in particular existing fiscal
and macro-financial risks. In reducing government deficits and debt levels
Member States are advised to preserve public investment in research and innovation,
education, energy and to make social protection systems including pensions more
sustainable and effective. There are several recommendations on taxation
designed to shift the burden from labour to environment and consumption, to
increase efficiency by removing multiple exemptions (including reduced rates)
as well as to fight tax evasion and the shadow economy. It is also recommended
to Member States to ensure budgetary discipline at sub-national levels. Under the
Stability and Growth Pact, 23 Member States are currently subject to the
excessive deficit procedure. For them, the country-specific recommendations in
this package reflect the need for adherence to the corrective recommendations
previously issued by the Council. In the cases of Germany and Bulgaria, the
Commission has separately decided on 30 May to propose the abrogation of their
excessive deficit situation. In addition, following the assessment of action taken by Hungary,
and in line with the provisions of the EU Cohesion Fund regulation, the
Commission has also adopted a proposal for a Council decision to lift the March
2012 suspension of the Cohesion Fund commitments. For
the Member States that are not in the excessive deficit procedure, the
country-specific recommendations encourage the authorities to implement fiscal
plans that are both growth-friendly and aimed at achieving and maintaining
budgetary positions that ensure the long term sustainability of public
finances, including the costs of ageing. The Commission's
analysis shows that Member States are broadly on track with their fiscal
consolidation efforts, reducing their government deficits. These deficits are
set to decline from 4.5% in 2011 to 3.5% in 2012. However, the government debt ratio
continues to rise, reaching 86% of GDP in 2012, which is also due to lower
growth. The Commission considers it is essential to stick to agreed deadlines
for the correction of excessive deficits and to move swiftly towards the
medium-term fiscal objectives specified by the Council. Such fiscal adjustments
should be carried out in a way that supports more sustainable economic growth,
as described below. This is in line with the Stability
and Growth Pact, which allows the working of automatic stabilisers along the
structural adjustment path leading to the correction of excessive deficits and
the eventual achievement of the medium-term objectives. At the same time it
highlights the need for Member States facing most intense market scrutiny to
pursue ambitious consolidation even in the face of a worse-than-expected
macroeconomic environment. Using available fiscal space
for growth-enhancing investment is also recommended to
those countries that are exiting the excessive deficit procedure. Strengthened national fiscal frameworks are being introduced, as
required by EU legislation. However,
particular efforts are needed to ensure that fiscal discipline at central
government level is matched by similarly effective action to keep public
finances under control also at the sub-national levels. This represents
a particular challenge in several federal or regionalised countries. It will be
important to improve the quality of public finances, by prioritising
expenditure on Europe 2020 targets and ensuring that such expenditure is as efficient
as possible. EU state aid control helps to promote quality spending and
minimises distortions. The Commission has recently launched an ambitious
state aid modernisation proposal and Member States will need to ensure
better compliance with the rules and better internal co-ordination of state aid
interventions at national level. Pension systems are being adapted to meet the challenges of an ageing population,
with major reforms being implemented in several countries with the common
feature of prolonging working life. These reforms are essential to contain
financial costs and ensure the long-term financial sustainability of adequate welfare
systems. In parallel, it is necessary to attract and maintain older workers in
employment beyond current retirement patterns, in line with improvements in
life expectancy, and to consider the adequacy of the level of pensions, to
prevent poverty in old age. Less progress has been made in the area of
healthcare systems, where the need for access to healthcare and long-term care must
be balanced with increasing financial pressure resulting from demographic
developments. To sustain fiscal
consolidation, several Member States are raising taxes. The Commission has
called for a shift in taxation away from labour towards environmentally-harmful
practices, consumption and real estate, while ensuring that the burden does not
fall disproportionately on the poorest sections of society. While a number of
Member States have significantly increased consumption taxes and started to
reverse the decline in environmental taxation, there is no evidence of an
overall reduction in labour taxation. Some efforts are being made and should
be pursued to eliminate tax exemptions and subsidies, as well as reduced rates,
for instance for VAT. Action is being taken to improve tax compliance but much
stronger action is needed to fight the shadow economy. Restoring normal
lending to the economy To help restore normal lending to the economy the country specific
recommendations focus on completing the restructuring of the banking sector
while avoiding excessive deleveraging. Efforts are being made
to pursue the restructuring of the financial sector and strengthen its supervisory
framework, in line with EU legislation and recommendations. The situation of
banks having been most exposed to the crisis and still presenting
vulnerabilities remains a source of concern. This explains calls for more
restructuring and precautionary measures in the recommendations of certain
countries. Re-establishing a normal
level of credit flows to the real economy remains a challenge in many
countries, particularly for SMEs. While this is partially explained by the
weakness of corporate balance sheets and prospects, the lack of appropriate
channels to reach out to SMEs have also played an important role. New pools of
capital for firms should be promoted, including access to peer-to-peer lending,
private equity and venture capital. The EU structural funds can play an
important role in this context in some Member States, by funding loans and
guarantees through specific instruments. Many SMEs are
suffering from late payments by public authorities. This problem is being
addressed with the new late payments Directive that will enter into force in
March 2013. Additional efforts by public authorities may be needed to clear the
backlog of arrears that has built up before the Directive enters into force Promoting growth
and competitiveness for today and tomorrow To help promote growth and competitiveness the country specific
recommendations focus on improving the business environment, including by
reducing administrative burden, and opening up the network industries such as
energy, railways and telecoms to competition to deliver better services at
better prices for business and citizens. In some cases they recommend greater
independence for the regulators. They address the implementation of the
Services Directive through removing unjustified or disproportionate
restrictions on providing services, including discrimination based on
nationality or residence. They also deal with ongoing restrictions in the
retail sector. Other recommendations deal with strengthening research and
innovation, improving resource efficiency, and linking education more closely
to the requirements of the labour market. In many Member States
there is insufficient access to a number of services. A more ambitious
implementation of the Services Directive would help, as would steps to enhance
competition and competitiveness in the retail sector, reducing barriers for the
entry and exit of firms and eliminating unjustified restrictions for business
and professional services, legal professions, accounting or technical advice,
health and social sectors. Opening up public
procurement markets by actively seeking cross border tenders would also
stimulate new opportunities, processes and innovation. The performance of key network
industries - transport, energy and broadband – need to be substantially
improved. Investment in infrastructures is necessary in several countries to
improve interconnections, broaden supply and allow price competition. Given the
limited fiscal room for manoeuvre, innovative forms of funding combining
private and public sources, such as the EU project bonds, should be used.
Levels of competition remain low on many markets and the EU-wide regulatory
framework is not yet fully in force: half of the Member States have not yet
transposed the Internal Energy Market Directives or failed to transpose them
correctly. In several Member States there is a need for greater competition
between energy providers, the removal of regulated prices and greater
independence of the regulator. In transport, further efforts are necessary to
reduce the regulatory burden and barriers to entry in rail in large or transit
Member States. Average penetration of broadband remains low and there is
considerable scope for improving services and securing the use of e-commerce. Improvements in
resource efficiency and moving towards a low carbon economy are essential to
further develop Europe's competitiveness in the light of growing resource
scarcity and price volatility, as well as ongoing climate change. More
efficient use of resources and better management of natural resources will open
up significant economic opportunities for future growth and jobs, leading to
improved productivity, lower costs and greater innovation. High levels of R&D
and innovation are essential to maintain Europe’s competitiveness. Even if
some of its Member States stand today among the world leaders in many areas, overall
Europe is losing ground over time. Public expenditure on research has been
affected by fiscal consolidation in many Member States instead of being
ring-fenced or increased. Additional private R&D investment is clearly
needed and if necessary should be encouraged through public incentives. Research
outputs should be brought closer to market through pre-commercial procurement. More
generally, there is an obvious need for more partnerships between education and
lifelong learning institutions, research bodies and business, making full use
of available EU instruments. Tackling
unemployment and the social consequences of the crisis Many recommendations deal with creating the conditions for higher
levels of employment, increasing participation and keeping people in the labour
market. There is a particular focus on fighting youth unemployment, reducing
early school leaving and improving training, including vocational training and
developing apprenticeships. Poverty alleviation and helping vulnerable groups
is addressed in several recommendations. There are also recommendations on
strengthening and providing more individualised support for job seekers and
promoting full time female participation. Member States are also recommended to
ensure that their wage setting mechanisms appropriately reflect productivity
developments and stimulate job creation. The crisis has led to a
significant increase in unemployment and has significantly worsened job
prospects for many people, who risk withdrawing from the labour market. High
levels of unemployment are likely to remain for some time given the lag between
economic recovery and improvements in the labour market. Active labour market
policies - such as training for the unemployed and guidance from public
employment services - are being mobilised but often suffer from weak targeting
and low effectiveness. The social consequences
of the crisis are increasingly being felt. Poverty and the risk of
poverty are increasing and pressures on public spending leads to
difficult trade-offs for the provision of social services and benefits. Youth unemployment has increased dramatically, with young people twice as likely to be
unemployed as the adult population. Across the EU, youth unemployment is at 22%
and is as high as 50% in some Member States. There are some promising
experiences with youth guarantees which could be implemented more widely across
the EU, including with support from the European Social Fund. Progress in expanding
affordable childcare and dependent care facilities, reducing pay gaps and
improving the fiscal treatment of second earners has been insufficient to
increase significantly the participation of women in the labour market.
There is still not enough emphasis on active ageing strategies, including
modernisation of working arrangements and broader access to lifelong learning,
which are essential to increase labour participation, particularly for older
workers. Some Member States have
introduced far-reaching reforms of their wage-setting and indexation systems
to ensure that wage developments better reflect productivity developments
over time. Limited progress has been made in other countries where the
functioning of certain wage indexation systems has been identified as a
possible threat to competitiveness. These countries will need to find ways, in
consultation with social partners, to reduce this handicap in future. In
countries with current account surpluses, some rebalancing in favour of
domestic demand, including through wage increases is noticeable and should
continue. A balance should be struck between ensuring that wage levels are not
too high to discourage the recruitment of the young and the low-skilled in
particular but not as low as to risk creating in–work poverty traps. Whereas some Member States
have started far-reaching reforms of their labour legislation to enable
more flexible forms of contract and working arrangements, in other cases the
process of reform appears slow in comparison to the urgency of the situation
and to the risks of labour market segmentation, with a large share of the
population still in precarious work or outside the labour market. Short time
working arrangements and other internal flexibility practices proved effective
in several countries in preserving employment at the peak of the crisis,
particularly in the manufacturing sector. To help support job creations, the Commission has made proposals to encourage Member States to
strengthen employment policies[9]
to seize the job opportunities in the green economy, the healthcare sector and
in ICT where it estimates that over 20 million jobs could be created. In
addition improved mobility between Member States, matching skills and vacancies
across borders can be supported by the EURES job vacancies' system. On-going efforts to
address the high levels of early school leaving, including preventive
measures, and reforms in the education and vocational training systems
including to boost apprenticeships, need to be accelerated. This is essential
for the employability of the new generations but also for the overall
competitiveness of the economy, as the EU is lagging behind its main trade
partners. Moreover, the demographic shift creates new risks of skills mismatches
and shortages, with additional pressure to work longer and more productively. Several
countries have to make particular efforts to reduce the high number of early
school leavers, to improve young people’s chances on the labour market and
reduce youth unemployment. More generally educational performance, including
vocational training and university level, need to be improved across the board.
In many Member States there is scope for developing apprenticeship schemes. In
general, much more needs to be done to link and anticipate education and
training with future labour market needs to facilitate the school to work
transition. Modernising
public administration Country specific recommendations on public administration deal with
services to business, tackling delays in the legal system and the use of e
government to facilitate contact with citizens and business. The issue of
strengthening administrative capacity to deal with the EU funds is also
covered in several recommendations. Currently, public
administrations are under pressure across the EU: not only do they face cut
backs in budgets and staff levels but they also have to adapt to increasingly
demanding societal and business expectations. As political and economic
integration moves forward, they also need to implement more and more
sophisticated and demanding EU rules. Weak administrations in different Member
States pose problems ranging from difficulties of doing business to poor implementation
of EU funds and poor transposition of EU law. The challenge of ensuring high
quality public services requires technological and organisational innovation, such
as a resolute move towards e-government. A number of administrations could
benefit from a more intensive exchange of best practice. The efficiency of
civil justice systems needs to be improved in many countries, in particular
by reducing backlogs, speeding up judicial proceedings and introducing
alternative forms of dispute resolution. Given the pressure on
public finances, EU funds are an essential lever to stimulate the
economy and finance growth-enhancing projects on the ground in many countries. There
is a need to strengthen the governance of public institutions by further
professionalising the civil service, improving management of human resources,
enhancing analytical capacities and ensuring continuity and stability of
competent staff. Rules have been simplified at EU level and the Commission is
assisting Member States in their re-programming efforts to adjust funding further
to growth needs. Many Member States need to
step up their efforts to deal with tax fraud and evasion. All Member States
have "shadow economies" some of which are highly developed. The
problems posed by tax fraud and evasion must be tackled at different levels
through: Member State efforts to make their own tax collection more effective;
reinforced and effective co-operation between Member States; clear and coherent
EU policy vis-à-vis third countries to ensure that adequate measures can be
taken to target fraud and evasion that build on the use of certain non-EU
jurisdictions that do not apply equivalent standards; and co-ordinated and
effective policy in relation to third countries.
The crisis revealed
deep rooted imbalances and failure to make necessary reforms across the EU.
Just as it took time for these problems to make themselves felt, it will take
time to put the EU economy back on a sound footing. The analysis done for the
2012 European semester shows that the new economic governance of the EU is
beginning to work, helping Member States to focus on essential reforms that
will deliver sustainable growth and jobs. It is also evident that Member States
are not always choosing the most growth-friendly paths in their fiscal
consolidation decisions. Overall there is a need
to give more prominence and urgency to growth measures in the coming twelve
months, while continuing with fiscal consolidation and stabilisation of the
financial sector. This needs to be done in a co-ordinated way at national and
at EU level to get the most out of policy measures and reforms. Through the proposals
contained in this Communication and in its more detailed country specific
recommendations the Commission is proposing concrete measures that can help
return the EU to growth and to create jobs that will help to raise living
standards, alleviate poverty and ensure more sustainable growth for the future.
These recommendations need to be implemented as a priority. The Commission will
use all the instruments of the new governance framework to monitor and assess
progress in the coming year. At the same time, the
Commission will continue to focus strongly on the full implementation of the
October 2011 Roadmap to ensure a balanced approach to help the EU emerge from
the crisis. The Commission will
work intensively with the Member States and the European Institutions to
implement its growth initiative and to develop the building blocks and time
horizon for the completion of Economic and Monetary Union. Annex 1: The
European semester Annex 2: Results
of the in depth reviews and the excessive deficit procedures Annex 1: The European semester of policy coordination In March 2010, the
Commission proposed and the European Council endorsed the Europe 2020
strategy. This is the EU’s growth strategy for the coming decade. It has
five headline targets in the areas of employment, R&D, climate and energy,
education and the fight against poverty. Twenty-three Member States also agreed
the Euro Plus Pact in March 2011 to step up coordination of reforms in
areas not fully covered at EU level (see box). The Commission also
proposed and the EU co-legislators agreed a “six-pack” of legislation on
economic governance, which entered into force on 13 December 2011. This new
legislation has given the EU new and effective tools to deepen monitoring of
Member States' economic and fiscal policies and to enforce the rules. Through
it, the Stability and Growth Pact was amended to strengthen collective
surveillance of public finances. Much greater emphasis is placed on the debt ratio
criterion included in the Treaty, and new enforcement mechanisms (including
sanctions) have been introduced in both its preventive and corrective arm. Recognising the
importance of forcefully tackling macro-economic imbalances of a non-fiscal
nature, the surveillance framework was also broadened through a new
macroeconomic imbalance procedure. It aims to prevent the emergence of
imbalances that pose a risk to economic stability. Where imbalances persist,
the procedure will ensure that corrective actions are taken. The new procedure
includes a sanctions regime for repeated non-compliance with agreed actions.
Using this new procedure, the Commission's first alert mechanism report was
published in February 2012. In line with the findings of that report, the
first in-depth reviews were conducted on twelve countries (Belgium, Bulgaria,
Denmark, Spain, France, Italy, Cyprus, Hungary, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden and
the United Kingdom)[10]. To deliver collectively
on these objectives and bring together all of these commitments, to ensure
better ex-ante co-ordination and follow-up of decisions, the Member States
agreed and implemented for the first time in 2011 a new way to coordinate
national policies, the European semester of policy coordination. The cycle starts
with the publication of an Annual Growth Survey (AGS) by the European
Commission, reviewing economic challenges and setting out priorities for the EU
as a whole. The Annual Growth Survey is presented to the European Parliament
and serves as the reference for discussion by Heads of State or Government at
their Spring European summit. On the basis of their guidance, Member States
present Stability or Convergence Programmes (looking at the situation of their
public finances) and National Reform Programmes (looking at measures to boost
growth and jobs) in April, so that the Commission can assess them
simultaneously. The Commission’s assessment takes the form of proposals for
annual country specific recommendations, which are then discussed by Council
formations, endorsed by the European Council by early summer before final
adoption by the Council. In the second part of the year, Member States finalise
national budgets and reform strategies, and the Commission and relevant EU
bodies discuss and monitor performances and progress. Today’s package
paves the way for the conclusion of the second European semester of policy
coordination at the June 2012 European Council. Compared to last year, the
effectiveness of the process and the impact of the guidance given are reinforced
by the lessons drawn from the implementation of the 2011 recommendations, by
the findings of the in-depth reviews carried out for 12 Member States and by
the greater automaticity which should follow in the adoption of the proposed
recommendations for action. Table 1: Overview of country-specific recommendations for 2012-2013* * For Ireland, Greece, Portugal and Romania, the only recommendation is to implement existing commitments under EU/IMF
financial assistance programmes. Table 2: Overview of Europe 2020 targets[11] The symbol "*" is added when a national target is expressed with an
indicator different than the EU headline target indicator. Member States targets || Employment rate (in %) || R&D in % of GDP || Emissions reduction targets (compared to 2005 levels)[12] || Renewable energy || Energy efficiency – reduction of energy consumption in Mtoe[13] || Early school leaving in % || Tertiary education in % || Reduction of population at risk of poverty or social exclusion in number of persons EU headline target || 75% || 3% || -20% (compared to 1990 levels) || 20% || 20% increase in energy efficiency equalling 368 Mtoe || 10% || 40% || 20 000 000 Estimated EU || 73.70-74% || 2.65-2.72% || -20% (compared to 1990 levels) || 20% || 206.5 || 10.3-10.5% || 37.6-38.0%[14] || AT || 77-78% || 3.76% || -16% || 34% || 7.16 || 9.5% || 38% (including ISCED 4a, which in 2010 was at about 12%) || 235 000 BE || 73.2% || 3.0% || -15% || 13% || 9.80 || 9.5% || 47% || 380 000 BG || 76% || 1.5% || 20% || 16% || 3.20 || 11% || 36% || 260 000* CY || 75-77% || 0.5% || -5% || 13% || 0.46 || 10% || 46% || 27 000 CZ || 75% || 1% (public sector only) || 9% || 13% || n.a. || 5.5% || 32% || Maintaining the number of persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion at the level of 2008 (15.3% of total population) with efforts to reduce it by 30 000 DE || 77% || 3% || -14% || 18% || 38.30 || <10% || 42% (including ISCED4 which in 2010 was at 11.4%) || 320 000 (long-term unemployed)* DK || 80% || 3% || -20% || 30% || 0.83 || <10% || At least 40% || 22 000 (persons living in households with very low work intensity)* EE || 76% || 3% || 11% || 25% || 0.71 || 9.5% || 40% || 61 860 people out of risk-of-poverty* EL || 70% || No target available || -4% || 18% || 2.70 || under 10% || 32% || 450 000 ES || 74% || 3% || -10% || 20% || 25.20 || 15% || 44% || 1 400 000 - 1 500 000 FI || 78% || 4% || -16% || 38% || 4.21 || 8% || 42% (narrow national definition) || 150 000 FR || 75% || 3% || -14% || 23% || 34.00 || 9.5% || 50% || Reduction of the anchored at-risk-of-poverty rate by one third for the period 2007-2012 or by 1 600 000 people* HU || 75% || 1.8% || 10% || 14.65% || 2.96 || 10% || 30.3% || 450 000 IE || 69-71% || approx.2% 2.5% of GNP) || -20% || 16% || 2.75 || 8% || 60% || 200 000* IT || 67-69% || 1.53% || -13% || 17% || 27.90 || 15-16% || 26-27% || 2 200 000 LT || 72.8% || 1.9% || 15% || 23% || 1.14 || <9% || 40% || 170 000 LU || 73% || 2.3-2.6% || -20% || 11% || 0.19 || <10% || 66% || 6 000 LV || 73% || 1.5% || 17% || 40% || 0.67 || 13.4% || 34-36% || 121 000* MT || 62.9% || 0.67% || 5% || 10% || 0.24 || 29% || 33% || 6 560 NL || 80 % || 2,5 % || -16% || 14% || n.a. || <8 % || >40% 45% expected in 2020 || 93 000* PL || 71% || 1.7% || 14% || 15.48% || 13.6 || 4.5% || 45% || 1 500 000 PT || 75% || 3% || 1% || 31% || 6.00 || 10% || 40% || 200 000 RO || 70% || 2% || 19% || 24% || 10.00 || 11.3% || 26.7% || 580 000 SE || Well over 80% || Approx. 4% || -17% || 49% || 12.80 || <10% || 40-45% || Reduction of the % of women and men who are not in the labour force (except full-time students), the long-term unemployed or those on long-term sick leave to well under 14%* SI || 75% || 3% || 4% || 25% || n.a. || 5% || 40% || 40 000 SK || 72% || 1% || 13% || 14% || 1.65 || 6% || 40% || 170 000 UK || No target in NRP || No target in NRP || -16% || 15% || n.a. || No target in NRP || No target in NRP || Existing numerical targets of the 2010 Child Poverty Act* Annex 2: Results of the in depth reviews On 14 February 2012, the European Commission presented its first
Alert Mechanism Report, prepared in accordance with Regulation (EU) No.
1176/2011 on the prevention and correction of macroeconomic imbalances. The Alert
Mechanism Report examined the situation of all Member States, with the
exception of the four programme countries (Greece, Ireland, Portugal and
Romania). On the basis of an economic reading of the early warning scoreboard,
the Commission concluded that further in-depth analysis of the macroeconomic
developments in the following twelve Member States was warranted: Belgium,
Bulgaria, Denmark, Spain, France, Italy, Cyprus, Hungary[15], Slovenia,
Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom. For each of
these countries the Commission services carried out country specific in-depth
analysis. These are published as Staff Working Documents as part of this
package. In the preparation of this analysis, specific fact finding missions
took place, as foreseen in the legislation.[16]
This Communication fulfils the requirements stipulated in the article 5.3 of
Regulation (EU) No. 1176/2011 according to which the Commission should inform
the Council and the European Parliament about the results of the in-depth
reviews and make them public. On the basis of
(i) the in-depth reviews undertaken in the accordance with Article 5 of
Regulation (EU) No. 1176/2011 the Commission has concluded that these
imbalances need to be adressed, some urgently: ·
Belgium is experiencing imbalances. In particular, macroeconomic
developments in the areas of external competitiveness of goods and
indebtedness, especially the high level of public debt, deserve further
attention so as to reduce the risk of adverse effects on the functioning of the
economy. ·
Bulgaria is experiencing
imbalances. In particular, the level of external indebtedness as well as
certain macroeconomic developments related to corporate sector deleveraging and
the labour market adjustment process deserve attention so as to reduce the risk
of adverse effects on the functioning of the economy. ·
Denmark is experiencing
imbalances. In particular, certain macroeconomic developments, notably
underlying its external competitiveness and potential risks related to
household indebtedness, deserve attention so as to reduce the risk of adverse
effects on the functioning of the economy.
Spain is experiencing very serious
imbalances. In particular, macroeconomic developments, notably related
to the significant level of private sector debt, the large negative
external debt position and the financial sector, which were influenced by
housing market developments, require close monitoring and urgent economic
policy attention in order to avert any adverse effects on the functioning
of the economy and of economic and monetary union.
France is experiencing serious
imbalances. In particular, certain macroeconomic developments in the
areas of export performance and competitiveness deserve attention so as to
reduce the risk of adverse effects on the functioning of the economy.
Italy is experiencing serious imbalances.
In particular, high public indebtedness and macroeconomic developments in
the area of export performance deserve attention as Italy has been losing
external competitiveness since euro adoption. Given the high level of
public debt, enhancing the growth potential should be a key priority so as
to reduce the risk of adverse effects on the functioning of the economy.
Cyprus is experiencing very serious
imbalances. In particular, macroeconomic developments as reflected in
the current account, public finances and the financial sector require
close monitoring and urgent economic policy attention in order to avert
any adverse effects on the functioning of the economy and of economic and
monetary union.
Hungary is experiencing serioust imbalances. In
particular, certain macroeconomic developments such as the highly negative
size of the net international investment position and public debt deserve
very close attention so as to reduce the important risks of adverse
effects on the functioning of the economy. . Further to the assessment of effective
action, and in line with the provisions of the EU Cohesion Fund
regulation, the Commission has also adopted a proposal for a Council
decision to lift the March 2012 suspension of the Cohesion Fund
Slovenia is experiencing serious imbalances. In particular,
macroeconomic developments related to corporate sector deleveraging and
banking stability and unfavourable but less pressing development in
external competitiveness deserve to be closely monitored, so as to reduce
the important risks of adverse effects on the functioning of the economy.
Finland is experiencing imbalances. In particular,
macroeconomic developments relating to competitiveness deserve attention
so as to reduce the risk of adverse effects on the functioning of the
Sweden is experiencing imbalances. In particular, certain
macroeconomic developments regarding private sector debt and the housing
market deserve attention so as to reduce the risk of adverse effects on
the functioning of the economy.
The UK is experiencing imbalances. In particular,
macroeconomic developments in the areas of household debt and the housing
market deserve attention, as do unfavourable developments in external
competitiveness, so as to reduce the risk of adverse effects on the
functioning of the economy.
These imbalances
will be followed up under the preventive arm of the Macroeconomic Imbalances
Procedure and are integrated in the Country Specific Recommendations under the
European Semester. [1] COM (2011) 669 [2] COM (2010) 2020 [3] COM(2011) 818 [4] COM (2011)594 and COM (2011) 510 [5] COM (2011) 400 [6] COM (2011) 815 [7] Regulation (EU) No 1176/2011 on the prevention and
correction of macroeconomic imbalances. [8] The "programme countries" (Greece, Ireland,
Portugal and Romania) were not included in the exercise. [9] COM (2012) 173 [10] The "programme countries", Greece, Ireland,
Portugal and Romania were not included in the exercise. [11] The national targets as set out in the National Reform
Programmes in April 2012. [12] The national emissions
reduction targets defined in Decision 2009/406/EC (or "Effort Sharing
Decision") concern the emissions not covered by the Emissions Trading
System. The emissions covered by the Emissions Trading System will be reduced
by 21% compared to 2005 levels. The corresponding overall emission reduction
will be -20% compared to 1990 levels. [13] It should be noted that the national projections also
vary as to the base year(s) against which savings are estimated. [14] Calculation does not include ISCED 4 (Germany, Austria) , and the UK, result with ISCED 4: 40.0-40.4%. [15] The Hungarian government
formally requested precautionary financial assistance from
the EU and the IMF in November 2011. [16] In accordance with Articles 5.1 and 13 of Regulation
(EU) No. 1176/2011, the in-depth reviews shall be undertaken in conjunction
with surveillance missions. The missions took place at service level between
March and April.