ISSN 1725-2555

Official Journal

of the European Union

L 339

European flag  

English edition


Volume 51
18 December 2008



I   Acts adopted under the EC Treaty/Euratom Treaty whose publication is obligatory







Commission Regulation (EC) No 1273/2008 of 17 December 2008 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables




Commission Regulation (EC) No 1274/2008 of 17 December 2008 amending Regulation (EC) No 1126/2008 adopting certain international accounting standards in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards International Accounting Standard (IAS) 1 (1)




Commission Regulation (EC) No 1275/2008 of 17 December 2008 implementing Directive 2005/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for standby and off mode electric power consumption of electrical and electronic household and office equipment (1)




Commission Regulation (EC) No 1276/2008 of 17 December 2008 on the monitoring by physical checks of exports of agricultural products receiving refunds or other amounts




Commission Regulation (EC) No 1277/2008 of 17 December 2008 amending Regulation (EC) No 1580/2007 as regards the trigger levels for additional duties on pears, lemons, apples and courgettes




Commission Regulation (EC) No 1278/2008 of 17 December 2008 adopting emergency support measures for the pigmeat market in form of private storage aid in Ireland




Commission Regulation (EC) No 1279/2008 of 17 December 2008 on the issuing of import licences for applications lodged during the first seven days of December 2008 under the tariff quota opened by Regulation (EC) No 1399/2007 for sausages and certain meat products originating in Switzerland




Commission Regulation (EC) No 1280/2008 of 17 December 2008 on the issuing of import licences for applications lodged during the first seven days of December 2008 under the tariff quota opened by Regulation (EC) No 1382/2007 for pigmeat




Commission Regulation (EC) No 1281/2008 of 17 December 2008 on the issuing of import licences for applications lodged during the first seven days of December 2008 under the tariff quota opened by Regulation (EC) No 812/2007 for pigmeat




Commission Regulation (EC) No 1282/2008 of 17 December 2008 on the issuing of import licences for applications lodged during the first seven days of December 2008 under the tariff quota opened by Regulation (EC) No 979/2007 for pigmeat




Commission Regulation (EC) No 1283/2008 of 17 December 2008 on the issuing of import licences for applications lodged during the first seven days of December 2008 under tariff quotas opened by Regulation (EC) No 806/2007 for pigmeat




Commission Regulation (EC) No 1284/2008 of 17 December 2008 setting the allocation coefficient for the issuing of import licences applied for from 8 to 12 December 2008 for sugar products under tariff quotas and preferential agreements




IV   Other acts






The EEA Joint Committee



Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 110/2008 of 5 November 2008 amending Protocol 32 to the EEA Agreement on financial modalities for implementation of Article 82




Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 111/2008 of 7 November 2008 amending Annex I (Veterinary and phytosanitary matters) to the EEA Agreement




Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 112/2008 of 7 November 2008 amending Annex II (Technical regulations, standards, testing and certification) and Annex XX (Environment) to the EEA Agreement




Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 113/2008 of 7 November 2008 amending Annex VI (Social security) to the EEA Agreement




Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 114/2008 of 7 November 2008 amending Annex IX (Financial services) and Annex XIX (Consumer protection) to the EEA Agreement




Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 115/2008 of 7 November 2008 amending Annex XI (Telecommunication services) to the EEA Agreement




Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 116/2008 of 7 November 2008 amending Annex XIII (Transport) to the EEA Agreement




Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 117/2008 of 7 November 2008 amending Annex XIII (Transport) to the EEA Agreement




Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 118/2008 of 7 November 2008 amending Annex XIII (Transport) to the EEA Agreement




Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 119/2008 of 7 November 2008 amending Annex XIII (Transport) to the EEA Agreement




Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 120/2008 of 7 November 2008 amending Annex XV (State aid) to the EEA Agreement




Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 121/2008 of 7 November 2008 amending Annex XX (Environment) to the EEA Agreement




Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 122/2008 of 7 November 2008 amending Annex XX (Environment) to the EEA Agreement




Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 123/2008 of 7 November 2008 amending Annex XXI (Statistics) to the EEA Agreement




Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 124/2008 of 7 November 2008 amending Annex XXI (Statistics) to the EEA Agreement




Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 125/2008 of 7 November 2008 amending Annex XXI (Statistics) to the EEA Agreement




Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 126/2008 of 7 November 2008 amending Annex XXI (Statistics) to the EEA Agreement




(1)   Text with EEA relevance


Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a limited period.

The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk.