

Official Journal of the European Union

C 356/176


2018 budgetary procedure

European Parliament legislative resolution of 30 November 2017 on the joint text on the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2018 approved by the Conciliation Committee under the budgetary procedure (14587/2017 — C8-0416/2017 — 2017/2044(BUD))

(2018/C 356/40)

The European Parliament,

having regard to the joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee and the relevant Parliament, Council and Commission statements (14587/2017 — C8-0416/2017),

having regard to the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2018, which the Commission adopted on 29 June 2017 (COM(2017)0400),

having regard to the position on the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2018, which the Council adopted on 4 September 2017 and forwarded to Parliament on 13 September 2017 (11815/2017 — C8-0313/2017),

having regard to Letter of amendment No 1/2018 to the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2018, which the Commission presented on 16 October 2017,

having regard to its resolution of 25 October 2017 on the Council position on the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2018 (1) and to the budget amendments contained therein,

having regard to Article 314 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

having regard to Article 106a of the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community,

having regard to Council Decision 2014/335/EU, Euratom of 26 May 2014 on the system of own resources of the European Union (2),

having regard to Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union and repealing Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 (3),

having regard to Council Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 1311/2013 of 2 December 2013 laying down the multiannual financial framework for the years 2014-2020 (4),

having regard to the Interinstitutional Agreement of 2 December 2013 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline, on cooperation in budgetary matters and on sound financial management (5),

having regard to Rule 90 and Rule 91 of its Rules of Procedure,

having regard to the report of its delegation to the Conciliation Committee (A8-0359/2017),


Approves the joint text agreed by the Conciliation Committee, which consists of the following documents taken together:

list of budget lines not modified, compared to the draft budget or the Council's position;

summary figures by financial framework headings;

line by line figures on all budget items;

a consolidated document showing the figures and final text of all lines modified during the conciliation;


Confirms the joint statements by Parliament, the Council and the Commission annexed to this resolution;


Takes note of the unilateral statements by the Commission and by the Council annexed to this resolution;


Instructs its President to declare that the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2018 has been definitively adopted and to arrange for its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union;


Instructs its President to forward this legislative resolution to the Council, the Commission, the other institutions and bodies concerned and the national parliaments.

(1)  Texts adopted of that date, P8_TA(2017)0408.

(2)  OJ L 168, 7.6.2014, p. 105.

(3)  OJ L 298, 26.10.2012, p. 1.

(4)  OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 884.

(5)  OJ C 373, 20.12.2013, p. 1.




Budget 2018 — Elements for joint conclusions

These joint conclusions cover the following sections:


Budget 2018


Budget 2017 — Draft Amending Budget 6/2017



Summary overview



Budget 2018

According to the elements for joint conclusions:

The overall level of commitment appropriations in the 2018 budget is set at EUR 160 113,5 million. Overall, this leaves a margin below the MFF ceilings for 2018 of EUR 1 600,3 million in commitment appropriations.

The overall level of payment appropriations in the 2018 budget is set at EUR 144 681,0 million.

The Flexibility Instrument for 2018 is mobilised in commitment appropriations for an amount of EUR 837,2 million for heading 3 Security and Citizenship.

The Global margin for commitments is used at a level of EUR 1 113,7 million for heading 1a Competitiveness for Growth and Jobs and heading 1b Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion.

The decision (EU) 2017/344 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2016 on the mobilisation of the Contingency margin in 2017 (1) will be amended to adjust the offsetting profile to decrease the amount offset in heading 5 Administration in 2018 from EUR 570 million to EUR 318 million and correspondingly introduce offsetting of EUR 252 million for the same heading in 2020.

The 2018 payment appropriations related to the mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument in 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2018 are estimated by the Commission at EUR 678,3 million.


Budget 2017

According to the elements for joint conclusions, Draft Amending Budget 6/2017 is accepted as proposed by the Commission.

1.   Budget 2018

1.1.   ‘Closed’ lines

Unless stated otherwise below in these conclusions, all budget lines not amended by either Council or Parliament, and those for which Parliament accepted Council's amendments during their respective reading, are confirmed.

For the other budget lines, the Conciliation Committee has agreed on the conclusions included in sections 1.2 to 1.7 below.

1.2.   Horizontal issues

Decentralised agencies

The EU contribution (in commitment and payment appropriations and the number of posts) for all decentralised agencies are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2018 with the exception of:

Under heading 3:

The European Police Office (EUROPOL, budget article 18 02 04) for which 10 additional posts are allocated and commitment and payment appropriations increased by EUR 3 690 000.

The European Asylum Office (EASO, budget article 18 03 02) for which the commitment and payment appropriations are increased by EUR 5 000 000.

The European Body for the Enhancement of Judicial Cooperation (EUROJUST, budget article 33 03 04) for which 5 additional posts are allocated and commitment and payment appropriations increased by EUR 1 845 000.

Under heading 1a:

The European GNSS Agency (GSA, budget article 02 05 11) for which 5 additional posts are allocated and commitment and payment appropriations increased by EUR 345 000.

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA, budget article 12 02 06) for which the level of commitment and payment appropriations and the number of posts are reduced at the level of the Draft Budget.

Executive agencies

The EU contribution (in commitment and payment appropriations and the number of posts) for executive agencies are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget 2018, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2018.

Pilot Projects/Preparatory Actions

A comprehensive package of 87 pilot projects/preparatory actions (PP/PA), for a total amount of EUR 100,0 million in commitment appropriations is agreed as proposed by the Parliament in addition to the preparatory action proposed by the Commission in the Draft budget 2018.

When a pilot project or a preparatory action appears to be covered by an existing legal basis, the Commission may propose the transfer of appropriations to the corresponding legal basis in order to facilitate the implementation of the action.

This package fully respects the ceilings for pilot projects and preparatory actions set in the Financial Regulation.

1.3.   Expenditure headings of the financial framework — commitment appropriations

After taking into account the above conclusions on ‘closed’ budget lines, agencies and pilot projects and preparatory actions, the Conciliation Committee has agreed on the following:

Heading 1a — Competitiveness for Growth and Jobs

Commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2018 but with the adjustments, agreed by the Conciliation Committee, detailed in the following table:


Budget line / Programme


DB 2018 (incl. AL1)

Budget 2018



European satellite navigation systems (EGNOS and Galileo)



-4 090 000

02 05 01

Developing and providing global satellite-based radio navigation infrastructures and services (Galileo) by 2020

623 949 000

621 709 000

-2 240 000

02 05 02

Providing satellite-based services improving the performance of GPS to gradually cover the whole European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) region by 2020 (EGNOS)

185 000 000

183 150 000

-1 850 000


European Earth Observation Programme (Copernicus)



-10 370 000

02 06 01

Delivering operational services relying on space-borne observations and in-situ data (Copernicus)

130 664 000

129 364 000

-1 300 000

02 06 02

Building an autonomous Union’s Earth observation capacity (Copernicus)

507 297 000

498 227 000

-9 070 000


European Solidarity Corps (ESC)



-30 000 000

15 05 01

European Solidarity Corps

68 235 652

38 235 652

-30 000 000


Horizon 2020



110 000 000

02 04 02 01

Leadership in space

173 389 945

184 528 490

11 138 545

02 04 02 03

Increasing innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

36 937 021

43 178 448

6 241 427

06 03 03 01

Achieving a resource-efficient, environmentally-friendly, safe and seamless European transport system

53 986 199

56 835 072

2 848 873

08 02 01 01

Strengthening frontier research in the European Research Council

1 827 122 604

1 842 122 604

15 000 000

08 02 02 01

Leadership in nanotechnologies, advanced materials, laser technology, biotechnology and advanced manufacturing and processing

518 395 125

524 204 453

5 809 328

08 02 03 03

Making the transition to a reliable, sustainable and competitive energy system

330 244 971

336 486 398

6 241 427

08 02 03 04

Achieving a European transport system that is resource-efficient, environmentally friendly, safe and seamless

230 777 055

239 323 675

8 546 620

08 02 03 05

Achieving a resource-efficient and climate change resilient economy and a sustainable supply of raw materials

297 738 618

303 307 891

5 569 273

08 02 08

SME instrument

471 209 870

481 209 870

10 000 000

09 04 02 01

Leadership in information and communications technology

722 055 754

725 189 515

3 133 761

15 03 01 01

Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions — generating, developing and transferring new skills, knowledge and innovation

870 013 019

885 710 765

15 697 746

32 04 03 01

Making the transition to a reliable, sustainable and competitive energy system

300 984 111

320 757 111

19 773 000


Competitiveness of enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises (COSME)



15 000 000

02 02 02

Improving access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the form of equity and debt

199 554 000

214 554 000

15 000 000


Education, Training and Sport (Erasmus+)



54 000 000

15 02 01 01

Promoting excellence and cooperation in the European education and training area and its relevance to the labour market

1 955 123 300

1 979 123 300

24 000 000

15 02 01 02

Promoting excellence and cooperation in the European youth area and the participation of young people in European democratic life

182 672 916

212 672 916

30 000 000


Customs, Fiscalis and Anti-Fraud



-1 365 232

14 02 01

Supporting the functioning and modernisation of the customs union

80 071 000

78 860 555

-1 210 445

14 03 01

Improving the proper functioning of the taxation systems

32 043 000

31 888 213

- 154 787


Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) — Energy



-19 773 000

32 02 01 04

Union contribution to Financial Instruments for creating an environment more conducive to private investment for energy projects

19 773 000


-19 773 000



Decentralised agencies



-3 965 555

02 05 11

European GNSS Agency

30 993 525

31 338 525

345 000

12 02 06

European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)

15 947 170

11 636 615

-4 310 555



Other actions and programmes



-2 346 000

02 03 02 01

Support to standardisation activities performed by CEN, Cenelec and ETSI

18 908 000

18 562 000

- 346 000

26 02 01

Procedures for awarding and advertising public supply, works and service contracts

8 500 000

7 500 000

-1 000 000

29 02 01

Providing quality statistical information, implementing new methods of production of European statistics and strengthening the partnership within the European Statistical System

59 475 000

58 475 000

-1 000 000



Pilot projects and preparatory actions



51 650 000



Actions financed under the prerogatives of the Commission and specific competences conferred to the Commission



-2 900 000

01 02 01

Coordination and surveillance of, and communication on, the economic and monetary union, including the euro

12 000 000

11 500 000

- 500 000

04 03 01 08

Industrial relations and social dialogue

16 438 000

15 038 000

-1 400 000

06 02 05

Support activities to the European transport policy and passenger rights including communication activities

11 821 000

10 821 000

-1 000 000





155 840 213

As a consequence, the agreed level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 22 001,5 million, with no margin left under the expenditure ceiling of heading 1a of EUR 21 239 million, and the use of the Global Margin for Commitments for an amount of EUR 762,5 million.

Heading 1b — Economic, social and territorial Cohesion

Commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2018 but with the adjustment, agreed by the Conciliation Committee, detailed in the following table:


Budget line / Programme


DB 2018 (incl. AL1)

Budget 2018



Youth Employment initiative (specific top-up allocation)



116 666 667

04 02 64

Youth Employment Initiative

233 333 333

350 000 000

116 666 667



Pilot projects and preparatory actions



7 700 000





124 366 667

As a consequence, the agreed level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 55 532,2 million, with no margin left under the expenditure ceiling of heading 1b of EUR 55 181 million, and the use of the Global Margin for Commitments for an amount of EUR 351,2 million.

Heading 2 — Sustainable Growth: Natural Resources

Commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2018 but with the adjustments, agreed by the Conciliation Committee, detailed in the following table:


Budget line / Programme


DB 2018 (incl. AL1)

Budget 2018



European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) — Market related expenditure and direct payments



- 229 900 000

05 03 01 10

Basic payment scheme (BPS)

16 556 000 000

16 326 100 000

- 229 900 000



Pilot projects and preparatory actions



15 600 000





- 214 300 000

The decrease of commitment appropriations is fully attributed to higher assigned revenue available arising from the EAGF surplus of 31 October 2017 which will cover the full needs of the sector as updated in Amending Letter 1/2018. Among these updated needs, Amending Letter 1/2018 increases the payments for:

Young farmers by EUR 34 million (budget item 05 03 01 13),

Agricultural practices beneficial for the climate and environment by EUR 95 million (budget item 05 03 01 11),

Other measures for pigmeat, poultry, eggs, bee-keeping and other animal products by EUR 60 million (budget item 05 02 15 99)

National support programmes for the wine sector by EUR 7 million (budget item 05 02 09 08), and

Storage measures for skimmed-milk powder by EUR 2 million (budget item 05 02 12 02).

As a consequence, the agreed level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 59 285,3 million, leaving a margin of EUR 981,7 million under the expenditure ceiling of heading 2.

Heading 3 — Security and Citizenship

Commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2018 but with the adjustments, agreed by the Conciliation Committee, detailed in the following table:


Budget line / Programme


DB 2018 (incl. AL1)

Budget 2018



Creative Europe



3 500 000

15 04 01

Strengthening the financial capacity of SMEs and small and very small organisations in the European cultural and creative sectors, and fostering policy development and new business models

34 528 000

35 528 000

1 000 000

15 04 02

Culture sub-programme — Supporting cross-border actions and promoting transnational circulation and mobility

68 606 000

71 106 000

2 500 000


Food and feed



-6 500 000

17 04 01

Ensuring a higher animal health status and high level of protection of animals in the Union

161 500 000

160 000 000

-1 500 000

17 04 02

Ensuring timely detection of harmful organisms for plants and their eradication

25 000 000

22 000 000

-3 000 000

17 04 03

Ensuring effective, efficient and reliable controls

57 483 000

55 483 000

-2 000 000



Decentralised agencies



10 535 000

18 02 04

European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol)

116 687 271

120 377 271

3 690 000

18 03 02

European Asylum Support Office (EASO)

85 837 067

90 837 067

5 000 000

33 03 04

The European Union’s Judicial Cooperation Unit (Eurojust)

36 506 468

38 351 468

1 845 000



Pilot projects and preparatory actions



12 650 000





20 185 000

As a consequence, the agreed level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 3 493,2 million, with no margin left under the expenditure ceiling of heading 3, and the mobilisation of EUR 837,2 million through the Flexibility Instrument.

Heading 4 — Global Europe

Commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2018, but with the adjustments, agreed by the Conciliation Committee, detailed in the following table:


Budget line / Programme


DB 2018 (incl. AL1)

Budget 2018



Instrument for Pre-accession assistance (IPA II)



-95 000 000

05 05 04 02

Support to Turkey — Economic, social and territorial development and related progressive alignment with the Union acquis

148 000 000

131 000 000

-17 000 000

22 02 01 01

Support to Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo (2), Montenegro, Serbia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia — Political reforms and related progressive alignment with the Union acquis

189 267 000

199 267 000

10 000 000

22 02 03 01

Support to Turkey — Political reforms and related progressive alignment with the Union acquis

217 400 000

167 400 000

-50 000 000

22 02 03 02

Support to Turkey — Economic, social and territorial development and related progressive alignment with the Union acquis

274 384 000

236 384 000

-38 000 000


European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI)



50 000 000

22 04 01 03

Mediterranean countries — Confidence building, security and the prevention and settlement of conflicts

262 072 675

296 072 675

34 000 000

22 04 01 04

Support to the peace process and financial assistance to Palestine and to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA)

293 379 163

299 379 163

6 000 000

22 04 02 02

Eastern Partnership — Poverty reduction and sustainable development

351 556 726

361 556 726

10 000 000


Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI)



20 000 000

21 02 07 03

Human development

193 374 058

205 874 058

12 500 000

21 02 20

Erasmus+ — Contribution from the development cooperation instrument (DCI)

94 928 673

102 428 673

7 500 000


Partnership instrument for cooperation with third countries (PI)



-3 000 000

19 05 01

Cooperation with third countries to advance and promote Union and mutual interests

126 263 000

123 263 000

-3 000 000



Other actions and programmes



-1 083 000

13 07 01

Financial support for encouraging the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community

32 473 000

34 473 000

2 000 000

21 02 40

Commodities agreements

5 583 000

2 500 000

-3 083 000



Pilot projects and preparatory actions



8 900 000



Actions financed under the prerogatives of the Commission and specific competences conferred to the Commission



1 000 000

19 06 01

Information outreach on the Union’s external relations

12 000 000

15 000 000

3 000 000

21 08 01

Evaluation of the results of Union aid and follow-up and audit measures

30 676 000

29 176 000

-1 500 000

21 08 02

Coordination and promotion of awareness on development issues

13 036 000

12 536 000

- 500 000





-19 183 000

As a consequence, the agreed level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 9 568,8 million, leaving a margin of EUR 256,2 million under the expenditure ceiling of heading 4.

Heading 5 — Administration

The number of posts in the establishment plans of the Institutions and the appropriations proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2018 are agreed by the Conciliation Committee with the following exceptions:

The section of the Parliament for which its reading is approved;

The section of the Council for which its reading is approved;

The European External Action Service for which EUR 800 000 are allocated to a newly created budget item 2 2 1 4 Strategic Communication Capacity. This is aimed at properly equipping the European External Action Service to cover strategic communication tools, contracting strategic communication expertise, supporting language plurality of strategic communication products and engaging and maintaining a network of counter-disinformation specialists in Member States and neighbouring countries. The budget item 3 0 0 4 Other administrative expenditure is reduced by EUR 800 000 to ensure budget neutrality.

Moreover, the impact in the Budget 2018 of the automatic salary update to be applied from 1 July 2017 is integrated in all sections of the Institutions as follows:

in EUR


-2 796 000


- 948 000

Commission (including pensions)

-13 179 600

Court of Justice

- 868 800

Court of Auditors

- 357 000

European Economic & Social Committee

- 193 000

Committee of the Regions

- 146 000


-24 600

European Data Protection Supervisor

-13 459

European External Action Service

- 878 400


-19 404 859

Finally, additional reductions of EUR 5 million were identified across all Institutions for expenditure related to buildings, as follows:

in EUR


- 378 623

Commission (including pensions)

-3 637 499

Court of Justice

- 270 611

Court of Auditors

-96 409

European Economic & Social Committee

-89 461

Committee of the Regions

-63 393


-7 016

European Data Protection Supervisor

-9 526

European External Action Service

- 447 462


-5 000 000

As a consequence, and after taking into account pilot projects and preparatory actions (EUR 3,5 million) proposed under section 1.2 above, the agreed level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 9 665,5 million, leaving a margin of EUR 362,5 million under the expenditure ceiling of heading 5, after the use of EUR 318,0 million of the margin to offset the mobilisation of the Contingency margin in 2017.

Special instruments: EGF, EAR and EUSF

Commitment appropriations for the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) and for the Emergency Aid Reserve (EAR) are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2018. The reserve for the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) is suppressed (budget article 40 02 44).

1.4.   Payment appropriations

The overall level of payment appropriations in the 2018 Budget is set at the level of the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2018 with the following adjustments agreed by the Conciliation Committee:


First, account is taken of the agreed level of commitment appropriations for non-differentiated expenditure, for which the level of payment appropriations is equal to the level of commitment appropriations. This includes the additional reduction of agricultural expenditure by -EUR 229,9 million. The combined effect is a decrease of -EUR 255,3 million;


The payment appropriations for all new pilot projects and preparatory actions proposed by the Parliament are set at 50 % of the corresponding commitment appropriations, or at the level proposed by Parliament if lower. In the case of extension of existing pilot projects and preparatory actions the level of payment appropriations is the one defined in the Draft Budget plus 50 % of the corresponding new commitment appropriations, or at the level proposed by Parliament if lower. The combined effect is an increase of EUR 50,0 million;


The adjustments on the following budget lines are agreed as a result of the evolution in commitment appropriations for differentiated expenditure:


Budget line / Programme


DB 2018 (incl. AL1)

Budget 2018



European Solidarity Corps (ESC)



-22 501 000

15 05 01

European Solidarity Corps

51 177 000

28 676 000

-22 501 000


Education, Training and Sport (Erasmus+)



12 000 000

15 02 01 01

Promoting excellence and cooperation in the European education and training area and its relevance to the labour market

1 845 127 000

1 857 127 000

12 000 000



Decentralised agencies



-3 965 555

02 05 11

European GNSS Agency

30 993 525

31 338 525

345 000

12 02 06

European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)

15 947 170

11 636 615

-4 310 555



Other actions and programmes



- 900 000

26 02 01

Procedures for awarding and advertising public supply, works and service contracts

8 200 000

7 300 000

- 900 000



Decentralised agencies



10 535 000

18 02 04

European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol)

116 687 271

120 377 271

3 690 000

18 03 02

European Asylum Support Office (EASO)

85 837 067

90 837 067

5 000 000

33 03 04

The European Union’s Judicial Cooperation Unit (Eurojust)

36 506 468

38 351 468

1 845 000


Instrument for Pre-accession assistance (IPA II)



-76 300 000

05 05 04 02

Support to Turkey — Economic, social and territorial development and related progressive alignment with the Union acquis

120 000 000

107 200 000

-12 800 000

22 02 01 01

Support to Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo (3), Montenegro, Serbia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia — Political reforms and related progressive alignment with the Union acquis

219 000 000

221 500 000

2 500 000

22 02 03 01

Support to Turkey — Political reforms and related progressive alignment with the Union acquis

86 000 000

48 500 000

-37 500 000

22 02 03 02

Support to Turkey — Economic, social and territorial development and related progressive alignment with the Union acquis

291 000 000

262 500 000

-28 500 000


European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI)



12 500 000

22 04 01 03

Mediterranean countries — Confidence building, security and the prevention and settlement of conflicts

125 000 000

133 500 000

8 500 000

22 04 01 04

Support to the peace process and financial assistance to Palestine and to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA)

260 000 000

261 500 000

1 500 000

22 04 02 02

Eastern Partnership — Poverty reduction and sustainable development

320 000 000

322 500 000

2 500 000


Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI)



16 900 000

21 02 07 03

Human development

170 000 000

179 400 000

9 400 000

21 02 20

Erasmus+ — Contribution from the development cooperation instrument (DCI)

95 995 100

103 495 100

7 500 000



Other actions and programmes



1 000 000

13 07 01

Financial support for encouraging the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community

25 000 000

26 000 000

1 000 000



Actions financed under the prerogatives of the Commission and specific competences conferred to the Commission



1 500 000

19 06 01

Information outreach on the Union’s external relations

13 700 000

15 200 000

1 500 000





-49 231 555


Additional reductions in payment appropriations are made on the following budget lines:


Budget line / Programme


DB 2018 (incl. AL1)

Budget 2018



Transition regions



-55 000 000

04 02 61

European Social Fund — Transition regions — Investment for growth and jobs goal

1 345 000 000

1 305 000 000

-40 000 000

13 03 61

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) — Transition regions — Investment for growth and jobs goal

2 750 463 362

2 735 463 362

-15 000 000


Competitiveness (More developed regions)



-90 000 000

04 02 62

European Social Fund — More developed regions — Investment for growth and jobs goal

2 882 000 000

2 847 000 000

-35 000 000

13 03 62

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) — More developed regions — Investment for growth and jobs goal

3 497 060 077

3 442 060 077

-55 000 000


European territorial cooperation



-90 500 000

13 03 64 01

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) — European territorial cooperation

1 004 701 248

914 201 248

-90 500 000


Technical assistance



-4 500 000

13 03 65 01

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) — Operational technical assistance

72 000 000

69 000 000

-3 000 000

13 03 66

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) — Innovative actions in the field of sustainable urban development

43 321 859

41 821 859

-1 500 000





- 240 000 000


The reserve for the European Union Solidarity Fund (budget article 40 02 44) is suppressed (-EUR 88,0 million).

These actions will provide a level of payment appropriations of EUR 144 681,0 million, a reduction of –EUR 582,5 million in comparison with the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2018.

1.5.   Reserve

There are no reserves in addition to those of the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2018, except for budget item 22 02 03 01 Support to Turkey — Political reforms and related progressive alignment with the Union acquis for which EUR 70 000 000 in commitment appropriations and EUR 35 000 000 in payment appropriations are placed in reserve pending the fulfilment of the following condition:

Amount to be released when Turkey makes measurable sufficient improvements in the fields of rule of law, democracy, human rights and press freedom, according to the annual report of the Commission.’

The budget remark of budget item 22 02 03 01 is modified accordingly.

1.6.   Budget remarks

Unless otherwise specifically addressed in previous paragraphs, amendments introduced by the European Parliament or the Council to the text of budget remarks are agreed, with the exception of those on budget lines listed in the two following tables:

Budget lines for which the amendments introduced by the European Parliament are approved with the modification proposed by the Commission in its Executability Letter.

Budget line


06 02 01 01

Removing bottlenecks, enhancing rail interoperability, bridging missing links and improving cross-border sections

09 05 01

MEDIA Sub-programme — Operating transnationally and internationally and promoting transnational circulation and mobility

18 04 01 01

Europe for citizens — Strengthening remembrance and enhancing capacity for civic participation at the Union level

21 02 07 03

Human development

22 02 03 02

Support for economic, social and territorial development and related progressive alignment with the Union acquis

Budget lines for which the respective budget remark as proposed in the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2018 and the EAGF update, are approved.

Budget line


02 02 01

Promoting entrepreneurship and improving the competitiveness and access to markets of Union enterprises

02 03 04

Internal market governance tools

05 02 08 03

Operational funds for producer organisations

05 03 01 01

Single payment scheme (SPS)

05 03 01 10

Basic payment scheme (BPS)

05 04 60 01

Promoting sustainable rural development, a more territorially and environmentally balanced, climate-friendly and innovative Union agricultural sector

08 02 02 02

Enhancing access to risk finance for investing in research and innovation

09 05 05

Multimedia actions

13 03 61

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) — Transition regions — Investment for growth and jobs goal

13 03 62

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) — More developed regions — Investment for growth and jobs goal

13 06 01

Assistance to Member States in the event of a major natural disaster with serious repercussions on living conditions, the natural environment or the economy

18 02 01 02

Prevention and fight against cross-border organised crime and better management of security- related risks and crisis

18 03 01 01

Strengthening and developing the common European asylum system and enhancing solidarity and responsibility-sharing between the Member States

21 04 01

Enhancing the respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms and supporting democratic reforms

23 02 01

Delivery of rapid, effective and needs-based humanitarian aid and food assistance

33 02 07

European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)

This is with the understanding that amendments introduced by the European Parliament or the Council cannot modify or extend the scope of an existing legal base, or impinge on the administrative autonomy of institutions, and that the action can be covered by available resources.

1.7.   New budget lines

The budget nomenclature proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2018, is agreed with the inclusion of:

the new pilot projects and preparatory actions, proposed under section 1.2 above; and

the new budget item 2 2 1 4 within the section of the European External Action Service, proposed under 1.3 above.

2.   Budget 2017

Draft Amending Budget (DAB) 6/2017 is approved as proposed by the Commission.

3.   Statements

3.1.   Joint statement by the European Parliament, Council and Commission on the payment appropriations

The European Parliament and the Council recall the need to ensure, in the light of implementation, an orderly progression of payments in relation to the appropriations for commitments so as to avoid any abnormal level of unpaid invoices at year-end.

The European Parliament and the Council calls on the Commission to continue monitoring closely and actively the implementation of the 2014-2020 programmes. To that end, they invite the Commission to present in a timely manner, updated figures concerning the state of implementation and estimates regarding payment appropriations requirements in 2018.

The Council and the European Parliament will take any necessary decisions in due time for duly justified needs to prevent the accumulation of an excessive amount of unpaid bills and to ensure that payment claims are duly reimbursed.

3.2.   Joint statement by the European Parliament, Council (4) and Commission on the Youth Employment Initiative

The Parliament, the Council and the Commission recall that reducing unemployment and, in particular, youth unemployment, remains a high and shared political priority, and to this end they reaffirm their determination to make the best possible use of budgetary resources available to tackle it, and in particular through the Youth Employment Initiative.

Therefore, they welcome the increase of the amount allocated to this initiative in 2018. However, it is not only essential to provide for an adequate financing in the EU budget, but also to put in place, at the same time, the right procedures to implement them effectively.

In this regard, an effective cooperation between the Parliament, the Council and the Commission is needed to ensure the highest possible impact of the measures adopted.

Therefore, the Council and the European Parliament undertake to consider as a matter of priority the modification in the Common Provisions Regulation required by the adoption of the 2018 budget.

The Commission shall facilitate the swift approval of the changes in the programmes to implement the YEI.

3.3.   Unilateral statement by the Commission on the Youth Employment Initiative

Reducing youth unemployment remains a high political priority. The Commission undertakes to monitor closely the implementation trend of the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI). Should the trend of this initiative accelerate and should the absorption capacity allow for an increase, the Commission will propose an increase of the YEI funding through an amending budget to be financed by the Global margin for commitments in accordance with Article 14 of the MFF Regulation.

In that case, the Commission expects the Council and the European Parliament to process rapidly any such draft amending budget.

3.4.   Unilateral statement by the Council on the 5 % staff reduction

The Council recalls that the target year for the full implementation of the 5 % reduction of staff was 2017. However, as not all institutions, bodies and agencies have met the reduction target, the Council urges continued efforts in 2018 in order to fulfil the agreement.

It is essential that the 5 % staff reduction target is implemented by all institutions, bodies and agencies, and monitored until it is fully achieved. With that in mind, the Council invites the Commission to continue to assess the outcome of the exercise in order to draw lessons for the future.

(1)  OJ L 50, 28.2.2017, p. 57.

(2)  This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244(1999) and the International Court of Justice opinion on Kosovo’s declaration of independence.

(3)  This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244(1999) and the International Court of Justice opinion on Kosovo’s declaration of independence.

(4)  The United Kingdom does not support this statement